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Internet and Higher Education 15 (2012) 89–95

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Internet and Higher Education

Learning presence: Additional research on a new conceptual element within the

Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework
Peter Shea a,⁎, Suzanne Hayes b, Sedef Uzuner Smith f, Jason Vickers a, Temi Bidjerano c, Alexandra Pickett d,
Mary Gozza-Cohen e, Jane Wilde a, Shoubang Jian a
University at Albany — SUNY, United States
Empire State College — SUNY, United States
Furman University, United States
SUNY Learning Network, United States
University at Albany, United States
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 26 August 2011 This paper presents an empirical study grounded in the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison, Anderson
Archer, 2000) and employs quantitative content analysis of student discourse and other artifacts of learning in
Keywords: online courses in an effort to enhance and improve the framework and offer practical implications for online
Community of Inquiry education. As a theoretical framework the purpose of the widely referenced CoI model is to describe, explain,
Online learning and predict learning in online environments. The current study grows out of an ongoing research agenda to
Learner presence
understand student and faculty experiences in emerging technology-mediated education systems and to make
Self regulated learning
recommendations for theory and practice. The major question addressed here is whether the CoI model
adequately explains effective learner behavior in fully online courses and to articulate a new conceptual element
— learning presence. Results indicate that learning presence is evident in more complex learning activities that
promote collaboration and is correlated with course grades.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction results and began to identify the conditions under which distance
and online education resulted in better outcomes (Zhao et al.,
Online learning in U.S. higher education has exploded in recent 2005). A telling condition was “publication year” with an increasing
years. Studies by the U.S. Department of Education (Parsad & Lewis, number of studies after 1998 revealing advantages for the online for-
2008) indicate that online students generated more than 12 million mat. Zhao et al. concluded that this finding suggested that the two-
course enrollments in 2007–2008 with nearly thirty percent of Amer- way interaction of Internet-based online applications of distance
ican college students enrolled in at least one online course (Allen & learning provided advantages that previous technological affor-
Seaman, 2010). For learners who were married with dependent chil- dances had not. Zhao et al. also concluded that studies in which in-
dren that percentage rises to one in three (Staklis, 2010). Given that structor interaction with online students was medium to high
today's growth in distance higher education continues to be driven resulted in better learning outcomes for online students relative to
largely by developments in asynchronous online learning (Allen & classroom learners.
Seaman, 2008; Parsad & Lewis, 2008; U. S. Department of Education. Means et al. (2009) similarly conducted a comprehensive meta-
& National Center for Education Statistics., 2008) it is necessary that analysis including an exhaustive search of 1132 studies that com-
we focus our attention on these rapidly growing environments. pared online and face-to-face conditions. The research team exam-
Recent large scale meta-analytic research indicates that success ined these to locate the most rigorous studies employing only
rates for online students are at least equivalent (Allen, Bourhis, Burrell, experimental and quasi-experimental research designs (Means
& Mabry, 2002; Bernard et al., 2004; Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006; Zhao, et al., 2009). Applying these criteria the authors conducted an analy-
Lei, Yan, Lai, & Tan, 2005) and may be better than (Means, Toyama, sis of the 56 most rigorous studies of online education. Reviewing
Murphy, Bakia, & Jones, 2009) those of classroom students. Zhao studies that investigated elements of online learner self-regulation
et al. (2005) investigated the “heterogeneity” of previous empirical (e.g., Bixler, 2008; Chang, 2007; Chung, Chung, & Severance, 1999;
Cook, Dupras, Thompson, & Pankratz, 2005; Crippen & Earl, 2007;
Nelson, 2007; Saito & Miwa, 2007; Shen, Lee, & Tsai, 2007; Wang,
⁎ Corresponding author. Wang, Wang, & Huang, 2006) the authors found advantageous out-
E-mail address: (P. Shea). comes for scaffolding learning strategies including self-reflection,

1096-7516/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
90 P. Shea et al. / Internet and Higher Education 15 (2012) 89–95

self-explanation, and self-monitoring. These positive findings for ongoing project to document all instances of teaching, social, and cog-
online learner self-regulation represent fertile ground for the devel- nitive presence in complete online courses also resulted in identifica-
opment of a more comprehensive explanatory model for understand- tion of learner discourse that did not fit within the model, i.e. could not
ing the potential benefits of online instruction, a task to which we be reliably coded as indicators of teaching, social, or cognitive pres-
now turn. ence (Shea & Bidjerano, 2010; Shea, Hayes, & Vickers, 2010). These ex-
ceptions represent interesting data for refining and enhancing the
1.1. Theoretical perspectives model as they suggest that learners are attempting to accomplish
goals that are not accounted for within the CoI framework. This re-
The present study is grounded in several complementary theoret- search concluded that the learners under investigation engaged in
ical perspectives reflective of research on the complexity of inter- discourse on course logistics including collaborative attempts to un-
action in online classrooms. Rex, Steadman and Graciano (2006) derstand instructions provided to them by the course professor.
suggest that such inquiry falls within seven traditions and this Learner discussions also included strategic efforts to divide up tasks,
study contains elements of several of these including process- manage time, and set goals in order to successfully complete group
product, cognitive–constructivist, socio-cognitive, and situative per- projects. As such they appeared to be indicators of online learner
spectives. From a process–product perspective we are interested self- and co-regulation, which can be viewed as the degree to which
in how online discourse informs and shapes jointly created products students in collaborative online educational environments are meta-
developed by collaborative teams. This study also attempts to bridge cognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in
cognitive and socio-cognitive/situative perspectives by introducing the learning process (Zimmerman, 1986).
concepts of learner self-regulation to the Community of Inquiry
framework (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000). 1.3. Self-regulated learning and learning presence

1.2. Community of Inquiry model and self-regulation Research on self-regulated learning indicates that, “it is viewed as
especially important during personally directed forms of learning,
The CoI framework is based on a model of critical thinking and such as discovery learning, self-selected reading, or seeking informa-
practical inquiry. The authors posit that learning occurs through the tion from electronic sources, [but is] also deemed important in social
interaction of students and their instructor and is manifest as three forms of learning” (Zimmerman, 2008). Given the electronic, social,
integrated elements that contribute to a successful online learning and self-directed nature of online learning, it seems imperative that
community: social presence (SP), teaching presence (TP), and cogni- we examine learner self- and co-regulation in online environments
tive presence (CP). The framework theorizes online knowledge especially as they relate to desired outcomes such as higher levels
building as the outcome of collaborative work among active par- of critical and creative thinking as described in the CoI framework.
ticipants in learning communities reflecting instructional orchestra- Accomplishing this goal requires that we examine a wide variety of
tion appropriate to the online environments (teaching presence) issues including meta-cognitive, motivational, and behavioral traits
and an encouraging collegial online setting (social presence). The and activities that are under the control of successful online learners
teaching presence construct delineates task sets such as organization, and which past research indicates may be fostered in online environ-
design, discourse facilitation, and direct instruction (Anderson, ments (Means et al., 2009). We suggest that this constellation of
Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001) and articulates the behaviors likely behaviors and traits may be seen as elements of a larger construct
to result in a productive Community of Inquiry (e.g., Shea, Li, Swan, & “learning presence” (Shea & Bidjerano, 2010). We suggest that the
Pickett, 2005). Social presence represents online discourse that pro- name “learning presence” integrates with the other forms of presence
motes positive affect, interaction, and cohesion (Rourke, Anderson, in the CoI framework and reflects the proactive stance adopted by
Garrison, & Archer, 1999) that support a functional collaborative en- students who marshal thoughts, emotions, motivations, behaviors
vironment. The model also includes cognitive presence, a multivariate and strategies in the service of successful online learning. Learning
measure of critical and creative thinking that results from the cyclical presence thus indicates the exercise of agency and control rather
process of practical inquiry within such a community of learners. The than compliance and passivity and more fully articulates popular be-
specific form of interaction within the cognitive presence construct liefs about the importance of self-direction in online environments.
thus reflects a pragmatic view of learning (Dewey, 1933; Lipmann, This articulation of online learning presence is in no way meant to
2003, Pierce, 1955). undermine or replace the shared instructional roles of teachers
Given that learner self-regulation is a well researched construct and learners described in the teaching presence construct of
compatible with multiple theories of learning (see e.g., Zimmerman, the CoI framework. Our goal is to examine the distinct roles that suc-
2000, 2008) its introduction has the potential to enhance the CoI cessful online learners may adopt, roles that do not apply to instruc-
framework, which foregrounds the social construction of knowledge tors per se. While we recognize that recent researchers (e.g. Akyol
with less focus on the self- and co-regulatory strategies that success- & Garrison, 2011) have expressed concern that a construct that sep-
ful individual learners may employ. We propose that the introduction arates the role of teacher and learner may undermine the collabora-
of learner self-regulation can better enhance the scope of the CoI tive focus of the CoI model, we believe that the opposite may also
framework. be a danger. We suggest that while considerable overlap exists be-
Recent work on the CoI model (Shea, Hayes, & Vickers, 2010) sug- tween the roles of online instructors and learners their duties, expec-
gested that previous research methods may have resulted in a sys- tations, motivations, and mechanisms for success are not identical.
tematic underrepresentation of the instructional effort involved in Further articulating the strategies and activities of successful online
online education. Using quantitative content analysis these authors learners will, we hope, enhance rather than diminish the explanatory
examined course documents within and external to threaded discus- power of the CoI model.
sion areas and concluded that the majority of teaching presence in
two undergraduate online business courses occurred outside of 2. Method and materials
threaded discussion (emails, assessments, private folders, etc.),
areas that are generally not included in past investigations of the In previous research (Shea, Hayes, & Vickers, 2010) student dis-
teaching presence construct (e.g., Akyol & Garrison, 2008; Akyol & course that occurred in certain collaborative activities could not be re-
Garrison, 2011, Anderson et al., 2001; Bliss & Lawrence, 2009; Coll, liably coded as teaching, social, or cognitive presence. Given that
Engel & Bustos, 2009; Pawan, Paulus, Yalcin & Chang, 2003). This these activities are core to learner-centered approaches to online
P. Shea et al. / Internet and Higher Education 15 (2012) 89–95 91

education we felt it essential to integrate them into the CoI frame- 0.70 IRR for exploratory research of this nature (see Lombard et al.,
work. This required that we look for additional theoretical grounding 2002).
to attempt to understand and categorize the discourse. We used
concepts from a variety of sources (Azevedo, Cromley, & Seibert,
2004a; Azevedo, Guthrie, & Seibert, 2004b; Curtis & Lawson, 2001; 3.2. Analysis of learning presence by learning activity and module
Zimmerman, 1989, 2008) that examined self-regulated learning and
collaboration to accomplish this goal. Using conceptual element Learning presence appears to have different components
from these sources we then searched for patterns of self- and co- (forethought/planning, monitoring, and strategy use) that are con-
regulation within areas of the course where previous attempts to textually dependent. For example, all three are evident in debate
code student discourse using standard CoI indicators proved unreli- preparation areas, but only strategy use appears in actual discussions.
able. This discourse included student small-group debate preparation It appears that self- and co-regulation are triggered by the kinds of
areas, “ask a question” areas as well as within two of the full-class dis- activities that learners are asked to complete. Fig. 1 provides a visual
cussions in two courses. As a result of this exploratory analysis, we representation of the levels of learning presence that are evident in
developed a coding scheme that represents what we call learning two illustrative learning activities.
presence (see Appendix A). As can be seen there is forethought/planning, monitoring and
Once the coding scheme was established, two researchers ana- strategy use in the areas where students were divided into small
lyzed all of the communicative processes in the two courses, includ- groups and were instructed to prepare for a class debate by authoring
ing all six discussions, a separate debate discussion and four debate a position paper. This contrasts with the full class debate discussion in
preparation areas, as well as “ask a question” areas for both course which only monitoring behavior was demonstrated.
sections. The goal of this analysis was to determine if the theory
derived codes indicating — self- and co-regulatory behaviors would
be evident in online learner discourse. The researchers met to com- 3.3. Analysis of learning presence and other forms of presence
pare results of coding and established an inter-rater reliability metric
using Cohen's kappa and Holsti's coefficient of reliability. Cohen's Figs. 2 and 3 also indicate that learning presence varies by the type of
kappa measures “the achieved beyond-chance agreement as a pro- activity students are asked to complete. Fig. 2 shows that while there is
portion of the possible beyond-chance agreement” (Sim & Wright, a relative paucity of learner self- and co-regulation in traditional activi-
2005, p.258). A limitation of Cohen's kappa is that symmetrical im- ties such as standard threaded discussions, learning presence is more
balance in the marginal distribution of agreements can result in a frequent in online preparatory areas where students must collaborate
significantly lower kappa (Feinstein & Cicchetti, 1990). In order actively to be successful. Cognitive presence levels also increase
to compensate for this, we employed Holsti's coefficient of reliability in such activities. Fig. 3 documents that when the activity turns back
(Holsti's CR), which reports the simple agreement of raters. to the standard threaded discussion format, we see a relative decline
Lombard, Snyder-Duch, and Bracken (2002) suggest utilizing multi- in indicators of learner self- and co-regulation as well as a decline in
ple reliability indices when interpreting inter-rater reliability, and cognitive presence, though a slight increase in social presence.
past CoI research have utilized this approach (see Garrison, et al., As can be seen in Figs. 4 and 5 there is a correlation between learn-
2001; Rourke et al., 1999; Shea, Hayes, & Vickers, 2010; Shea et al., ing presence and social presence. A metric of presence density was
2010). Initial and negotiated inter-rater agreement was establish calculated by dividing instances of the various forms of presence by
for each coding session. The benefits of this approach are that coders the total numbers of posts in specific learning activities. Fig. 4 indi-
can locate transcription errors as well as refine the coding scheme. cates that learning presence density per small group is correlated
When the patterns had been identified, we collated the data by with social presence density within the collaborative activities.
categories. From these data we made charts indicating the number Fig. 5 shows a similar pattern when the message rather than the
of occurrences for our major categories: forethought/planning, moni- group is used as the unit of analysis. The average frequency of learn-
toring, and strategy use. ing presence per message is correlated with the average frequency of
In addition to identifying instances of learning presence we also social presence per message in collaborative activities.
used data generated in previous phases of the research to attempt
to understand the relationship between learning presence and the Average Student LP
other elements within the CoI model as well as learning outcomes. Combined Debate Prep. v. Debate Discussion
To accomplish this we examined correlations between teaching Course B
presence, social presence, cognitive presence, learning presence and 5
course grades.
3. Results 3.5
3.1. Analysis of inter-rater reliability
Tables B1 and B2 in Appendix B reflects the initial and negotiated 2
inter-rater reliability for both Instructor A and Instructor B. Initial
kappa for Instructor A was 0.248–0.640, and initial CR was 0.600–
1.000. Initial kappa for Instructor B ranged from 0.054 to 0.834, and 1
initial CR ranged from 0.902 to 1.000. Discussion IRR can be seen in 0.5
Table 2 (see Appendix B). Initial kappa for Instructor A was 0.217–
0.648, and initial CR was 0.837–0.957. Initial kappa for Instructor All Prep Areas Debate Discussion
B ranged from 0.309 to 0.746, and initial CR ranged from 0.887
to 0.976. Variation in kappas may have been a result of symmetric
imbalance of no codes for LP indicators. As reflected by Holsti's CR, Fig. 1. Forethought (FP), monitoring (MO) and strategy use (SU) in different online
however, inter-rater agreement is well above the recommended activities.
92 P. Shea et al. / Internet and Higher Education 15 (2012) 89–95

Average Presence by Student 35

in Discussions by Module
Course B 30

10.00 20


4.00 10

2.00 5
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 0
1 2 3 4
SP by Collaborative Activity LP by Collaborative Activity
Fig. 2. Instances of teaching presence (TP), social presence (SP), cognitive presence
(CP), and learning presence (LP) in course B. Fig. 4. Learning presence density per small collaborative group.

3.4. Analysis of learning presence and course grades significant (r = .246, p N .05) after controlling for learning presence,
social presence and cognitive presence. Social presence and cognitive
The strength of the linear relationships among grades, learning presence were virtually unrelated to final course grades when the ef-
presence, teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presences fect of the remaining three constructs in each analysis were partialed
was examined by the means of Pearson r and partial correlations. out.
Grades for the course were based on a variety of learning activities In sum, the analyses suggest that relative to teaching presence,
including module discussions; debate group participation, written as- cognitive presence and social presence, learning presence is a better
signments, a research paper, and case study analyses. Table 1 displays predictor of course grades, explaining 24% of the variance in the
the bi-variate zero-order correlations among the study variables, latter. Controlling for learning presence, teaching presence and social
presented below the diagonal line. As can be seen, the four constructs presence in fact eliminates the observed positive relationship
(LP, TP, SP, and CP) are moderately to strongly correlated. The largest between cognitive presence and grades. The same holds true for the
correlations are between cognitive presence and teaching presence relationship between social presence and grades when learning
(r = .86, p b .001) and cognitive presence and social presence presence, cognitive presence and teaching presence are considered.
(r = .87, p b .001). Learning presence, on the other hand, shows the
strongest correlation with final course grades (r = .62, p b .001). 4. Discussion and implications
To estimate the relative contribution of each of the four constructs
from the CoI model in predicting course grades, we computed the Decades of research indicate that learner self-regulation is an im-
partial correlations between final course grades and each construct, portant predictor of learning (Zimmerman, 2008), yet self-regulated
controlling for the rest of the constructs. The results are presented learning in online environments in a topic that is not well understood.
on the first line of Table 1. Learning presence and final course grades This gap is important to address given the near universal recognition
remained moderately related (r = .49, p b .001), after the variance at- that online learning requires significant self-direction and regulation.
tributed to social presence, teaching presence and cognitive presence The CoI model represents a powerful framework for understand-
was accounted for. The relationship between teaching presence and ing online learning in collaborative pedagogical environments.
final course grades remained positive as well, but not statistically

Average Student Presence 1.8

Combined Debate Prep and Debate Discussion 1.6
Course B
12 1

10 0.8
8 0.6
6 0.4
4 0.2
2 0
0 1 2 3 4
All Prep Areas Debate Discussion
Average LP per message Average SP per message
Fig. 5. Average frequency of learning presence and social presence per message in col-
Fig. 3. Forms of presence in debate preparation areas and debate discussion in course B. laborative online activity.
P. Shea et al. / Internet and Higher Education 15 (2012) 89–95 93

Table 1 Suggestion for a Revised CoI Model

Zero-order and partial correlations among the study variables.

Variables Course Learning Teaching Social Cognitive

grades presence presence presence presence Presence
Course – .49a .246 −.138 −.037
grades Social Learning
Learning .621a – Presence
Teaching .476a .528a −
Social .469a .762a .771a –
Cognitive .488a .697a .863a .870a –
The correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed); the partial correlations are
highlighted on line one.

Fig. 6. Revised Community of Inquiry model including “Learning Presence”.

While it represents an ideal in which teachers and learners perform
the same roles (expressed as teaching presence), it ignores some of
the real world dynamics that shape and constrain much of online roles characteristic of progressive collaborative forms of learning,
learning in practice. Learners and instructors do not perform identical but that further specifying the roles of learners in online environ-
roles and thus must engage in different behaviors to succeed. For ex- ments is beneficial.
ample, in this study, forethought and planning, monitoring, and strat- Akyol and Garrison (2011) recently suggested that the CoI model
egy use exhibited by students are quite distinctive from the concepts can be seen to account for important dimensions that focus on
of instructional design, facilitation of discourse, and direct instruction learners per se, for example meta-cognition. We agree with this
that characterize teaching presence. Because learners are accountable line of analysis but have some reservations with the conceptual
for their learning they exhibit distinctive behaviors, motivations, and framing. For example, while arguing for an examination of metacog-
strategies that are more or less adaptive and effective — we suggest nition the authors state, “The importance of understanding metacog-
that these are indicative of a distinct learning presence in online nition in text-based online learning contexts becomes apparent
environments. when considering the increased responsibility for self-regulation
Specifying components of online learner self- and co-regulation is (Akyol & Garrison, 2011, p. 3).” The argument we have made here
necessary. We began this task through an examination of discourse and in the past (e.g. Shea & Bidjerano, 2010) recognizes the impor-
that occurred in two fully online courses. This student–student dis- tance of learner self-regulation. Akyol and Garrison go on to cite
course had previously been coded (unsuccessfully) using coding (among others) Pintrich (Pintrich, Wolters, & Baxter, 2000) as a con-
schemes that prior researchers have developed for the CoI frame- ceptual resource for understanding the significance of meta-
work. We identified concepts, examples, and patterns of learning cognition. We would agree that Pintrich does supply a good ground-
presence within hundreds of instances of online discourse. We ing for understanding what effective learners do when engaged in
believe that the categories and examples presented through this online academic study. However, Pintrich's own lasting legacy is
new coding scheme represent an initial and beneficial extension to self-regulated learning (see e.g. Schunk, 2005), and he considered
the CoI model. meta-cognition to be one component of the larger construct of learn-
Learning presence is evident where learners are asked to actively er self-regulation. This is demonstrated by the Motivated Strategies
collaborate. Far less forethought/planning, monitoring of learning for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, &
and strategy use appear in whole class discussion than in collabora- McKeachie, 1993), an instrument that measures self-regulated learn-
tive activities. Asking students to collaborate more deeply, through ing in which Pintrich and his colleagues include metacognition as
instructional design that includes complex forms of collaboration ap- one of several dimensions of self-regulated learning. In other
pears to foster learning presence. Teaching presence is thus the route words, for Pintrich and other researchers, metacognition is a subset
to better learning presence but relationship between forms of pres- of learner self-regulation and we would suggest that self-regulated
ence is probably reciprocal given the correlations identified here. learning is the larger and more inclusive conceptual lens through
We suggest here that it is the duty of the instructor to gain awareness which to investigate the roles of online learners as learners. Again,
of and make efforts to encourage learners to understand the benefits this is not to argue that teachers and learners in collaborative online
of self-regulatory learning processes. Fig. 6 indicates a revised CoI environments do not share roles, including shared responsibilities
model that indicates what we hypothesize to be the relationships for teaching presence. It does suggest that we need to know more
between the forms of presence based on work included here. about effective online learners qua learners and that the literature
The lack of a correlation between course grades and measure of on learner self-regulation seems the richer source to support and
cognitive presence suggests that the instructor did not value this con- develop such knowledge.
struct as highly as other grades on class activities and further suggests Kuhn (1977) argued that determining the superiority of one theo-
an ongoing divide between theory and practice. While course grades ry over another was a matter of weighing competing values including
are a narrow measure of learning in collaborative environments they accuracy, consistency, scope, and fruitfulness among others. In a
do remain an important indicator for students, faculty, and related sense Greeno (2006) argued that theoretical progress can be
institutions. That learning presence is the only construct that was sig- made in a number of ways, ranging from improvements that add to
nificantly correlated with course grades certainly suggests its impor- the scope of phenomena that a theory explains to improvements
tance. We analyzed instances of student discourse and found that that increase the accuracy with which the theory accounts for phe-
forms of forethought and planning, monitoring, and strategy use nomena it already explains. In this paper, we examine the degree to
that typify the activities of successful classroom-based self- which the CoI model represents an advantageous theoretical frame-
regulators also appear to support the success of online students as work for understanding online learning based on some of these cri-
measured by course grades. Again we emphasize that the notion of teria. We suggest that the addition of learning presence to the CoI
learning presence is not meant to diminish the shared instructional model represents progress by these standards. Again, the roles of
94 P. Shea et al. / Internet and Higher Education 15 (2012) 89–95

teachers and learners may be similar in collaborative environments, Appendix A (continued)

but they are not identical. Further explicating the roles of online M5 — Appraising level Comments between “I like being on the ‘con’
learners by drawing on theories of learner self-regulation provides of interest online learners about self end of this discussion. I
added scope, accuracy and we believe will make the model increas- and engagement or others' engagement, am not a supporter of
(Azevedo et al., 2004a, interest, commitment outsourcing.”
ingly fruitful in describing and explaining online learning.
2004b) or participation
M6 — Noting one's own Statements about “I am more of a hands-on
or group's learning individual or group's learner.”
5. Limitations and future research behavior strengths/weaknesses
(Emergent) (metacognitive
knowledge) or changes
This study was limited to archived courses and, as a result, we were in thinking between
not able to interview students to probe more deeply into the nature of online learners.
their efforts at collaboration as it related to forethought/planning,
monitoring and strategy use. At the same time, the development of Strategy use
S1 — Seeking, offering, Online learners “If you need any
the learning presence coding scheme was based on just two types of
providing help requesting, offering, or assistance, please let me
online learning activities, full class discussions and small group or information providing assistance or know what I can do to
prep areas where students collaborated to write a position paper. Con- (Curtis & Lawson, 2001) information related to help you out.”
tent analysis of other types of learning activities, such as student- learning materials,
authored reflective essays or learning journals may yield evidence of activities, tasks or goals.
S2 — Seeking, offering, Seeking, offering, “Just as a point of
other behaviors that broaden our understanding of learning presence providing clarification providing clarification clarification, are you
as it relates to individual/private and group/public learning. Other av- (Emergent) between online learners seeking a critique of the
enues for further exploration include understanding the specific roles specific information
and contributions of students with high levels of learning presence contained in the readings
or are you concerned with
to group collaborative work which is product-focused and shared
our opinions about how
knowledge construction which is process-oriented. the material is presented?”
S3 — Advocating effort Encouraging or urging “Has everyone
(Curtis & Lawson, 2001) other online learners to contributed their pieces?”
contribute to the online
Appendix A. Learning presence coding scheme

Code and source Description Example Appendix B. Inter-rater reliability

Forethought and planning
FP1 — Goal setting Online learner discourse “At the end of next week,
(Zimmerman, 1989) establishing desired as a team, we have to Table B1
tangible and intangible submit a summary of our Course debates inter-rater reliability.
outcomes discussion points.”
FP2 — Planning Online learners “Why don’t we list (all Instructor A Instructor B
(Zimmerman, 1989) considering approaches, of us) what we perceive
kappa CR kappa CR
procedures, or tasks to be to be the cons of
used to attain goals. outsourcing.” Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
FP3 — Coordinating & Online learners “Are you picking this
Con 1 0.3251 0.6436 0.9823 0.9938 0.3538 0.9025 0.6346 0.9649
assigning tasks to distributing, sequencing [task] up next?”
Con 2 0.6398 0.8229 0.9552 0.9785 0.4654 0.9407 0.7368 0.9781
self and others tasks and sub-tasks to
Pro 1 0.2479 1.0000 0.6000 1.0000 0.8140 1.0000 0.9307 1.0000
(Emergent) others/self for future
Pro 2 0.6172 1.0000 1.0000 0.8302 0.5462 1.0000 0.7816 1.0000
Discussion 0.5988 1.0000 0.8366 1.0000 0.4470 0.7500 0.9332 0.9833

M1 — Checking for Online learners seeking “Are we sure that
understanding verification of everything has been Table B2
(Emergent) understanding of tasks, cited correctly?” Course discussions inter-rater reliability.
events or concepts from
other online learners. Instructor A Instructor B
M2 — Identifying Online learners drawing “I am unable to open the Kappa CR Kappa CR
problems or issues attention of other online quiz. Does anyone else
(Emergent) learners to difficulties that have this problem?” Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
may interfere with M1 0.6479 0.9283 0.9574 0.9894 0.7460 1.0000 0.9203 1.0000
completion of tasks or M2 0.2796 1.0000 0.8366 1.0000 0.3086 0.9025 0.8867 0.9649
other outcomes M3 0.2255 1.0000 0.9468 1.0000 0.5405 0.9309 0.8923 0.9848
M3 — Noting completion Comments between “I did some research M4 0.2168 0.7927 0.9175 0.9801 0.4908 1.0000 0.9759 1.0000
of tasks online learners that and then typed up the M5 0.5359 1.0000 0.9286 1.0000 0.3767 1.0000 0.7270 1.0000
(Azevedo et al., 2004a, indicate that certain tasks employer section.”
2004b) or activities have been
finished to support
attaining a goal.
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