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American Pageant 16th Edition Kennedy Test Bank

American Pageant 16th Edition

Kennedy Test Bank
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The new edition of American Pageant, the leading program for AP U.S. history, now
reflects the redesigned AP Course and Exam that begins with the 2014-2015 school
year. The 16th edition helps prepare students for success on the AP Exam by 1) helping
them practice historical thinking skills, pulling together concepts with events, and 2)
giving them practice answering questions modeled after those they'll find on the exam.
The new edition adds a two-page opener/preview to every chapter, guiding students
through the main points of the chapter and using questions and elements tied to the AP
Curriculum Framework to help them internalize the chapter more conceptually. Also new
are additional End-of-Part multiple-choice and short answer questions reflecting the
changes to the exam. Practice DBQs and other free response essay questions will still
be found at the back of the book.

1. Insert A1
2. Insert A2
3. Title
4. Statement
5. Copyright
6. About the Authors
7. Brief Contents
8. Contents
9. Maps
10. Tables
11. Figures
12. Preface
13. Dedication
14. Ch 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction: 1865-1877
15. Ch 22: Introduction
16. The Problems of Peace
17. Freedmen Define Freedom
18. The Freedmen’s Bureau
19. Johnson: The Tailor President
20. Presidential Reconstruction
21. The Baleful Black Codes
22. Congressional Reconstruction
23. Johnson Clashes with Congress
24. Swinging ‘Round the Circle with Johnson
25. Republican Principles and Programs
26. Reconstruction by the Sword
27. No Women Voters
28. The Realities of Radical Reconstruction in the South
29. The Ku Klux Klan
30. Johnson Walks the Impeachment Plank
31. A Not-Guilty Verdict for Johnson
32. The Purchase of Alaska
33. The Heritage of Reconstruction
34. Ch 22: Chapter Review
35. Part Four: Forging an Industrial Society: 1865–1909
36. Ch 23: Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age: 1869–1896
37. Ch 23: Introduction
38. The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant
39. The Era of Good Stealings
40. A Carnival of Corruption
41. The Liberal Republican Revolt of 1872
42. Depression, Deflation, and Inflation
43. Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age
44. The Hayes-Tilden Standoff, 1876
45. The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction
46. The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post-Reconstruction South
47. Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes
48. Garfield and Arthur
49. The Blaine-Cleveland Mudslingers of 1884
50. “Old Grover” Takes Over
51. Cleveland Battles for a Lower Tariff
52. The Billion-Dollar Congress
53. The Drumbeat of Discontent
54. Cleveland and Depression
55. Cleveland Breeds a Backlash
56. Ch 23: Chapter Review
57. Ch 24: Industry Comes of Age: 1865-1900
58. Ch 24: Introduction
59. The Iron Colt Becomes an Iron Horse
60. Spanning the Continent with Rails
61. Binding the Country with Railroad Ties
62. Railroad Consolidation and Mechanization
63. Revolution by Railways
64. Wrongdoing in Railroading
65. Government Bridles the Iron Horse
66. Miracles of Mechanization
67. The Trust Titan Emerges
68. The Supremacy of Steel
69. Carnegie and Other Sultans of Steel
70. Rockefeller Grows an American Beauty Rose
71. The Gospel of Wealth
72. Government Tackles the Trust Evil
73. The South in the Age of Industry
74. The Impact of the New Industrial Revolution on America
75. In Unions There Is Strength
76. Labor Limps Along
77. Unhorsing the Knights of Labor
78. The AF of L to the Fore
79. Ch 24: Chapter Review
80. Ch 25: America Moves to the City: 1865–1900
81. Ch 25: Introduction
82. The Urban Frontier
83. The New Immigration
84. Parties and Social Reformers Reach Out
85. Narrowing the Welcome Mat
86. Churches Confront the Urban Challenge
87. Darwin Disrupts the Churches
88. The Lust for Learning
89. Booker T. Washington and Education for Black People
90. The Hallowed Halls of Ivy
91. The Appeal of the Press
92. Apostles of Reform
93. The New Morality
94. Families and Women in the City
95. Prohibiting Alcohol and Promoting Reform
96. Postwar Fiction, Lowbrow and High
97. Artistic Triumphs
98. The Business of Amusement
99. Ch 25: Chapter Review
100. Ch 26: The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution: 1865–1896
101. Ch 26: Introduction
102. The Clash of Cultures on the Plains
103. Receding Native Population
104. Bellowing Herds of Bison
105. The End of the Trail
106. Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker
107. Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive
108. The Farmers’ Frontier
109. The Far West Comes of Age
110. The Fading Frontier
111. The Farm Becomes a Factory
112. Deflation Dooms the Debtor
113. Unhappy Farmers
114. The Farmers Take Their Stand
115. Prelude to Populism
116. Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike
117. Golden McKinley and Silver Bryan
118. Class Conflict: Plowholders Versus Bondholders
119. Republican Stand-pattism Enthroned
120. Ch 26: Chapter Review
121. Ch 27: Empire and Expansion: 1890–1909
122. Ch 27: Introduction
123. America Turns Outward
124. Spurning the Hawaiian Pear
125. Cubans Rise in Revolt
126. Dewey’s May Day Victory at Manila
127. The Confused Invasion of Cuba
128. America’s Course (Curse?) of Empire
129. Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
130. New Horizons in Two Hemispheres
131. “Little Brown Brothers” in the Philippines
132. Hinging the Open Door in China
133. Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900?
134. TR: Brandisher of the Big Stick
135. Building the Panama Canal
136. TR’s Perversion of Monroe’s Doctrine
137. Roosevelt on the World Stage
138. Japanese Laborers in California
139. Ch 27: Chapter Review
140. Part Five: Struggling for Justice at Home and Abroad: 1901–1945
141. Ch 28: Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt: 1901-1912
142. Ch 28: Introduction
143. Progressive Roots
144. Raking Muck with the Muckrakers
145. Political Progressivism
146. Progressivism in the Cities and States
147. Progressive Women
148. TR’s Square Deal for Labor
149. TR Corrals the Corporations
150. Caring for the Consumer
151. Earth Control
152. The “Roosevelt Panic” of 1907
153. The Rough Rider Thunders Out
154. Taft: A Round Peg in a Square Hole
155. The Dollar Goes Abroad as a Diplomat
156. Taft the Trustbuster
157. Taft Splits the Republican Party
158. The Taft-Roosevelt Rupture
159. The “Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912
160. Ch 28: Chapter Review
161. Ch 29: Wilsonian Progressivism in Peace and War: 1913–1920
162. Ch 29: Introduction
163. Wilson: The Idealist in Politics
164. Wilson Tackles the Tariff
165. Wilson Battles the Bankers
166. The President Tames the Trusts
167. Wilson at the Peak
168. New Directions in Foreign Policy
169. Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico
170. Thunder Across the Sea
171. America Earns Blood Money
172. Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916
173. War by Act of Germany
174. Wilsonian Idealism Enthroned
175. Wilson’s Fourteen Potent Points
176. Manipulating Minds and Stifling Dissent
177. Forging a War Economy
178. Workers in Wartime
179. Suffering Until Suffrage
180. Making Plowboys into Doughboys
181. America Helps Hammer the Hun
182. Wilson Steps Down from Olympus
183. An Idealist amid the Imperialists
184. Wilson’s Battle for Ratification
185. The “Solemn Referendum” of 1920
186. The Betrayal of Great Expectations
187. Ch 29: Chapter Review
188. Ch 30: American Life in the “Roaring Twenties”: 1920–1929
189. Ch 30: Introduction
190. Seeing Red
191. Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK
192. Stemming the Foreign Flood
193. The Prohibition “Experiment”
194. The Golden Age of Gangsterism
195. Monkey Business in Tennessee
196. The Mass-Consumption Economy
197. Putting America on Rubber Tires
198. The Advent of the Gasoline Age
199. Humans Develop Wings
200. The Radio Revolution
201. Hollywood’s Filmland Fantasies
202. The Dynamic Decade
203. Cultural Liberation
204. Wall Street’s Big Bull Market
205. Ch 30: Chapter Review
206. Ch 31: The Politics of Boom and Bust: 1920–1932
207. Ch 31: Introduction
208. The Republican “Old Guard” Returns
209. GOP Reaction at the Throttle
210. The Aftermath of War
211. America Seeks Benefits Without Burdens
212. Hiking the Tariff Higher
213. The Stench of Scandal
214. “Silent Cal” Coolidge
215. Frustrated Farmers
216. A Three-Way Race for the White House in 1924Self-satisfied Republicans
217. Foreign-Policy Flounderings
218. Unraveling the Debt Knot
219. The Triumph of Herbert Hoover, 1928
220. President Hoover’s First Moves
221. The Great Crash Ends the Golden Twenties
222. Hooked on the Horn of Plenty
223. Rugged Times for Rugged Individualists
224. Hoover Battles the Great Depression
225. Routing the Bonus Army in Washington
226. Japanese Militarists Attack China
227. Hoover Pioneers the Good Neighbor Policy
228. Ch 31: Chapter Review
229. Ch 32: The Great Depression and the New Deal: 1933–1939
230. Ch 32: Introduction
231. FDR: Politician in a Wheelchair
232. Presidential Hopefuls of 1932
233. Hoover’s Humiliation in 1932
234. FDR and the Three Rs: Relief, Recovery, Reform
235. Roosevelt Manages the Money
236. Creating Jobs for the Jobless
237. A Day for Every Demagogue
238. New Visibility for Women
239. Helping Industry and Labor
240. Paying Farmers Not to Farm
241. Dust Bowls and Black Blizzards
242. Battling Bankers and Big Business
243. The TVA Harnesses the Tennessee
244. Housing and Social Security
245. A New Deal for Labor
246. Landon Challenges “the Champ”
247. Nine Old Men on the Bench
248. The Court Changes Course
249. Twilight of the New Deal
250. New Deal or Raw Deal?
251. FDR’s Balance Sheet
252. Ch 32: Chapter Review
253. Ch 33: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War: 1933–1941
254. Ch 33: Introduction
255. The London Conference
256. Freedom for (from?) the Filipinos and Recognition for the Russians
257. Becoming a Good Neighbor
258. Secretary Hull’s Reciprocal Trade Agreements
259. Storm-Cellar Isolationism
260. Congress Legislates Neutrality
261. America Dooms Loyalist Spain
262. Appeasing Japan and Germany
263. Hitler’s Belligerency and U.S. Neutrality
264. The Fall of France
265. Refugees from the Holocaust
266. Bolstering Britain
267. Shattering the Two-Term Tradition
268. A Landmark Lend-Lease Law
269. Charting a New World
270. U.S. Destroyers and Hitler’s U-boats Clash
271. Surprise Assault on Pearl Harbor
272. America’s Transformation from Bystander to Belligerent
273. Ch 33: Chapter Review
274. Ch 34: America in World War II: 1941–1945
275. Ch 34: Introduction
276. The Allies Trade Space for Time
277. The Shock of War
278. Building the War Machine
279. Manpower and Womanpower
280. Wartime Migrations
281. Holding the Home Front
282. The Rising Sun in the Pacific
283. Japan’s High Tide at Midway
284. American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo
285. The Allied Halting of Hitler
286. A Second Front from North Africa to Rome
287. D-Day: June 6, 1944
288. FDR: The Fourth-Termite of 1944
289. Roosevelt Defeats Dewey
290. The Last Days of Hitler
291. Japan Dies Hard
292. The Atomic Bombs
293. The Allies Triumphant
294. Ch 34: Chapter Review
295. Part Six: Making Modern America: 1945 to the Present
296. Ch 35: The Cold War Begins: 1945–1952
297. Ch 35: Introduction
298. Truman: The “Gutty” Man from Missouri
299. Yalta: Bargain or Betrayal?
300. The United States and the Soviet Union
301. Shaping the Postwar World
302. The Problem of Germany
303. Cold War Deepens
304. America Begins to Rearm
305. Reconstruction and Revolution in Asia
306. The Korean Volcano Erupts
307. The Military Seesaw in Korea
308. The Cold War Home Front
309. Postwar Economic Anxieties
310. Democratic Divisions in 1948
311. The Long Economic Boom, 1950–1970
312. The Roots of Postwar Prosperity
313. The Smiling Sunbelt
314. The Rush to the Suburbs
315. The Postwar Baby Boom
316. Ch 35: Chapter Review
317. Ch 36: American Zenith: 1952–1963
318. Ch 36: Introduction
319. Affluence and Its Anxieties
320. Consumer Culture in the Fifties
321. The Advent of Eisenhower
322. Desegregating American Society
323. Seeds of the Civil Rights Revolution
324. Eisenhower Republicanism at Home
325. A “New Look” in Foreign Policy
326. The Vietnam Nightmare
327. Cold War Crises in the Middle East
328. Round Two for Ike
329. The Continuing Cold War
330. Kennedy Challenges Nixon for the Presidency
331. A Cultural Renaissance
332. New Cultural Voices
333. Kennedy’s “New Frontier” Spirit
334. Foreign Flare-ups and “Flexible Response”
335. Cuban Confrontations
336. The Struggle for Civil Rights
337. The Killing of Kennedy
338. Ch 36: Chapter Review
339. Ch 37: The Stormy Sixties: 1963–1973
340. Ch 37: Introduction
341. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency
342. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964
343. The Great Society Congress
344. Battling for Black Rights
345. Black Power
346. Vietnam Vexations
347. Vietnam Topples Johnson
348. The Presidential Sweepstakes of 1968
349. The Cultural Upheaval of the 1960s
350. Nixon “Vietnamizes” the War
351. Cambodianizing the Vietnam War
352. Nixon’s Détente with Beijing (Peking) and Moscow
353. A New Team on the Supreme Bench
354. Nixon on the Home Front
355. The Nixon Landslide of 1972
356. The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and the War Powers Act
357. The Arab Oil Embargo and the Energy Crisis
358. Ch 37: Chapter Review
359. Ch 38: Challenges to the Postwar Order: 1973–1980
360. Ch 38: Introduction
361. Watergate and the Unmaking of a President
362. Sources of Stagnation
363. The First Unelected President
364. Defeat in Vietnam
365. Feminist Victories and Defeats
366. The Seventies in Black and White
367. The Bicentennial Campaign
368. Carter’s Humanitarian Diplomacy
369. Economic and Energy Woes
370. The Turn Toward the Market
371. Foreign Affairs and the Iranian Imbroglio
372. Ch 38: Chapter Review
373. Ch 39: The Resurgence of Conservatism: 1980–1992
374. Ch 39: Introduction
375. The Election of Ronald Reagan, 1980
376. The Reagan Revolution
377. The Battle of the Budget
378. Reagan Renews the Cold War
379. Troubles Abroad
380. Round Two for Reagan
381. The Iran-Contra Imbroglio
382. Reagan’s Economic Legacy
383. The Religious Right
384. Conservatism in the Courts
385. Referendum on Reaganism in 1988
386. George H. W. Bush and the End of the Cold War
387. The Persian Gulf Crisis
388. Bush on the Home Front
389. Ch 39: Chapter Review
390. Ch 40: America Confronts the Post–Cold War Era: 1992–2000
391. Ch 40: Introduction
392. Bill Clinton: The First Baby-Boomer President
393. A False Start for Reform
394. The Politics of Distrust
395. Clinton Comes Back
396. Racial Progress and Perils
397. Globalization and Its Discontents
398. The Feminist Revolution
399. Searching for a Post–Cold War Foreign Policy
400. Scandal and Impeachment
401. Clinton’s Legacy and the 2000 Election
402. E Pluribus Plures
403. The Postmodern Mind
404. Niche Nation
405. Ch 40: Chapter Review
406. Ch 41: The American People Face a New Century: 2001–2014
407. Ch 41: Introduction
408. Bush Begins
409. Terrorism Comes to America
410. Bush Takes the Offensive Against Iraq
411. Owning Iraq
412. Reelecting George W. Bush
413. Bush’s Bruising Second Term
414. The Presidential Election of 2008
415. Obama in the White House
416. Back to Backlash
417. New Directions in Foreign Policy
418. The Politics of Inequality
419. Battling for the White House in 2012
420. Second-Term Stalemate
421. Citizenship and Civil Rights
422. Gridlock Grinds On
423. The American Prospect
424. Ch 41: Chapter Review
425. Documents
426. Tables
427. Glossary of Key Terms
428. Index

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