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To create CAB files, simply create a ".

ddf" file including whatever files you want

to compress using notepad or wordpad.

If you type "cabmaker /f test.ddf", cabmaker.exe will create a folder.

Cabmaker.exe also creates an ".inf" file, and a ".rpt" file. Delete these two
files. They are of no use considering you've just created the CAB file anyways. An
example ".ddf" file has been included with this program. You can experiment with
this ".ddf" file if you like. To use it, don't alter any parameters shown in the
example ".ddf" file - just enter the names of all the files you want compressed
after the last line.

When it's time to create your CAB file, go into a dos prompt and type "cabmaker".
You will notice that by typing "cabmaker" without any paramaters a list of
variables will come up. Experiment with these variables.

You can create multiple ".ddf" files and have cabmaker.exe process them all at once
by typing "cabmaker /f test.ddf,new.ddf,barn.ddf".

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