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Gospel Canticle (Magnificat)

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D D /C D /E D /F♯ A A /C♯ D A D Em

1. My soul pro claims the Lord my God. My spir it sings

2. All na tions now will share my joy; For gifts God has
3. For those who fear the Ho ly One; God's mer cy will
4. God fills the hun gry with good things; and sends the rich

5. The let all na tions praise the God, the Fa ther and

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4 D /F♯ A D /F Em D G D Em A Bm

1. God's praise, Who looks on me and lifts me up,

2. out poured. This low ly one has been made great,
3. not die. Whose strong right arm puts down the proud,
4. a way; The pro mise made to A bra ham

5. the Son, The Spi rit blest, Who lives in us,

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7 Em E /A A /C♯ A D

1. That glad ness fills my day.

2. I mag ni fy the Lord.
3. And lifts the low ly high.
4. is filled to end less day.
5. While end less a ges run.

Text:CM, based on Luke 1:46-55, Anne Carter, 1994-1993,©1988, Society of the Sacred Heart; Music ST. PETER by Alexander Robert Reinagle (1836)

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