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I S. K.

The Johns Hopkins Universitp Baltimore, Md.

Theory of Aerosol Filtration

A method based on an analysis of the diffusion equation will help in filter
design and correlation of experimental data

FIBROUS filters operated a t low ve-

locities are often used ‘to separate par-
fibers; the removal over this distance
by each fiber is:
‘a = ‘ 0 (1 + 4.5 00 (4)
U p to the present, no effort has been
ticulate matter from gases. The prin- made to take into account surface
cipal criteria for measuring performance - - =dN bN = q d p N (2) effects such as re-entrainment or re-
are pressure drop and efficiency of re- a dh
Z m bound. Little is known about these
moval. Pressure drop can be predicted phenomena (70, 77) and it is usually
from correlations suc6 as those hroposed Rearranging and integrating from h = assumed that the concentration of par-
by Wong, Ranz, and Johnstone (23) to = H: ticles a t the fiber surface is 0. It
and Chen (4). But in mite of careful
\ I
might be possible to allow for these
experimental investigations of filtration effects by postulating the existence of a
efficiency (4, 74, 78, 23) and theoretical “back-pressure.” Here, however, it is
analyses (5, 75), no satisfactory general assumed that surface concentration van-
correlation for efficiency as a function of In an experimental determination of
q , the practice is to measure N1 and Nz, ishes.
the several dimensionless groups de-
scribing the filtration process has been the inlet and outlet concentrations of a
developed. In this report, the theory homogeneous aerosol passed through the impaction
filter. An average fiber diameter, dF,
is reviewed and extended; a design cor- “Impaction” describes deposition due
relation is derived and compared with is determined by microscopic examina-
tion. The value of so determined is a to changes in direction of the gas.
experimental literature data. Heavy particles which cannot follow
The most common theoretical model function of time, although little informa-
tion on the relationship is available (74). the motion of the carrier fluid collide
of the fibrous filter is an array of cylin- with obstructing surfaces. The first
ders set transverse to the aerosol flow; Most of the data refer to initial efficien-
cies of fresh filters. quantitative studies of impaction were
there has been some effort to study this made by Sell (ZO), who assumed the ap-
model experimentally ( 9 ) . Such a pic- The central problem of filtration
theory is prediction of q from the charac- plicability of Stokes’ law and wrote a
ture is an oversimplification, as it per- force balance on a particle in the form:
mits only a limited accounting for inter- teristics of the aerosol and filter. In
action among the fibers and the random the absence of gravitational and elec-
nature of the system. In practice, the trical influences, it is assumed that
efficiency so defined is an effective value q depends on impaction or impingement, or in dimensionless terms :
determined experimentally. diffusion, and direct interception. Siev-
In an array of fibers with diameter 6, ing, or removal by passages smaller
and a fraction solids, a, at any point, than the particle diameter, is not im-
the concentration of the aerosol passing portant in fibrous filters, which are usu- The group NI = mV/fdF, the “impaction
through is N . For a single fiber, the ally very porous, but may be more parameter,” represents the ratio of the
removal efficiency is defined as important for dense paper or cloth distance moved by a particle injected
filters. Varying the porosity seems to into a stagnant gas with velocity V to
b affect, principally, velocity distribution the diameter of the cylinder. For a
“G (*) in the neighborhood of the fibers. given fluid velocity distribution around
Wong, Ranz, and Johnstone (23) found the cylinder, it is possible (in principle)
where b is the width which corresponds little effect of fraction solids on q in to solve for the path of a particle. The
to a region of flow completely cleared of the range 0.045 < a < 0.098; Chen impaction efficiency can be obtained
all particles by the cylinder. I n a dif- (4) noted some variation with a and by determining the particle path just
ferential distance, dh, in the flow direc- correlated his data by a linear relation- tangent to the cylinder a t a given N I .
tion,per unitwidth thereare adh/(?rdp2/4) ship: Several solutions ( 7 , 6, 76, 20) for the

VOL. 50, NO. 8 AUGUST 1958 1 16 1

I o5
A d F = 2 . O p (18) [oC=O.O98] The group ATpE = dRV/DBM,the Peclet
number, is a measure of the ratio of
transport by convective forces to trans-
io4 port by molecular diffusion. Equation
6 is identical with the expressions de-
scribing diffusion or heat transfer in
flowing fluids. Thus similar solutions
can be expected for aerosol diffusion,
io3 except for the different boundary con-
dition imposed by the finite radius of
the particles, the direct interception
effect. Solutions to Equation 6 depend
on the velocity distribution in the neigh-
borhood of the cylinder. There is, how-
IO2 ever, no counterpart to the lower cutoff
W point characterized by the critical N I .
z The importance of the diffusion mech-
anism in filtration was first emphasized
2 IO by Langmuir (76), who attempted to
predict filtration efficiencies by calcu-
lating rates of diffusion to single cylin-
ders using a viscous flow velocity distri-
V O bution, on the basis of an arbitrary as-
sumption of contact time between aero-
I sol and cylinder. A different approach
(8) applied boundary layer theory to
solve the flow diffusion equation, using
0 the velocity distribution of Lamb for
laminar flow. The theoretical results
IO" - agreed well with experimental data
for heat and mass transfer to single
cylinders in liquids a t low Reynolds
numbers. (The characteristic param-
eters of the problem, Reynolds and
Schmidt numbers. are similar for aero-
IC2 sol diffusion and transfer in liquids at
low ; I k E ) .

Modified Theory
Figure 1. Recalculated data show a single-valued function with a slope of 3 at
and 1.2 for low values of parameter
large values of NRNpE113NRE116 Fundamental Equation. Mass trans-
fer rates in packed beds depend on the
Reynolds and Schmidt (or Peclet)
case of potential flow around the mentally verified, although impaction numbers (77). For aerosol transfer,
cylinder are of particular value in cal- efficiency appears to decrease markedly however, the situation is complicated
culating high velocity impaction. which in this region. by impaction and direct interception,
occurs in the icing of airplane wings, As the particles are not point masses which introduce parameters ATI and A'a.
and in predicting performance of viscous but have a finite size, their path need The principal difficulty in developing
filters a t high velocities. Davies (5, 6) take them only to within one radius of the a filtration theory lies in establishing the
has pointed out that, because dry fibrous surface for deposition to occur. This nature of the interaction among the
filters are ordinarily operated a t low effect, "direct interception," is usually profusion of mechanisms.
velocities, the appropriate fluid velocity expressed in terms of the boundary To determine this interaction, we
distributions are obtained from the conditions of the problem in the case begin with the basic equation of motion
laminar approximations of the equations of both impaction and diffusion, and for a particle undergoing Brownian
of fluid motion. is not reflected in the differential equa- movement in a gas (2):
I n potential flow, the velocity near tions. +
the stagnation point of the cylinder is
proportional to the distance from the Diffusion
surface; Equation 5 when written for Particles smaller than about 1 micron The net force acting on a particle is
this region becomes linear, and phys- exhibit Brownian movement, which in composed of the Stokes' resistance term,
ically meaningful solutions can be ob- * .+
the neighborhood of a surface results f ( u p ' - u ' ) , and the random time-de-
tained only for values of N I > '/8 in diffusion and deposition. 'L'nder *
(6, 76). Thus for potential flow this pendent force, K ( t ' ) , resulting from mo-
certain limiting conditions (including
value of NI usually represents a mini- absence of an external force field) lecular bombardment. This expression
mum, below which no removal by distribution of the particles is deter- is based on rather sweeping assumptions :
impaction can be obtained. Davies mined by the diffusion equation : The resistance term is derived for the
(6) has indicated that minimum values nonaccelerating motion of a continuous,
for the impaction parameter also exist infinite fluid past a single sphere; the
for viscous flow. However, a cutoff at random acceleration depends on a ki-
a minimum ]VI has not been experi- or in dimensionless terms: netic picture of discrete impacts by



what must be a discontinuous fluid.

.. which simplifies to
chowski equation is that du‘a/dt’ changes
Nevertheless, results predicted from little during a time interval of the order
theory based on this approach have ac + u g -ac = 2 aZc
of P-l. This allows the particles to up-
br de NPEdr2 (13)
been confirmed experimentally. This maintain a. Gaussian (relative) velocity
constitutes the principal justification for distribution and makes it possible to written in the dimensionless boundary
its use. treat the problem with diffusion theory. layer form (7; 72, p. 119).
Qualitatively, interesting facts emerge The time interval of interest (in which T o proceed, information on velocity
from a consideration of Equation 7 . distribution is necessary. Fortunately,
I t differs from the usual force balance duYp/dt’ changes) for flow past a cylinder
is of the order dp/V. Thus the require- we need consider flow only in the im-
written on a particle (Equation 5), by
the term K(t’). This term becomes of
ment can be stated as &/V >> p-’ mediate neighborhood of the surface,
as it is the boundary layer which is of
or 1 >> v / p d F = N I . I n other
increasing importance as the size of the words, the Smoluchowski equation can importance. A reasonable approach,
particles decreases ; mathematically, it be applied to the fiber model, if the suggested by Langmuir (75), is to use
represents the random force which pro- impaction parameter is much less than Lamb’s solution (73) for viscous flow;
duces the Brownian movement and dif- unity. This requirement is usually this is justifiable because the Reynolds
fusion. Thus the problem assumes a fulfilled for fibrous filters operated at number (based on fiber diameter) for
stochastic character and it is necessary low velocities to remove submicron flow through fibrous filters is usually
to consider distributions of velocity and particles. Equation 10 describes in- small.
displacement among large numbers of teraction among the diffusion, impac- For r 1, the radial and angular
particles. I n the case of transfer near tion, and (with appropriate boundary velocities obtained from the Lamb
the stagnation point of a cylinder, there conditions) direct interception mecha- solution are approximately :
is some probability of finding a particle nisms. I t incorporates the force balance
at the surface. Thus it appears that a U, = - B(r - 1)2 cos:B
on the individual particle. (14)
minimum impaction parameter cor- New Method Of Correlation. Equa- ug = 2B(r - 1) sin f?
responding to zero efficiency does not tion 10 is too complex for a general solu-
exist. This conclusion is not in dis- tion. Simplification is effected by as- Coefficient B is less than unity and is
agreement with experiment. suming that at sufficiently low values of a function of Reynolds number; for

By subtracting mdu’F/dt’ from both N I the second term on the right can a bed of fibers, B probably also depends
sides of Equation 7, and letting the ve- be neglected. How small NI must be on porosity and fiber distribution. The
-locity of the particle relative to the fluid,
u t R = u t - u t F , the following expression is
to allow this simplification will be best
established by comparison with ex-
boundary layer is assumed to be suffi-
ciently thin to fall within the region where
obtained : perimental data. the approximation Equation 14 holds.
Without the impaction terms, Equa- This is a reasonable assumption because
tion 10 reduces to Equation 6, the dif- of the low particle diffusivities.
fusion equation for a moving fluid. T h e form of the solution to Equation
With particles of finite diameter, there 13 to 14 for very small particles (pure
is the complication of a boundary condi- diffusion, NE + 0) is given by ( 8 ):

This is the force balance written in a
frame of reference moving with the tion which depends on ‘particle size :
velocity of the fluid in the neighborhood q NPE (BNPE)“~ (15)
of the particle. The first term on the at r = 1 + NR,C = 0 (11)
right represents the frictional resistance
r = m,c = 1
and the second the fluctuating force where the sign indicates proportionality.
due to molecular bombardment. The At the other extreme, for pure direct
third is a pseudoforce resulting from For the case of pure diffusion in a
laminar flow field, an expression has interception (ATpE +- m ) the efficiency
transformation to an accelerating ref-
erence frame. du’,/dt’ represents the
been derived for efficiency of removal is given approximately by :
as a function of the Schmidt and Reyn-
time rate of change of the velocity olds numbers (8) using the simplifying q = -2 u ~ = ~ + N RdB
near the particle. As the particle does concept of the boundary layer (79).
not follow the fluid motion exactly,
du‘,/dt’ is not equal to the fluid accel-
This approach is based on the existence
of a narrow region near the surface,
eration; it approaches the fluid accel- where the concentration drops from the
eration for very small particles. Under main-stream value to that of the wall.
certain limiting conditions (2, 27) it is I n determining transfer rates, it is nec- Multiplying both sides by NRNPE
possible to pass from a force balance of essary to consider only what is occurring
this type to the following partial differen- ~ N R N P=
E ~BNPENR’ (18)
in the immediate neighborhood of the
tial equation: surface. Such a n approach is usually Thus on a log-log plot of ~ N R N P E us.
valid when the Peclet number is large- ( B N ~ E N ~a ~slope ) ~ ~of~ unity
, should
Le., when the rate of transfer by diffu- be obtained as (BNp~N~3)1‘3 decreases
sion is small compared with convective (pure diffusion); a slope of 3 would be
transfer, as in transfer in flowing liquids expected for large values of this param-
often called the Smoluchowski equation. and aerosols.
I n dimensionless terms, it can be eter (direct interception). I n the dis-
I n cylindrical coordinates the steady- cussion which follows, parameter B is as-
written : state flow-diffusion equation can be sumed to be proportional to N R E 1 i 2 . This
written : form correlates the data well and is in
keeping with the results of McCune and
act + u B t r~act
~ = D W i f h e L (77) for mass transfer to liquids
The principal limitation on passage flowing through packed beds.
from the force balance to the Smolu- (12) Application of Theory. Chen (3, 4 )

VOL. 50, NO. 8 AUGUST 1958 1 1 63

and Wong, Ranz, and Johnstone (22, Equation 19 predicts a minimum in SYMBOLS
23) have made extensive, carefully con- the curve of efficiencv us. oarticle size:
trolled studies of the filtration of homo- As DBM = k T / 3 T p d p ‘ = y j d p , Equation a! = fraction solids, dimensionless
geneous liquid aerosols by beds of glass 19 can be rewritten: p = f / m , set.-'
fibers. Chen used dioctyl phthalate y = kT/37r,14
= boundary layer thickness, di-
aerosols ranging in diameter from 0.15 6 9 + -p-3d Z P Z (20)
= ,l/6dp1/2dp2/3J71/2 v1/2dp3/2
mensionless as defined in text
to 0.72 micron and filters composed of 7 = efficiency, dimensionless
fibers with a mean diameter of about 3.5 By differentiating with respect to dp ?lo = efficiency for = 0,dimension-
microns. Wong used sulfuric acid aero- less
sols ranging from about 0.45 to 1.3 (all other variables constant) and equat- = efficiency at any cy, dimension-
microns and fibers of 3.51, 6.24, and ing to zero, the following expression less
9.57 microns. The data of Chen were is obtained for particle size a t minimum e = angular coordinate, radians
extrapolated to zero fraction solids while filtration efficiency: (measured from forward stag- I

LVong found little variation of efficiency 114 1/8dp3/8

nation point)
with porosity. dpm = 0.855 X (21) 1 = fluid viscosity, gram/cm./
Most of these data have been recal-
v = P/P
culated and plotted (log-log) in Figure The existence of the minimum is es- = fluid density, grams per cc.
, ~ ’ ~ . tablished, as a 2 q / b d p Zis always positive.
1 with q N R n r p E US. X ~ f l p ~ ’ / ~ l \ ‘ ~In-
cluded also are a few high porosity data
of Ramskill and Anderson (78) taken Literature Cited
from Chen’s Table I (4). As predicted Nomenclature
from the theory, a single-valued func- = fiber radius, cm. or microns (1) Albrecht, F., Phys. Z . 32, 48 (1931).
tion is obtained with a slope of 3 a t ap = particle radius, cm. or microns (2) Chandrasekhar, S., Revs. Mod. Phys.
large values of Ar~A7PE1’3N&6 and b = region cleared of particles, cm. 15, 1 (1943).
about 1.2 for low values of the param- B = function of NRE (3) Chen, C. Y . , Annual Report, Eng.
c = C ’ / C , ~dimensionless
, Expt. Station, Univ. of Ill., Con-
eter. There seems to be no influence tract DA4 18-108-CML-4789 (Jan
of ATIwhich, for the data shown, ranges c , ~ = ~ mainstream particle concentra- 30, 1954).
from 5 ( 10) -4 to 1 . At values of NI > 1, tion, particles per cc. (4) Chen, C. Y., Cham. Revs. 55, 595
c’ = particle concentration, particles (19551.
the scatter became appreciable, indicat-
per cc. (5) Davies, C. N., Proc. Znst. Mach. Enprs.
ing the increased importance of the im- d, = fiber diameter, cm. or microns (London) BI, 185 (1952).
paction mechanism. We conclude, d;, = particle diamkter, cm. or mi- (6) Davies, C. N., Proc. Roy. SOL.A 234,
then, that neglecting of the impaction crons 269 (1956).
terms in Equation 10 and the boundary (7) Eckert, E. R. G., VDZ-Forschungsheft
d,, = particle diameter at minimum 416,1942.
layer treatment of the diffusion equation efficiency, cm. or microns . , Friedlander. S. K., -4.Z.Ch.E. Journal
are justified for ATRE and hi, < 1. DB.v = particle diffusivity, sq. cm. per 3, 43 (1957). .
The excellent agreement among the second (9) Gallily, I., J . Colloid Sci. 10, 558
data for different fiber mats is probably f = 37rpdP,grams per second (1955).
h = distance from filter inlet, cm. (IO) Giilespid, T., Zbid., IO, 266 (1955).
fortuitous. For any given type of fiber, (11) Gillespie, T., Rideal, E., Zbid., 10,
H = depth of filter bed, cm.
aerosol, and porosity, a plot of this type k = Boltzmann’s constant 281 (1955).
should give a single line. Curves K = fluctuating force due to molec-
(12) Goldstein, S., ‘LModern Develop-
similar in form although not identical ments in Fluid Dynamics,” Vol. I,
ular bombardment, dynes Oxford University Press, London,
would be expected for different systems. m = mass of particle, grams 1938.
The curve in Figure 1 can be approxi- N I = concentration of aerosol a t inlet (13) Lamb, H., “Hydrodynamics,” 6th
mated by the expression : to filter bed, particles per cc. ed., p. 614, Cambridge University
iV2 = concentration of aerosol a t exit Press, London, 1932.
of filter bed, particles per cc. (14) LaMer, V. K., Columbia University
r = r’/aF, dimensionless Rept. NYO-512 1951.
r’ = radial distance, cm. (15) Langmuir, I., OSRD R e p . 865
t = t’V/aF, dimensionless
Equation 19 (or Figure 1) might be (16) Langmuir, I., Blodgett, K. B.,
t’ = time, seconds General Electric Research Labora-
used to estimate single fiber efficiencies T = gas temperature, K. tory, Rept. RL-225.
for glass fiber beds of high porosity, if u’ = particle velocity, cm. per second (17) McCune, L. K., Wilhelm, R. H.,
ATzand RE < 1. The penetration or u I F = gas velocity, cm. per second IND.ENG.CHEM. 41,1124 (1949).
over-all efficiency for particles of a = u‘ - u t p , cm. per second (18) Ramskill, E. A., Anderson, W. L.,
d = velocity in radial direction, cm. J . ColloidSci. 6, 416 (1951).
given size in a bed of any thickness (19) Schlichting, H., “Boundary Layer
can then be calculated from Equation 3 . per second
Theory,” McGraw-Hill, New York,
utg = velocity in 0 direction, cm. per 1955.
For heterogeneous areosols, efficiency second
specifications can be stated as minimum (20) Sell, W., Forsch. Gebiete Ingenieurw.,
Unprimed velocities in the text are 2, Forschungsheft, 347 (August 1931).
removal for stipulated particle size. obtained by dividing those listed above (21) Wax, N., ed., “‘Noise and Stochastic
More rigorous calculations can be by V. Processes,” Dover, N. Y . ,1954.
made if the inlet size distribution is Y = gas (and particle) velocity at (22) Wong, J. B., Johnstone, H. F.,
known, by integrating over the entire r = m , cm. per second Eng. Expt. Station Univ. of Ill.,
V, = gas velocity a t minimum effi- Tech. Rept. 11, Oct. 31, 1953.
particle size range. (23) Wong, J. B., Ram, W. E., John-
The effect of porosity is difficult to ciency, cm. per second stone, H. F., J . Apgl. Phys. 27,
estimate. I n the direct interception Y , = superficial velocity, cm. per 161 (1956).
region (high values of NfiNPE1’aNRE1’5),
Wong found little variation with po- RECEIVED
for review October 5, 1957
rosity over a rather limited range; DIYENSIOKLESS GROUPS ACCEPTED May 7, 1958
Chen found a linear relationship (Equa- NI = inertial parameter, mV/fd,
tion 4). It is suggested that Equation Divisions of Industrial and Engineering
NpE = Peclet number, dpV/DBM Chemistry and Water, Sewage, and Sanita-
19 be used with the actual velocity, NR = direct parameter, tion Chemistry, SymposiumonAir Pollution,
V J ( 1 - a),rather than the superficial dp/dF 132nd Meeting, ACS, New York, N. Y . ,
velocity, V,. N R E = Reynolds number, d,V/v September 1957.


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