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(HealthDay)—Many children have difficulty with learning at some point, but those with learning

disabilities often have several specific and persistent signs, which can start in preschool years.
Recognizing them as soon as possible allows a child to get needed help and make better
progress.General signs include difficulty with reading, writing, math skills, understanding or
following directions, paying attention, retaining information, staying organized or understanding
words or concepts, including time, according to the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development.You or a teacher may also notice problems with behavior, such as not
responding appropriately to situations or when dealing with new things.
Signs of learning problems in preschoolers include starting to talk later than their peers, having a
hard time pronouncing words and learning the alphabet, numbers and days of the week,
extreme restlessness, difficulty interacting with their peers and following a simple routine. You
might notice that the child struggles with rhyming words and that his vocabulary is slow to
increase—one sign of this is not being able to find the right word when talking.In elementary
school-aged kids, signs of learning difficulty might include confusing basic words, transposing or
substituting letters, numbers and arithmetic signs, acting impulsive and even having poor
coordination or being accident-prone. A child may be slow to learn or
have difficulty remembering lessons.Developing the right plan for your child starts with getting a
professional evaluation. Often teachers are the ones to pick up problems, but if you're
concerned, talk to your pediatrician or the school psychologist.An evaluation involves academic
and psychological testing as well as a review of the child's developmental, school and social
performance. Once a determination is made, an individualized education plan, or IEP, can be
developed. Needed educational services may be paid for by the government, so don't delay.
(Ziua Sânatätii) - Multi copii au dificultati in învatare la un moment dat, dar cei cu dificultati de invatare au
adesea câteva semne specifice si persistente, care pot începe in ani prescolari. Recunoasterea lor cât mai
curând posibil permite copilului sã primeascã ajutorul de care are nevoie si sã faca progrese mai
bune.Semnele generale includ dificultati de citire, scriere, abilitàti de matematicà, intelegerea sau
urmarea instructiunilor, acordarea atentiei, pâstrarea informatiilor, mentinerea organizatiei sau
intelegerea cuvintelor sau conceptelor, inclusiv timpul, conform Institutului National pentru Sanatatea
Copilului si Dezvoltarea Umanã din SUA. Dvs. sau un profesor putti observa, de asemenea, probleme cu
comportamentul, cum ar fi nereactionarea adevata la situati sau atunci când aveti de-a face cu lucruri
noi.Semnele problemelor de invatare la prescolari includ inceperea sa vorbeasca mai târziu decât colegii
lor, dificultati in a pronunta cuvintele si a invata alfabetul, numerele si zilele säptâmânii, neliniste
extrema, dificultäti de a interactiona cu semenii lor si de a urma o rutinã simplã. S-ar putea sã observati
cã copilul se lupt cu cuvintele care rimeazã si cã vocabularul sãu creste lent - un semn al acestui lucru este
cã nu reuseste sã gaseascã cuvântul potrivit atunci când vorbeste.La copiii de vârstà scolarã elementarà,
semnele dificultatii de invatare pot include cuvinte de bazã confuze, transpunerea sau cuvinte de baza
contuze, transpunerea sau înlocuirea literelor, numerelor si semnelor aritmetice, actionând impulsiv si
chiar având o coordonare slabã sau predispus la accidente. Un copil poate sa invete lent sau sã aibà
dificultàti in a -si aminti lectiile.

Dezvoltarea planului potrivit pentru copilul dumneavoastrã începe cu obtinerea unei evaluari
profesionale. Adesea, profesorii sunt cei care ridicà problemele, dar dacã esti îngrijorat, discuta cu
medicul pediatru sau cu psihologul scolii.

O evaluare implicã teste academice si psihologice, precum si o revizuire a performantei de dezvoltare,

scolara si social a copilului. Odatã ce se face o determinare, poate fi elaborat un plan educational
individualizat sau EP. Servicile educationale necesare pot fi plätite de guvern, asa cã nu întârziati.

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