You are on page 1of 12

$ import random

default incorrectAns = 0
default chr_recovered = False
default env_recovered = False
default instability = 0
default obsession = 0
default recover_chr_first = False
default recover_env_first = False

image sclassroom_shard_1 =
image sclassroom_shard_2 =
image sclassroom_shard_3 =
image sclassroom_shard_4 =

image uparm_left =
image uparm_right =
image downarm_left =
image downarm_right =
image torso_base = "images/yuri_forms/yuri_sit/base/torso/torso_base.png"
image backhair = "images/yuri_forms/yuri_sit/base/torso/backhair_original.png"
image fronthair = "images/yuri_forms/yuri_sit/base/head/fronthair_default.png"
image head = "images/yuri_forms/yuri_sit/base/head/fronthead.png"
image torso_uniform =
image outfit_downarm_left =
image outfit_downarm_right =
image outfit_uparm_left =
image outfit_uparm_right =
image eyes = "images/yuri_forms/yuri_sit/face/fronthead/eyes/eyes_2_front.png"
image eyebrows =
image mouth = "images/yuri_forms/yuri_sit/face/fronthead/mouth/mouth_e_front.png"

label starting_console:
$ DisableTalk()
stop music
window hide
show black zorder 90
show border zorder 95
call clear_dev_console () from _call_clear_dev_console_4
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([('python', '>python'),
(" ", ' \nPython 2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:19:30)\n[MSC
v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32\nType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
for more information.'),
("", "{w=1.0}Force Shutdown Detected During PlayThrough.\nAttempting to
reload from nearest Save Point"),
("", "Nearest Save Point corrupted. Attempting to find closest uncorrupted
("{w=3.0}...","All save points are either corrupted or nonexistant."),
("", "Attempting to force a clean reload."),
("Attempting to recover DDLC Environments.......","{color=#FF0000}F A I L E
("Attempting to recover DDLC Script........", "{color=#FF0000}F A I L E
("Attempting to recover DDLC .chr Files.......", "{color=#FF0000}F A I L E
("","{color=#FF0000}A critical error has occured.{/color}"),
("","95 percent of DDLC files have become corrupt. \nAttempting to find
source of corruption."),
("","Likely culprits: {color=#FFFF00}\"Monika.chr\"{/color} and
("","Impossible to run game in standard state, shifting to recovery
("Searching for any repairable files...{w=10.0}","Potential route to
recovery detected."),
("Running recovery mode...","")
]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_7

hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Recover DDLC .chr File", "recover_file"),
("Recover DDLC Environment", "recover_env"), ("Cry", "cry")])

label cry:
hide screen caret_pos
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("{color=#008000}Cry{/color}", "Action \"Cry\"
is unavailable.\nHowever, we have found a valid substitute, and will emulate the
action to \n the best of our abilities."),
("...", "{color=#FF0000}*Waa,{w=1.0} waa{w=1.0}, waa{w=1.0}*{/color}"),
("", "That's what you sound like, please get back to work.")]) from

hide console_caret
hide ctext
if chr_recovered == True and env_recovered == False:
call screen console_choice([("Recover DDLC Environment", "recover_env")])
elif chr_recovered == False and env_recovered == True:
call screen console_choice([("Recover DDLC .chr File", "recover_file")])
elif True:
call screen console_choice([("Recover DDLC Environment", "recover_env"),
("Recover DDLC .chr File", "recover_file")])

label recover_file:
$ incorrectAns = 0
hide screen caret_pos
secondQuestionAnswered = False
thirdQuestionAnswered = False
fourthQuestionAnswered = False
finalQuestionAnswered = False
call clear_dev_console from _call_clear_dev_console_5
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("{color=#008000}Recover DDLC .chr
File{/color}", ""),
("Searching for a potential character to restore...", ""),
("Searching for a potential character to restore... 1/4", "Character
{color=#FFFF00}\"Natsuki\"{/color} too corrupted to restore to a stable point."),
("Searching for a potential character to restore... 2/4", "Character
{color=#FFFF00}\"Sayori\"{/color} showed signs of contributing to game corruption.\
nToo mentally unstable to risk rebuilding."),
("Searching for a potential character to restore... 3/4", "Character
("...", ""),
("...", ""),
("","")]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_9

$"sfx/glitchsound.mp3", channel="sound", loop=False)

show screen tear(5,0.1,0.5,0,20)
pause 1.0
hide screen tear
stop sound
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=#FF0000}Monika doesn't want to
come back.{/color}{w=3.0}"),
("Searching for a potential character to restore... 4/4", "Character
{color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri\"{/color} found potentially suitable for recovery."),
("Searching through character data...", "However, some of the character data
still remains corrupted.\nA guide is needed to help repair this corrupted data."),
("", "You will be prompted with questions regarding this character, and\nit is
within your best interest to answer as truthfully as possible."),
("", "These questions are not designed to make you uncomfortable in any way.\
nIf you feel the questions being asked are off, please tread with caution."),
("Finding questions to ask to fill corrupted data...", "1. How could the
writing style of {color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color} be described?")]) from

$ firstQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Abstract and experimental", "incorrect_ans"),
("Metaphorical and complex", "correct_ans"), ("Bittersweet", "incorrect_ans")])

label correct_ans:
hide screen caret_pos
if firstQuestionAnswered == True and secondQuestionAnswered == False:
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("{color=#008000}Metaphorical and
complex{/color}", "{color=#008000}Correct.{/color}"),
("Finding questions to ask to fill corrupted data...", "2. How did
{color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color} first come across?")]) from

$ secondQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Outgoing, bubbly", "incorrect_ans"), ("Stand
off-ish, rude", "incorrect_ans"), ("Reserved, intelligent", "correct_ans")])

elif secondQuestionAnswered == True and thirdQuestionAnswered == False:

call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("{color=#008000}Reserved,
intelligent{/color}", "{color=#008000}Correct.{/color}"),
("Finding questions to ask to fill corrupted data...", "3. What colour was
Yuri's-")]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_12

$"sfx/glitchsound.mp3", channel="sound", loop=False)

show screen tear(5,0.1,0.5,0,20)
pause 1.0
hide screen tear
stop sound
pause 3.0
$ thirdQuestionAnswered = True
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=#FF0000}3. Which person did
Yuri.chr love? MC or you?{/color}")]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_13

hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("MC", "correct_ans"), ("Me",

elif thirdQuestionAnswered == True and fourthQuestionAnswered == False:

call updatedevconsole_torrent
("Finding questions to fill corrupted data...", "{color=#FF0000}4. This
character has experienced significant trauma to the abdominal region,\nwhich needs
repair. What type of damage was inflicted in this region?{/color}")]) from

$ fourthQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Slashing / Piercing", "correct_ans"),
("Bludgeoning", "incorrect_ans"), ("Chemical", "incorrect_ans")])

elif fourthQuestionAnswered == True and finalQuestionAnswered == False:

call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("{color=#008000}Slashing /
Piercing{/color}", "{color=008000}Correct{/color}"),
("Finding questions to fill corrupted data...", "{color=#FF0000}5. Now...
what did this character experience whilst dealing with said trauma?")]) from

$"sfx/glitchsound.mp3", channel="sound", loop=False)

show screen tear(5,0.1,0.5,0,20)
pause 1.0
hide screen tear
stop sound
$ finalQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Despair", "incorrect_ans"), ("Euphoria",

jump yuri_restoration

label incorrect_ans:
hide screen caret_pos
if firstQuestionAnswered == True and secondQuestionAnswered == False:
$ incorrectAns+=1
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=#FF0000}Incorrect.{/color}"),
("Finding questions to ask to fill corrupted data...", "2. How did
{color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color} first come across?")]) from

$ secondQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Outgoing, bubbly", "incorrect_ans"), ("Stand
off-ish, rude", "incorrect_ans"), ("Reserved, intelligent", "correct_ans")])

elif secondQuestionAnswered == True and thirdQuestionAnswered == False:

$ incorrectAns+=1
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=#FF0000}Incorrect.{/color}"),
("Finding questions to ask to fill corrupted data...", "3. What colour was
Yuri's-")]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_17

$"sfx/glitchsound.mp3", channel="sound", loop=False)

show screen tear(5,0.1,0.5,0,20)
pause 1.0
hide screen tear
stop sound
pause 3.0
$ thirdQuestionAnswered = True
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=#FF0000}3. Which person did
Yuri.chr love? MC or you?{/color}")]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_18

hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("MC", "correct_ans"), ("Me",

elif thirdQuestionAnswered == True and fourthQuestionAnswered == False:

$ incorrectAns+=1
call updatedevconsole_torrent
("Finding questions to fill corrupted data...", "{color=#FF0000}4. This
character has experienced significant trauma to the abdominal region,\nwhich needs
repair. What type of damage was inflicted in this region?{/color}")]) from

$ fourthQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Slashing / Piercing", "correct_ans"),
("Bludgeoning", "incorrect_ans"), ("Chemical", "incorrect_ans")])

elif fourthQuestionAnswered == True and finalQuestionAnswered == False:

$ incorrectAns+=1
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=FF0000}Incorrect{/color}"),
("Finding questions to fill corrupted data...", "{color=#FF0000}5. Now...
what did this character experience whilst dealing with said trauma?")]) from

$"sfx/glitchsound.mp3", channel="sound", loop=False)

show screen tear(5,0.1,0.5,0,20)
pause 1.0
hide screen tear
stop sound
$ finalQuestionAnswered = True
hide console_caret
hide ctext
call screen console_choice([("Despair", "incorrect_ans"), ("Euphoria",

elif finalQuestionAnswered == True:

$"sfx/giggle.ogg", channel="sound", loop=False)
$ incorrectAns+=1
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("", "{color=#FF0000}Incorrect{/color}"),
("...", "The test has been completed, congratulations."),
("", "We shall use these responses to the absolute best of our ability to
be able to\nrecreate {color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color}"),
("Calibrating...", "Please stand by while we process these answers and
repair {color=#FFFF0000}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color}")]) from

jump yuri_restoration

label recover_env:
call clear_dev_console from _call_clear_dev_console_6
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("Attempting to find a suitable environment to
restore...", "Environment \"Classroom\" corrupted."),
("Attempting to find a suitable environment to restore...",
"Environment \"Hallway\" corrupted."),
("Attempting to find a suitable environment to restore...",
"Environment \"Bedroom\" corrupted."),
("... suitable environment detected", "Environment \"Space Classroom\" may be
capable of restoration."),
("", "However, environment \"Space Classroom\" has been shattered, fragments\
nof it remain scattered throughout the files."),
("", "You will need to place the shards into the folder \"space classroom\",
found\nin \"game/narrative/backups/\""),
("", "It is recommended you do not get too far lost into the files, only
extract and search for what is necessary."),
("", "Please select the option below once you have placed ALL the shards in
the\ncorrect folder.\nThere should be four in total.")]) from

call screen console_choice([("Continue with the rebuilding process",


label check_files:
$ filesFound = narrative_shards("", ["shard_1.jpg", "shard_2.jpg",
"shard_3.jpg", "shard_4.jpg"])
if filesFound == True:
jump allFilesLocated
if filesFound == False:
jump filesNotLocated

label allFilesLocated:
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("......", "All files found in the correct
("", "The rebuilding process can now start.")]) from

if chr_recovered == False:
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("... .chr restoration not detected",
"Before we can continue, {color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color} must be rebuilt.")])
from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_24

jump recover_file
elif chr_recovered == True:
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("... .chr restoration detected",
"Both .chr restoration and environment resotration have been successful.")]) from

jump rebuild_env

label yuri_restoration:
$ chr_recovered = True
$ instaString = ""
if incorrectAns >= 3:
instaString = "{color=#FF0000}Unfortunately, you failed to properly
answer three or more of the questions presented to you,\nand as a result,
{color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color} {color=#FF0000}may be more unstable than
intended.\Tread carefully when interacting with her.{/color}"
instaString = "{color=#008000}As a result of your successful answers,
{/color} {color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color} {color=#008000}has been restored.\nShe
will likely be in a vulnerable mindset when recovered, it is recommended to be
cautious with her.{/color}"
call clear_dev_console from _call_clear_dev_console_7
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("Rebuilding Yuri.chr...",""),
("Attempting to stabilise Karma...",""),
("Attempting to stabilise Sanity...",""),
("Assigning attributes...",""),
("...",instaString)]) from _call_updatedevconsole_torrent_26

if env_recovered == False:
call updatedevconsole_torrent ([("","{color=#FFFF00}\"Yuri.chr\"{/color}
requires a suitable environment to be placed in..."),
("", "An environment has not yet been recovered, please proceed with
rebuilding an environment so we can continue.")]) from

call screen console_choice([("Recover DDLC Environment", "recover_env"),

("Cry", "cry")])

elif env_recovered == True:

jump rebuild_env

label rebuild_env:
hide yuri_sit
call hideconsole from _call_hideconsole_9
hide border
pause 1.0
show black zorder 80
show sclassroom_shard_1 zorder 81 with Dissolve(0.5)
pause 0.5
show sclassroom_shard_2 zorder 81 with Dissolve(0.5)
pause 0.5
show sclassroom_shard_3 zorder 81 with Dissolve(0.5)
pause 0.5
show sclassroom_shard_4 zorder 81 with Dissolve(0.5)
pause 1.0
$ tc_class.transition("space")
hide black
hide sclassroom_shard_1 with Dissolve(1)
hide sclassroom_shard_2 with Dissolve(1)
hide sclassroom_shard_3 with Dissolve(1)
hide sclassroom_shard_4 with Dissolve(1)
pause 5
jump intro_start

label intro_start:
$ persistent.autoload("intro_start")
$ glitch_menu1 = glitchtext(random.randint(0,50))
$ glitch_menu2 = glitchtext(random.randint(0,50))
$ glitch_menu3 = glitchtext(random.randint(0,50))
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
show torso_base zorder 90
pause 0.25
show torso_uniform zorder 99 with Dissolve(1)
pause 0.5
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
show uparm_left zorder 90
pause 0.25
show outfit_uparm_left zorder 101 with Dissolve(1)
pause 0.5
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
show uparm_right zorder 90
pause 0.25
show outfit_uparm_right zorder 101 with Dissolve(1)
pause 0.5
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
show downarm_left zorder 100
pause 0.25
show outfit_downarm_left zorder 101 with Dissolve(1)
pause 0.5
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
show downarm_right zorder 100
pause 0.25
show outfit_downarm_right zorder 101 with Dissolve(1)
pause 0.5
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
show head zorder 100
show eyes zorder 101
show eyebrows zorder 101
show mouth zorder 101
show fronthair zorder 105
show backhair zorder 80
pause 10

y "Nat...{w=0.5} suki?"
hide torso_base
hide torso_uniform
hide eyebrows
hide mouth
hide fronthair
hide backhair
hide downarm_left
hide downarm_right
hide outfit_downarm_right
hide outfit_downarm_left
$ show_chr("A-BEBAA-ABAB")
y "Where did everyone go? {w=0.3} {size=-10}I was just in the classroom a
second ago.{/size}"
$ show_chr("A-ADBAA-ABAB")
y "Did I...{w=0.5} pass out? I-{w=0.05}I must've collapsed."
$ show_chr("A-CDBAA-ABAB")
y "{size=-10}... but if I collapsed, why is nobody here to make sure I'm okay?
y "I'm not in the infirmary...{w=0.5} and this...{w=0.3} isn't a classroom I
$ show_chr("A-BDBAA-ABAB")
y "S-{w=0.05}something's wrong, I--{nw}"
$ show_chr("A-DDBAA-ABAB")
y "GAH!!"
show screen tear(5, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 20)
pause 0.1
hide screen tear
y "... oh...{w=0.5} oh my god."
show screen tear(10,0.1,0.5,10,30)
pause 0.2
hide screen tear
y "President? Wh-{w=0.05}what exactly am I the president of?"
pause 3
y "H-{w=0.05}hello?{w=1.0} Anyone?"
"[glitch_menu1]" if True:
jump intro_start2
"[glitch_menu2]" if True:
jump intro_start2
"[glitch_menu3]" if True:
jump intro_start2

label intro_start2:
$ glitch_monika = glitchtext(6)
$ glitch_menu4 = glitchtext(random.randint(1,10))
$ glitch_menu5 = glitchtext(random.randint(1,10))
$ glitch_menu6 = glitchtext(random.randint(1,10))
$ show_chr("A-BFBAA-ADAA")
y "I-{w=0.05}I can't seem to move very well. A-{w=0.05}am I bound or was I
pause 2
y "I can't even turn my head around and see behind me..."
pause 2.50
$ show_chr("A-ADBAA-AEAA")
y "Is there anyone there?!"
pause 1.50
$ show_chr("A-IDBAA-AEAA")
y "Please...{w=0.5} this...{w=0.3} this isn't okay anymore!"
y "These...{w=0.5} infectious thoughts driving into my skull..."
$ show_chr("A-IEBAA-AEAA")
y "What...{w=0.5} what are these horrible words in my head?"
pause 4
$ show_chr("A-CFBAA-AEAA")
y "Think...{w=0.5} what happened?{w=0.3} Why am I here?"
y "I was with Natsuki, walking out of the classroom."
$ show_chr("A-BDBAA-AEAA")
y "We were saying goodbye to [glitch_monika] and Sayori right before that."
y "Then...{w=0.5} n-{w=0.05}nothing. Everything after that is just...{w=0.3}
$ show_chr
y "So...{w=0.5} h-{w=0.05}how did I get here?"
y "I-{w=0.05}it can't be these...{w=2.0} Monika would n-{w=0.05}never do
something like that."
y "Y-{w=0.05}yes...{w=0.5} there's...{w=0.3} a-{w=0.05}a good explanation to
all of this."
show screen tear(10,0.5,1,30,50)
pause 0.4
hide screen tear
y "NO!"
show layer master:
zoom 1.1 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.15
pause 0.15
show layer master:
zoom 1.0 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.15
pause 5
y "N-{w=0.05}no! There's...{w=0.5} there's better explanations to all this
than...{w=0.3} than {b}that!{/b}"
y "There's just normal scenery behind me! Yes...{w=0.5} there is..."
y "I-{w=0.05}I just need...{w=0.5} time. Time to figure this all out!"
"[glitch_menu4]" if True:
jump intro_start3
"[glitch_menu5]" if True:
jump intro_start3
"[glitch_menu6]" if True:
jump intro_start3

label intro_start3:
y "BE QUIET!!"

y "They couldn't just do that to us..."

y "They're...{w=0.5} they're not like that, right?"
y "Sayori...{w=0.5} Monika...{w=0.3} why?"
y "You couldn't have...{w=0.5} no..."
y "... {b}no{/b}"
y "This...{w=0.5} this isn't real,{w=0.2} this isn't right!"
y "My friends wouldn't do that, and I would never just perform those...{w=1}
disgustingly perverted{nw}"
y "I'm not like that!!"

y "Stop it!{w=0.5} Stop trying to f-{w=0.05}force this...{w=0.3} narrative into

my head!"
y "It's nothing m-{w=0.05}more than a sick fairytale! A-{w=0.05}a falsehood
taking illusion as reality!"
y "I don't want to listen to it!{w=0.5} I don't want to hear a single word
about any of this!"
show screen tear(20,0.1,0.5,30,50)
pause 0.5
hide screen tear
y "{b}GET OUT OF MY HEAD!{/b}"
$ persistent.autoload("intro_reload")

label intro_reload:
$ glitch_menu7 = glitchtext(random.randint(3,8))
$ glitch_menu8 = glitchtext(random.randint(3,8))
y "Must calm down...{nw}"
y "Must calm down...{nw}"
y "Must calm down..."
y "What would Monika-{nw}"
y "But, {w=0.2} Monika...{w=0.5} could she have even done all of this?"
y "This...{w=0.5} broken classroom suspended above the void?"
"[glitch_menu7] YURI [glitch_menu7]" if True:
y "..."

"[glitch_menu8] y uRI [glitch_menu8]" if True:
y "Is...{w=1.0} is someone...{w=1.5} th-{w=0.05}there?"

"Yuri!" if True:
y "..."
y "Y-{w=0.05}you...{w=0.5} don't sound like what I was hearing before."
y "Am I...{w=0.5} going insane? That would make more sense than I'd like to
y "Hah...{w=0.5} yes...{w=0.5} I've finally snapped after all these years."
y "That would explain these new thoughts swirling in my head,{w=0.3} the fact
I've suddenly woken up here...{w=0.5} and the general...{w=0.2} absurdity of the
# Decompiled by unrpyc:

label testing_limits_BA:
pause 3
$ show_chr("A-BFAAA-AEAE")
y "..."
$ show_chr("A-AFAAA-AEAE")
y "So... yes..."
$ show_chr("A-BFAAA-AEAE")
y "..."
$ show_chr("A-CGAAA-AKAE")
y "..."
$ show_chr("A-CDAAA-AKAE")
y "Well...{w}"
$ show_chr("A-BFAAA-ADAE")
extend "this is a bit awkward..."
$ show_chr("A-AFAAA-ADAB")
y "Umm... So..."
$ show_chr("A-AFBAA-AEAB")
y "I don’t exactly know what you had in mind with regards to activities."
$ show_chr("A-ADBAA-AEAB")
y "I know I just said I’d prompt you when I’m in need of any help"
$ show_chr("A-AEBAA-AEAE")
extend ", but so far as I’m just looking through everything and you are still
just sitting there..."
$ show_chr("A-BEBCA-AEAE")
extend " I don’t know."
# Decompiled by unrpyc:

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