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Name: Alyssa Marie P.

Pepito Course: LIT 11 Section: BSN-4A

Instructions: Create an e-timeline depicting the common themes and cultural issues of selected literary works in
World Literature.

Ancient Period

3500 BCE - 2000 BCE: Early Civilizations

 Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and the Yellow River Valley civilizations emerge.
 Common themes: Agricultural development, early forms of writing, and early urbanization.

3000 BCE - 1200 BCE: Bronze Age

 Bronze becomes a dominant material for tools and weapons.
 Cultural issues: Development of complex societies with hierarchies and the emergence of early religious
beliefs and practices.

2500 BCE - 1500 BCE: Ancient Egypt

 Construction of the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.
 Cultural issues: Religious beliefs centered on the afterlife, pharaonic rule, and monumental architecture.

2000 BCE - 500 BCE: Ancient India

 The Vedic period and the emergence of Hinduism and Buddhism.
 Common themes: Caste system, religious texts (Vedas, Upanishads), and the concept of karma.

2000 BCE - 500 BCE: Ancient China

 Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties.
 Cultural issues: Development of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, along with early philosophical texts
like the Dao De Jing.

1200 BCE - 500 BCE: Ancient Greece

 The Mycenaean civilization, Trojan War, and the emergence of city-states.
 Common themes: Polis (city-state) development, Greek mythology, and the birth of democracy in Athens.

753 BCE - 476 CE: Ancient Rome

 The founding of Rome, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire.
 Cultural issues: Roman law, engineering (aqueducts, roads), and the spread of Christianity.

551 BCE - 479 BCE: Life of Confucius

 Confucianism as a philosophy emphasizing ethics and social order.
 Common themes: Moral values, family, and social harmony.

563 BCE - 483 BCE: Life of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

 Buddhism as a religion based on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
 Cultural issues: The quest for enlightenment, meditation, and renunciation of worldly desires.

331 BCE - 323 BCE: Alexander the Great

 Conquest of the Persian Empire and the spread of Hellenistic culture.
 Cultural issues: Syncretism of Greek and Eastern cultures, the spread of Greek language, and Hellenistic art
and philosophy.
221 BCE - 206 BCE: Qin Dynasty in China
 Unification of China under the First Emperor Qin Shi Huang.
 Cultural issues: Standardization of writing, weights, and measures; construction of the Great Wall.

0 CE - 476 CE: Late Antiquity

 The decline of the Roman Empire, the emergence of Christianity as a major religion, and the spread of
Islam in the later period.
 Common themes: Religious transformation, political fragmentation, and the fall of classical civilizations.

Middle-Ages Period

5th - 15th Century: Early Middle Ages (Dark Ages)

 Theme: Decline of the Roman Empire, Barbarian Invasions, Feudalism.
 Cultural Issues: Lack of centralized authority, limited education, and cultural stagnation.

7th - 8th Century: Byzantine Empire

 Theme: Byzantine Golden Age, preservation of classical knowledge.
 Cultural Issues: Iconoclasm controversy, religious disputes.

8th - 12th Century: Carolingian Renaissance

 Theme: Revival of learning, Charlemagne's efforts to promote education.
 Cultural Issues: Spread of Christianity, power struggles in Europe.

11th - 13th Century: Crusades

 Theme: Religious wars to reclaim the Holy Land.
 Cultural Issues: Clash of cultures, trade, and exchange of ideas.

12th - 14th Century: Gothic Architecture

 Theme: Development of intricate cathedrals and churches.
 Cultural Issues: Expressions of faith and power through architecture.

12th - 16th Century: Medieval Literature

 Theme: Epic poems (e.g., Beowulf), Arthurian legends, and chivalry.
 Cultural Issues: Cultural identity, storytelling, and the influence of troubadours.

14th Century: The Black Death

 Theme: Devastating pandemic.
 Cultural Issues: Fear, superstition, and societal upheaval.

12th - 15th Century: Renaissance

 Theme: Transition from medieval to modern thinking.
 Cultural Issues: Rediscovery of classical texts, humanism, and artistic revival.

14th - 17th Century: Hundred Years' War

 Theme: Long-lasting conflict between England and France.
 Cultural Issues: Nationalism, technological advancements in warfare.

15th Century: Invention of the Printing Press

 Theme: Gutenberg's innovation.
 Cultural Issues: Increased access to knowledge, spread of ideas.
15th Century: Age of Exploration
 Theme: European exploration of the New World.
 Cultural Issues: Expansion of empires, cultural exchanges.

15th Century: End of the Middle Ages

 Theme: Transition to the early modern period.
 Cultural Issues: Renaissance ideals, religious reformations.

Renaissance Period

14th Century - Early Renaissance (1300-1400)

 Theme: Humanism
 Cultural Issue: Rediscovery of classical texts, emphasis on individualism, and the rise of the educated
middle class.

15th Century - Italian Renaissance (1400-1500)

 Theme: Artistic Innovation
 Cultural Issue: Flourishing of art and architecture with the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and
Raphael. Invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455.

Late 15th Century - Northern Renaissance (1450-1600)

 Theme: Spread of Ideas
 Cultural Issue: The Renaissance spreads to northern Europe, with artists like Albrecht Dürer and thinkers
like Erasmus contributing to the cultural exchange.

16th Century - Scientific Revolution (1500-1600)

 Theme: Scientific Inquiry
 Cultural Issue: Pioneering work in astronomy by Copernicus, advances in medicine, and the development
of the scientific method.

16th Century - Reformation (1517-1648)

 Theme: Religious Change
 Cultural Issue: Martin Luther's 95 Theses spark the Protestant Reformation, leading to religious upheaval
and the formation of new Christian denominations.

16th Century - Exploration (late 15th-early 17th centuries)

 Theme: Expansion of Knowledge
 Cultural Issue: European exploration of the New World, led by explorers like Christopher Columbus and
Ferdinand Magellan, expanding the understanding of geography and cultures.

17th Century - Baroque Period (1600-1750)

 Theme: Artistic Extravagance
 Cultural Issue: Emergence of the Baroque style in art, architecture, and music, characterized by grandeur
and emotion.

17th Century - Enlightenment (late 17th-18th centuries)

 Theme: Rationalism
 Cultural Issue: Philosophers like Voltaire, Rousseau, and Locke promote reason, secularism, and individual
rights, challenging traditional authority.
17th Century - Scientific Advancements (1600-1700)
 Theme: Empirical Science
 Cultural Issue: Scientific advancements by figures like Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton further the
understanding of the natural world.

17th Century - The End of the Renaissance (Late 16th-17th centuries)

 Theme: Transition to the Baroque and Enlightenment
 Cultural Issue: The Renaissance gradually gives way to the Baroque and Enlightenment periods, marking
the end of the Renaissance era.

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