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Lesson Title: Exploring Cells Through Technology and Creativity

With the help of technology, you can design a digital guide, like a virtual tour, that
takes people on a journey into the cell. You get to choose how to represent each
part, like the nucleus, mitochondria, and the cell membrane, using analogies.
Analogies are like comparing something you don't know to something you do. For
example, you can say that the nucleus is like the city's control center, just as your
brain controls your body.

Grade Level: 7th Grade Quarter: 2nd Quarter

Science Standard(s) - S7L2 a. Develop a model and construct an explanation of how cell structures
contribute to the function of the cell as a system in obtaining nutrients in order to grow, reproduce,
make needed materials, and process waste.
CSSTEM Standard(s) - MS-CS-FID-3 Design digital products that reveal a professional layout and
look by applying design principles to produce professional quality digital products.
Lesson Essential Question: Vocabulary: Plant cell, animal cell, screens, buttons, HCJ
"How can technology and creative thinking Builder, Content editor, Custom template, HTML, CSS,
help us better understand and explain the Javascript,
complex inner workings of living cells?"

Lesson Materials: Lesson Assessment:

MAD-Learn, Canva, Word

STEM Challenge Overview:

Welcome to the "Exploring Cells Through Technology and Creativity" project! In this exciting and
innovative exploration, you will combine the power of technology and creative thinking to unravel the
mysteries of living cells. Cells are the fundamental units of life, and they have complex inner workings
that are both fascinating and challenging to understand. Through this project, you will embark on a
journey to make cell biology more accessible and engaging.

For a project centered around using technology and creative thinking to understand and explain the
complex inner workings of living cells, teachers should have relevant background knowledge and
information, including:
1. Cell Biology Fundamentals: Teachers should have a strong understanding of basic cell biology
concepts, including cell structure, function, and the various organelles (e.g., nucleus,
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum). This knowledge will serve as the foundation for guiding
2. Technological Tools: Familiarity with the technology tools and resources available for studying
cells is essential. This may include knowledge of microscopes, digital modeling software, data
analysis tools, and educational apps or platforms related to cell biology.
3. Creative Thinking Techniques: Teachers should be versed in techniques that foster creative
thinking. Understanding creative problem-solving methods and activities can help guide students
in developing unique approaches to representing cell biology concepts.
4. Data Analysis Skills: An understanding of basic data analysis principles is valuable, as students
may be collecting and interpreting data related to cell biology using various technological tools.
5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration is a key aspect of
the project. Teachers should understand the value of bringing together students from
different backgrounds and disciplines to enrich the project's outcomes.
6. Educational Technology: Knowledge of educational technology and digital tools that support
learning can be beneficial. Teachers should be aware of tools and platforms that facilitate the
creation of multimedia presentations, simulations, and educational resources.
7. Assessment and Evaluation: Teachers should have a clear understanding of how to assess
students' work in this project. This includes evaluating their understanding of cell biology, their
use of technology, and the effectiveness of their creative representations.
8. Safety and Ethical Considerations: Ensure students are aware of safety protocols when working
with microscopes and other scientific equipment. Teachers should also guide students on ethical
considerations when using technology for scientific exploration.
9. Access to Resources: Know where to access relevant resources, such as textbooks, online
references, and educational websites that can support students in their research and creative
10. Professional Development: Teachers may consider participating in professional development
opportunities related to teaching STEM subjects, technology integration, and creative thinking.
This can provide additional tools and strategies for facilitating the project.
11. Access to Technology: Ensure that students have access to the necessary technology and
software for their projects. Teachers should coordinate with school administrators and IT
support to address any technology-related challenges.
12. Support and Guidance: Be prepared to provide guidance and support to students throughout the
project, helping them with technical issues, creative thinking challenges, and the communication
of scientific concepts.
By having a solid foundation in these areas, teachers can effectively guide and support students in
their exploration of cell biology through technology and creative thinking. Additionally, staying updated
on the latest developments in the field can enhance the teacher's ability to inspire and mentor
students effectively.

Career Connection:
Graphic designer
Content writer
Project Manager
QA Analyst
UI/UX Designer
1. Ask/Engage
Byrom will explain the project to the students. They will create partnerships and understand the task
before them and the timeline until the due date.

2. Imagine/Brainstorm

In Byrom’s class, the students will pick their cell, and then try to figure out the analogies that will go
with each part of the cell.

3. Plan/Design

In Byrom’s class, the students will figure out the plan and then create the design for their app.

4. Create / Test

In Watts’s class, the students will start creating the screens and building the app.

5. Evaluate/Improve – and repeat Steps 1-5

In Watts’s class, the students will show their app to others to get feedback and then use the
feedback to improve their app.

6. Present/Communicate

In Byrom’s and Watts’s class, students will show off their apps with their analogies.

7th Grade


Knowledge of the different parts of the cell and what they do. Knowledge of app design and coding
where necessary.

Welcome to the "Exploring Cells Through Technology and Creativity" project! In this exciting and
innovative exploration, you will combine the power of technology and creative thinking to unravel the
mysteries of living cells. Cells are the fundamental units of life, and they have complex inner workings
that are both fascinating and challenging to understand. Through this project, you will embark on a
journey to make cell biology more accessible and engaging.

1. Create the app in MAD-Learn
2. Pictures, designs, and facts should come from Canva or Mackinvia

Must include:
1. 20 screens or more
2. About us page
3. About the app page
4. Citation page

1. App has to be completed on time.

1. ASK / ENGAGE: What is the problem you are being asked to solve with your app?

2. IMAGINE/BRAINSTORM: Brainstorm analogies that will go to each part of the cell.

3. PLAN/DESIGN: Complete the planning document of the cell part, the analogy, and who is
responsible for creating it.
Cell Part Analogy Who is creating this?
4. CREATE/TEST: Create your app and make sure that each button goes to the correct page. What
are some problems that you have found in your app?

5. EVAULATE/IMPROVE: Did your app solve the problem within the given constraints? What can
you do to improve your app?

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