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English Essay with Zeeshan Zaffar

Topic: Water Crisis and National Unity

Thesis Statement:
Water Crisis has the potential to pose certain nature of challenges in already polarized
society on national integration; however, resolving the disputes, constructing
reservoirs, extending Indus Water Treaty and ensuring responsible attitude towards
already stressed resources can avert the crisis and ensure national integration.

Outline: Water Crisis and National Unity

1) Introduction
“Water Crisis has the potential to pose certain nature of challenges in already
polarized society on national integration; however, resolving the disputes,
constructing reservoirs, extending Indus Water Treaty and ensuring responsible
attitude towards already stressed resources can avert the crisis and ensure national
2) Relation of Natural Resource and National Integration
a. Just distribution and responsible sharing can strengthen national unity
b. Unjust and centralized accumulation of resource can disrupt integration
3) Water Crisis Disrupts the National Integration, As It;
a. Leads to competition among regions for water resources, causing
tensions and conflicts
i. Case study: Cauvery River Water: Karnatka and Tamil Nadu in
b. Pushes people to forced migration from affected areas, leading to
demographic shifts
c. Hampers agricultural productivity, affecting rural economies, farmers
and overall economy, leading to social unrest and instability
d. Poses challenges to manage water crisis effectively, leading to conflicts

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i. Case study: Protests in Chennai, India in 2019

e. Exacerbates social inequalities, pushing towards unrest
i. Case study: ‘ Water War in Bolivia in 2000’
f. Generates domino effects of mistrust among units and provinces
i. Case Study: ‘Kala Bagh Dam’
g. Affects rural and urban population in disproportionate ways, leading to
growing divide between communities
h. Leads to social erosion as survival of self will become the first priority
instead of overall well being
4) Factors Responsible for Water Crisis in Pakistan
a. Climate induced shortfall in available water resources i.e. Indus and its
b. Water terrorism of India
c. Hydro-Politics in Pakistan
i. Case Study: ‘Kala Bagh Dam’
5) Ways and Means to Avert Water Crisis to Ensure National Integration
a. Encourage sustainable investment in water conservation programs and
infrastructure including storage and distribution networks
b. Develop efficient irrigation practice, ground water management and
wastewater recycling for non-potable purposes i.e. irrigation and
c. Enforce regulation and strengthen water legislation
d. Resolve water distribution issues among provinces and regions
6) Conclusion

1) “In the droplet of conservation, ripples of sustainability spread, knitting the
fabric of water-secure nation”
2) A nation united by the flow of shared waters is a testament to wise and
collective leadership
3) Sow drops of conservation today, reap rivers of unity tomorrow
4) Rivers of cooperation carve the valleys of unity

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