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Starch/Stärke 55 (2003) 539–545 DOI 10.1002/star.200300221 539

David L. Toppinga, Resistant Starch and Health – Himalaya 292, a Novel

Matthew K. Morellb,
Roger A. Kinga, Barley Cultivar to Deliver Benefits to Consumers
Zhongyi Lib,
Dietary and lifestyle change is a recognised strategy for the management and preven-
Anthony R. Birda,
tion of socio-economically important non-infectious diseases. Dietary fibre is com-
Manny Noakesa
posed largely of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), and greater consumption of NSP-
rich foods relieves simple constipation very effectively. Starch (as resistant starch, RS)
a is also receiving attention for its potential role in promoting colonic function. Resistant
CSIRO Health Sciences
and Nutrition, starch is that fraction of starch which escapes human small intestinal digestion and en-
Kintore Avenue, ters the large bowel where (together with a variable fraction of NSP) it is fermented by
Adelaide 5000, Australia the resident microflora. The resulting short chain fatty acids (SCFA) are taken up by the
b CSIRO Plant Industry, large bowel and metabolised. SCFA mediate many of the health benefits ascribed to
Black Mountain, NSP and RS. Starch consumption is low in affluent westernised countries, despite rec-
Canberra 2600, Australia ommendations by health agencies. In Australia, foods enriched in RS as a high amy-
lose maize starch have gained consumer acceptance. However, scope remains for ad-
ditional products and ingredients and a company, Ascentia Pty Ltd, has been estab-
lished to develop a novel barley cultivar (Hordeum vulgare var. himalaya 292) for this
purpose. This cultivar has a specific gene alteration leading to a loss of starch syn-
thetase lla activity resulting in a grain which is low in starch but disproportionately high-
er in amylose and also NSP. Animal and human studies have shown that Himalaya 292
is high in RS relative to existing products and has a low glycaemic index and the culti-
var offers promise as a vehicle to deliver health benefits to consumers.

Keywords: Cereals; Fibre; Health; Resistant starch; Barley

1 Introduction dose-response relationship between its intake and stool

mass [2]. Indeed, it has been reported that plastic “bran
In westernised, affluent societies the major causes of dis- flakes” are very effective and act through this bulking
ability and premature death are chronic, non-infectious mechanism [3]. Insoluble NSP may also protect against
diseases. These have replaced transmissible infectious diverticular disease in the long term with very significant
illnesses as the most socio-economically important chal- reductions in symptoms with greater consumption [4]. In
lenges to public health. Dietary and lifestyle change are Australia these benefits have translated progressively
accepted as important contributors to the prevention and over the past 20 years to higher fibre intakes at the gen-
management of coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes,

eral population level [5]. This change has been achieved
obesity, certain cancers (e.g. of the colon and rectum) through consumption of processed foods rather than sup-
and problems of laxation such as constipation and diver- plements.
ticular disease, and complex carbohydrates, especially
non-starch polysaccharides (NSP, major components of The generally high level of acceptance of fibre-enriched
dietary fibre) have well-documented roles in their man- foods for their laxating effects is quite easy to understand,
agement and in risk reduction. Foods and concentrates, given that symptom relief equates well with long-term pro-
especially those high in insoluble NSP, are excellent laxa- tection against diverticular disease. However, there is one
tives and can be used to relieve constipation, even in the area in which NSP have yet to show the expected bene-
very elderly [1]. Non-starch polysaccharides are indi- fits, namely colo-rectal cancer. This is a significant prob-
gestible by human digestive enzymes and pass into the lem in westernised countries and is highly lifestyle-relat-
large bowel. This helps to explain the effectiveness of ed, with only a small proportion being due to inheritance
products such as wheat bran, which appear to act me- [6]. Nevertheless, population [7] and intervention [8] stud-
chanically through greater faecal bulking with an excellent ies have not yet shown the anticipated risk reduction with
greater fibre consumption. Part of the problem may be
methodological (e.g. inadequate numbers) as the EPIC
Correspondence: David L. Topping, CSIRO Health Sciences
and Nutrition, PO Box 10041, Adelaide BC 5000, Austra-
(European Prospective Investigation of Cancer) project is
lia. Phone: +61-8-8303-8930, Fax: +61-8-8303-8899, e-mail: showing a significant protective effect of fibre intake in co- lo-rectal cancer [9]. This study is examining the relation-

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540 Topping et al. Starch/Stärke 55 (2003) 539–545

ship between dietary intakes and disease risk in a large [14]. With the application of more advanced technologies
population across a range of European countries with it has emerged that the African diet (and the diet of other
widely differing dietary habits. While this approach low-risk groups) may actually be lower in fibre (or NSP)
promises to give new insights into the role of dietary fibre relative to that of high risk populations [14]. The former al-
in colo-rectal cancer, the current uncertainty about the so appear to consume relatively high levels of starch
role of NSP in this condition has led to a general reap- compared with societies such as Australia and the USA.
praisal of human polysaccharide digestion and metab- Indeed, statistical analysis of dietary intakes across pop-
olism, especially of starch. This is reflected in the continu- ulations shows non-significant relationships between fibre
ing development of the concept of resistant starch (RS) (as NSP) and risk but strong negative correlations be-
which, in addition to protection against large bowel can- tween starch consumption and colo-rectal cancer risk [7].
cer, may have wider implications for human gut function It is thought that the RS component of dietary starch con-
and health such as improved mineral bioavailability [10, fers this apparent protection and also may promote other
11]. aspects of large bowel function.

2 Historical Aspects of the Relative 3 Ileal Carbohydrate Digestibility and RS

Importance of Dietary Fibre, NSP and RS
Fibre polysaccharides are resistant to intrinsic human
For a perspective on the current state of knowledge of oral, gastric and small intestinal enzymes so that, within
NSP and RS it is helpful to consider the early epidemi- the limits of analytical precision, there seems to be quan-
ological work of Burkitt and colleagues [12]. These work- titative entry of ingested NSP into the large bowel. In large
ers noted that native East Africans were free of non-infec- part, this explains the faecal bulking action of fibre-rich
tious diseases which affected Europeans living in the products. In contrast, starch is the only polysaccharide of
same environment. The Africans consumed a diet high in natural origin which can be hydrolysed to its monomer
unrefined cereal products and it was concluded that their (glucose) by human upper intestinal amylases and asso-
diet was relatively high in fibre. It was hypothesised that it ciated enzymes. Negligible quantities of starch appear in
was a deficiency of fibre intake that was responsible for the faeces of normal humans which is the probable rea-
the prevalence of the “diseases of affluence” in the Euro- son for the view that ileal starch digestibility is 100% [14].
peans. Since then, intense human and animal investiga- Complete small intestinal digestion is certainly possible
tion has shown the benefits of plant fibre consumption for for gelatinised starches where intermolecular forces are
health, despite the problematic issue of colo-rectal can- disrupted allowing access of hydrolytic enzymes to the
cer. This particular anomaly is central to an understanding amylose and amylopectin. However, there is indirect evi-
of the mechanisms whereby carbohydrates (and diet in dence of long-standing that ileal starch digestibility is less
general) can affect disease risk. Firstly, it seems that one than complete [16]. With time, more information has ac-
of the key differences between native African diets and crued that a substantial fraction of starch escapes from
those of Europeans is that the former are relatively low in the small intestine into the large bowel. This fraction is
energy (as fat) and animal products [13]. Energy intake termed resistant starch (RS), a name which derives from
per se appears to be a risk factor for a number of condi- in vitro studies which showed resistance of starch to en-
tions, including colo-rectal cancer [14] and its importance zymatic hydrolysis [17]. Gradually, RS has come to em-
may have been overlooked. More germane to this discus- brace all starch (and products of starch digestion) which
sion are the advances in analytical technology which escapes into the large bowel of healthy humans [18].
have led to a re-examination of the diets of Africans. Cur-
rently, fibre is understood to be composed largely of NSP Resistant starch has been classified into four types – RS1,
with only a small contribution from other components physically inaccessible; RS2, granular; RS3, retrograded;
such as lignin. This contrasts with the more traditional and, RS4, chemically modified [19] (Tab. 1). This classifi-
perception of fibre and fibre-rich foods as being essential- cation is useful but very limited as these are not the only
ly “woody” [15]. Again, the issue is partly methodological determinants of RS. Ileal starch digestibility is affected by
as the analytical procedures used when Birkett et al. were a range of physiological influences which vary greatly be-
making their observations were those used to analyse the tween individuals (for a review see [14]). For example,
fibre content of forage for ruminants. The cereal diets of gender is a major variable with starch digestibility being
the Africans correlate well with crude fibre methods, but affected greatly by the menstrual cycle in females [20].
that of the whites appears to have been underestimated. Similarly, food particle size is important with larger par-
The animal feeds referred to above are high in insoluble ticles allowing less access of digestive enzymes to the
NSP (e.g. cellulose) and the methods underestimate im- substrate and also having a faster oro-ileocaecal transit
portant constituents such as pectins quite substantially time. Put simply, people who chew their food sparingly

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Starch/Stärke 55 (2003) 539–545 Resistant Starch and Health – Himalaya 292, a Novel Barley Cultivar 541

Tab. 1. Resistant starch types.

Resistant starch type Description Examples
RS1 starch physically trapped within the whole and partially milled cereal grains, seeds
matrix of the food and legumes
RS2 native granular starch raw potato, green bananas, high-amylose starch-
es (e.g. Hi-maize™, Novelose 240TM)
RS3 retrograded or crystalline starch bread, cooled cooked potatoes, Novelose 330™
RS4 chemically modified starch etherised, esterified or cross-linked starches (e.g.
starch acetate)

are likely to experience more RS in that food than individ- In both ruminant herbivores and omnivores (including
uals who do not. This is an important fundamental differ- adult humans) the principal SCFA are acetate, propionate
ence between NSP and RS. The former are defined in and butyrate. While they are end products for bacteria, for
terms of chemical structure but RS is measured as a the host they are useful metabolically and are absorbed
physiological outcome. Clearly, an analytical procedure from the large bowel lumen and used by the viscera. This
for RS needs to accommodate the full range of influences uptake is efficient, with only 5-10% of the total SCFA pro-
on starch digestibility and currently there appears to be no duced appearing in faeces. In addition to modulating
physiologically validated in vitro measurement. This defi- colonic muscular activity and stimulating colonic blood
ciency limits knowledge generation greatly [14]. flow, SCFA appear to lower the risk of pathogen over-
growth [22]. They also enhance the absorption of fluid
and electrolytes – effects which have been used practi-
4 Large Bowel Carbohydrate Fermen-
cally to control cholera-induced diarrhoea in affected chil-
tation, SCFA and Colonic Function
dren [23]. Interestingly, it appears possible that RS con-
Dietary digestion does not cease when food enters the sumption may increase Ca2+ absorption from the large
large bowel. However, the key difference between this bowel, a change of some potential significance for net
viscus and the small intestine is that the breakdown is ef- mineral bioavailability [11]. Of the principal SCFA, acetate
fected not by human, but by bacterial enzymes. The large appears not to have any specific actions in the large bow-
bowel of humans and other omnivores such as the rat, pig el. That acetate which is absorbed is transported to the
and dog is home to a large and complex bacterial ecosys- liver via the hepatic portal vein where a significant fraction
tem. In adult humans, potential pathogens are present but is extracted for oxidative metabolism [24]. However, bu-
species which metabolise undigested dietary compo- tyrate is thought to be pivotal for human colonic function.
nents and endogenous secretions predominate [21]. This It is a preferred metabolic substrate for isolated colono-
complex bacterial system is understood very poorly, es- cytes and appears to promote growth of normal colono-
pecially the population dynamics of the major species. cytes and the maintenance of a normal phenotype in vivo.
Largely this is because of the limitations of current classi- In cancer cell lines (including those from tissues outside
cal technology for bacterial species identification and the large bowel) butyrate promotes apoptosis (pro-
enumeration which are labour intensive and time-con- grammed cell death) in vitro. All of this evidence suggests
suming. It is hoped that the advent of new, molecular that butyrate may play a controlling role in colo-rectal can-
technologies will facilitate the advance of knowledge in cer but such a link remains to be established in humans.
this important area. However, there is substantial infor- It should be noted that propionate shares many of the
mation about the major end-products of bacterial fermen- physiological attributes of butyrate albeit at rather higher
tation and their interactions with the host. For the bacte- concentrations [14].
ria, carbohydrate fermentation provides energy which (to-
gether with a supply of nitrogen and other essential nutri- One of the important features of SCFA production and ab-
ents) enables bacterial growth and proliferation. In adults, sorption is their anatomical distribution along the large
the net reaction of the microflora has as its major prod- bowel [14]. In essence, this organ is a tube with undigest-
ucts, some heat, inert gases (CO2, CH4 and H2) and short ed food entering from the terminal ileum through a one
chain fatty acids (SCFA) (see below) [14]. way valve (the ileo-caecal valve) and passing along to the
rectum. Bacterial inoculation occurs in the caecum and
carbohydrates + H2O → acetate + propionate + butyrate fermentation predominates in that viscus and the proxi-
+ CO2 + CH4 + H+ + heat + more bacteria mal colon. Production slows on passage of the faecal

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542 Topping et al. Starch/Stärke 55 (2003) 539–545

Fig. 1. An overview of the relationship between transit of food through the human gastrointestinal
tract and the digestion of nutrients in the small intestine and fermentation in the caecum and colon.
Foods are rendered digestible (comminuted) by processing (milling, cooking) and by mastication in
the mouth. Digestion is also enhanced by wetting and maceration in the stomach. In the small intes-
tine, digestion occurs through the action of intrinsic enzymes, and nutrients are absorbed. Food com-
ponents and endogenous secretions not absorbed in that viscus (e.g. resistant starch, NSP) pass
through the ileocaecal valve and are fermented. Fermentation is high in the proximal large bowel as
is SCFA production. Absorption of SCFA and of water and minerals is high in this viscus. On passage
of the faecal stream, fermentation declines through substrate depletion, and SCFA concentrations
fall. The distal large colon and rectum are the regions of the large bowel with the most limited supply
of SCFA and are the sites of most pathology. Bacteria and unfermented components of low fer-
mentability are voided in the faeces.

stream through substrate depletion (Fig. 1). Reflecting ence so that SCFA become one of the key biomarkers for
this gradient, SCFA levels are high in the proximal large RS action.
bowel and low in the distal colon and rectum as they are
absorbed and metabolised. This profile is of considerable There seems to be a good case for an improvement in
significance as much organic large bowel disease (e.g. bowel health and function with greater RS consumption.
cancer) appears to be located more distally and is thought However, the lack of a suitable analytical method means
to reflect limited SCFA supply [25]. that, unlike dietary fibre (or NSP), there is no target figure
set for daily intake. Quite reasonably, it is inferred that RS
intakes in westernised countries are inadequate (because
5 Foods, RS and SCFA starch intakes are low) and public health efforts are under
way to increase total starch consumption. Of itself, this
Interest in the contribution of SCFA to large bowel func- will increase RS intake but there is some evidence that
tion has stimulated research into the relationships be- the foods consumed in these westernised countries may
tween RS and other fermentable carbohydrates and differ from those in low risk societies. For example, stale
health. One of the key investigative outcomes is the dif- cooked maize porridge is a staple dish for native South
ferentiation between NSP and RS in their mechanism of Africans. This product is very likely to be high in retro-
action. Although the former can be degraded by the mi- graded starch (RS3). Indeed, it has been shown that its
croflora, and some (e.g. gum arabic, pectin) have high consumption leads to much higher levels of colonic
fermentability, most resist fermentation to a greater or SCFA, including butyrate compared with fresh maize
lesser degree and some insoluble NSP (e.g. cellulose) starch [26]. The latter increase is, potentially, a very im-
are excreted almost completely [14]. This explains the rel- portant one in view of the putative role of butyrate in nor-
ative efficiency of insoluble NSP sources as faecal bulk- mal colonic function. Some in vitro studies suggest that
ing and laxating agents. In contrast, the fermentability of RS fermentation by faecal bacteria leads preferentially to
RS is generally very high which makes them relatively butyrate production [27]. This may not be universally true
poor laxatives. Thus, effects of RS are mediated through as the faecal microflora of some humans seem incapable
their metabolic products rather than their physical pres- of metabolising certain forms of RS [28].

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Starch/Stärke 55 (2003) 539–545 Resistant Starch and Health – Himalaya 292, a Novel Barley Cultivar 543

As a generalisation it appears to be the case that con- processing techniques such as thermal cycling, high amy-
sumption of high RS foods leads to greater SCFA produc- lose starches are likely to yield the highest levels of RS3
tion. Much of the work on which this conclusion is based by this process and by retrogradation because of the en-
has been carried out in animals for the simple reason that hanced ability of the amylose in such starches to form ret-
only faecal measures are available routinely in humans rogradation-derived complexes. Genetic strategies for re-
and these are not good indicators of total SCFA availabil- ducing branching enzyme activity have been targeted for
ity in the colon. While the rat has been used extensively the development of high amylose crops, through either
for dietary studies, the data are limited due to the sub- mutation breeding or through GMO technologies.
stantial differences in gastrointestinal physiology between
rodents and humans [14]. The pig is a better model for hu- There seems to be little information on the RS content of
man large bowel physiology and studies in this species convenience foods but these are likely to be low in RS,
have shown higher large bowel SCFA with consumption because nutritional trials with high RS foods at modest
of certain foods. At equivalent levels of dietary fibre, foods levels of dietary inclusion raise faecal SCFA excretion
such as navy beans and whole brown rice give much substantially relative to the same foods without added RS
greater large bowel SCFA than other foods (e.g. wheat [31]. Increased consumption of starchy foods raises RS
bran, rice bran) fed at equivalent levels of dietary fibre or intake by default. However, there seems to be good rea-
NSP (Tab. 2) [11, 29, 30]. The disparity has been ascribed son to anticipate consumer resistance to the significant
to RS and is sufficient to make very substantial increases dietary changes required to increase RS substantially, at
in the net “fibre” content of those foods. Indeed, RS is now least in the short term. One strategy which has been
recognised as a component of dietary fibre in foods in adopted in Australia is the fortification of existing conve-
Australia. nience foods with RS in the form of a high amylose starch.
High amylose starches are slower to gelatinise than con-
Tab. 2. Comparison of the effects of high fibre diets low ventional starches and quicker to retrograde. Thus, these
(wheat bran) and high (navy beans) in resistant starch on starches, as are and the foods into which they are incor-
total colonic short chain fatty acid pools in pigs. porated, are higher in RS through the presence of RS2
and also, after processing and cooling, retrograded starch
Dietary Fibre Total SCFA % increase
treatment intake pool in SCFA (RS3). The range of commercial foods containing this
[g/d] [mmol] pool starch includes breads, other bakery products and break-
fast cereals. Consumption of the starch alone (i.e. as the
Low fibre control 14.1 14.1 ingredient used in food processing) by pigs raises large
Wheat bran 42.1 32.2 128 bowel and faecal SCFA, consistent with greater fermenta-
Navy beans 44.6 60.0 326
tion [32]. Nutritional trials have established that consump-
tion of the enriched bakery products by volunteers leads
to a mild enhancement of laxation and a substantial in-
6 Crops, Foods, Food Modification and RS crease in faecal total SCFA and butyrate excretion [31]. In
studies in pigs, the same starch has been shown to func-
RS occurs in relative abundance in a narrow range of tion as a prebiotic with substantial increases in faecal
crops and foods including unripened banana, cooked and numbers of a probiotic bacterium compared with a con-
cooled potato or rice, pulses, whole grain (brown) rice etc. ventional (low amylose) maize starch [33].
Therefore the identification of diverse sources of RS that
can be incorporated into diets at the population level is an
important area for research and development. At the crop
7 Himalaya 292 – a Novel Barley Cultivar
plant level three of the four types of RS can potentially be It must be recognised that the potential range of products
increased directly or indirectly through a range of mech- which can be enriched with high amylose starch could be
anisms. For example, it may be possible to make starch rather restricted. This presents a major opportunity for
more physically inaccessible (i.e. to increase RS1) by product innovation by the food industry through food pro-
breeding grain cultivars that maximise this characteristic cessing and through plant breeding.
through changes to grain structure. Resistant starch gran-
ules (RS2) are found in plants such as legumes and ba- One avenue which is being investigated by CSIRO in as-
nanas where an unknown mechanism results in resis- sociation with Ascentia Pty Ltd is based on a novel hull-
tance to digestion in the small intestine. High amylose less barley cultivar, Himalaya 292 (Hordeum vulgare, var.
starches that resist digestion occur in specific genotypes himalaya 292) [34]. This variant was a product of a chem-
in a range of crops and are best characterised in amylose ical mutagenesis program and has a single nucleotide
extender maize [17, 31]. While starches containing amy- change in the gene encoding starch synthetase IIa (EC
lose can have the levels of resistant starch increased by As expected, this loss of enzyme activity leads

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544 Topping et al. Starch/Stärke 55 (2003) 539–545

Tab. 3. Selected nutritional components of Barleyplus™. underway, but it appears to be capable of being
processed into a range of convenience foods relatively
easily. The research and development program incorpo-
Himalaya 292 Standard barley rates breeding into elite varieties and a comprehensive
evaluation of the compositional and nutritional attributes
Total fibre 25 14
β-Glucan 10 5 of the grains and their food products.
Simple sugars 6 2
Lipids 8 2 8 Conclusion
Total starch 27 55
% Amylose 71 25 The case for increasing RS consumption in populations at
risk remains to be proved definitively for colo-rectal can-
cer. Nevertheless, the benefits of RS for other important
to a shrunken grain with a lower total starch content. How- aspects of large bowel health, such as improved mineral
ever, the unexpected finding from this work was that the uptake appear to be well-justified. Meeting the needs of
relative proportion of amylose in the endosperm is much consumers and improving public health through the pro-
higher (~70% of total starch) than in the parent strain, re- duction of modified foods needs the active collaboration
flecting the block in amylopectin synthesis. Surprisingly, of science and industry. Himalaya 292 is an example of
this specific loss of enzyme activity also leads to other this partnership and is a developing collaboration be-
beneficial compositional changes including a higher con- tween plant geneticists, agronomists, food technologists
tent of total and soluble non-starch polysaccharides and health scientists. Shortly, we hope that this alliance
(NSP) (Tab. 3). These changes could increase the resis- will include food industry so that the potential social and
tant starch (RS) content of the grain. Studies in rats with economic benefits of the novel grain can be realised.
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