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Small Project #3 Comparing Local

County Rates

Robbery Rates (per 100,000)

Salt Lake County Wsashington County

2018 2019 2020 2021

We can see from the Robbery Rates that Salt Lake has a significant amount due to more

population. There was a slight decline in 2019 and 2021 but 2020 went higher. Possibly due to

covid or other factors. Washington County Declined significantly in the past two years with a

slight increase in 2021 by a percent or so.

Homicides Rates (per 100,000 people)





Salt Lake County Homicides Washington County

2018 2019 2020 2021

Homicide Rates we see that Salt Lake County has increased. It’s very concerning to see that Salt Lake County has

gone up since 2018. Washington County has also increased but has declined since 2021 by another percent or so.

Almost leveling what in had in 2019 but slightly less. But we see that Washington and Salt Lake heavily differ by

population density and possibly the amount of crime people commit in those areas.
Aggravated Assault Rates (per 100,000 people)





Salt Lake County Washington County

2018 2019 2020 2021

For Aggravated Assault we see Salt Lake County experienced more assaults through 2018-2021 and

Wahington County has level around 80-90 or so. Salt Lake has had more higher rates with assaults than the

other two charts. It seems like both counties deal with these issues on higher rates more than robberies

and homicides. Salt Lake has seen that continues Increase with assaults possibly since it deals with more

heavy city areas. Washington has a lot but has stayed stagnant. Less people live in those counties but

probably deal with less interactions than the cities possibly.

Sub Topic #1- Are these areas becoming more dangerous or less dangerous?

In my Opinion I think Salt Lake is getting more dangerous you can see Homicides and

Assaults are increasing. Maybe it’s due to the population increasing. Possibly it’s more of the

smaller areas where people are more closely together. It’s very concerning to see Washington

and Salt Lake County have increased rates on all 3 subjects. Even with the Stagnation in

Washington Homicides and Assaults are still big issues. I think it’s important to look at these

rates and also try to calculate the population in the right way because it makes such a difference

in the way this is presented. I definitely see though that the violent crime rates are an issue.

Maybe it’s the way these local areas govern their areas/cities or law enforcement or better yet

maybe it’s even something with the individuals committing the crimes. Maybe the increase is

dealt with mental issues with the individuals who commit these crimes. Whatever it is we see

that the rates increased per 100,000 and even though it may differ in population people are still

committing these violent crimes which are bad issues that must be stated. Sat Lake is only

partially populated compared to other big states which deal with the same issues. Population

increases but also, I think personally those areas are dealt with less punishment for harsher

crimes and District Attorney’s allow for these things to pass. Thus, the criminals find a hotbed of

more crimes to commit.

Sub Topic #2-discuss whether you think the data is adequate for comparing the dangerousness

of these two counties.

I think the data is adequate for the most part. I think from certain reports it may be hard to get

a precise rate but I think the rates speak truthfully for the most part. I think dividing the

population by crime and multiplying it by 100,000 is probably an accurate source of how we get

these numbers. I think really the data is adequate by the numbers we get and dissecting it if it’s

either violent crimes or property crimes. I think if there’s a way to tell the two or find a more

accurate way of separation of rate would be huge to get a bigger idea of the bigger picture. I

think these charts are reliable in finding out if cities or counties are dealing with different types

of crimes. We can see how counties are affected or how they may be affected in the future. It

gives people a good idea on how to deal with serious crime in areas or how the population is

relegated or how we use our jails or prisons and what accommodations of law can be used in

these counties.

Sub topic #3- Why do these crime rates differ?

In my opinion I think the rates differ because the people moving in and out of the county. You

really need to have a surety of population. I think it’s important to know what counties

populations hold but what cities they have and what population increases in those local cities or

areas. I think the cities really tell use the proportion of what rates affect these rates and possibly

even these crime rates. I think it’s important to take into account that more people move into

Northern Utah than the Southern part of the state. But it varies by city. But due to that that tells

us by those cities for the most part why these counties differ so much by population movement

but also how many people live there. I think partially too maybe even economics comes into
play. Maybe some of these cities have less wealth or money which leads to poorer cities with

more crimes. Maybe these areas are safer because there is less population and thus less rates.

But maybe the same rates sometimes as big as Salt Lake County from the cities added up which

leads to a total rate within the county. I think there’s a lot of factors that go into it but those are

few of my thoughts or ideas.

Sub Topic #4-Discuss potential policy (or community) for lowering crime rates

I think something can be done for one is making harsher punishment for some of the criminals

who are getting by easy/ mid level crimes. I’m not a lawyer but I think some big states/cities

(not Utah) need to be more focused on these crimes. I think sometimes we have to look at the

individual specifically and the crime they committed. Maybe the FBI needs to make more

analytics on criminals who get out of prison and commit more serious crimes again or what

number of criminals in certain counties or states tend to commit certain amount of crimes. I’m

sure there’s actual graphs for those things but I think we look into it more. I think if counties or

more specifically highly populated cities can find better policy for slowing these rates down or

lowering them. Another option is finding what violent crimes are being committed and focus on

stopping those issues. Maybe with some of these robberies and assaults we have to be more

focused on helping these individuals whether mentally or more accessible ways to access

therapy to stop these actions these people may commit before it happens. I’m very much

committed to harsher punishments to these violent crimes though. Maybe more jail time or

even prison time. Another option is having more police officers patrolling in cities with more
crime rates. Based on violent crime rates maybe you have to be harsher in some city or areas

with punishment to slow crimes. I think also if we involve police with more local presence and

have more effective communication with local municipal with crimes being committed and how

the police can contribute to make the communities or cities safer by not just stopping crime but

being involved in more service aspects of helping communities flourish would be huge.

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