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Poem + Children’s Book: Salva and Nya story poem.

Timeline: Salva’s Part: 1985: Salva, an 11-year-old boy from the Dinka tribe in
southern Sudan, is at school when war breaks out in his village. He is forced to flee, and embarks
on a long and dangerous journey, leaving behind his family and everything he knows.

1985-1991: Salva joins a group of other displaced boys and begins a long trek on foot to a
refugee camp in Ethiopia. Many of the boys die from starvation, disease, and attacks by wild
animals or enemy soldiers. Salva's best friend, Marial, is killed by a lion during this time.

1991-1995: Due to political turmoil, the refugee camp in Ethiopia is closed, and Salva and the
other refugees are forced to flee again. They cross the Gilo River and are eventually taken in by a
refugee camp in Kenya.

1995: Salva is offered the opportunity to emigrate to the United States. After initially refusing, he
decides to accept the offer and begins a new life in Rochester, New York.

2003: Salva returns to Sudan for the first time in nearly 20 years, hoping to help rebuild his
home village and to find any surviving members of his family. He is successful in both efforts.


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