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Taric Hachmi

Mr. Huff

Dual Credit College English 101

31 August 2023

The Art of Writing

Writing encompasses what us human beings desire to achieve in our academic lives. It

touches on learning about vocabulary, structure, use of words, arguments, thought process, and

many more aspects. When I prepare to write, I take many things into account. First, I brainstorm

about the topic I’m writing about. When I’m done brainstorming, I narrow the ideas downward

to about two to three. I analyze each option individually and decide based on which one meets

my strengths the most in writing. Normally, people tell you to write a rough draft and follow a

specific order, but I write my draft and change it along the way. When new ideas come to my

head, I edit it as I go on. When the draft is complete, I edit it and make a final product.

There are many parts to writing an essay, but my favorite is creating an argument and

supporting it. It is my most common form of essays because of school and choice. The

combination of making a statement and researching ways to support feels the most natural to me.

For example, I wrote many document based essays in AP World where you had to support your

claim with the documents. This essay is the easiest because my strategy works the best. I find a

claim, support it, and conclude the essay with what I found. This is why writing is valuable. It

makes you be creative and to be thoughtful about what you write. There are some boundaries you

cannot cross while writing a formal essay but that does not stop you from being creative. These

descriptions are how I go about writing an essay.

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