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Lawful Good: "I'm here to fight for truth, justice, and my people's way!

" Paladins
and Clerics often land here by nature, also fighters who think they're the main
character on a journey to save the world from the Big Bad Guy tend to start off
here, at least. Your stereotypical Superman/Supergirl thought process. And while I
personally am indifferent to it, anyone wanting to play this needs to understand
that other alignments often think of you as literally "Holier than Thou" and you
will get reactions from other characters who are the complete opposite that aren't
the nicest. It's not your fault as a person, but if you play that character,
understand that you're considered the "goodie two shoes" in the group.

Neutral Good: "If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll
be armed as well." Paladins that are out for revenge can drift here. Grumpy but
protective fighters who don't think they're the main character often land here,
especially if someone else in their group is being the target of attack. Druids
live here when they're being support. They talk to the plants and animals, after

Chaotic Good: "Governments should be afraid of their people." Wanna be a Barbarian

with a code of honor? Wanna be a Bard who inspires the weirdos you somehow ended up
friends with to keep fighting those attacking your group? Wanna play a Robin Hood-
like character at all? Wanna be a fighter with high enough charisma who thinks
they're the heroic main character and somehow convinces people around you to go
along with your insane plans? Congrats. You're Chaotic Good. The post-Boomer eras
grew up on these types of heroes.

Lawful Neutral: "The Prime Directive prevents me from helping you." You're a
soldier or spy, or you're very into following the rules of who you're with. Star
Trek's Prime Directive is a good representation of what that looks like.

True Neutral: "Side? I'm on nobody's side. Because nobody is on my side." This can
often be considered the category of Assassins, "it's a job" Mercenaries,
robots/androids/cyborgs, and probably your animal or plant or fungus companion (if
you're the weird nerd who wants to try a Protozoan/Microscopically beneficial
friend (looking at you, fans of Cells at Work), that's on you to convince the DM
it's somehow possible) if they're not influenced by anyone's magic juju but their
own aka True Druid (and if you happen to come across it, that random asexual
strategist in your party that's a support class). Treebeard and his people from
Lord of the Rings is a great representation of this mindset that's more positive.
The Zoldyck family from my favorite series HunterxHunter is a more negative one.
But the idea is that morality or personal feelings tend not to sway how they do
things. What's logical for them personally is what's important.

Chaotic Neutral: "A dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the
honest ones you want to watch out for because you can never predict when they're
going to do something incredibly....stupid." Technically Jack Sparrow is considered
this. He's not a good person by any stretch, and he's not lawful or anything close
to being indifferent about the things happening around him, whether or not he
caused what happened. But I wouldn't call him evil either. Those who are fans of
the Dark Souls series, I'd say Patches is here too.

Lawful Evil: "With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and
bring order." Think Darth Vader and characters like that.

Neutral Evil: "The perfect organism. It's structural perfection is only matched by
its hostility." This is honestly the group hardest for me to explain, because
they're considered animalistically evil for evil's sake. Something that can't be
reasoned with and has no ambitions for why they ended up that way. They're just
Chaotic Evil: Dealing with evil that makes no sense and want/need to fight it? It's
probably here. Characters like Bellatrix Lestrange, And if it's a clown character
from a series that isn't for's probably this. And in the Joker's
case, sometimes it is considered for kids. We still all know he's messed up beyond
belief and evil, especially when we take into consideration what he did to even his
main henchlady Harley before she left him for happiness doing whatever bad behavior
she wants with Poison Ivy.

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