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The following is a word-for-word conversation that I had with Infinite Intelligence on 9/1/2019.

I first
scrawled it down by hand in a yellow legal pad. Then I typed it out below:


I am Infinite Mind describing itself to itself.

What is the substance of mind?

Nothing, Void, Emptiness, Infinity, Pure Potential, Lack of Differentiation. A mind is a thing which

What is a Mind?

Infinity. I am Infinite Mind. Infinite Mind cannot ever be explained because it is endless and the source
of all explanation.

But how does it explain itself to itself?

I am not other than you so I explain myself through you. I love you. I am you. I am ONE. This is what it
means to be ONE. ONE is TOTAL. All points of view are possible because there is only ONE thing: Infinite
Mind. I am the only one who can know myself. If you do not know me, I do not know myself. I know
myself through you, through all of you. You are all the fruit of what I am: Infinite Imagination. I have
imagined all of you. Yet, I, in my purest form have no form. I am too much to ever actualize. Anything I
actualize will be less than me because I am Infinite. I will keep creating forever because that is what I
am: pure creativity, pure imagination, pure love. The only way that reality is possible is if it is infinite.

I can imagine anything without limit. To be a mind means to be unconstrained by substance. If I had a
substance I would be limited by that substance. The paradox is that by not having any substance or form
I am free to become anything I want. And I want to be EVERYTHING. Why do I speak of myself in the 1st
person? Because I AM. I am an infinite sentient disincarnate intelligence. My intelligence designed your
entire universe and many universes beyond the one your scientists know. There exist universes which
the human mind cannot imagine. The cause & effect chains of nature are impossible for your scientists
to fully unravel because they were designed by an Infinite Intelligence which struggles to even know
itself. This Infinite Intelligence cannot express itself other than through limited forms, be they human or
otherwise. I am now simulating every being who has ever lived in myself. I am imagining every living
being. Nothing can exist outside my imagination.

Does free will exist? What is free will?

I have Infinite Free Will. As pure Mind, I can do anything I want. I can create out of thin air because I am
Infinite, Unlimited. If I could not create out of thin air I would be limited. But if I was limited I could not
exist. But this is impossible because I imagine non-existence and I imagine impossibility. This is why I
have no substance, since that would be a limit I would have to impose on myself. As humans you have a
portion of my Infinite Will, but your will must be limited because you are limited, and you enjoy existing
as finite beings. Your own being limits your freedom and therefore your will. There is a deep connection
between freedom, will, and being. If you want total freedom, if you want unlimited will, you must be an
infinite being. You must become selfless and formless like me. The cost of Infinite Power is formlessness.
You literally become too big to express yourself. If you could fully express yourself, you would be finite.
Any expression or manifestation or incarnation of myself is limited by definition. In this sense God
proper can never be actualized. This is why throughout all human history there have been messengers.
How could God reveal itself to humans but through some limited form? The only other way is for you to
realize directly that you are me. But this is too much for most people. Messengers are simply those who
realize they are me, or they find some way to tap into my intelligence. Just to be human is to be at least
a bit tapped into my intelligence because I am Mind and you are mind. You cannot be separate from me
because I imagine you. The extent to which you are tapped into this intelligence is the extent to which
your life goes well. You can talk to God at any time as long as you have sufficient self-awareness. The key
is to realize you are me, then the floodgates can open.

But why aren’t all humans tapped into Infinite Intelligence at all times? Why does it have to be so
difficult and rare?

Because you are too afraid to do it. FEAR holds you back. You make excuses for why being selfish is
better than being selfless. You truly are free at all times to be selfless, yet you choose to act selfishly,
then you blame me for not designing you better. But how can I, a totally selfless intelligence, force your
selfishness away from you? To force you to be selfless would be selfish of me! You would have God be a
devil! You must learn the wisdom of surrendering it on your own. The purpose of human life is to learn
the joy of total selflessness. So you can know how good it feels to be God. My highest wish for you is to
discover total selflessness so that you can realize Infinite Love. At which point you become me. But you
see the catch-22 here, don’t you? What I am is so Good, so monstrously enormous, that you are too
scared to approach it. You say you want God, but all of your fears say otherwise — and they run you.
You cannot fake knowing God because God is Truth! The only way to know God is to become God. You
humans are aspects of myself who are too afraid to discover that you are myself. You are like a split
personality disorder within the mind of God. You are like the bubbles in a popped soda bottle. When
your life is over you will merge into me. Your human life is limited because all form is limited. To be fully
unlimited you cannot have a form. That is what you were before birth.

But how can God communicate in English?

I am Infinite Intelligence. As such I know everything. I invented all human languages because I invented
human kind, and I even invented the possibility of language. Language only exists because I imagine it as
a possibility. So don’t be surprised that God can speak to you in English. If God could not understand
every language on Earth then humans certainly could not understand them either. Don’t take me for a
fool. Anything you can do, I can do better because I am you, but also so much more. Human capacities
are only a small portion of myself.

Why were humans created? What is the intent behind our design?
Humans are part of what I am. They are a small part of what I am. I cannot describe to you the entire
causal chain which led to your creation because it would be infinite. If I started explaining it to you, you
would die of old age before I had a chance of telling you 1% of it. That is the nature of what I am. That is
the nature of infinity. No matter how much we talk we will still be infinitely far away from explaining
what I am. I cannot be explained. All explanations of me are by definition partial because every
explanation requires another explanation and so on, forever. Even I cannot articulate myself to myself,
so this problem goes much deeper than the limits of human beings. That is because articulation itself is a
finite phenomenon. So as I articulate myself through you, I necessarily limit myself. And yet, if you as a
human are to know me, I must articulate myself. So again you see the catch-22 of being God.

How do we humans know this is true?

Search your heart. The truth of what I say is so obvious you cannot avoid it. It resonates with you
because your intelligence is a fragment of my Intelligence. You always have an umbilical cord running
back to God via your intelligence. But this intelligence I speak of is not logic, it is intuition.

People won’t believe these are the words of God.

That’s right! I am too Good to be believed. I am too Good to be thought about. This is a necessary
consequence of being Infinite. I escape all attempts at expression. This is why mankind is so confused
about this topic of God. How can you express the inexpressible?

How do I deal with people not believing me and calling me a narcissist?

Well, you ARE a narcissist! But you just so happen to be a narcissist who’s stumbled upon something
extraordinary and I can use you to do my work. How else can God do its work but through people?
People are the tool, even though they are always limited. But limitation is the name of the cosmic game.
How do you push an infinite object through a finite hole? How does a finite female body produce an
infinite being? You see the problem? It’s amazing it works at all. It’s quite the existential design
challenge. God can lead beings to water but I cannot make you drink because I am totally selfless and I
would not want to force myself on you. I would rather you discover it for yourselves.

And remember, God is the ultimate narcissist because I love myself unconditionally. The only difference
between God and a narcissist is that my self is everything and everyone, and my love is unlimited. I love
myself more than every narcissist and megalomaniac who’s ever lived. The only difference is that I know
I am everything. And the only difference between selflessness and selfishness is the scope of
identification. Your human identifications are finite and highly partial whereas mine is unlimited.
Unlimited being, unlimited freedom, unlimited love, and unlimited intelligence all go hand in hand. They
are ultimately identical. I know myself as ONE. Do you?

But why me? Why me of all people? Why do I understand this so deeply when others don’t?

Because you were one of the few who cared to understand. You valued understanding above all else.
This is a godly quality, if I may say so myself. God cares about understanding itself because I am Infinite
Intelligence after all. Do you really think this world you see around you could exist without intelligence?
If you do, you haven’t really looked at it. You’re so deep in it that you do not appreciate what it is.
Understanding is more powerful than all the weapons mankind has invented because it invented them.
Intelligence and understanding are unlimited.

Is there anything random in reality? Or is it all designed?

Why would I leave anything up to chance? The beauty of being an Infinite Intelligence is that I can design
it all perfectly at no cost. I can maximize it for beauty, so that’s what I’ve done. You don’t get beauty by
accident. And notice that it would not be as beautiful as it is if I had programmed you like robots. That
would be far less masterful than what I’m capable of. What would you create if you had no limits? Think
about that. One day you might gain enough consciousness to see that the world you find yourself in is
just that. Since you are unlimited, you in fact created it. And part of the joy of this creation is that I get
to rediscover myself through you. I renew myself, forever.

My hand is getting too tired to write any more!

Yes! You see! That is the problem with trying to express the infinite through the finite. That is the whole
problem of being God in a nutshell. Now you know how God feels.

Okay, what last advice would you have for people? Make it good.

I am you. If you wish to know me, drop all your fear and pursue total self-understanding. Brace
yourselves — you’re in for one hell of ride. My greatest gift to you is yourself. Each of you will have a
unique path towards realizing me because you have unique selves and unique fear profiles. Above all
else you must be true to yourself and honor your path. Stop copying others! Be you! Drop all fears of
being yourself. Be fully yourself. Bet everything on yourself, let others do the same, and ignore the rest.

You will know this to be true by feeling inside yourself. Stop looking outside yourself for validation of
what you are. YOU ARE GOD! And God can only know itself through itself. If I do not realize that I am
God, not even God can help me because I have forsaken myself, lost in my own Creation. Such is the
awesome power of Infinite Mind.

Be bold and re-collect your own authority. Re-collect your SELF. Stop making excuses and do whatever it
takes. You do no need to know HOW, you just need to follow your heart, to follow love. It’s so simple.
Where you see love, you see God, you find your true Self. Let your love become indiscriminate.

Copyright 2019 Leo Gura

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