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Assignment – 1


Ahmad Abdullah Buali

Question 1:

Utilitarianism is a moral and ethical theory that evaluates the rightness or

wrongness of actions based on their utility or the overall happiness and well-
being they produce.

Examples of generally accepted Principles of Utilitarianism:
1. The Greatest Happiness Principle
2. Consequentialism
3. The Hedonistic Calculus
4. Impartiality
5. Utility Aggregation
6. Utilitarian Calculation

Question 2:
Dishonesty is the opposite of honesty which include lying, cheating and donate
negative attributes.

Example of dishonesty with respect to professional life:
When you apply to a new job you conduct what called Resume Padding which is including
lies about your skills and qualifications.

Example of dishonesty with respect to personal life:

Creating fake social media account and use it to bully other people.

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