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Interview Structure


Total Time limit- 15 mins

Warm Up - 5 mins
Project explanation - 5 mins
Wrap up - 5 mins
Step 1 warm up ( Introduction 5 mins)

Introduction should be like -

● Hi my name is ....may I know ur name...

● What are your Hobbies
● Do you know how games , apps made?
● Give introduction about coding (Why coding is required and its aspects on a
students' future life)
● Today we will learn to make one such....( Project name)
● Go to scratch
● Introduce the scratch platform
Step 2 - Project explanation ( 5 mins )

● Choose backdrop
● Choose sprites
● Give commands and explain
● Given link and project - here ( Reference project)
● Reference video - here
Step 3 - wrap up (5 mins)

At the end of the demo describing the value of the course to the
student/parents why he should join our further classes and coding
importance in their future curriculum.
You will be judged in these aspects

● Communication skills
● Teaching skills (presentation and explanation)
● Technical skills (commands used and cross questioning)
● Presentability and appearance
● The candidates should have laptop and good internet speed..

All The Best

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