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Facts and myths pertaining to fibromyalgia

Winfried Häuser & Mary-Ann Fitzcharles

To cite this article: Winfried Häuser & Mary-Ann Fitzcharles (2018) Facts and myths
pertaining to fibromyalgia, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 20:1, 53-62, DOI: 10.31887/

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Clinical research
Facts and myths pertaining to fibromyalgia
Winfried Häuser, MD; Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, MD


M any physicians—particularly rheumatolo-

gists, pain special­ists, and general practitioners, but also
mental health care specialists—have experience of pa-
tients who describe chronic widespread pain (pain all
over the body), which is associated with a range of other
Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by chronic widespread symptoms including poor sleep, fatigue, and depression.
pain, unrefreshing sleep, physical exhaustion, and cogni- This complex set of symptoms is now recognized as fi-
tive difficulties. It occurs in all populations throughout bromyalgia (FM), but remains a challenging concept for
the world, with prevalence between 2% and 4% in gen- numerous reasons.1
eral populations. Definition, pathogenesis, diagnosis, FM is “a bitterly controversial condition.”2 FM
and treatment of FM remain points of contention, with “wars” are fought on the legitimacy and clinical use-
some even contesting its existence. The various classifi- fulness of the diagnostic label “FM,” the nosological
cation systems according to pain medicine, psychiatry, classification, suggested etiology and pathophysiology,
and neurology (pain disease; persistent somatoform pain “ownership,” and the preferred treatment options.2,3
disorder; masked depression; somatic symptom disorder; In the past 30 years, the scientific publications on
small fiber neuropathy; brain disease) mostly capture FM have increased considerably. This surge might be
only some components of this complex and heteroge- explained by an increased awareness and shared inter-
neous disorder. The diagnosis can be established in most
cases by a general practitioner when the symptoms meet Keywords: depression; fibromyalgia; small fiber neuropathy; somatic symptom
disorder; somatoform disorder
recognized criteria and a somatic disease sufficiently ex-
plaining the symptoms is excluded. Evidence-based inter- Author affiliations: Department Internal Medicine 1, Klinikum Saarbrück-
disciplinary guidelines give a strong recommendation for en, Saarbrücken, Germany. Department Psychosomatic Medicine and Psy-
chotherapy, Technische Universität München, München, Germany (Win-
aerobic exercise and cognitive behavioral therapies. Drug fried Häuser). Division of Rheumatology, McGill University Health Centre,
therapy is not mandatory. Only a minority of patients ex- Quebec, Canada, Alan Edwards Pain Management Unit, McGill University
Health Centre, Quebec, Canada (Mary-Ann Fitzcharles)
perience substantial symptom relief with duloxetine, mil-
nacipran, and pregabalin. Address for correspondence: Winfried Häuser, MD, Department Internal
Medicine 1, Klinikum Saarbrücken Winterberg 1, D-66119 Saarbrücken,
© 2018, AICH – Servier Research Group Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017;20:53-61.

Copyright © 2018 AICH – Servier Research Group. All rights reserved 53
Clinical research
est of a number of stakeholders, including the patients ist.”6,9 The discussion as to whether FM exists or not
who are suffering, patient self-help organizations, clini- raises the question as to what defines the existence
cians, researchers, and the pharmaceutical industry. This of a disease.10 A satisfactory definition of a disease is
recognition of FM will serve to promote research to un- surprisingly difficult. What can be identified as a dis-
derstand the underlying pathophysiology and thereby ease also changes over time, partly due to changes in
improve therapy. Beyond the altruistic goals of under- diagnostic ability, but often on account of social and
standing and treating an illness, other factors may play economic factors. One example is osteoporosis. Origi-
a role in the attention given to FM, including the legiti- nally recognized as an unavoidable part of normal
mization of symptoms and sickness for patients, influ- aging, it became a defined pathology when officially
ence for academics, economic gain for pharmaceutical recognized as a disease by the World Health Organiza-
companies, and legal interests.3,4 tion (WHO) in 1994. Once a condition is recognized,
It is our opinion that some FM “wars” are fought numerous advantages accrue, including the validation
because of the belief systems of medical and psycho- of the illness and suffering, as well as fiscal advantages,
logical specialties, the interests of patient self-help or- which include treatment reimbursements.11 If official
ganizations, financial advantages for the pharmaceu- recognition by the WHO is a requirement for desig-
tical industry, and personal academic advancement, nation as a disease, then FM fulfills this condition. In
rather than the objective of valid scientific and clinical 1994, the 10th revision of the International Classifica-
progress.² Within these disputes, we may observe strong tion of Diseases (ICD‑10) listed FM under “diseases of
opinions about the nature of FM and treatment recom- the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.”12
mendations that are contrary to mainstream medicine In contrast, if a defined etiology and pathophysiol-
and the current scientific knowledge. These we identify ogy are required for the definition of a disease, then
as the myths of FM. FM is not a disease.13 The WHO uses the term “disor-
In this paper, we discuss some of the myths con- der” throughout the classification of mental disorders,
cerning FM, with a special focus on those extolled by thereby avoiding problems inherent in the use of terms
mental health specialists (psychiatry, psychosomatic such as “disease” and “illness.” However, “disorder” is
medicine, and clinical psychology) and neurologists. We not an exact term, but is used to imply the existence of
have based our facts on the interdisciplinary evidence- a clinically recognizable set of symptoms or behaviors
based clinical guidelines on FM of Canada,5 Germany,6 associated in most cases with distress and interference
and the European League Against Rheumatism (EU- with personal functions.12 In this context, FM meets
LAR).7 High-quality guidelines, based upon the best the criteria of a disorder.
available scientific evidence and the clinical experience In addition, the reluctance of some physicians to use
and consensus of patients with all specialties involved the diagnostic label of FM can be explained by the pre-
in the management of a disease, are designed to over- ponderance of the biomedical model in medical prac-
come dogmatic belief systems and to give patients, their tice. The model attributes a key role to biological de-
families, and clinicians a guide to navigate the diagnos- terminants and explains a disease as a condition caused
tic and therapeutic challenges of FM, while respecting by external pathogens or disorder in the functions of
the societal context of fiscal responsibility within health organs and body systems. A disease is diagnosed by ob-
care systems.8 jective findings such as laboratory tests, imaging, or pa-
thology findings.14 At this time, the diagnosis of FM can-
Myths and facts not be based on objective findings.8 As for most mental
disorders, the diagnosis of FM requires a history of a
Legitimacy of symptoms cluster of symptoms that define the disorder according
to expert consensus and clinical studies. The diagnosis
Fibromyalgia does not exist of FM is made if the symptoms reported by the patient
meet predefined criteria and if a somatic disease suf-
Many patients diagnosed with FM by a rheumatologist ficiently explaining the symptoms is excluded.8
or a pain medicine specialist report having another FM can be seen as a continuum disorder similar to
health care professional state that: “FM does not ex- other diseases/disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension,

Fibromyalgia - Häuser and Fitzcharles Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 20 . No. 1 . 2018

and depression, rather than a discrete disorder that or whether they occur uniquely as a critical component
could be present or absent at a particular time point. of this disorder. Individual patients may also attribute
The prevalence of the syndrome depends on the cut- variable weight to the comorbid symptoms of FM, al-
offs used for the definition of the disease/disorder, but though chronic widespread pain remains the defining
may wax and wane over time.8 Persons diagnosed with feature of FM.
FM do not represent a discrete group; FM constitutes
the end of a continuous spectrum of polysymptomatic Fibromyalgia is a masked depression
distress (somatic and psychological symptom burden)
within the population.15 Another myth is that FM is a masked depression or an
affective spectrum disorder.24 The lifetime prevalence
Classification of depressive disorders in FM patients ranges between
40% and 80%, depending on the instruments and di-
Fibromyalgia is a pain disease agnostic criteria used.25 However, not every patient
with FM is depressed and not every patient with de-
The International Association for the Study of Pain pressive disorder reports chronic widespread pain.13,26
(IASP) established a task force for the classification The association of FM and depressive disorders can be
of chronic pain for the upcoming 11th revision of the explained by symptom overlap (eg, sleep problems, fa-
ICD. The goal is to create a classification system that tigue) and shared biological (eg, genes) and psychologi-
is applicable in primary care and in clinical settings for cal (eg, childhood adversities) mechanisms.26 The Ger-
specialized pain management. One such category is man guidelines state that FM and (masked) depression
chronic primary pain, which is defined as pain in one are not interchangeable.13
or more anatomic regions that persists or recurs for
longer than 3 months and is associated with significant Fibromyalgia is a persistent somatoform pain disorder
emotional distress or significant functional disability
(interference with activities of daily life and partici- The absence of a defined pathology and the association
pation in social roles) and that cannot be better ex- of FM symptoms with psychosocial stress prompted
plained by another chronic pain condition. This new some specialists in psychosomatic medicine to use the
phenomenological definition was created because the diagnostic label “persistent somatoform pain disorder”
etiology for many forms of chronic pain is unknown. (ICD-10 F45.4). Indeed, 60% to 80% of FM patients
The term “primary pain” was chosen in close liaison meet the diagnostic criterion of either the onset or ag-
with the ICD-11 revision committee, who felt this was gravation of FM symptoms by psychosocial stress and
the most widely acceptable term, in particular, from a emotional conflicts.27 The German guideline states that
nonspecialist perspective.16 Dysfunction in pain mod- FM and persistent somatoform pain disorder are not
ulation, demonstrated by allodynia and spontaneous interchangeable.13
pain, suggests that FM could be a pain disease owing
to an increase in pain sensitivity and decrease in pain Fibromyalgia is a somatic symptom disorder
inhibitory controls.17
Whether FM is indeed only a pain disorder remains There has been a move to classify FM as a somatic
contested. As early as 1989, Turk and Flor stated that symptom disorder (SSD). Recently, the American Psy-
FM is more than chronic widespread pain and tender chiatric Association substituted the category “pain dis-
points.18 Tender points can be regarded as the “sedimen- order” with SSD in the fifth version of the Diagnostic
tation rate” of somatic and psychological distress.19,20 and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
The new diagnostic criteria for FM give unrefreshed The diagnosis of SSD may be made when there are
sleep and fatigue a nearly equal weight for diagnosis persistent (ie, typically longer than 6 months) somatic
and even include depression as a minor symptom.21-23 symptoms that are distressing and/or significantly dis-
The composite of symptoms that occur in patients with ruptive of daily life (criteria A and C) and are accom-
FM raises the question of whether these various other panied by excessive and disproportionate symptom-
symptoms are merely the consequence of chronic pain related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (criteria B).28

Clinical research
There have been recent publications that classify FM as Diagnosis
an SSD.29,30 However, in one study, only 26% of FM pa-
tients met the criteria for an SSD. The construct validity Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion and requires
and the clinical utility of the diagnostic label SSD were tender point examination by a rheumatologist
limited in this study.31
The clinical diagnosis of FM should be made by the pri-
Fibromyalgia is a brain disease mary care physician at the point of care after a clinical
encounter that comprises a complete history and physi-
The best-established pathophysiological features of FM cal examination. Although the tender point examina-
are those of central sensitization (ie, augmented pain tion has been embedded in the culture of FM diagnosis
and sensory processing in the brain), with increased over the past three decades, it is no longer accepted as
functional connectivity to pronociceptive brain regions a reliable clinical finding and is not included in current
and decreased connectivity to antinociceptive regions, diagnostic criteria. It was previously used in clinical
and accompanying changes in central nervous system practice to confirm or refute a diagnosis of FM and was
(CNS) neurotransmitters, as well as in the size and shape initially believed to be a semiobjective confirmatory
of brain regions. When these CNS changes were target- test. The diagnosis of FM remains a challenge for physi-
ed with pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic therapies cians, especially for general practitioners and psychia-
known to influence CNS function, a subset of individu- trists, as noted in a survey conducted in six European
als reported improvement in the cardinal symptoms of countries, Mexico, and South Korea.36 Lack of training
FM. An association of these effects with corresponding about FM is often cited as the reason for uncertainty.
improvement in functional, chemical, and structural Currently, there is no specific diagnostic laboratory test
neuroimaging findings, promoted the concept that FM or biomarker available for the diagnosis of FM. Recent
is a brain disease.17 guidelines are in agreement that the diagnosis remains
However, these changes are not unique or distinct to clinical, and the purpose of the physical examination
FM. Findings of CNS alterations that are used to sup- and limited laboratory investigations is to rule out some
port the idea of pain centralization also support other other somatic disease that can sufficiently explain the
CNS-based hypotheses, including the consequences of symptoms.8 Although there are numerous medical con-
personality traits (such as pain catastrophizing), sym- ditions that may mimic FM, such as neurological and
pathetic nervous system dysfunction, the evolutionary internal diseases (eg, multiple myeloma), these can be
stress response, and the activation of homeostatic neu- excluded by careful clinical evaluation.37 The diagnosis
ral programs.4,32 can and should be established in most cases by a pri-
mary care physician. A referral to a specialist (eg, rheu-
Fibromyalgia is a small fiber neuropathy matologist, neurologist, or endocrinologist) should be
limited to situations where there is a reasonable clini-
After identification of small-nerve-fiber pathology in cal suspicion of some other condition that is presenting
some FM patients, a claim was made that FM is a neu- similarly to FM.8
rological disease (small fiber neuropathy).33 However, The preliminary American College of Rheumatol-
small fiber pathology findings cannot be detected in ogy (ACR) 2010 diagnostic criteria21 and the modified
all patients meeting established FM criteria.34 In addi- 201122 and 2016 criteria23 may be used to validate a clini-
tion, some small-pathology findings, such as decreased cal diagnosis of FM. These criteria do not require pal-
intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) have been pation of tender points. Instead, patients are assessed
noted in most chronic pain conditions where this has by the widespread pain index—which divides the body
been examined and in other conditions not normally into 19 regions and scores the number of regions re-
associated with pain, such as postural tachycardia syn- ported as painful—and a symptom severity score that
drome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.34,35 Finally, the assesses severity of fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, and
typical clinical picture of patients with small fiber neu- cognitive symptoms. The widespread pain index and
ropathy differs considerably from that seen in most FM symptom sever­ity scores have been combined into a
patients.34 single questionnaire with a maximum score of 31 and

Fibromyalgia - Häuser and Fitzcharles Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 20 . No. 1 . 2018

can be completed by self-report (Figure 1).22 A cutoff symptoms of patients, has a disempowering effect on
questionnaire score of 12 to 13 was statistically best at patients, and promotes medicalization and potential for
distinguishing those who fulfilled the ACR 2010 criteria iatrogenic harm.
from those who did not.38 In fact, some protagonists of the concept of “central
sensitization” of FM claim that FM can be medically
Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis for middle-aged women explained (as a neurologic disease) and that psycholog-
ical processes such as somatization or catastrophizing
It is a myth that FM occurs only in middle-aged women.
FM occurs in all populations across the world and can Fibromyalgia symptom questionnaire
affect all ages. Symptom prevalence ranges between
I. Using the following scale, indicate for each item the level of
2% and 4% in the general population. In clinical popu- severity over the past week by checking the appropriate box.
lations, women between 40 and 60 years of age are the
0: No problem
majority with a female to male ratio of 8-10:1.4 How- 1: Slight or mild problems; generally mild or intermittent
ever, in epidemiology studies that use the 2011 criteria, 2: Moderate; considerable problems; often present and/or at a
without tender point examination, the female-to-male moderate level
3: Severe; continuous, life-disturbing problems
ratio is 1-2:1.38,39
The differences in gender ratios between clinical Fatigue ❏0 ❏1 ❏2 ❏3
Trouble thinking or remembering ❏0 ❏1 ❏2 ❏3
and epidemiological studies can be explained by several Waking up tired (unrefreshed) ❏0 ❏1 ❏2 ❏3
hypotheses: ________________________________________________________________
1. If the ACR 1990 classification criteria40 are used for II. During the past 6 months have you had any of the following
diagnosis, a bias toward women is inherent by the symptoms?
tender point examination because positive tender
Pain or cramps in lower abdomen: ❏ Yes ❏ No
points are more frequently reported by women than Depression: ❏ Yes ❏ No
by men in the general population.41 The higher rate Headache: ❏ Yes ❏ No
of positive tender points can be explained by a lower
pain threshold in women than in men.42 III. Joint/body pain
2. In Western countries, women consult the health care Please indicate below if you have had pain or tenderness over the
system more frequently than men in cases of somatic past 7 days in any of the areas listed below. Please make an X in the
and psychological symptoms.43 box if you have had pain or tenderness. Be sure to mark both right
side and left side separately.
3. As FM is regarded to be a “disease of women,” physi-
cians may neglect to consider this diagnosis when a ❏ Shoulder, left ❏ Upper leg, left ❏ Lower back
❏ Shoulder, right ❏ Upper leg, right ❏ Upper back
man presents with chronic widespread pain, and/or a ❏ Neck
man may wish to avoid the stigma of a diagnosis of a ❏ Hip, left ❏ Lower leg, left
❏ Hip, right ❏ Lower leg, right
predominantly female condition.44
Children and adolescents can meet the criteria of ❏ Upper am, left ❏ Jaw, left ❏ No pain in any of
juvenile FM45 or the preliminary ACR 2010 diagnostic ❏ Upper arm, right ❏ Jaw, right these areas

criteria. The data on the epidemiology of juvenile FM ❏ Lower arm, left ❏ Chest
are conflicting.46 ❏ Lower arm, right ❏ Abdomen

Management IV. Overall, were the symptoms listed in I - III above generally
present for at least 3 months?

Fibromyalgia is an unhelpful diagnosis for both ❏ Yes ❏ No

patients and doctors
Figure 1. Fibromyalgia symptom questionnaire. Adapted from reference
22: Wolfe F, Clauw DJ, Fitzcharles MA, et al. Fibromyalgia cri-
It is a myth that the diagnostic label of FM has negative teria and severity scales for clinical and epidemiological studies:
implications. Concerns have been raised by representa- a modification of the ACR Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria for Fi-
tives of psychiatry47 and pediatrics46 that the diagnostic bromyalgia. J Rheumatol. 2011;38(6):1113-1122. Copyright ©
label “FM” neglects psychosocial determinants of the 2011, The Journal of Rheumatology Publishing Company Limited

Clinical research
are not relevant.48 Pregabalin, which was the first drug In addition, all recent guidelines stress the impor-
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration tance of nonpharmacological therapies in the manage-
(FDA) to treat FM, is manufactured by the pharma- ment of FM. Aerobic exercise was the only treatment
ceutical company Pfizer, which supports FM self-help that received a strong recommendation by EULAR.7 In
organizations in political campaigns emphasizing that the updated German guidelines, aerobic exercise49 and
“FM is a real disease.” For patient advocacy groups and cognitive behavioral therapies50 received strong rec-
doctors who have focused their medical practice on FM, ommendation. All guidelines stress that drug therapy
the pregabalin approval was a milestone for the legiti- is not obligatory, but optional. The German guidelines
mization of FM, just as fluoxetine brought depression defined rules for discontinuation of drug therapies and
into the mainstream.49 recommended the discussion of drug holidays with re-
Whether FM is a helpful or unhelpful diagnosis sponders to drug therapy after 6 months.6 In addition,
both for patients and doctors depends on the informa- screening for psychological distress51 and referral to a
tion given to the patient regarding the nature of the mental health care specialist in case of comorbid men-
disorder, planned treatment strategy, and expected out- tal disorder are recommended (Figure 2).7,51
come after the initial diagnosis. All recent guidelines In sum, guidelines recommend the use of the diag-
recommend that the diagnostic label FM (or FMS for nostic label FM. It is also important to acknowledge the
FM syndrome) should be communicated to patients role of psychological factors in the etiology and manage-
after the initial diagnosis. This approach is intended to ment of FM and to promote the self-efficacy of patients
reduce anxiety, which inherently accompanies chronic through the medium of self-management strategies.
pain, and to reduce repeated unnecessary diagnostic
procedures and inappropriate drug treatments. There is Class effect of antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and
also consensus that patients should be informed of the antipsychotics on fibromyalgia symptoms
concept of a biopsychosocial model for FM whereby
biological factors (eg, genetic predisposition) and psy- The assumption that all psychopharmaclogical agents
chosocial factors (eg, stress) contribute to the predispo- that have an effect on mental disorders are also effec-
sition, triggering, and perpetuating of FM symptoms.8 tive for main FM symptoms (pain, sleep problems, fa-
The German guidelines suggest that the following in- tigue) is not supported by evidence. Of all the tricyclic
formation could be useful in the education of patients:6 antidepressants, there is sufficient evidence only for
• The symptoms are not caused by an organic disease amitriptyline.52 Effectiveness of monoamine oxidase in-
(such as abnormality of muscles or joints) but are in- hibitors for the treatment of FM symptoms is limited;
stead based on a functional disorder. however, there have only been two studies, which in-
• The legitimacy of the ailment should be acknowl- cluded a small number of patients and a high risk of
edged. bias, on which to base this finding.53 The evidence for
• The symptoms are persistent in nearly all patients. the efficacy of the serotonin reuptake inhibitors citalo-
• Total relief of symptoms is seldom achieved. pram, fluoxetine, and paroxetine is limited due to small
• The symptoms do not lead to disability and do not sample sizes and other risks of bias.54 The serotonin nor-
shorten life expectancy. adrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) duloxetine and
• Most patients learn to adapt to the symptoms over milnacipran have been approved by the FDA, but not
time. by the European Medical Agency (EMA), for treatment
• The goals of treatment are improvement in quality of of FM. One study each with duloxetine and milnacip-
life, maintenance of function (functional ability in ev- ran conducted in Europe failed to reach the primary
eryday situations), and reduction in symptoms. end point, namely the superiority over placebo in mean
• The ability of the patient to modulate symptoms via pain intensity reduction. One large study with different
self-management strategies should be emphasized. dosages of desvenlafaxine did not demonstrate superi-
The German guidelines group developed a patient ority over placebo for multiple end points.55 The anti-
version of the guidelines and handouts for patients and convulsant pregabalin has been approved by the FDA,
their significant others, which should be distributed to but not by the EMA for FM. One study conducted in
the patient after establishing the diagnosis. Europe failed to reach the primary end point, namely

Fibromyalgia - Häuser and Fitzcharles Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 20 . No. 1 . 2018

the superiority over placebo in mean pain intensity reported a clinically relevant reduction in pain. The ma-
reduction. One medium size study with gabapentin in jority of study participants did not experience relevant
FM was compromised by high risks of bias.56 One study pain relief and/or terminated the therapy because of
each with eslicarbazepine, lacosamide, and levetirace- side effects.58,59 Pregabalin, but not duloxetine and mil-
tam failed to demonstrate superiority over placebo in nacipran, had a clinically relevant effect on sleep prob-
multiple outcomes. Some antipsychotics are licensed lems. The superiority of all three drugs over placebo on
as add-on therapy for major depression refractory to fatigue was not clinically relevant.55,56
antidepressants. Evidence of efficacy by randomized The results of observational studies in natural set-
controlled trials (RCTs) on pain and sleep problems is tings confirm the limited efficacy and low tolerability
only available for quetiapine.57 Therefore, evidence for of centrally acting drugs in FM. A longitudinal study of
a class effect of many agents, especially those used in FM patients of the National Data Bank of Rheumatic
the management of mental health disorders, is lacking Diseases found that pain scores were reduced mini-
for the treatment of FM. mally by 0.17 units (95% CI: 0.03-0.30) on an 11-point
scale after initiation of a therapy with duloxetine, mil-
FDA-approved drugs (duloxetine, milnacipran, nacipran, or pregabalin. Fatigue or functional status
pregabalin) are effective and well tolerated was not significantly improved by these drugs.60 In a
retrospective analysis using the MarketScan claims da-
Cochrane reviews of the RCTs on which the decisions tabase to identify adults with a first diagnosis of FM be-
to approve medications for the treatment of FM by the tween 2009 and 2011, the discontinuation rates after 12
FDA and EMA have demonstrated that only a minor- months were 51% for duloxetine, 62% for milnacipran,
ity of study participants (10% more than with placebo) and 65% for pregabalin.61

Algorithm of fibromyalgia management

Patient education and information sheet

If insufficient

Physical therapy with individualized graded physical exercise

(can be combined with other recommended nonpharmacological therapies
such as hydrotherapy, acupuncture)

If insufficient

Reassessment of patient to tailor individualized treatment

Additional individualized fibromyalgia treatment

Pain-related depression, anxiety, Severe pain/sleep problems Severe dysfunction sick leave
catastrophizing, overly passive
or active coping

Mainly cognitive beavioral therapy Severe pain: Duloxetine, pregabalin, Multimodal rehabilitation programs
For more severe depression/anxiety, tramadol (or in combination with
consider psychopharmacological treatment paracetamol)
Severe sleep problems:
Low-dose amitriptyline,
cyclobenzaprine, pregabalin at night

Figure 2. Algorithm of fibromyalgia management. Adapted from reference 7: Macfarlane GJ, Kronisch C, Dean LE, et al. EULAR revised recom-
mendations for the management of fibromyalgia. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017;76(2):318-328. Copyright © 2017, BMJ Publishing Group Limited

Clinical research
Therefore, contrary to common belief, the effect of psychiatric or psychosomatic concept of “medically un-
these FDA-approved drugs is less than satisfactory. explained somatic syndromes” such as masked depres-
sion and somatoform pain disorder. These myths are
Psychodynamic therapy cures fibromyalgia perpetuated even with the impressive progress in the
field of FM in the past few decades. The advancement
Cognitive behavioral therapies are intended to help in the field of FM includes:
patients better cope with their symptoms and improve • A biopsychosocial model of FM that highlights the
health-related quality of life.62 In contrast, some pro- neurological underpinnings of this condition and at-
tagonists of psychodynamic therapy claim that they can tributes importance to psychosocial factors in the
effect a cure of FM in some patients.63 To date, this argu- predisposition, triggering, and chronification of FM
ment has been tested by a single RCT in FM patients symptoms.65
with major depression. Brief psychodynamic therapy • Interdisciplinary evidence-based guidelines that rec-
(25 sessions, 1 session/week) was not superior to sup- ommend screening for psychological distress and
portive therapy including antidepressant and analgesic referral to a mental health care specialist in case of
medication (4 sessions within 6 months) with regard to comorbid mental disorder.7,51
somatic and psychological symptoms and health-relat- • Interdisciplinary evidence-based guidelines that pro-
ed quality of life.64 mote nonpharmacological therapies (aerobic exer-
Therefore, the evidence for curative psychodynamic cise, cognitive behavioral therapies)6-8 and emphasize
therapy in FM is lacking. the need to reduce the “[over]medicalization of mis-
ery.”66 o

Despite the participation of neurologists and mental Disclosure/Acknowledgments: WH received one honorarium by Grünen-
thal for an educational lecture in the last 3 years. JA has performed pro-
health care specialists and their scientific societies in fessional consulting on behalf of BrainSet Ltd. SP received honoraria from
recent interdisciplinary evidence-based guidelines on Pfizer, Lilly, and Grunenthal in the last 3 years. MAF received consulting
fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria (<$10,000) from ABBVIE, Abbott,
FM, the diagnostic label FM remains contested by some Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly,
mental health care specialists who hold to an obsolete and Pfizer in the last 3 years.

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Mitos y realidades sobre la fibromialgia Mythes et réalités liés à la fibromyalgie

La fibromialgia (FM) se caracteriza por dolor crónico La fibromyalgie (FM) se caractérise par des douleurs
generalizado, sueño no reparador, agotamiento físico chroniques généralisées, un sommeil non réparateur, un
y dificultades cognitivas. Ella se presenta en todas las épuisement physique et des difficultés cognitives. Elle
poblaciones a través del mundo, con una prevalencia survient dans toutes les populations du monde, avec une
entre el 2% y el 4% en la población general. La defi- prévalence entre 2 % et 4 % de la population générale.
nición, la patogénesis, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento La définition, la pathogenèse, le diagnostic et le traite-
de la FM constituyen puntos de discusión, con algunos ment de la FM restent un point de discorde, quelques-
autores que incluso dudan de su existencia. Los diversos uns contestant même son existence. Les systèmes de
sistemas de clasificación de acuerdo con la medicina, la classification variés selon la médecine, la psychiatrie et
psiquiatría y la neurología del dolor (patología doloro- la neurologie de la douleur, (pathologie douloureuse ;
sa, trastorno de dolor somatomorfo persistente, depre- trouble douloureux somatoforme persistant ; dépres-
sión enmascarada, trastorno de síntoma somático, neu- sion masquée ; trouble à symptomatologie somatique ;
ropatía de fibra pequeña, enfermedad cerebral) en su neuropathie des petites fibres ; maladie cérébrale) n’ap-
mayoría incorporan sólo algunos componentes de este préhendent principalement que quelques composantes
complejo y heterogéneo trastorno. En la mayoría de los de ce trouble complexe et hétérogène. Le diagnostic
casos un médico general puede establecer el diagnósti- peut être établi dans la plupart des cas par un géné-
co, cuando los síntomas reúnen criterios reconocidos y raliste quand les symptômes rencontrés remplissent les
se excluye una enfermedad somática que pueda explicar critères et quand une maladie somatique capable d’ex-
suficientemente dichos síntomas. Las guías interdiscipli- pliquer les symptômes est exclue. Des recommandations
narias basadas en la evidencia entregan una sólida reco- interdisciplinaires fondées sur des éléments probants
mendación respecto al ejercicio aeróbico y las terapias recommandent fortement les exercices aérobiques et
cognitivo conductuales. La terapia farmacológica no es les thérapies cognitivo-comportementales. Le traite-
obligatoria. Sólo una minoría de los pacientes presenta ment médicamenteux n’est pas obligatoire. Seule une
un alivio sintomático significativo con duloxetina, mil- minorité de patients sont soulagés par la duloxétine, le
nacipran y pregabalina. milnacipran et la prégabaline.

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