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Saturator is the maintenance product for wooden cladding par

excellence. Saturators provide protection against the sun's UV rays

and humidity. We recommend the Siding Saturator SB600 which is
suitable for various woods such as Douglas, Larch, Red Cedar and
many others.

According to the specie, treatment, maintenance and a whole host of

other influences, you can expect quality timber cladding to last
anywhere between 40-60 years. From the moment wood is cut from a
tree, the process of degradation begins.

. Aeroponics

The name of this method is derived from the air. It is an alternative to traditional soil cultivation

and hydroponics, i.e. cultivation in a liquid environment (to which we will return in a moment).

Aeroponics is a smart system where the roots of plants placed in plates remain suspended in the

air. Water and mineral salts are sprayed onto the exposed roots.
With a good green wall design, such plants grow quickly and are easy to replant without

destroying the root system. The only disadvantage is the high cultivation costs because it

requires complex electronic equipment. Consequently, traditional potted plants are rarely grown

in this way, and more often than not more expensive unique plants are grown.

2. Aquaponics

This ecosystem is based on the use of residual food for fish and other contaminants found in the

aquarium. It works more or less as follows: water from the fish farm (so-called aquaculture)

flows into the system, and the bacteria handle the by-products present therein. As a result of

bacteria action, ammonia is broken down into nitrites and nitrates. The plants benefit from this

by absorbing nitrates as nutrients. The purified water is reverted to the aquaculture system, and

the entire cycle begins again.

The trick is to use technologies that maintain optimal temperature and water circulation. If water

is lost, it is mainly through evaporation - besides that, the aquaponic system is self-sufficient.

3. Hydroponics

The third soil-less cultivation method is hydroponics. It can be used wherever there are no

conditions for soil cultivation - including green walls. The production and growth of plants take

place in artificial conditions, on so-called water mediums.

Such a solution has many advantages. First of all, it allows you to grow plants in a mono-culture

system, which means that for many years, you can stick to one species. In the case of soil

cultivation, it is impossible, because the soil gets tired and depleted over the years. Secondly,

denser seeding and rapid plant development result in much higher yields in the hydroponic

system. Furthermore, the use of water nutrition makes it possible to postpone flowering and

fruiting beyond the "season". It is also worth mentioning the ecological benefits: water-saving

and lower plant contamination (e.g. since no pesticides are required). Finally, hydroponics

eliminates a lot of difficult manual work, which is required in traditional cultivation.

4. Film cultivation system

The fourth method of plant cultivation, the so-called "film cultivation", is so far an innovatory

and promising project. Everything seems to indicate that soon, we will apply it also to the

cultivation of green walls. It was developed by Yuichi Mori, a brilliant Japanese entrepreneur

who discovered the incredible potential... of the film.

While it may seem like Mori uses ordinary kitchen foil for wrapping sandwiches, the situation is

much more complex. He uses his proprietary hydrogel film to grow plants. The added substance

absorbs water and nutrients needed by the plants. Thanks to this, the plants can develop

beautifully. The use of hydrogel film in modular vertical gardens is most probably a matter of

As you can see, the world of green walls is exciting and still thriving. With cutting-edge

technologies, we can introduce greenery into our interior, without taking up much valuable

space. All that remains is to wait for what discoveries unrelenting scientists will provide us with!

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