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She is wearing her little orange dress with

ruffles on the arms, a red scarf with gold dots,

and she is wearing white sunglasses, while she
is holding a glass, he is holding a pineapple
and he is wearing a green and plaid shirt. a
white t-shirt, with one brown sunglasses

It is snowing so they are wearing their winter

clothes, she is wearing her blue pants and a
beige jacket with a wool hat and her sneakers,
while he is wearing his black clothes, black
pants and a big black coat.

He is wearing his blue denim pants, a blue

t-shirt and a pastel yellow shirt, and gray socks,
in his hand he holds his green shirt, while she
is wearing white socks, sky blue denim pants, a
white shirt and a purple jacket , while holding
his white pants with colorful stripes
His dress is long, sky blue and with a
royal blue belt, while he is wearing his
turquoise blue shorts and a white shirt with a
blue flower print and he is wearing his black

She wears beige high heels and a white

underdress with a print of blue, green and
purple leaves.
He and she are going to do a photo shoot but
the clothes they are wearing don't convince
them, so he will put on a green shirt while she
tells him to wear those white pants that he
doesn't like very much but she thinks he will. It
will look good for the photos, although there
are more clothes in the closet to be able to
choose the right outfit so that the photos are

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