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Saturn is the development of personal worth.

It is the realization that reward is a direct

result of personal effort and responsibility. It is facing reality and accepting the burdens of
It is judgment refined by experience. Saturn defines the fear of the unknown that too often
inhibits progress because of lack of confidence. Once confidence is regained, the individual is
assured of growth and can realize objectives that were always available as potentials. One
the freedom that was denied by fear of inadequacy. Saturn establishes priorities to allow
efficient management of personal resources in planning goals. When functioning negatively,
denotes pessimism and defeat. When hope is dimmed by the overwhelming burden of
responsibility, even the slightest effort is laborious. Self-discipline is essential to assure that
one's efforts are always productive. It is absolutely necessary to adhere to the laws of nature
gain the advantage over those who do not, as demonstrated by the evolutionary process of the
survival of the fittest. Saturn is the wisdom that results from the thoughtful application of

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