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GEE3 – Reading in Visual Arts

Reading No. 3 – Elements of Art (Line)

Second Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

Directions: After reading the given reference, answer the following questions.

Gateway to Art: Kahlo, The Two Fridas Using Line to Connect and Direct a Viewer’s Attention

1. Based on the reading, how did the line connect the areas of the painting and direct the
viewer’s attention?

Lines are intended to capture the viewer's attention to the hearts; they may be
thought of as veins connecting both hearts. Usually, the vein fades behind or within
the dress, signifying a continuous but hidden line. The vein on the European figure
refers to Frida's recent divorce from her spouse, fellow Mexican artist Diego Rivera,
by directing our attention to her broken heart. Frida, the Mexican, carries a portrait of
Rivera in her hand. Frida in white signifies her European culture, whereas Frida in
indigenous dress shows her Mexican culture.

2. What are the different types of lines that the artist used in this painting? How did these
lines contribute to the overall message of the artwork?

In the painting, there are four sorts of lines: directional, irregular, vertical,
and implied. The picture has directional lines, such as her right hand holding a
circular portrait of Diego Rivera, whom she recently divorced, and her left hand
holding a surgical clamp, which portrays the procedures. The irregular lines provide
a pleasant illusion of clouds, while the vertical lines in the dresses produce a curved
texture and the implied lines make the blood appear to be streaming and staining the
white dress.

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