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File permissions in Linux

Project description
In the project I learned how to change permissions of files in Linux. I also learned how to
change permissions of hidden files.

Check file and directory details

Command i used to check file permissions : $Is -l

Describe the permissions string

For the file “ project_k.txt” the permission string was -rw-rw–rw-. The hyphens represent no
command for that specific character. Ex -rw means , rw- allows reading and writing, but no

Change file permissions

In order to change a file permission you use the command chmod. For example $chmod g–w
project_t.txt This sting of command removes the writing authorization from the group.

Change file permissions on a hidden file

Changing the file permission on a hidden file is a little more challenging than for a unhidden
one, but can be done.
First you reveal the hidden file by using $ ls -a this reveals the file “ .project_x.txt” which is a
hidden file. Then you change the permissions the same way. $chmod g-w .project_x.txt

Change directory permissions

To change the permissions for a directory is the same as a file $chmod g-x drafts

All in all this project was a pretty good tutorial to change permissions in linux and i learned alot.

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