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Democracy is the government of the cattle…..

By: Prof. Fazal Tanha Gharshin

“Democracy is the government of the cattle, by the cattle, and for the cattle.”

The word ‘Democracy’ means the rule of the many or the rule of the majority. Democracy is
“the government of the people for their own welfare and happiness.” John Stuart Mill is of the
opinion that democracy enables an individual to stand up for his/her rights and interests.
Democracy is considered the protector of equality, liberty and fraternity. It is said that
democracy is an efficient and stable form of government. It is also claimed that there is free
discussion, freedom of expression, equality of all citizens before law, protection of life and
property of all citizens, and freedom from fear of tyranny in democracy; but in practice it has
become impracticable and impossible. Democracy may be a favorable form of government to
many, but it has numerous drawbacks and faults as well. However, if practiced as defined in
theory, then democracy would prove the best of all forms.

Democracy has been under severe criticism by philosophers since its dawn. Aristotle defines
democracy as the rule of the mob. To him, the net result of democracy is oppression and
tyranny. Oswald Spangler says that democracy is the government of an average man, and an
average man possesses little reason and lesser wisdom. To him, in theory, the people are the
sovereign, but in practice the landlord, mill owners, big merchants and the rich are the
sovereign. Practically, democracy has failed to stand the masses onto their feet, because
laymen have no proper understanding of politics and public affairs. Plato considers democracy
as a cult of ignorant masses, and a cult of incompetence. Lecky says that democracy is the
government of the poorest, the most ignorant and the most incapable; because they are large
in number. Similarly, Maine says that democracy is a government by the intellect-lacking
ignorant. Carlyle says that as there are nine fools for every wise man, democracy is the rule of
the fools. Those who make fun of democracy have the argument that a great number of masses
are generally illiterate and indifferent to political affairs. They argue that uneducated masses
can be influenced by passions and prejudices. To critics, democracy is a form of government by
inefficient and incompetent masses, and a government chosen by such people must be
incompetent and inefficient. In democracy, the vote of a skilled and educated person is equal to
the vote of an uneducated and unskilled person. To critics, uneducated masses generally dislike
experts and skilled persons; so, they vote for non-experts and ignorant persons like themselves.

In democracy, voters are counted, not weighed; and no skill or knowledge is required for voters
and rulers. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was also not happy with such a form of government
(democracy) in which quantity had superiority to quality. To him, democracy is a government
by amateurs. A real democracy requires good citizenship, but common citizens lack civic sense.
Common citizens are generally greedy, selfish and morally corrupt. Ordinary people are jealous,
conservative, narrow-minded and bound by local customs. Ordinary people hate progress and
development. Racial apartheid in South Africa, white supremacy in the US, anti-Muslim riots in
India and Islamophobia in the West are the outputs of the so-called democracy. Maine is of the
opinion that greater progress in arts and sciences, and the inventions of aeroplanes, radio,
satellites, computer, etc. are the products of pre-democratic eras.

Democracy has been in the favor of capitalists, landlords, industrialists and the rich, who mould
public opinion in their own interests by financing electronic and social media. In the name of
democracy, many countries and states have been enslaved so far. In democracies for capturing
power, truth is butchered, falsehood is worshipped, propagandas are spread, voters are bullied,
votes are bought and sold, common people are misled, and election results are manipulated.
Democracy has still failed in maintaining peace, promoting brotherhood, eradicating poverty,
and rooting out social discriminations.

After discussing the demerits of democracy in detail, I am not going to prescribe monarchy,
dictatorship or dynasty for my compatriots; rather I want to understand the readers that the
government of illiterate majority is definitely dangerous. Lowell once said that, no form of
government is panacea for all human ills. Democracy can be the best form of government only
when all voters and rulers are highly educated and skilled. We have not experienced democracy
so far, as we have been entangled in dictatorship and dynastic politics since the day one.
Imagine for a while, what kind of glorious democracy would be in Pakistan if all the voters and
rulers are at least B.A holders. Let’s declare at least F.A or B.A degree mandatory for casting
vote instead of CNIC, and then see the miracles of democracy in Pakistan.

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