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“A Wild Mind”

By Dylan Mallet

Scene 1.


LITA$ Freestyle by K-WEST, PLAYS.

The sun’s rays shine down on the sleepy little town, covering
it in a blanket of warm colours and cosy autumnal moods. Cars
pass by frequently as locals make their way to work, very
little people are seen walking on the pavement. Trees stand
tall by the sides of the roads, their peaks swaying swiftly in
the breeze. The autumn leaves tip off their branches and
tumble to the ground, the wind flipping them like they’re
burgers until they land on their new bed of due soaked grass.

A panning shot of a car driving through the town with the

vibrant autumnal yellow tint hugging the body of the vehicle.
Leaves tumble across the ground, caught in a gust of wind.

A young woman named MAYA strides into shot, she wears a warm
jumper, UGG boots and a warm scarf. Her head sits buried
between her shoulders, she’s cold. She wears sad eyes and
looks hesitant to look up at her surrounds. Despite her
hesitation, she gradually starts to looks around, observing
the scenes of the town on this chilly November morning.

A shot of her eyes darting around, taking in the array of warm

colour and the vibrant autumnal moods sat in front of her and
we start to see her face light up a bit more. As she walks
further her sad eyes wash off her face and we see notice her
start to get more of a spring in her step.

Her walk continues until she starts finds herself at the side
of a field. A quick tilt up from the field reveals the sunny
morning sky with a treeline sitting in the background. She
starts to zone out and stare at this view. Suddenly, we hear a
distant whirring sound growing louder, before a helicopter
comes spinning into frame and slowly descends behind the
treeline. A second goes by before a large orange explosion
shoots out from behind the trees followed by a huge bang.
Flames and smoke sit behind the treeline.


Maya looks up at this bizarre situation, a slow push in on her

face from a high angle shows her baffled expression. A gradual
heartbeat can be hard, sounds of fire roaring followed by
distant sirens.
She quickly rubs her eyes and reopens them, and when we cut
back to the scene of fire and smoke in front of her it’s gone,
there’s no fire and the only sound that can be heard is a
gentle breeze and birds chirping. She imagined it. She starts
to breath at a controlled rate.


She’s sat on a bus. She looks around somewhat frantically,

adjusting to her new surroundings. She continues to breath and
the same controlled rate as before but she seems confused as
well as the audience due to the gap in the timeline of how she
got on the bus.

Scene 2.

Great Adventures by Boldy James & The Alchemist, PLAYS


Maya walks fairly quickly into frame from the left side, a
trucking shot follows her walking down the street. She now
seems fairly confident as she strides with correct posture,
showing a difference between her now and when we first saw her
looking troubled and unconfident. The trucking shot gradually
comes to a halt and she walks out of shot from the right side
of the screen.



A shot of a top hinged door opening and a bell rings as Maya

walks into the coffee shop. Quick shots show her pointing at
her preferred coffee, the coffee being placed on the counter
and Maya picking it up.


We see her sitting down at a chair and sipping her coffee. She
cradles the hot cup in her hand for warmth. She peers out the
window at the bustling high street, she watches people walk
down the street. Some alone, some with their partners.

She looks down at her coffee, a slow zoom in on the bubbles

bubbling and the milk swirling, another slow push in on her
face. The blank expression on her face tells us that she has
zoned out again.
Scene 3.


Maya stands at the side of a road near a bin, she takes a few
steps over to the bin and drops her coffee cup inside. She
then stands at the edge of the road, starring across the road
at a building. It is implied that the building she’s looking
at is the destination of her journey. A shot of her face
confirms that she is once again troubled, and seems hesitant
to cross the road and go into the building. She eventually
takes a deep breath and hesitantly looks both ways and crosses
the road.



Cast Your Fate to The Wind PLAYS.

Maya walks into a small office and is met by a man in a white

shirt and black tie, his sleeves are rolled up and he wears
square black glasses. The two shake hands and Maya sits down.
The man goes into his draw and pulls out a case file. He is
her Lawyer. Shots of the case file tell us that Her full name
is Maya Black, and she is facing charges for shoplifting.

It is at this moment that the reason that she seems so

nervous, she’s seeing things and zoning out is because she was
trying to distract her mind from the very nerve-racking thing
she has to go and discuss.

A shot of her very nervous and embarrassed face, a shot of her

nervously twiddling her fingers under the table, then a slow
pull out from her face as her eyes dart from her hands held
under the table back to the lawyer’s eyes.



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