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What are your take aways from topic 1 to 4

On lesson 1, my take aways are meaning of digital forensic which is the scientific examination and
analysis of data held on or retrieved from computer. Another one is about computer, computer data,
electronic documents and digital evidences which refers to digital information to may be use as
evidence in a case, also the digital forensic examples and who users of digital forensic. They are the law
enforcement officers, prosecutors private corporation and etc. In lesson 1 it says also the types of
evidential data like internet and site and forensic image.

In lesson 2 the main point is malware and cyber attacks, it is collective name for a number of malicious
software variants including viruses, ransom ware and spyware. It says that malware has actually been a
treat to individual and organization and also what malware do and types of malware. There are virus,
worms, spyware, Trojans and ransom ware .

Third lesson is includes cyber attacks like phishing. The attacker may send you an email and act like you.
There are also SQL injection attack, XSS or Cross she Scripting : Dos Denial of Service session hijacking
and man in the middle attacks and last is tredential re use.

In lesson 4 includes cyber attacks and mitigation techniques. There are also seven ways where in you can
make yourself a more challenging target for cyber criminals:

1. Build your defenses against malware attacks

2. Safe guard against eavesdroppers listening in via MITM attacks or man in the middle
3. Protect yourself from being an unsuspecting victim of a drive by download attack
4. Teach your employees to not take the basic in phishing attacks
5. Avoid getting compromise if your hit with a DDos attack
6. Defend against the dangers of advance persistent treat attack.
7. Prevent insider treats within the organization from underarming your security

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