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Genesis Music Band Performance Amazed the Audience

Batam, November 14th 2023 - The SMAN 1 Batam Show was held at
Megamall Batam. The stunning performance of Genesis band that performs
with Batak songs at SMAN 1 Batam Show was so enchanting that it made the
audience dance while giving money to the singer and musicians.

Many people gave money to the singer. Giving money while singing is
part of Batak culture which is rich in tradition and
closeness between individuals. they did this as a
form of preserving and introducing Batak culture.
In Batak culture, this action is not only seen as an
act of giving money, but also as a form of sincere
appreciation and social support. This action can
also strengthen solidarity by celebrating moments together.

“The performance was very stunning, I didn't expect that many people
would come up to the stage to give money and dancing with the singer. As a
Batak person, this really impressed me.” said one source, namely the audience
who watched the music performance of Genesis Band, Tuesday.
She said that Genesis' musical performance was very impressive. In fact, she
didn't expect people to give money like Batak culture.

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