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emotionally healthy spirituality

· running away from conflicts under the pretext of spirituality is a very dangerous sign

· King David did not erase the details of his sin from the books of the Bible but rather
wrote a psalm to further document it.

· Jesus, who is God, didn't heal every sick personin Israel so whydo we expect that we are
going to help all people?

· I believe that I should others ahead of myself but first there needs to be a self to be laid

· the problem of only receiving from experts or professionals

· the part about the temptation of our Lord is brilliant. Now the thing is that I have
problems on the the fronts he mentioned. I am what I do, what I have, what people think
of me.

· differentiation is the key. The author is staying that differentiation is the ability to keep
connected with people despite the fact that I am different from them. exactly like our
Lord who didn't leave the Jewish environment although He was rejected from them and
despite the fact that He doesn't hold the same beliefs. I think this is the problem with me.
my inability to stay in the orthodox environment is because I can't stand the pressure they
put on me. This is why God made sure that abona supports me in all what I said and this
Is why God planned that I am with abona at this stage of my life. I need to stay in the
place where there is pressure and there is difference between me and my environment. so
differentiation is key to me. my tendancy is to leave when I feel change but what I really
need is to stay. I think that my urge to leave comes from this. in the last three months I
wanted to leave work. The reason for this war that I don't want to have conflict in my life.
I want to live in the fake peace of my fake self. me, myself and I. this will lead to
nothing. Then there was this talk about leaving the Orthodox church which we don't
attend in the fIrst place.

· emotionally healthy spirituality is about embracing God's choice to birth us into a

particular family, in a particular place, at a particular moment in history. wow

· even if the fathers of the church are important, or Lord commands us to live Him more.

· God gave the ten commandments but spoke at its beginning about inheriting sin because
our family commandments are the antidote to God's commandments.

· it's because of the importance of the family inherited baggage the God asked Abraham to
leave his family and people and start a new life with Him. This is also the reason why
God waited in Sinai until the sinning generation died and then He allowed His people to
enter the promise.

· the last point then confirms that the parts in the new testament about the rejection are the
points that are taking about the old people who will not be able to change.

· I over functioned. I did the same like Peter. I came to Christ with the baggage from my
home. Right away I became responsible and I had to write and help people and until
today I am helping people whIle, in fact, I need help

· I over performed. again, like Peter, I overt preformed. I always felt I am disgracing God
exactly like I am feeling I was a disgrace to my father. Every time I sinned I felt it.

· avoid conflict at all cost

· don't attend to one's needs and feelings

· If you understand, it is not God you understand, Saint Augustine

· The I-It relationships is a selfish way of looking at life and people. It shows no respect to
others but more importantly to God!

· Listening to the voice of God can be diagnosed by looking at the pattern of the person in
his communication with people. so for example if the person is quick to talk and slow to
listenthen there maybe a high probability that this is one reason you can't hear God.

· The part in the epistle of James that talks about listening is a part that originally talks
about tribulation and the wisdom needed to deal with the tribulation. This proves that our
pzttern of listening is the barrier to getting the wisdom from God in the time of trouble.

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