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‘After studying this chapter, the students will be able to: | Give the benefits and the drawback of the use of technology in our society. Surmise what would happen to technology in future years and its would-be effect to our generation. |. React in the inherent power of technology - the power to destroy and preserve truth. | Foretell how communication will transcend according to the ‘occurrence of the cultural revolution in relation to ‘communication technologies and the digital age world. The society has changed! cramatcaly due 12 fe No doubt, technology has played a vital advancement of technology. tole in reshaping the lives of people due to its influence in providing immense opportunities for human's life making it easier and more ‘comfortable. Unlike before, life was burdensome but due to the ‘advancement of technology, the access to medicine, transportation, education, and industry has been simplified. With the advancement of technology, people have more access to various forms ‘of entertainment, information, and ‘communication. On a positive note, with all these changes, the lives of the people of this planet have improved significantly due to the e provided by technology. Modes of transportation have become more accessible using various applications such as Grab and Uber, etc. Also, a broad range of Options have become accessible to people. Technology has also aided people with special needs by providing them with hearing aids, ——++© @ Globalizarion in Coxrenponary World @ @¢-— text readers, and special chairs. People with disability can now enjo their daily living without thinking so much of their disability. The rapid pace of technological change is one of the defining features of the modern world. The interaction of technological force: is described as the era of “post-post crisis’. This period wh everything has to fit the system is multidimensional, encompassing government, private enterprises, environmental and humé components. Succinctly, innovation and sustainability are key determinants of the current civilization where new force will emerge and continue to influence man and his environment in a wider scale. Indeed, the advancement of technology is advantageous to Us, humans. Technology in its simplest definition, is the application of knowledge for practical purposes. It relates to providing results and solving complex problems of man and his environment. Burgelman et al. (1996) and Wahab (2011) define technology from. the perspective of a business context as the theoretical and practical application of knowledge and skills used to develop products and services. From the production of raw materials to logistical and distribution components of a business organization, technology provides ways to improve and develop products, ideas and systems to satisfy human wants. Though it has given us convenience and satisfaction, it has disadvantages too. Due to imesponsible usage of technology, family relationship is being weakened for the family members have been consuming most of their time chatting and using various technologies connecting to other people around the globe. Though the use of technology has made education an accessible one, the use of books. has become’ obsolete. Students have a hard time constructing grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs for they usually spend their time using technology. Excessive use of technology has become an alarming issue to human's health, Too much exposure to technology brings too’much radiation which is bad to one’s health and to serious health problems. A lessened time of socializing with other people is also one of the disadvantages of technology for people tend to play games than to walk outdoor mingling with others. It is undeniably true, the advancement of technology has its advantages and disadvantages. We cannot deny that the 238 ——+*© @ Globalizarion in Corremporany World @ @+-—— ‘advancement of technology has improved our daily living. Let us just be cautious of its advantages and disadvantages. cm Technology is permissively global and truly, the revolutions and changes brought by the advancement of computer technology are not yet fully grasped by the majority of people around the world especially those living in third world countries. Though people find technology drastically changed their mindset and lifestyle, Linge (2013) admitted that the uch as the BEEeSIIE Fecognition, is sti z This means that technology to inrelation to making their work easier and doable in a very short time. Take for example the case of computers. The need for of what is today known as the Internet. Digital networks merely provide a mechanism by which communications are made possible and therefore an important aspect to the was the availability of information delivery services PQRAGIAFT Which are Moving the ‘computer from the organization to the domestic user at home, together with a growth in demand for access to online information, inevitably placed increased demands on the digital net using modems connected to the telephone network and then through deployment of higher speed broadband access using Notably, the application of digital technology to the eee. examined from the dual perspective of how the networks evolved and how the mobile phone was transformed into a pocket computer. The trend is to make small but fast gadgets. Gone were the days when mobile phones were massive. Today, mobile phones cali With the in tion gadgets ar ie internet came the lI ‘Metworks. According to Kasket (2011), the enduring and growing Popularity of social networking sites and technologically mediated Camimunicatone meaine tiat noon Vane WINESBBBIagly Slostaaent 239 rSTTOFTGILUS SR i ——+e@ @ Globalization in Contemporary World @ @e-—— with one another in life, but we leave behind a digital legacy when ‘we die, often to include detailed, co-constructed representations of ourselves in the form of, for example, Facebook profiles. In fact, virtual reality is now the fab in first world countries. As much as people can hold on to the latest and fastest technology and internet ‘connection, the 24-hour time threshold will never be enough. In technology, time moves so fast that the existence of free time in the real world has lost its popularity. No doubt, computer revolutions help people do their work efficiently as well as enjoy the easy access of information around the world however, it also demoted human beings into lazy thinkers. It is sad to note people have forgotten the art of abstraction. Most of the time, the internet citizens are too dependent on World Wide Web. It appears though that internet connection, computer, and high-tech gadgets are synonymous to happiness as manifested by the addiction of its users. Heidegger (1971) said that the peak of [the] abolition of every possibility of remoteness is reached by television, which will soon pervade and dominate the whole machinery of communication. We now know that this assumption was premature. The Intemet far outpaces television in its ability to diminish the distances of time and space and, increasingly, social networking sites are coming to dominate that machinery of communication. The social networking site Facebook is now one of the primary means of technologically. mediated communication. Over 800 million of us worldwide use Facebook as a vehicle for self-representation and interaction. If Facebook's population was a country, it would be the world's third largest. One can only wonder what the name of the capital of Facebook country will be. Cyberspace in general, and social networking sites in particular, have rapidly volved into extensions of ‘our human bodies, opening up new possibilities for us to be with one another in the digital world (Kim, 2001). If there is one more alarming issue as regards the advent of internet, it would be the _ tise of cybercrimes. UN Congress on the: Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNCPCTO) defines cybercrimes or computer crimes as illegal act and behavior directed by means of electronic material directed towards the security of computer systems. These computer-related crimes include illegal possession, offering or distribution of inform: electronically or with the use of a computer network. This downside 240 @ Globalization in Cowremponany ; 4% IR added burden to the damaging effect of the internet, an ac sat goes beyond the normal and ‘ethical use of the internet and puter. Privacy of individuals and organizations are at risk every e cybercrimes occur in the internet. Edwards (2006) mentioned ways to survive the electronic public. He stated that, disintermediation is a major threat to emocracy, as democratic intermediaries fulfil a variety of filter inctions that are essential to the quality of democratic processes. ithough ICT is developing rapidly, no attempts have yet been made 5 develop broader framework for analyzing how ICT —particularly the et - affects democratic intermediation. To move ahead means brace that we are all citizens of the electronic republic. People ould also be more: critical in everything that they see on the emet. Take for example the presence of fake news. The existence of this abomination in the world of information transparency and dom made a huge impact in the politcal landscape. Harnessing s 'as a weapon is next to nuclear weapons en it comes to how big the damage will be measured if people will @ the lies. It can even change history and the belief system of people. This is the true power of technology. It has the power to estroy and preserve truth. The truth where relativity is no longer an jssue when a massive number of people were imbued and spirited with lies. Information Technology 2030 Technology | Potential for: Issues Impact Focus 2030 =] Data New solutions | Thereis There are Solutions | will continue to | uncertainty of numerous ‘emerge in big | determining big | opportunities for and large data | data that are private and processing and | useful to utlize | _ government analysis by organizations in ‘organizations. | developing Security issues | services to clients are high due to | and communities vast availability | they serve. of data. Larger market | High potential | Social media base and users | for seourity and | sites are being of social | privacy issues | used as useful networking where alternative sites as new | cybersecurity is | communications, Platforms are | aprimary | However, these becoming more | challenge in | networking sites innovative, maintaining are used by confidentiality ‘groups for and privacy of | dangerous and users: costly purposes. More smart and | There are only | High possiblity developing | fewcities that | on the quailty of cities will | can sustain the | _ife of people. implement IT | vision of smart | Increased public integrated cities. The safety and infrastructure to | rising costs and improved ‘maintain complexity of | commercial services they | sustaining activities are provide tothe | infrastructure | huge gains. — market and are visible public issues that wil challenge these cities Table 72.1 Information Technologies of 2030. ‘Source: US National intelligence Council The world of 2030 will experience reliance on informationa technology and its major breakthroughs. The next 15-yeai diffusion. This speed of global development will depend on law and the desire of businesses in developing markets to globally (US National Intelligence Council, 2012). organizations are expecting an immediate rise of new and larg markets like social media and cybersecurity. US NIC report ha Projected the year 2030 with three massive information technologice changes and developments. ——+*© @ Globalization in Conremponany World @ @¢-—— Resource Technologies Technology | Potential for Issues impact Focus | 2030 | Agricutture Genetically bad ‘of new Large-scale equipment and | agricultural as | advanced | operations will new technologies | be seenin applications and | __ used in developing automation of | production. markets as equipment are | Governments to be used for will face advance uncertainty as || and higher farming | there are issues | yields will be onthe safety | addressed to and genetically | countries that modified crops | have food | scarci Waiter There willbe | Microirrigation Management tremendous technology will increase of be too is likely to waterdemand | expensive to problem to especially in | countries that | residential and new and large | have severe ighly cities where | water problem | urbanized areas Population is | and poor urban | among the continuously planning. developing rising. To world where combat water there is increasing demand of water. distribution system will be introduced ‘Solar Energy | Advances in sndsiomasy | “strogo”” | ‘mesure | compelve od technologies of using a potential and smart grid | technology and | climate change solutions for | solar energy. mitigation solar energy are strategies. perceived fo be | more 243 individuals and those that do riot have more sufficient personalized means. healthcare will be offered. \ apie 1ZZ Resource and Healh Technology. Source: US National Intelligence Council ‘The diffusion of technological. developments from westerm where there 0G itad of resource consumption will /. tt must be understood that technologies and data across societies as well. One problem is the 's increase of global population which is a Serovs treat othe lined avalaity of resources wee ‘There are numerous attempts and tec! evinces to confront these problems and challenges as brought by advances Ghange, demographic changes, and excessive ‘dustriaization, These innovations in science and technology Se vas dered as best options in finding ways in addressing food, water and energy problems. 1g of the 21% century, yas made huge From the extraction and manufac of raw materials up to the distribution of finished products, thea 2® witnessed) immense changes of the economy. It was it when the of industrial transformation took place. ‘Another breakthrough wai introduction of steam/engine in the 48” century, as part oF ne Firat Industral Revolution This key device in manufacturing facilities gave rise to the ‘across industries as demand was drastically increasing especially in the textile industry. This development._was followed by the introduction ras galy-powered mass production known as the: ‘Atthe end of the 19" century, industrial 244 @ Globalization in Cowremponany World @ @*-——— umber of technological innovations powered by phase were the expansion of ‘major-components, in industries, mass of labor in businesses. The year 1969 enced. significant rise and developments of yelectronics, elon Technology ((T) and automated production: lopments in telecommunications and computers as well as level of automation in production ‘The convergence of these remarkable technologies from the Erst to Third Industrial Revolution has fundamentally altered, ‘changed and transformed the way man and his environment work, Fre and operate. The Fourth Industrial Revolution which is building Be fo third IR’ phase is characterized by the fusion/of physical, igital and biological spheres (Schwab, 2016). In a study conducted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the arrival ofthe Fourth IR is described as the combination of speed, ‘Qelocity and systems impact. The speed of current breakthroughs is Mowing at an exponential and not linear pace (Schwab, 207 David, 7 M18), This stage of technological development is disTuPung st all sectors and industries in all countries worldwide. Its depth and breadth of impact has transformed the entire Syston of Srsnagement, production, and governance both public and private al of the Fourth IR will reshape the: futures of organizations, businesses and entities globally its impact and the o ef technology will continue to play significant fos increasing rol leas fonctions on decisions that have adverse effect, ssed | first lace. vthe wice ‘ction ily in the Bie y the German teat ‘strial Robocup competion, (mage source: Cori Lathan/Reuters and WEF. 245 | ——+*© @ Globalization in Conrenponany World @ @+-—— The following are opportunities that come with the period of Fourth IR: 1. Lower barriers in business transactions. A major shift on the business side is expected to happen within this phenomenon. It will re ‘ause of the introduction of new technologi d in business. The use of n. The introduction of new technologies allows organizations to create new ways of serving market through innovative services, improved and efficient value-chain. 2. Increasing role of Artificial Intelligence (Al). Modernists see this trend as an opportunity that will bring rapid changes to organizations. This highly specialized and technical part of computer science aims to s. There is a fear that Al is threat to the such as industries like aerospace, automotive, financial services and oil exploration. 3 asamp different techniques and domain. will to The integration of technical, digital and biological spheres is is innovative fusion of scientific and technical disciplines will make 4. The role of robotics. Robots are automated motorized tools (WEF, 2017). Robots are made ti through performing tasks such as moving an item form one place to other, cleaning a house and running a machine. Because of robots, new jobs will be created however; there are losers as well because ofa There are human tasks and assignment that could be performed and replaced by robots which are detrimental to the relevance and importance of humans in the operation of an organization. 5. The Internet of Things (loT). This trend of the 4" IR is defined as th (M2M) including variety of domains, protocols and applications (Holler, et al. 2014 and David, et al. 2018). The introduction and development of internet made everything possible from transfer of data up to the rise of smart 246 2egsi8st? @y aii | $32 Mili, #38288 Q ° 58983 With the period of lajor shift on the lenomenon. It will 5, and. business echnologies used Chniques like 3D Of operation. The Ins to create new 4s, improved and Memists see this to organizations. Iter science aims Alis threat to the like aerospace, New forces will and techniques, lical spheres is Mprove markets. ‘lines will make here {zed tools (WEF, Hives of people drm one place to ‘cause of robots, 8s well because arket. There are €d and replaced |d importance of IRis defined as livity of systems (M2M) including etal. 2014 and ent of internet the rise of smart ——+@ @ Globalization in Contemporary World @ @e-—— ss and improvements of applications and techniques in health and education. $ ecu ue peek o> Policymakers and regulators will face increasing pressures on its services to the people. Governments and political entities must deal with the convergence of traditional and new forms in engaging with other social institutions both government and private. Moreover, disruptive changes brought by the 4" IR will introduce technological innovation to governments which are aimed for efficiency and more ‘transparent public service. In addition, changes in infrastructures like digitization of processes, surveillance systems, and enhanced regulatory frameworks will take place substituting the inefficient and costly bureaucratic infrastructures and services of governments. As ‘a consequence, countries that have struggling governmental operations would be at challenging times because of the lack of capital and investment for systems development used for public services. eis Due to velocity, speed and systems impact of the 4IR, private and business sectors will be the primary beneficiaries and highty- affected entities of the phenomenon. Correspondingly, organizations: with enough machineries and resources are identified as possible winners of IR given that they have the ways’and means'to\compete: Large enterprises see this trend as a period where shifting demands and movements of goods and services will be at unprecedented scale. Capital, investment and systems will be at tremendous ‘expansion due to increasing international demand brought by the tise of income of consumers. The development and changing fixtures of commercial infrastructures and business applications will be at major transformations too. MNCs” and” other transnational ‘corporations see these technological breakthroughs as an ‘opportunity to sustain market dominance and revenue leadership worldwide. In a similar manner, technology makers and innovators view the 4IR as an efficient substitute to the Gostly poo! of manpower 247 ++ @ Clobalizarion in Contemporary World @ in businesses and organizations. The robot revolution for example ‘expected to gsnerate: massive! tensfonnations in ladies. 2022, financial services will adopt Humanoid | Stationary | Aerialand | Non- Robots | Robots | Underwater | Humanoid Robots Land Robots 37% 19% | 33% | Financial | Automotive, | Oil and Gas | Automotive, Services | Aerospace Aerospace First and | and Supply ‘and Supply Movers | Investors Chain Chain Table 12.3. The Many Face of the Robot Revolution. Future of Jobs Report 2018.Source: World Economic Forum, edule: The deep relationship between technology and people lies in the manifestation of the growing influence of the latter to the lives of people. On the @Balietenipe, the identified gains that brit beneficial effects to the lives of the public include the means of communication that provides a closer tie among people from different territories. Such development sharing among people. Another good outcome is th which is a method of This is a major provider of stress-free transactions to both business ‘and consumers. As there are benefits, there are also unfavorable conditions that the application of scientific knowledge entails. Thus, societies and organizations were warned by experts on the recognized dangers of the 4IR. A major downside of such phenomenon is its 248 or example is impact to people as its labelled a: a threat to people's employment Adustries. By ‘There wilbe shisha are seen be decning anc emerging 25 the | automotive, period of technological advancement under 4IR continues to flourish. 's, oil and gas In a report published by WEF, it listed down growing and declining Imanoid land skills for the year 2022. tomotive and The succeeding table itemized eight skills under the two mentioned categories. Non- Humanoid Growing Skills Declining Skills Land Robots Analytical thinking and Manual dexterity, endurance and innovation precision es Creativity, originality and Memory, verbal, auditory and 3% initiative spatial abilities Automotive, ‘Active learning and learning | Management of financial, ‘Aerospace strategies material resources and Supply Chain Technology design and Technology installation and [eet tocs = programming maintenance Crilical thinking and analysis | Reading, writing, math and active I listening ‘Complex problem-solving | Management of personnel deople lies in bo the lives of Leadership and social ‘Quality control and safety 5 that bring influence awareness ® continuous te It provides a Emotional intelligence Coordination and time development management Ee Reasoning, problem-solving | Visual, auditory and speech ind services and ideation abilities Applications. ‘Systems analysis and Technology use, monitoring and oth business evaluation control le conditions Table 12.4. 2022 Skills Outlook. Source: ‘World Economic Forum Us, societies | recognized ‘menon is its 249

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