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B READING A Look at the names in the article. Are any of the names popular in your country? What similar names can you think of? IS YOUR NAME ie ‘Some people have names that are There is also a trend for very unusual and unique, Think names that are things or about the actress Emily Blunt, for places (ike Egypt). Flower example. Her daughters’ names names are becoming more are Hazel (an eye color) and Violet popular: Poppy, Daisy, and (a flower) Alicia Keys has aon Loius, for example. Space named Egypt. How cool is that? names are cool, too. More ‘Are these names trendy? The and more babies have answer is... maybe. names lke Orion (a star) Many names seem to be trendy __Luna (the moon), or Mars for a whil, just ike clothes, In the _(@ planet. United States, some grandmothers POPULAR NAMES FOR BOYS & GIRLS and great-qrancmothers have names like Mildred and Dorothy. For Can you guess who helped make these names popular? cyandahers and great-randtaters, its old names ike Eugene or Lary These names usually come from Greek and Latin, bu they'e no vary Leonardo popular now. Parents somotimas choose names bocause they lke an actor ora famous person, That's how trends usualy stat. For exarple, Dac and Vitoria Beckham havea son named Brooldyn and a daughtor named Harper. Now, Brookyn is popular boy's name and Harper is Bruno a popular g's name. In the United Kingdom, baby boys often get the name George because of Prince George, Prince Wiliam and Kate Middleton's fist child ee regen B Read the article. Then check (¥) the sentences that are true. D1. Baby names like Mildred and Larry aren't so trendy now. 1 2. Many babies are named after clothes. LE 2. Alicia Keys has a son named Hazel Ll 4. Thereis a famous prince named George [Ey E. Some:girts‘names are the same'ns flawer-names El aisbetres never rave nines tavare theseme eeplanee crab. © GROUP WORK What names do you lke? Can you think of anyone: with an unusual name? Do you know how they got that name? Tell your classmates: Where are you from?

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