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We always hear from other people or from our own families and relatives that in
order for a person to succeed in life is to graduate college and have a college diploma
but in Rudy’s case it’s different. If Frankie would have shared his thoughts with me, the
first thing that I will tell him is that people are different from each other, people are
different on how they decide on things like what to do with their life or how would they
be successful.

The root of "SUCCESS" is more than just a person's intellectual ability or

intelligence. Hence, it is also seen with how he or she drives his or her own life; how he
or she makes smart decisions which lead to fruitful outcomes. Once future isn’t solely
determined by education but by dedication and effort. Education highlights just a few of
our exceptional qualities, and although it provides us a reliable path to a stable career,
working extremely hard, whether with or without a degree, paves the way to success.

Us being not intellectually magnificent doesn’t mean that we are not good
enough. Indeed, we are. In our life, we can’t excel in all fields. We may be good in Math
poor in English; we may know how to dance but singing is out of our list; we may be an
excellent writer but is not good in public speaking; we may be a Cum laude but a stupid
creature when it comes to love; we maybe a failure with our chosen profession but a
success to another field. Indeed, our intellectual ability doesn’t justify it all. Our
uniqueness does. We may not be good enough with something, but still have that
“exclusive” capability which can lead us to the raging fire of success.

“Do not compare yourself towards others when it comes to riches or success, the
most important thing is both of you are successful in your own ways and paths, as well
as both of you are contented of the merits achieved.”

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