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IRAC for Moot

Prof. (Dr.) Sunanda Bharti
Start IRAC-ing

• Issue=that basic question/set of LEGAL questions that you are

seeking an answer to
• Issue is always a question-articulate it as one. DO NOT BEAT ABOUT
• Usually, one sentence per issue

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A, an army-man from the Gurkha Rifles, who is posted on the borders for most of the year, returns home on a sanctioned holiday only
to Mind his wife in an objectionable state with his close friend B.

A, who is known to be a possessive and conservative husband does not react and allows B to leave the room in haste.

On the same evening, body of B is found murdered brutally with a sharp weapon. B was last seen with A and C and Z.

A was also seen carrying something on his shoulder going into the forest area by X.

A is arrested. To the police, he accepts that all happened suddenly and upon being provoked by B. A is charged with murder of B.


Dr. Sunanda Bharti, Faculty of Law, DU for Moot 2023

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(to help you frame your issue properly)
RULE--What principles of law is the case looking at?

What are/is the primary legal authority/ies

➢ may flow from a statute
➢ may flow from a landmark case
➢ may flow from a principle of international law

Whatever be the rule-state it completely and precisely as a part

of/in consonance with, your issue

Dr. Sunanda Bharti, Faculty of Law, DU for Moot 2023

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IRAC-Rule Contd.
RULE—If rule is flowing from a case (KM Nanavati v. State of
Maharashtra, AIR 1962 SC…), ADDITIONAL things required are:

• Holding-what was held

• Identify the unique facts of the case

• Reasoning –why was it held so

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(to help you frame your arguments properly)
Applying facts to Rule
See the extent to which your facts are aligned with the rule
(statutory rule or precedent)

Dr. Sunanda Bharti, Faculty of Law, DU for Moot 2023

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IRAC -Conclusion
(to help you frame your prayer properly)
The best possible conclusion that you can arrive at after
ANALYSIS of facts and rule/s

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Thank you
Prof. (Dr.) Sunanda Bharti

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