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Eyes On You (Forget The Ball)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Characters: Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., James Potter, Sirius Black, Evan
Rosier, Peter Pettigrew, Benjy Fenwick
Additional Tags: Football | Soccer, Desi James Potter, Regulus Black Feels
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-08-20 Updated: 2023-10-29 Words: 12,175 Chapters:
Eyes On You (Forget The Ball)
by cruel_jule


James is a good player, probably one of the best in the premier league, but what happens
when a man who must have been blessed by Aphrodite herself, refs one of the first games of
the season?
Well it throws everything off of course :)

See the end of the work for notes
Chapter 1

“We would have fucking won if it wasnt for that ref” James scoffed. “Foul my ass” he sighed,
wiping the sweat off his face. It had been the first loss of the season, hopefully the last, but
the first. They had been undefeated for a few weeks at this point. James Potter, the head
midfielder was devastated, as he was after every other loss. To his friends this post-loss
blame pointing was not a new experience.
“Prongs shut up!” Sirius Black, one of the best forwards in the premier leagues yelled across
the locker room. After slamming the locker he walked up to the ball of joy that was James
Potter who was currently sitting on a bench, head in his hands, “you act like you didn’t get
distracted by his ass” he whispered in James ear.
“Fuck off,” James cursed, trailing his words.
“Padfoot stop acting like you're so innocent” Lupin, Remus Lupin, butted in. “This loss was
on all of us.” he added, “Yes James was off his game but you missed your chance in the 10th
and 27th minute just to name a few and I let Crouch score on me twice. Team game, team
“Fuck you Moony” Sirius let out annoyed, though he new Remus was right.
Remus smirked, “Maybe tonight if you're good.”
“EWWW” Benjy, their captain yelled across the room, light heartedly of course. Remus just
laughed at him, placed a kiss on Sirius's cheek, and walked out.
Sirius, now with a bright shade of pink dusting his cheeks, looked at James once more before
mumbling, “its keep your eye on the ball, not on the ref's balls”. James, who had previously
been moping by his locker, finally broke into laughter. He quickly grabbed a towel and threw
at Sirius, now walking out of the locker room. Sirius stayed silent but flipped James off on
his way out.
The shaggy haired boy stood there, not alone as some of his fellow teammates were still
mingling their way out, but quieter than usual. James was usually a ball of energy, hyping up
his team even after a loss. But today the loss felt completely on his shoulders. He had got
distracted, by that stupid ref and his stupidly curly hair that bounced stupidly. And those
perfectly toned legs- “What the fuck Wormtail!”, his thoughts were interrupted by a thunk on
the head. “We’re waiting for you on the bus” Peter responded blankly before walking out.
“Well fuck me” he sighed, grabbing his stuff, shoving it in his bag and walking out of the
now empty locker room (how long was I daydreaming he thought to himself).

James was a simple man, meaning to say when he saw the previously mentioned ref wearing
a crop top (A FUCKING CROP TOP) and showing his beautifully toned abs, walking out of
the stadium, he lost his fucking mind.
The man in front of him jumped slightly before turning to look at the man who had just
interrupted his train of thought, “Hello?”
And there goes his filter, “Are you french?”
The man looked at him quizzically, “What kinda weird pickup line is that?”
“No no, it's not- i just- your accent” James stammered.
He rolled his eyes, “Yes im French, surprised you didn't notice earlier Mr. two-yellow cards”
James stared, internally freaking out, partly over this guy remembering him and partly
because he had noticed the accent earlier and it escaped his mind. “Ok im gonna walk this
direction”, the man pointed to some cars parked a few feet away, “and you're gonna walk in
that direction,” he then pointed to the team bus on the opposite side of the parking lot,
James wasn't stupid, he knew a rejection when he saw one, and the thing he had learned with
them, acceptance is key, “Yes sir” he lightly joked before walking to the bus.

“Even when he rejected me he was so, SO pretty”
“We get it prongs, you fell hard for a referee who you know nothing about, let alone his
name” Remus replied, irritated that this whole Prongs and referee thing was disrupting his
book reading time. Usually the bus ride back was a quiet time they used to reflect on the
game, not today though, today it was all about mr. gave prongs his first double yellow card.
“Sirius knows hi-” Peter perked up until Sirius jumped up from his seat next to Remus and
threw himself over Peter.
James looked up quickly and stared at Sirius like a puppy, “you know him?” he asked quietly,
almost sadly but with hope in his eyes.
Sirius sighed, “don't act like that…” James began to pout at him, “Would you be happy with
just his name?” James nodded rapidly. “Reg''. Unnoticed by James was how Remus threw his
head up and opened his mouth to say something, also going unnoticed was the death glare
being given by Sirius. Because none of that mattered right now, everything was Reg. What a
pretty name that was, Reg. So pretty he didnt recognize the familiarity of the sound.

Reg, Reg, Reg, it was like a mantra in James’s head. Even in his flat, four days later, with
music blaring and the chatter of his friends in the living room, he couldn't get it out of his
“Hey Prongs get in here! We’re playing truth or drink!” Sirius yelled over the music. What
are we sixteen? James thought to himself but grabbed his third drink of the night and walked
out of the kitchen anyway.
Tonight it was just Peter, Sirius, Remus, Mary, and Lily. Marlene was out with her new
girlfriend. So just the five of them and James now sat around his coffee table playing a
stupidly obnoxious game of truth or drink.
“Okay Remus, Mr goalie-McGoalkeeper '' Mary slurred, probably being the most drunk of all
of them. “Have you ever, done it,” she raised her eyebrow suggestively, “in a goal”
“What the fuck Mary!” Remus looked disgusted, “No I have not and I have no intention to,
Sirius grasped his heart and fell back, “You wound me Moony”. Remus rolled his eyes. “Your
telling me you wouldnt fuck me in a goal? Not even the Goalie box?”
After a few more idiotic rounds Lily stood up and spoke, “Ok yall are fucking sloshed, and as
the designated driver of the night I am leaving.” There was a group groan but eventually
James was alone in his room.
Just James left to think about Reg.

Reg never left his mind. He faded a bit but he never left. It was two weeks after that first
game and now here he was once again in a stadium, James’s stadium to be exact. Well not
his, but his teams of course. He was doing all his pregame rituals, calling his parents,
listening to his pregame hype playlist, and doing all his warm ups. It was gonna be a hard
one, he knew it. If they were gonna win they all needed to keep their mind on the game,
nothing but the game.
James always loved football, since he was young and watched games with his father. He
loved the way the players played, how they seemed to have nothing on their minds except
winning. He loved the dedication, the way players put everything they had in. He loved it all.
So when his dad signed him up for football in primary he was ecstatic.
As he got older he began to put all he had into practices, staying after to have one on ones
with the coach. It was hard though, most kids on his teams came from rich white, stuck up
families and never wanted to work with or pass to the brown kid. He had to work twice as
hard to earn his place in his team. When he graduated he had carried his team to two
championships, winning both. An achievement that got many teams attention. As he climbed
the ranks he met Remus, who Sirius has been in love with since the start. Remus talked to his
coach after a spot on the team opened. But James wasn't about to leave Sirius. So they
continued playing for a smaller team that was a part of a smaller lesser known league. Until
they got the call that two spots, a midfield and an forward had opened up with Remus’s team.
And here they are now about to step onto their home field and prove to themselves they
deserved it here. Just like every other game. Except there was one problem the moment he
stepped out on the field and saw a curly haired man, with toned legs, wearing a black referee
“Well fuck me” he grimiced, this was gonna be quite the game.

They were down two to three with ten minutes left. At this point it was getting hard to focus
on the task at hand. Reg was looking fucking gorgeous, as he was standing quite close to
James holding a yellow card above his head. At this point Sirius thought James was trying to
get out. Sure he had gotten his occasional yellow before, never two in the same month let
alone day though. After accepting the yellow Sirius whispered “get your act together Prongs”
into James’s ear.
James was truly trying his best. It's not like he wanted the very attractive ref to notice him or
stand close to him, okay maybe he did but the yellow, that he didn't want as much. He kinda
did want to yell back at the ref because that was a pretty legal play but it was his second
offense and with only ten minutes left, his team needed him. All they needed was a tie, one
point was still a point and anything could help. So when he got the ball he didn't just stand
there he moved up until he saw a beautiful opening in the sea of players, a gap in the wall,
right where Sirius was at. He sent the ball to Sirius beautifully who ran like his life depended
on it.
Watching Sirius play always made James’s heart just a bit more happy than usual. He
remembers the boy on his team who was always benched from injuries because he “fell down
the stairs” or “tripped”, the boy who came to his door bloody, bruised, and limping, or the
boy who cried in his arms when he realized he was gay and how he thought it would ruin
their friendship. And to see that same boy running down the field, their home field, and to
hear as people cheered for him, that made James smile.
“Here comes Black with the ball, you can see it in his eyes folks, he's desperate. And he
shoots.. AND HE SCORES!!! Ladies and gentlemen Sirius Black and James Potter, the men
with the world at their feet.”
Sirius ran to the camera and did his signature celebration, the most Sirius celebration ever. He
stuck his tongue out, made a rock’n’roll salute with his hands and shook his head intensely,
with a bright smile on his face. James ran up and jumped his arms, queer baiting was kinda
their thing. Not that it was actually queer baiting cause they were both queer and Sirius was
out but their relationship always got headlines like “Black and Potter, hiding something?” or
“Bromance turned Romance?” Especially after celebrations like this, James was sitting in
Sirius’s arms, legs wrapped around him, holding the Blacks head in his hands. James could
honestly kiss him, Remus wouldn't really mind but he decides to just leave it where it is. With
Remus and Sirius discussing the idea of going public he rather not be in the headlines right
Now with five minutes left spirits were high. Both teams wanted a tie breaker, so much so
that yellows were stacking up, one guy on the other team got the first red card of the game,
not that mattered with five minutes left but James was being extra careful. His team needed
This time when he got the ball there was no beautiful opening, none at all. However he was
close to Remus so he passed it back quickly and ran forward getting ready. He found an
opening, Remus must have seen him, the ball seemed to reach him in slow motion. He lifted
his foot out and controlled the ball. And James ran, with everything in him. Once he was in
the other team's goalie box he shot, and the Goalie blocked it right in time but sent it straight
back to James, too high to kick though.
“That's a beautiful ball for Potter”
James jumps just as high as he needs, and throws himself at the ball, hitting it straight into the
net. He falls on his face but the cheers around him is everything he needs to know.
“And that's a stunning header from Potter, best in his league if I do say so myself”
As he gets up he sees a hand being stretched out to him. He grabs it but when he looks up he
doesn't see the Sirius Black he pictured, no. This is Reg.
“You good, that looked like a hard hit” Reg says with a look on his face that's impossible to
James just sits there and all of a sudden he realizes he's holding Reg’s hand. He also realizes
that the cameras are probably zooming in on this so he quickly gets up and mumbles, “Yea
i'm good thanks”
He goes over to Sirius who was yelling at the new kid for taking James’s celebration
spotlight. “Sirius stop, it's fine” Sirius looks at him and backs off. As they return to their
positions with three minutes left he hears Remus yell, “Good Job James, way to keep your
head in the game” James smiles at that and does a little thumbs up at his sides to show Remus
he heard.
The rest of the game is just playing keep-away. And it's successful. They win 4-3.

The locker room is loud, everyones pumped and ecstatic. They were doing good, great even.
With only one loss several weeks into the season James was feeling… happy. Truly happy.
“Potter you're on press today”, yelled their coach from outside the locker room. She hardly
ever came in, thought it inappropriate. Minerva however was an amazing coach, the first
female coach in the premier league. She was one of James’s favorite women. She always
pushed him but never to a breaking point, she was wonderful. So when she told him he was
on press duty he did it without complaint. He quickly got dressed into his press uniform,
basically the same one he was just wearing but a whole lot less sweaty.
While he was walking out he felt someone behind him but ignored him thinking it was a
teammate. Until the “teammate” caught up to him, “Hey Potter, good game today”. And holy
mother of heaven James thought he was ascending because Reg just praised him and it was
“Oh um thank you” James smiled. Reg had caught up to him now and was walking beside
Reg smirked, “You play pretty well when you're not staring at my ass.”
“I- I have no response except that I'm sorry?” He had absolutely no clue how to respond.
“You don't need to apologize, not that you even sound sure you want to” Reg chuckled,
James looked absolutely lost, “my point was that you're good, I know very few people who
would have gone for that header, let alone succeed.”
“Oh um thank you”, James stammered. He was slowly recovering, “You’re a pretty good ref,
must be hard with people like me constantly needing to get yellow carded”
“Trust me, your yellow cards are not the hardest part of refereeing”, he leaned into James,
“you are” he smiled. Reg turned down the next hallway and James was left completely
flustered having to do press.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

James was tired, maybe going to the gym today wasn't the best idea. Last night was fun, quite
fun. He was definitely a bit hungover. James isn't the biggest drinker, he’ll do it to celebrate
with his team but he hates the taste and knows it ruins his body. If he was honest he would
have preferred it to be just him, Peter, Remus, and Sirius, but the team was high on winning.
So when they asked him to go out with them he obliged. It was fun, truly, watching his
teammates flirt with random pretty girls. It's how he had met his ex and now friend after all.
Lily was just a pretty girl who happened to be at the same bar that the team had decided to go
to after a win. This was a few years ago when James had just joined the Premier league.
When he saw the red head he fell in love. After a bit (a lot) of bickering he got her number
and they went out a few times and then dated a bit. But their contrasting personalities just
didn't work in a relationship. It was a hard few weeks for James but he moved on and now
they're good friends.
All this to say his friends were bothering him to do the same as the rest of the teammates.
“Come on Prongs you need a distraction from that stupid ref!” Sirius yelled over the loud
music. James rolled his eyes, he quite enjoyed that “stupid ref”.
“He’s right, this little crush you have needs to end, it's not gonna work” Remus tries to
reason. And though they’re probably right James is about to argue with them. - Like that
encounter, that “you are” had to mean something right? - But it's more because he’s not in the
mood. Well he wasn't, “Ya know what youre right!” he looks at Sirius and Remus’s confused
faces clearly not believing that would actually work.
James walked over to the very pretty man he had just spotted. He had the urge to sneak up on
him but decided against it. Instead James walked forward to the man and smiled when he was
noticed, “Potter!” Reg shouted, the music was blaring even louder on the dance floor.
“Celebrating i'm assuming?”
“Well of course we won didn't we?” they were now both comfortably dancing, “I have a
name you know. You can call me James”
“Well James, yes you did win, I am very proud” There was a light sarcasm in his voice.
“Ya know this is the part where you tell me your name..” James said because it had occurred
to him that Reg hadn't actually told him.
James was just looked at for a few seconds before hearing, “Re- Reg just call me Reg”
“Pleasure meeting you, Reg” That's when he felt a hand on his shoulder, Remus’s hand.
Remus was a bit taller than James. Not that James ever complained, having a big tall goalie
never really bothered him. But right now he knew what Remus was doing and he was not
appreciating it.
“Sorry to be a bother but James we’re about to leave” they were not supposed to leave for
another hour at least so James was just a smidge pissed at this news. And yet he saw no way
to say he wanted to stay so he didn't, he said goodbye and left with his friends.
And now here he is, hungover and tired trying to run several miles on a treadmill. It was not
going well to say the least, he felt like he was gonna vomit. So after a few more minutes he
finally gave in and walked back to his flat to take a shower.

Practice the next day was usual. He was practicing penalties with Remus who was doing
pretty stinking good. “Someone in good spirits,” James joked as Remus rolled the ball back.
A huge smile plastered on his face after stopping his third penalty in a row. James was an
excellent penalty kicker but Remus was becoming excellent at stopping him. “I'm just feeling
hopeful”. James kicked another penalty, aiming higher this time. Remus jumped with what
seemed like little effort and caught it. “I mean I see why, that was brilliant Moony!” James
“Oh come on you kicked that right at me, aim for a corner”. He tossed the ball back. James
controlled it and then put it in its spot. Stepping back he prepared himself to kick the ball. He
aimed higher and more to the left. Remus shifted his body right before jumping higher to the
left as the ball smacked his hand and bounced out.
“Good save Lupin. Potter great kick. Well done, both of you.” McGonagall spoke.
The rest of practice consisted of running through drill after drill for what felt like hours. Once
done James, Sirius and Remus were left in the locker room after the others had left.
“Heres my thought,” Sirius said to remus, stuffing his sweaty kit into a duffle bag, “Prongs
and Wormtail come over to our flat celebrate” Though he looked at Remus as he spoke but he
seemed to have the intention of James hearing.
“What exactly are we celebrating?” James questioned.
Sirius looked at Remus like a puppy, “Can I tell him?”
“I mean clearly you are planning on it, I'd feel bad for the poor thing if you didn't”, he
gestured to the messy haired boy sitting on the bench looking up at the two of his friends
“This,” Sirius showed his phone to James, “is what we’re celebrating”. On the phone
instagram appeared to be open. It looked as if Sirius was about to post something but he
couldn't tell what.
“And what exactly am I looking at”
Sirius rolled his eyes and then pressed on the corner to enlarge a picture, a picture that James
had taken of Remus and Sirius a few weeks ago after an away game. The two were kissing
under a street lamp. James smiled, his friends were finally going public. He remembered
when the two had first met, and how after Sirius wouldn't shut up about how “magnificently
dreamy” the tall goalie was. The two boys pined for months until James and Lily did some
much needed matchmaking.
He knew this wasn't easy, especially for Remus, he had always been scared of coming out.
His father wasn't the kindest man, his mother was the loving one but she passed away when
he was young. But this was different. Now Remus had Sirius, and James, and Peter, and the
whole rest of the group. None of which had any plans of leaving Remus.
“Definitely a reason to celebrate,” James said. “What are you captioning it”
“Maybe just a ‘my love’ with a heart” Sirius responded, trying to sound calm and collected
but James, who had known him for years just knew he was panicking.
“That sounds perfect Padfoot” James smiled and he saw as Sirius' posture softened. “So are
you and Wormtail planning on coming?”
“I don't think I can do another night of Drinks Pads.” Sirius looks like he's about to speak,
“and no you're not getting me to smoke” Sirius frowns at him.
“Don't worry bout it Prongs, I mean we’ll still have all that, but you can just vibe and hang
out” Remus says, causing a whine to escape Sirius as well as some mumble about betrayal.
James loves Remus, he loves Sirius, and he truly loves them together, “Thank you Moony,
I’ll be there”
He did try to ‘just vibe’, truly he did. But he once again had that stupid ref, Reg, in his head.
Peter and Remus were on the balcony, having a smoke, and James was left to care for a very
drunk Sirius. And James wondered if he got as sloshed as that, if he would just get that
beautiful jawline and those sharp cheekbones out of his head. It wouldn't work, he knew that,
but it was tempting nonetheless.
Sirius was now rambling about how in love he was. And James smiled, not because he was
happy for Sirius, well he was. But because he didn't want Sirius to see he was hurting. James
loved being in relationships, truly did, he loved waking up next to the person he loved, he
loved making breakfast for them in the morning, he loved holding hands and pampering them
with kisses. He loved it all. But he didn't have that. And his career had made it hard to have
that. And falling for someone, even this ref he barely knew hurt, because he knew after a few
weeks, with anyone really, it wasn't gonna work. Because everyone that liked him was a fan
desperate to be with him, and everyone he liked could care less about him.
It was just supposed to be a practice, a normal practice with his teammates. Where he could
work himself so hard he could forget about all his problems. He worked with the other
midfielders and drilled them hard. And he tried, he really tried to stay focussed. But for some
fucking reason, he was being haunted by the most beautiful man. Because there, in the flesh,
was Reg, talking to coach McGonagall. One of his teammates yelled at him, wasn't sure who,
but he tried to snap back into reality after that. However his passes were off and his shots hit
the post. It felt like ages and ages of failure until he heard his coach, “Potter!” He looked over
and saw she was still talking to Reg, decideding to huff a “fuck me” under his breath as he
jogged across the field.
He was hyper aware of the sweat covering him, and his flushed cheeks as he approached the
gorgeous man who looked like he had stepped out of the cover of vogue. McGonagall nodded
to Reg and said, “I need him back in 10 minutes,” and she was gone.
“Hi” James said breathly, he would blame it on the drills when asked later.
“It has comes to my attention, James, that I may have given you a yellow for a pretty legal
move” James, to be completely honest, just stares. And as he begins to drown in the silence
he is responsible for Reg speaks again, “As a ref its my job to be unbiased when making
calls, and I wasnt. Im sorry, i’ll make sure to not ref anymore of your games to keep my bias
in check-”
“I mean don't stop reffing my games, you're a good ref. It was a pretty legal move but not a
very legal one. You made the right call. And hey it was just a yellow, I still won”
“But- ok fine but I still had a bias”
“What bias”
“I got distracted, and well I guess that made me upset” he admits and just stares as the pieces
start to click in James’ head, but he has to ask, “Distracted?”
“You know what I mean James”
“I assure you I dont” James tries not to smirk, because hes pretty sure he knows.
“You James, I was distracted by you” he angrily huffs out, a blush taking over his cheeks.
James was a distraction. James was a distraction to Reg. The beautiful creature named Reg,
who is standing right infront of him.
“Can I get your number.” James blurts out and Reg looks a bit shocked until he smiles. And
James could easily get lost in that smile, those lips, those teeth would feel great against him-
“I cant ref your games if you have my number”
“Fine one more and then can I?”
Reg smirks and says “If you win” before winking and walking away.

Chapter End Notes

ohhh is that feelings a seeee.

all jokes aside this is kinda just a filler chapter lol. Hope yall liked it :)
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

James was under a lot of pressure. Of course he wanted to win and to get Reg's number. But
there was more to it. Benjy, his captain ever since he joined the team, was in the middle of
the changing room, resigning.
"I'm trans," he said, "i need you to hear it from me before it gets out" James was confused,
not because his beloved captain came out, but because he seemed worried. In all his time on
the team he'd never seen Benjy worried. But then he said it, "My ex, they’re releasing this
information to the public in the upcoming days, so as such today will be my last game as
your captain. I hope the league will still let me play with you all once they find out but to
protect our team from too much negative backlash, I'm doing what I have to. Thank you for
being such a great team and I've been so proud of the team I've led. I've talked to McGonagall
and she'll talk to you soon about your new captain. Thank you again.” he smiled sheepishly
and James wanted to go comfort him but soon he heard his name from the coaches office.
He hadn't had the misfortune of entering McGonagall's office often. Don't get James wrong, it
wasn't the office that he was scared of, it wasn't even really Mcgonagall herself, but instead
he was scared of what would happen in that office when one was called in there. Because
everyone that went in there, especially right before a game, never really came out the same.
“You wanted to see me Mcgonanall?”
“I assumed Benjy has told you all the news” his coach did not put much thought into what
she had said, busy with whatever paper was on her desk.
“Uh yea coach”
"So I assume you know why you're here" she said, as she fidgeted with a pen as she worked
on the paper.
"Uh no Coach"
"Oh" she paused, "Well when Benjy told me the news and how he would like to resign, I
asked who he had in mind to replace him. He didn't hesitate to say the name 'James" she
looked up at him, "however I have my doubts, you took our last loss harshly which I know is
rare for you but i need someone consistent, who will always be there for his team even in a
James was shocked, him, as captain. It felt bittersweet when he remembered why all this was
happening, why Benjy had to step down. It was unfair. Benjy was a guy, one of them. No
matter how his captain was born, he still played amazingly and led their team to many
trophies. All that said, he'd wanted this for so long that it didn't feel real, "Of course Coach"
he said.
“I’ll be watching you this game, I need to see better respect for the other players on that field.
And of course the ref.”
Oh, the ref. Reg was reffing this game. Benjy’s last game as captain, and the game that would
determine if James was to be next. And Remus’s and Sirius’s first game as an out couple. Oh
and the game that would determine his future with Reg (ok yes that may sound dramatic but
hey it's James we’re talking about here). “Of course Mcgongall, I’ll do my best out there, I
“That's all I ask of you James, that's all I’ll ever ask.”
It was the second half of the game and it was not looking great. They were down 1-3, getting
absolutely butchered. He hasn't gotten a yellow card but that's literally the only thing going
for him. Until the hand ball. Who would think that you'd still have handballs, in the goalie
box, in the premier league. Reg awarded James’ team a penalty. As usual, James tpok all free
kicks or penalties, he was the best shot on his team after all. He thought about giving it to
Benjy but when he looked over at him Benjy shook his head telling James to do it.
Reg, the ref, handed James the ball then leaned over and whispered something in his ear that
made James want to explode, but all he cpuld do was blush and kick this penalty as if it was
his last. Because truthfully, if he maked it, he might die of happiness.
He set the ball down and took some steps back. He looked at the goal and picks his spot,
making sure not to give himself away. He jogs to it and kicks. The goalkeeper dives the
wrong direction.
“And there's a goal for Potter ladies and Gentleman. Look at that young man, he’s just
beaming is’t he.”
And he sure was because when he looks at reg he rolls his eyes and mouths “win” in the
cutest way one could do.
Sirius came up to him as they go back to their places to reset the game. “Whats up with you?”
He sounded annoyed but James could care less.
“He,” James says, with a finger pointed at the ref, “owes me a kiss”. And surprisingly Sirius
doesn't smile back, or cheer him on, or even pat him on the back. Sirius had a look of anger
on his face as he walked away.
The game must go on. Fabian, one of James’ fellow midfielders tied the game with 13
minutes left. Not too long after Sirius got a yellow card for a very illegal move, and started
yelling at Reg, to the point Reg's face went blank and he just stood there for a few moments
until it happens. Sirius, one of their star forwards, was handed a red card.
James knew why, Sirius knew why, the whole crowd knew why, you can't yell at a ref like
that. Even if what you did was right, even if you're defending yourself, don't yell at the ref.
James runs up to Sirius who was still yelling something about brotherhood, James wasn't sure
why but Sirius stops once Reg stops staring at him to look at James. “Come on Padfoot, let's
get you back” Sirius gives him a look that James knows but he can't quite pinpoint when he
saw it last. “Sirius, you got a red, its ok, but you have to get out so we can win this, for Benjy
That seemed to do something to Sirius, “yea yea whatever but I can get out on my own”
“Ok pads, you played well” James says as Sirius walked away, mumbling something that
sounded like “brotherfucker” but James was pretty sure he heard that wrong.
They kept playing, Sirius’ sub wasn't all that great, he would be but it was only his second
month in the league, so there was work to be done. There's three minutes left plus a bit in
stoppage time. Spirits are pretty low until it happened.
Now James wasn't one to say he had a favorite goal, in fact whenever asked he would just say
“that last one was pretty good” and hope it wasn't a goalie fluke and his last one was actually
good. But now, he had an answer. Frank Longbottom, a forward, passed the ball to James
pretty close to the goal. The ball hit his foot and flew up, no time like the present he thought,
before he threw his body to the side and kicked the ball before it hit the ground. It all
happened in slow motion for James. Once he hit the ground he heard the cheers that
surrounded him, engulfed him, and he couldn't have been happier. He had broken the tie.
The game went on for a few more minutes but both teams already know who was the winner,
and when the whistle blows for the end of the game, James looks over to see a smiling Benjy.
But when he walked into the locker room there was a very pissed Sirius being calmed by a
very exhausted Remus, “He doesn't know ok, we just have to wait it out, I know your upset
but Prongs doesn't know”
“What don't I know” James says, genuinely worried and confused. But before either Remus
or Sirius could answer, McGonagall is yelling at them, “Everyone get decent, I have an
announcement!” Everyone does what they're told and soon McGonagall is in the dressing
room, “I want to say you all played very well, Especially Benjy who I’m sure we’ll all miss
as our captain. But I am pleased to announce,” Oh shit, now, she's doing it now, “Starting at
our next practice-”
“Sorry Minnie but can I do it? '' Benjy interrupted.
“Of course Fenwick.” She replies.
“Ok so though I am sad about stepping down I am excited to say to James,” He turns towards
James and smiles, “I think you'll do a great job as captain” James smiles as the rest of his
team cheers. “Now lets fucking party!!”
As James walked out of the locker room he feelt unstoppable. He wore his favorite (red)
jumper, his favorite pair of Khakis and some chains Sirius got him for his birthday because
James was a “style-less pig”. He had been hoping he'd run into Reg but still jumped when he
heard his voice when he walked out of the locker room, “Good games James''. There Reg
was, waiting outside, for him, for James.
They walked together, in peace but with that little bit of tension in the air that was strangling
James, “Ya know I think you owe me something”
“Oh do I now”
“Mhm, 2 things actually”
Reg had this beautiful, devilish smile on his face, “You want both now?” James thinks about
it, but no not here, not in the stadium where any of his teammates could walk by.
“I think your number would suffice, for now at least.” James pulls his phone out his pocket
and opens an app, then hands it to Reg. The shorter boy takes the phone and types in his
number. Reg hands James back the phone and James quickly types out “hey pretty boy” just
so he can hear the ding of a phone in Reg’s pocket.
“I'm assuming that's you,” he grabbed his phone, looked at the message and faced the phone
towards James, “really potter”
“Yep,” James smiled as he turned down a hallway without Reg. He found the bus with his
teammates and Peter on it. He sits down and felt a vibration coming from his phone, He picks
it up and saw that it was Reg, which made James smile uncontrollably and then start to panic
in the same way because he really shouldn't have smile at the text of an almost complete
stranger. As he's panicking Peter grabs his phone out of his hand. James whips his head to see
Peter making a disgusted face at his phone “that is border line disgusting Prongs.” Remus,
from behind them peeks over and hums, “you better not give that phone back to him until
he’s in his own car and can handle it without us having to be there”
“Ok guys it cant be that bad,” he snatched his phone back and looked down and oh, oh

ya know, those necklaces were pretty on you
not as pretty as my hands but still
And ok yea James probably should have waited to read that, because that was all he could
picture. Because Reg had beautiful hands. Not that James paid too much attention to them of
course… he just happened to notice when things were nice.

your hands are quite pretty
on a whole new note, want to meet me and the team at the three broomsticks
ya know like a final harah to reffing our team

sounds nice
as long as you’ll be there i’ll come

i’ll be there

See you there James :)

For some reason James didn't think Reg would actually show up. He knew that he said he
would but they barely knew each other. But then walked in a very beautiful man with curly
black hair, tied up of course (James had never seen it down), and rings and chains and… Was
that a fucking corset. Reg. In a corset. He looked dirty, but almost elegant at the same time.
James was having a very hard time… um focusing, on anything else. So he quickly excused
himself from his friends and walked up to Reg. “You look stunning Reg” it came out
sounding a lot more in aw than he planned.
“You don't look too bad either James.”
James smiled “Well thank you beautiful” and though that earned a smile from reg it also
earned James a light punch in the arm, “don't do that, vous taquinez”
“Did you just call me a tease”
Reg’s face looked half mortified and half impressed, “you understood me?”
James laughed, “My friend, Sirius, is french. I hear him whisper stuff like that to his
boyfriend all the time, it's gross but I’ve picked up on some.”
“Don't worry, meree jaan, i only know a phrases”
“What was that?”
“What was what?” James smiled, very knowingly. He loved his native language. He loved
even more he could call Reg his, ‘my darling’ without him knowing.
“What did you just call me, or say”
“Oh you dont know Hindi, that's a shame” James fake frowned at a very grumpy looking
“Thats not fair. Why do you get to understand me but I can’t understand you?” He stretched
the last syllable and it was so cute to James, the way he could get Reg to pout.
However, before he could reply James registered loud footsteps coming up to them. And the
cute look on Reg’s face became stone cold serious.
“Please not here Sirius, not in front of hi-”
“No we’re doing this Regulus, because you come out of fucking no where, never once calling
or texting since I left and all of a sudden your a ref, reffing my fucking team and then being a
terrible one and bribing my best friend with a kiss before even speaking to me once?”
And oh does that sound familiar.
Because it is, because the boy beside him is not just Reg, its Regulus Black, Regulus. Black.
Sirius’ brother, Regulus Black. Regulus Black, the boy who ignored him throughout school.
Who would let his friends spread rumors about him and a sex life he didn't actually have. The
boy with the pretty curls that made James fell sick when stared too long because Regulus had
always been beautiful, but finding him beautiful had hurt James. Because back then James
knew he wasn't gay. And even if he was, he wasn’t going to be gay for Regulus, his best
friend's baby brother, who hated James, had always hated James.
By the time James gets out of his own head Regulus is storming out the door and Sirius has
tears in his eyes. And James has no idea what to do. He see’s Remus approaching and
couldn't be happier. And yet he's not even close to happy, he's just there. His therapist would
call this dissociating. Where he just checks out of living and watches the world go bye. She
says it's unhealthy. James knows she's right but sometimes he appreciates it, makes it easier
to go about life when you're just going through the motions and not having to actually worry
about anything else right?
Remus eventually handles Sirius but when James goes to find Reg, he's gone.

Chapter End Notes

I love this chapter. thats it, thats the end note

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Regulus has never been a relationship guy. We'll never is a strong word. He wanted to be a
relationship guy when he was younger, specifically with one James Potter. He wanted to hold
his hand and kiss him and hold him tight. He wanted that. But James Potter wasn't gay. He
was the Casanova of the school. Every girl wanted to get with him and James would let them.
And it disgusted Reg, made him sick. Because James was beautiful and wonderful, and
Regulus didn't understand why he would dirty himself with all these women.
Looking back, he knew he shouldn't have thought that. That James was still beautiful and
wonderful when he gave himself to woman after woman. But his parents taught him about
purity at a young age. And how one who turns away from purity is disgusting and dirty and
not to be touched. But Regulus still… felt something for James. Throughout it all he just
wanted to prove to James that those girls were nothing compared to him. But Reg himself
couldn't believe that. That he could be worth it to James.
And then there was the Sirius thing. The real reason for Regulus' dislike for James. James
took away the one person who loved Regulus. Sirius. Sirius was the one good thing Regulus
had in the Noble House of Black, his only comfort in that cruel place. And James just took
him, without looking back, without thinking twice about leaving Regulus there.
But time went on, James and Sirius graduated as heroes of the school's football team. Reg
was left alone, something he was quite used to at this point.
He got over it. Started playing football to get his mind off things. It worked for the most part.
He moved back to France once he graduated. Eventually becoming a Ligue 1 player on one
of the best teams in the league. There were even whispers of him joining the French national
team. His career was reaching its peak. But all good things must come to an end.
Regulus had known he was gay for a long time. He never told anyone. Never so much as
painted his nails or wore jewelry. He made sure to hide that part of himself, deep deep down.
Letting it out only a few nights a year with men so deeply in the closet that they would never
say anything. Until one did.
He knew something was off when he walked into the locker room before practice. The
whispers and stares put him on edge. He was called into the office before he could even
change into his kit.
Apparently the guy he’d gotten with was a famous businessman, who was having an affair
with Regulus. The press had been trying to catch this man cheating for a while before they
stumbled on the perfect scene, the famous Regulus Black on his knees, looking up at a guy, a
man, a male, which made Regulus Black officially gay.
The team manager was rambling about how they had paid off as many news companies as
they could in order to protect “the team’s reputation”. Not to protect Regulus, no. To protect
the team. He was handed a script he would say to the press about his resignation.
His resignation.
He was being forced to resign, not just from his team but from Ligue 1. And with all this
controversy, as minimal as his team tried to make it, The national team didn't want him either.
So he was forced to pack a bag and leave France, moving back to the U.K. where his brother
and brother's friend were the only thing people could talk about.
Football was the only thing he had anymore and he lost it. So he started taking classes to
become a referee.
The moment he was assigned his first game to referee he knew he was doomed. It was James'
team against his friend Barty’s team and yep Regulus was screwed. He gave out what must
be a record breaking amount of yellow cards especially to a certain James Potter. And yea
maybe that last one wasn't a foul but seeing James on that field, playing with his heart on his
sleeve, did something to Regulus which he couldn't quite explain or at least didn’t want to.
All that to say he was now sitting on the couch in Barty and Evans house, wanting to die.
Because the moment that James realized that Reg, was Regulus, his eyes glossed over and his
face froze into a look that hurt Regulus’ heart and threatened to break it into a million pieces.
“I have tea!” Came Pandora's sweet voice from the other side of the room as she walks over.
Regulus loves Pandora. And as angry as he is at the world right now, he could never be angry
at her.
“Thanks Dora,” he says, smiling.
“Is there anything you want to talk to me about at this time?” Pandora asked. And there's why
he always says she's the better Rosier twin. She doesn't ask if he’s ok because she knows he's
not. She doesn't ask what's wrong, because she knows the answer already. She just gives him
the time of day to talk.
“Sirius acts like I’m the one that didn't call. But he didn't reach out either. Not after he left
home, not after I left home, not even when there were pictures of me about to suck off a guy
were plastered on French newspapers, not when my career came to end. He never called or
texted or ever tried to reach out, see how I was doing. None of that Dora. And so he ruins the
one good thing I had left, James. James actually liked me, well he liked the Reg I am now but
he still hates Regulus, I saw his eyes Dora. It's like he just left that space, and remembered
the boy I used to be, and just went cold.” He didn't notice that his heart had started to race or
that his eyes started to tear up. And Pandora, bless her heart, leaned in and hugged him. And
oh how that made the tears fall. Because how badly he wished it was James’ arms wrapped
around him, comforting him.
They stayed like that for a few moments before letting go. “You need to talk to him, Reggie,
well both of them.” She gives a sad smile, “You have James’ number right, just text him.”
“Dora if I could, If i knew he wasn't gonna just ignore me, I would” he stared down at his
phone. He had put it on Do Not Disturb. Honestly he will often go weeks like that, not
answering anybody because he doesn't realize they ever texted.
“Can I see this,” She says, looking down at Regulus’ phone. He slowly unlocks it and puts it
in her hand. He trusts Pandora. Shes not sure what she did but soon she says, “Oh Reggie,
look at this dear” and hands the phone back to him.

Hey, I don't know if you want to talk but I wanted to say I'm proud of you. Remus caught me
up on all of it. I can't believe you had to go through that. And I'm sorry none of us ever
reached out.
But you've grown so much and I’m proud of the person you became. I think your beautiful
Reg, please just give me a chance to prove it.

And that, that was all Regulus’ needed to know he might have gotten it wrong. That James
didn't hate him like he thought.

Chapter End Notes

dude chapter 5 is so freaking long because i dont know how to end it. So heres a short
chapter to suffice.
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

i'll warn you, its longer than the lasts ones. but I love them so muchh

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It’d been a rough few days for James. Sirius has gotten a lot of backlash since he posted the
picture of him and Remus. Both of them have mostly shut James out, not because they’re
mad, they just needed space to process the backlash. According to Remus that’s what
triggered Sirius to lash out at Regulus. And oh Regulus. How he missed him.
Once James admitted defeat in finding Reg, he decided to give up on the party and just go
home. He got out his phone and texted him before calling his parents. He loved his parents.
His mom had been there through the start and end of each relationship and his dad has always
been James’ biggest supporter when it came to football. And they were a great team, covering
James’ only passions, relationships and football. But once they answered the phone James
didn't know what to say, “Hey mom, hi dad”
“Hi mera pyaara bachcha (my sweet child)” there was a sweetness in his fathers voice.
“There's a lot going on,” Is all James said and they stayed silent. They were always good
about giving him time. “I met a boy. He uh, I don't know how to say this but he was a ref for
one of my games, the one we lost. And I kinda really like him. And I’m pretty sure he likes
me too. I mean I got his number so that's something.”
“Sweetie that's great” That's his mothers voice. They were supportive when he came out to
them a few months ago. He knew they would be but hearing his moms reaction when he told
her he met a boy for the first time made him smile a bit.
“Yea it's just that, his name is Regulus, Regulus Black. Sirius’ brother. And I didnt know
because it's been ages since I saw him and apparently ages since Sirius last saw him to
because tonight, me and Reg were talking and Sirius started yelling at him and it clicked that
the Reg I liked was actually Regulus, my um, my first crush and the first guy to be a dick to
me” He lets out a painful laugh.
“Oh pyaaree jemee (sweet Jamie), you have to hear him out.” His father said. And to be
completely honest it was James’ plan but hearing his dad say that solidified it.
“And you can't judge someone by their past love,” He also knew that was true but it was
hard. It was hard enough being one of the only desi kids in school. It was a whole other thing
to be called a manwhore by the boy he was head over heels for. That he was “dirty” and
“impure” according to the whispers he heard from Regulus in the halls.
“I know mom, but you of all people know how much he and his friends hurt me.” It’s true.
One day it got so bad he came home crying. That was the day he had heard Regulus’ calling
him “a disgusting slut” as James walked down the hall. And that really hurt. Because the idea
that Regulus looked down on him like that honestly broke his heart.
“Honey, your mother is right, just talk to him”
“Yea your right. But what if doesnt want to talk to me”
“I know you hate when I say this kinda thing but, if it’s meant to happen, it will happen. You
have to be patient with him too” He loved his mom but hated how stupidly wise she was.
“Yea thank mom”
His father then asked the dooming question, “anything else on your mind?”
So he told them about how tomorrow there will be a press conference where he will
announce his captaincy. They were happy to hear that but saddened when they found out why
Benjy was leaving. He told them about Remus and Sirius and how people have been upset
about Sirius “infecting” Remus with his gay thing. And how both have locked themselves in
their shared room. And they just listened, and it was perfect. They gave advice here and there
but gave him time to talk.
Before he hung up his mom made sure he was still planning on visiting them so she could
make his favorite Biryani (she always made it best). He assured them that in a few weeks
he’d be free enough to make it over there and they hung up.
The next morning it was time for the press conference. Regulus still hadn’t replied and James
was on edge. It was just him, Benjy, and Mcgongall at the table in front of a hoard of
Benjy did his resignation, not revealing why just saying “It’s time to pass the torch” and then
gestured to James who smiled nervously and then went into a shaky speech about how he was
ready to lead the team, and how he's sad to see Benjy go but is ready to take the lead.
Mcgongall closed the conference and all three left, Benjy and James being silent.
James was scared to open his phone so he didnt for a while. When he did there was no
message from Reg but there was a bunch of people getting upset about the captain change.
Apparently his nervousness was quite visible during the conference and now the whole
internet was questioning both him and Benjy. So he did the only thing he could, turned his
phone completely off and fell asleep.
He isn't sure when he woke up but when he did Sirius was yelling in the living room.
“Those fucking reports can’t just do that shit Moony”
James tunes him out for the most part. He turns back on his phone and sees that Remus sent a
message. Its a link to an old article about, about Reg.

-“Star Player Regulus Black ‘Retires’ After Viral Photo is Released”-

Viral football star Regulus Arcturus Black announced his resignation from Ligue 1. This
comes after the press released a photo of him looking up at, from his knees and taking the
belt off of famous businessman, Redolfus Lestrange…

The article goes on but mostly stuff about Lestrange and the affair. And James just stays there
in disbelief at two things. One, Regulus Black had been a star footballer. Of course, it made
sense. Most referees have a history of football. But it still was weird to think that not too far
away Regulus had been playing, in a different league, on a whole different level. Two,
Regulus had faced a public outing, and none of them knew about it. A public outing that
caused him to lose his career.
As he scrolls down the article he sees another one that catches his eye,

-“The Real Reason Fenwick Stepped Down; Hes Trans”-

I mean lets be honest, we all knew something was up when they put James Potter in charge.
But the real truth is more disturbing than we first believed. Fenwick as well as the rest of the
team have been hiding one simple fact, he was born a she. According to an anonymous
source, Benjy Fenwick was born as Rebecca, often going by Becca until she turned 9. That's
when her parents began to stuff her with male hormones and she started going in and out of
gender reassignment surgeries. The real question is, dear readers, What else could they be
keeping from us?

“Fuckkkk” James groans. The stupid press and their stupid need to be involved in every inch
of their lives. However before he gets too upset he accidentally clicks out of the article and
back into the chat with Remus. James exits that chat and is about to turn his phone off when
he sees he has a missed message from Regulus.


i’ve been worried about you
how are you doing?

a friend stopped by and dropped of some tea
god I love her
anyways i'm pretty sure I still owe you something
and god do I hate being in dept

Reg, we need to talk first

I was really hoping you wouldn't say that
You never really struck me as a talking kinda person

[Location Sent]
we need to talk

Like now?

my roommates are out
so yes

James found himself pacing around the living room. Because what the hell was he thinking?
He was now scrambling to get Peter out of the house. Because he only party lied. Remus and
Sirius were out of the house. They had gone over to the girls house to talk to them about Reg
and just to distract themselves. But Peter was still in the house and James was begging him to
leave, “Please Wormtail, I really need this. It shouldn't take too long ok, I’ll text you when he
leaves” When Peter gave him that look that said ‘why am I friend again?’ all James could say
is “I love you pete, and i'm sorry for kicking you out.”
Peter grabbed his bag and before leaving said a nice “I love you too James” and that helped a
bit but still Reg was coming over, and soon. Well maybe not soon because, he realized, he
wasnt sure how long this would take, as he had no idea where Regulus was when James sent
his location. So he could get there in either an hour or-
His thought was cut off by a ringing on the doorbell.
“Fuck, ok I got this, James you got this” he said to himself before heading for the door. And
after a few seconds of building up the courage to open it, he did. And there was Regulus in
all his glory.
“Hi James” was all he said, sounding tired and defeated.
“Hey” was James could say before letting Regulus in.
“Nice house”
“Uh thanks, my parents gave it to me when I graduated.” James knew how he sounded. He
knew there was zero confidence in his voice. And he knew that that meant that Regulus was
gonna try to become the confident one in this conversation.
“So talking huh? Never thought of you as the type.”
“You clearly don't know me, Regulus.”
“Maybe not now but I did, mr casanova” He seemed proud when he said it. The way he said
it truly did do something to James because he did the one thing he hardly ever does. He
lashed out.
“Did you know I lost my virginity the year and a half after graduation” James hated lashing
out. He hated that he felt like he had to say this to prove a point. “Did you know I lost it to a
guy.” his voice was raising but he barely noticed, “And it was a guy I dated for months before
we did it. How about this, did you know I never actually had sex with the first girl I ever
loved because I was too scared to ruin what we had.” He was yelling at this point, “No ‘Reg’
you didn't because you were too busy being caught up in some sick fantasy that I was, in your
own words by the way, ‘a disgusting slut”
Regulus looked like he was about to say something, there was a brokenness in his eyes
though that James didn't want to hear in his voice so he kept talking. “You made me into this
thing, you and your friends. And it didn't even hurt that people thought I loved sex or that I
had multiple partners,” he lowered his voice and looked Regulus in the eyes, “It was that the
first boy, no the first person to make me feel something thought that I was a gross and
disgusting person incapable of loving. That, that fucking killed my heart Regulus.”
And he could see Regulus' heart breaking and in that moment he knew he would do anything
to make sure his face never looked like that again.
“I’m sorry James” Was all regulus was able to say before a tear dropped down his face, “I’ve
been through hell and back this year but never once did i consider anyone else struggled.
Especially James fucking Potter” he let out a pained laugh. “My parents, they engraved these
ideas of purity into me from a very young age. And so when I first saw you and your
beautiful, tangled hair, and stupid round glasses, and gorgeous eyes, I couldn't help but feel
‘impure’. My friends are the ones that started it, I know it doesn’t make it better but still. I
think they were trying to show me how bad you were so id stay away."He looked as if he was
in another world. Not aware of the fact James was there. James wondered if that made it
easier for Regulus to say these things.
“It worked, in a way. Physically at least I kept my distance but my heart, my heart just
wanted to prove that I could change you, that I could make you turn down all those girls for
me. But I knew I wasn't worth it. Thought you would easily put your own pleasure over me
so I just watched from a distance.``
“Oh Reg im so sorry”
“Please dont look like that James, like I'm broken.”
“Your not broken Regulus, scarred maybe, but scars heal. Im not hear to fix you Regulus. I'm
not really even here to heal you. I just want to walk beside you as you walk beside me.
Because we have scars, some fresher than others but scars nonetheless. There's no fixing
scars, only giving them time to heal.”
Regulus smiled, “Get to your point Potter”
“Will you let me walk alongside you, as you walk alongside me”
Regulus smiled, “You should quit Football and become a Poet '' James tilted his head
expectantly, waiting for his answer. “But yes James, I want you to walk by me, and me by
you,” James smiled. “Even if thats stupidly pathetic poetry”
“Don’t do that, '' James said flatly.
Regulus looked at James, trying to study his face to get an answer out of it “Do what?”
“Don't play down what I said. I meant it. Even if to you it sounds like it came from a poetry
book, I meant it.”
“Ok, yea i'm sorry. I’m not very good at emotions.” As soon as the words left Regulus' mouth
there was a sound at the door. James' eyes were wide with panic. “Second door on the left,
now” James said, pointing towards a hallway. Regulus quickly rushed himself away from the
living room, where they had been.
James, hoping he was in the clear, got out his phone to see multiple texts from Sirius and
Remus. As the door opened Sirius started speed walking to James, “Why didn't you answer
“Sorry I was… busy”
“James, I love you, but that's the worst excuse to ever come from your mouth.” Remus toned.
“I'm sorry to disturb this oh so wonderful moment but I left something here the other night so
don't mind if i do..” Lily said, sneaking her way around Sirius and Remus who were blocking
the doorway. She slipped down the hallway to the- second door on the left. James noticed one
second too late. Lily opened the door and jumped. It wasn't too much commotion but the
others noticed. “James…” she said, staring him down from the hallway, “Do you need help
finding something,” he asked quickly.
“Yea um, that would be appreciated”
So James, as fast as he could without increasing suspicion, went towards Lily. “James,” she
whispered “There's a boy in your room”
“Come on Lily, any idea where you left it?” James asked, entering the room, Lily followed
cautiously, and after a look from James she closed the door behind her. “Lily, this is Regulus.
Regulus, this is Lily, she's my um, friend.”
“And ex” Lily budded in. Regulus just stood there so Lily turned to James, “Sirius’ brother, is
in your room. Oh god, please dont tell me you were fucking, god James”
“Lily, you and I both know I dont just “fuck” people, thats not me. Especially a boy that I
haven't even kissed yet.”
“To be fair,” Regulus interrupted, “Its not like there were no opportunities-”
“JAMES” Sirius yelled, banging on the door. “You better open this door or else imma..” there
was whispering behind the door, “Or else Remus will hide all the chai!”
“fuck ok um, sorry to do this but…” James hurriedly opened his closet, then grabbed Regulus
by the shoulders and dragged him in. “Where did I put my purse!” Lily basically shouted as
James walk towards the door Sirius was still banging on, “Please dont break my door, or,” he
says turning to remus, the door then fully open, “hide my chai because that's like basically a
hate crime.” Remus rolled his eyes and Sirius shoved James into the room. He looked around
frantically before facing James, “What the actual hell is going on”.
“I'm honestly just as confused as you are, Lily, why and when in the world did you leave your
purse in here?” James asked.
“Long story, oh there it is!” Lily exclaimed, grabbing her purse and walking out the door.
“Please don't tell me you two are getting back together,” Sirius looked at James like the
disappointment had already fully settled.
“Hell No!” Lily yelled from the living room. James shook his head and laughed.
“James, I'm gonna let it slide this time but, get your head in the game. You have a team
counting on you know and you can't just be messing around” Remus told James. And it's not
like James didn't know that, he just hadn't thought of it that way.
Remus gave a soft smile as he closed James' door. There was a moment of silence before he
opened his closer door to find Regulus very awkwardly stored there.
“Oh thank God, I thought I was gonna die in that filthy closet”
“Wow dramtic much”, James huffed.
Reg rolled his eyes, “Whatever, my point is, clean that fucking closet.
Just then the phone in James pocket started ringing, he looked to Regulus who nodded as
James took the phone from his pocket, accepted the call, and put it up to his ear.
“Hello im calling for James Potter is that you” an older sounding voice spoke through the
“Yes thats me” James responded, a little concerned but not to the point of hanging up on this
older man.
“My name is Albus Dumbledore from the England National Team” no fucking way he was
talking to Dumbledore right now. He was one of the greatest coaches England had seen in a
long time, he was predicted to lead England to win the 2022 World Cup. “I as well as my
fellow coaches have seen your excellent work with your current team and would like to offer
you a spot on the England National team, if you want it that is.” There was a moment of
silence as James freaked out and Regulus gave him a questionable look. “I have also been
told to inform you that Remus Lupin, your team's current goalie has been selected to be part
of this team as well.” If James' eyes could’ve gone any wider they would have, “of course
Mcgonagal has been notified and we understand that you may not be able to give us an
answer at this exact moment but we hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye Potter, thank you
for your excellence”
“Goodbye Dumbledore” James responded and as the phone went silent. Then, James, in the
most James way, jumped up and down, like a fangirl on mute, silently screaming and waving
his hands.
“You're such an idiot Jamie” That made James just stop and stare, because hearing that name,
in Regulus’ french accent was holy, heavenly even. Regulus took another step towards a
frozen James, “Do you not like my French, mon beau garçon?”
James mumbled something under his breath.
“What was that?” Regulus asked, just a slither of teasing in his voice.
James shook his head.
“S'il te plaît bébé”
“I mean…” a small smirk of confidence snuck up James’ face, “maybe you should stop
speaking it and start kissing me like it”
Regulus smiled, partly from James’ cuteness and partly because that was the stupidest line he
had ever heard. He placed his hand on James’ cheek before whispering, “you want this?”
James let out a breathy “yes”, and their lips met.
To say James wasn't into cliches, was a lie. He could feel the spark between them, he felt like
he was in complete peace, and he wouldn't have been scared to say that he never wanted that
moment to stop. The kiss was gentle and soft, but not delicate, not fragile. When it ended it
wasn't because of an interruption or awkwardness, it was because poor James, Pro football
star James, who probably had his face plastered on every teen boys room in England, had
gotten too full of what his friends often called, “happy energy”. In other words, if James
Potter was a love meter, he would have been splattered in pieces across his room, due to an
overflow and overall explosion.
“You look like an idiot”
James’ smile, if possible, got even bigger. “Can I be your idiot?”
“Only if you can figure out how to get me out of this room, without Sirius seeing me.”
“Yes sir” James said, not overly energetic, but not just simply monotone. It did something to
Regulus that he didn't want to ever admit, so he chose to hide it far away, hopely forever, as
he did with most things regarding his sexuality.
“Ok so how do you feel about windows?” James asked, a smile on his face.
“Oh just wonderful” Regulus groaned.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for all the love on this chapter. If you told me a year ago, when I came up
with this idea that people would actually be reading, liking, and commenting on it, I
wouldn't believe you. As someone who is dyslexic I never really thought anyone would
like my writing because of the errors, my friends make fun of it often. However here we
are. I cant wait to share even more of this fic with you guys.
Also I like desperately need marauder friends. So go follow my tiktok (if you want of
course) its cruel_jule. Ok see yall next time!!!!!
End Notes

I literally started writing this during the 2022 world cup so its been a long time coming. Also
I am not claiming to be an expert at the sport terminology. So im sorry if thats wrong.
Hopefully I do my idea justice. Please leave a kudos or comment if yall enjoyed it.

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