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University of Zakho

College Of Engineering
Petroleum department

Research Methodology

Prepared by : Bahzad Naif

Supervised by : Mr.Abdulsalam
Article 1, reservoir simulation and modeling

The objective of reservoir simulation and modeling is to accurately predict and optimize
the behavior of subsurface reservoirs, allowing for efficient and sustainable extraction of
hydrocarbons while minimizing environmental impact.

Meaning of the subject

Reservoir simulation and modeling is a computational approach used in the oil and gas
industry to create numerical representations of subsurface reservoirs. These models
help in predicting reservoir behavior, optimizing production strategies, and making
informed decisions for resource extraction.

"Reservoir simulation and modeling: Bridging the gap between theory and real-world
energy solutions, revolutionizing resource extraction and environmental sustainability."

Michael M. Celia, Herbert F. Wang, and Shu Wang (2013)

Article 2, reservoir management and optimization

The objective of reservoir management and optimization is to maximize hydrocarbon
recovery, minimize operational costs, and extend the productive life of oil and gas
reservoirs through strategic planning, monitoring, and decision-making.

Meaning of the subject

Reservoir management and optimization involves the systematic control and supervision
of oil and gas reservoirs to enhance production, reduce costs, and prolong the economic
viability of hydrocarbon assets. This process combines data analysis, decision-making,
and operational adjustments to achieve these goals

Meaning of the subject

Reservoir simulation and modeling is a computational approach used in the oil and gas
industry to create numerical representations of subsurface reservoirs. These models
help in predicting reservoir behavior, optimizing production strategies, and making
informed decisions for resource extraction.

"Reservoir simulation and modeling: Bridging the gap between theory and real-world
energy solutions, revolutionizing resource extraction and environmental sustainability."

Michael M. Celia, Herbert F. Wang, and Shu Wang (2013)

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