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Good afternoon

my name is Lucero Taimal Puerres

undergraduate student in English
In our daily lives we all have wishes that
we dream of coming true.
I'm going to give you a list of my wishes.

First --I wish I had more peace of mind

since I get stressed about everything.

second---I wish I could have been at my

uncle's birthday.

third----I wish I had listened to my sister

and they had not robbed me.

fourth----I wish I had bought a motorcycle

and not a bicycle.

fifth----I wish I had gone out with my

boyfriend for the weekend.

sixth----I wish I had more money to travel

in December.
seventh----I wish I had more friends to go
dancing with.

eighth-----I wish I could swim in the sea

ninth----I wish I could travel to Europe

tenth---I wish I had longer hair

eleven----I wish I was taller than my sister

Metas a lo largo de mi vida me he

planteado muchas cosas las cuales las he
podido cumplir organizadamente. de esta
manera visualizo mi vida cumpliendo los
siguientes objetivos

.metas personales
1.graduarme como profesional en
licenciatura en ingles
2.hacer de mi negocio un ejemplo
comercial que brinde ropa de calidad
3.generar empleo por medio de mi negocio

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