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Basic Hedge-riding Instructions Not for distripution outside che Non Wiccan Witches Yahoo Group Author: Modred ( ‘his program requires strength of mind, body, and spirit. Make certain by all means possible that you will bear up under considerable stresa before going on. See a physician to verify that your physical body can tolerate strenuous activity. Tm addition, if you are uncertain about your mental stability, consult a qualified mental health professional first. 1 can’t be held responsible for injuries, physical or otherwise, suffered by undertaking the course outlined below. Thoroughly read through these instructions at least three times, and have the steps memorized, before you take your first hedge-ride Referring to a set of written instructions will act as an anchor to your spirit 2. Arrange a quiet place where you can remain completely undisturbed for an appreciable length of time. Travelers frequently think they have only been absent for a few minutes when they have actually been out and about for an hour or more. This is going to be the place you go to hedge-ride after you have achieved a “runner’s high" as it is sometimes called. 2. Hedge-riding is best done at night, or in the early morning just before dawn. Prepare the space in accordance with your witching beliefs. Negative thoughts, malicious spirits, and distracting clutter should be driven or removed from the area and prevented from entry by whatever means you deen appropriate. 3. If you are going to be alone, set some kind of alarm to signal return at a designated time. Set it at a low volume to prevent being shocked back from the Otherworld. I you have a working partner, have him signal for your return after a specific period by means of a prearranged audible signal -- a gentle chime or bell, a specific drumming pattern, etc. . You are trying to reach a state of mind which has been described in many ways -- a trance state, the gap between consciousness and sleep, a state of ecstasy, etc. ‘This state of mind is probably slightly different for everyone. Dancing, chanting, drumming, singing, whirling, and entheogens (culturally entrenched drugs) are all used to reach altered states by various cultures, but you are going to use exertion as your magic broom. If you are someone who exercises regularly, and have experienced the feeling of wellbeing that is conmonly called “runner's high,” then you can skip the next portion and move to Step 7. . I’m not a big fan of clocks, gauges and equipment (I know my body and don't need then) but until you get to know your body, you might need sone numbers: You are going elevate your heart rate for about 45 minutes. To find your Target Heart Rate (THR), check your resting heart rate. Using a watch, find your pulse (usually at the throat on your right hand side) and count the beats for 15 seconds Multiply by four. This is your resting heart rate. Consult the table below (round up your age to the next higher bracket and round down your resting heart rate to the next lowest). The 15-second equivalent count is found to the right of the per-mimute count Example: You are 30 years old and your 15-second heart rate count ie 16, 16 X 4 = 72, Start on the age 33 line and trace over to a resting heart rate of 70. Your THR is 156 beats per minute (or 2 41S-second count of 39) i Rae] 6. Perform whatever abe ieABEAENME| Cte you axe 162 | 41 | 164 { 41 | 165 | 41 | 167 | 42 | 168 | 42 [160 [40 [161 [40 [163 41[ 164] 41 [168 | 41) —contorcable with, 157 | 39 | 159 | 40 | 160 | 40 | 162 | 40 | 163 | 41 | 155 | 30 [4661 aai| 157 | 30 | 159 | 40 | 160 | 40 periodically 162 | 38| 163 [98 [155 [30] 156130[158 [99] — cyecking your neart ag | 37 [151 | 38 | 152 | 38 | 154 | 38 | 155 | 39 147 | 37 [148 | 37 [150 [37 [151 | 38] 153/38] rate to make sure 7144 | 36 [146 | 36 | 147 | 37 | 148 [37 | 150 | 37 1235] 143 [36 | 144] 36[ 146 [a6 [44737] +t eat THR. a9 [95 | 140 [35 [142 [35 {743 [96 [145 36) everyone a 196 | 24 | 198 | 34 | 129 | 35 | 141 | 35 | 142 | 36 134 | 33 | 135 137 {34 [138 [as] 140[ a5] — St#ferent, bur nose people will get a distinct sensation after 45 minutes of exercise at this THR, «when your exercise is done and you have achieved the sensation of “runner's high,” begin your cool down phase (approximately 5 to 10 minutes). I personally like to walk a quarter mile or so. While you are cooling down begin to prepare mentally. Your intent must be complete. Not a rigid mindset at all - not cold determination -- but rather you must be consumed by the completely relaxed certainty that you are going to fly. Ceol down so that your heart isn't xacing, but don’t go too far past the peak of your elevated physical and mental state. . Return to the secluded place that you prepared for yourself in Step 2. Light a candle and lie on your back in a relaxed position. Shield the light from your eyes with a blindfold, an arm across the eyes, or an eyeless mask. ‘The careful and thoughtful construction of a mask without holes for the eyes may help focus your intent and facilitate prompt and effective flight . Completely relax and repose in the absolute certainty that you are going to the Otherworld. There can be no doubt in your mind, no lingering thoughts regarding the likelihood of achieving flight or 10 aa. the validity of the process. You cannot harbor any self-conscious feelings such se foolishness or enbarrassment, and your mindset rust be that what you are about to experience is real indeed. Recall a natural location where you felt a deep connection to the spiritual world. The location must be specific rather than general and as charged with emotion as possible. A particular tree, larse stone, cave, mountain peak, etc, will suffice as long as the location is evocative. This will be the place from which your adventure begins, an entry point to the Otherworld. The first journey is to the Lower World, therefore an entry point that affords access to the earth is best. Later sojourns may take you to the upper World or to other locations as yet undreant of, but for now, you are going to realm of darkness beneath your feet Always have a specific purpose in mind when riding the hedge. The purpose of your first venture is to meet your first faniliar. At least one familiar existe for every witch. This can be an animal, the spirit of a departed person or animal, a mythic beast, or a menber of the faerie folk. There are infinite possibilicies, although familiars are gi erally spirits who cake on the aspects of wild animals. Generally kind and understanding, familiars are independent spirite and manifest their wide-ranging personalities. The familiar picks the witch, not the reverse, and the duty is strictly on a volunteer basis. Therefore you can be assured that your familiar will be favorably disposed toward you and willing to teach, although familiares can be intolerant of foolishness and inattentiveness, and like any good teacher, suitably critical if the situation requires. Your familiars are your guides, tutors, protectors, and loyal helpers -- essential conponents of safe and beneficial hedge-riding. Once you have established a relationship 12. a3. aa. 15 as. with your familiar you will need to maintain the relationship just as you would maintain a relationship with a person in the material world. Experiences with your familiar may be visual, auditory, sensory, empathic, or all four at once. Communications, conversations, interactions, and activities have no limits; there is nothing you cannot experience while hedge-riding on heage-rides subsequent to the first you may encounter other entities and acquize more familisrs. These familiars can and will figure prominently in your otherworldly work. when the prescribed conditions have been arranged, and if your intent is certain, lay flat on your back with eyes covered as Giscussed previously, and envision the pre-selected entryway. Recall the detaile of the location; ail of che sights, smells, sounds, and sensations of being there. If your entry is an object such as a tree, you may flow through a bole; if it’s a sinkhole or well, you may jump down and float or fall to the botton; if it is a cave, you may simply step inside. Tm any event, don’t dictate waat happens by means of fantasy. Just envision the emotionally charged entryway you have pre-selected and allow events co unfold. Your spirit will go to the location and your hedge-ride will begin. once you have traversed the entryway it is common to see a tunnel ahead, sometimes narrow, sometimes not, sonetines with impediments or barriers. If there are barriers, move around or through them and continue forward. Ac the end of the tunnel or path is the Lower World, and there also your familiar. Some people veport seeing a number of animals or other entities upon entering the Lower World, and are confused as to which one is the first familiar. If this is the case, explore vv 18. 19. the area and await further signs. Some say that the entity who appears the third or fourth time is the one. If no clear signs present themselves, you may need to return and venture back to the Lower World a second or third time to discover your fami Te 1g important that you not bring back anything you find along the way, and that you be careful not to consume or absorb any objects, powers, or energies encountered on the first trip. This will be allowed on subsequent trips if and only if a trusted familiar directs or advises you to do so. I the alarm signal to return sounds waile you are still inside the entryway or tunnel, try again another day, in the interim giving thought and consideration to how the barriers can be surmounted. Above all, do not rush or force the activity. Riding the hedge is Like picking up mercury; the more ham-handed the approach, the more Likely you will fail. when your journey is complete, record the details in writing for reference. I’m not mich enanored of relying on written records, but early on you may find that no matter how moving and relevant your hedge-rides are, they can be as ephemeral and easily forgotten as dreams. Keeping @ dream diary encourages the recollection of dveams. Keeping a diary of hedge-rides serves the came. #ventuall you won't need it, but initially you almost certainly will Lhe. Yiadge nite ees foe forme hie Anbtuctien Marfut oe frond ds “tag foe pf gee, Met ie

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