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DINAS PENDIDIKAN KOTA SERANG 4. I put some books in the . . . .
A. chair
“WIDYA CENDEKIA” B. bookcase
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2023/2024 C. easel
5. in my classroom there is . . . .
Nama Lengkap : ....................................................... Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris A. desk
B. skateboard
Kelas / Semester : I (Satu)/I Hari / Tanggal :……………………….. C. kite
No.Peserta : ...................................................... Waktu : 90 menit 6. the mat is blue, what the meaning bold beside . . . .
A. tikar
B. laci
Petunjuk pengisian lembar soal ulangan !
C. gambar
 Berdo’a terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal ulangan
7. i have one bookcase. What the meaning sentence is . . . .
 Isilah identitas pada lembar ulangan
A. saya mempunyai satu lemari
 Baca soal dengan teliti
B. saya mempunyai satu papantulis
 Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal – soal yang dianggap mudah
C. saya mempunyai satu rakbuku
 Isi semua soal dengan jawaban yang tepat
8. they are my friend. The italic word meaning is . . . .
 Periksa kembali lembar ulangan sebelum dikumpulkan pada pengawas
A. teman
 Baca hamdallah setelah selesai mengerjakan soal
B. keponakan
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, or C! C. anak-anak
1. What the meaning of desk . . . . 9. she is my mother. The italic word meaning is . . . .
A. meja A. ayah
B. kursi B. kakak perempuan
C. tiang C. ibu
2. The picture beside is . . . . 10. The picture beside is . . . .
A. posters A. mother
B. whiteboard B. sister
C. computer C. children
3. The drawing is blue, What the meaning bold beside . . . . 11. swim in Indonesia language is . . . .
A. gambar A. berenang
B. buku B. berlari
C. berjalan
12. I eat bread. What the meaning of eat . . . .
19. It’s a . . . .
A. makan
A. mouse
B. minum
B. snake
C. tidur
C. cow
13. The bird is fly. What the meaning bold beside . . . . 20. Horse in Indonesia language is . . . .
A. terbang A. sapi
B. berjalan B. kuda
C. berlari C. domba
14. The picture beside is . . ..
A. run
B. drink B. Fill in the blank by using the word in the box!
C. sleep
are my 10
15. I drink milk. What the meaning of drink . . . .
A. minum rabbit clock
B. makan
C. tidur
21. He is . . . . sister

16. It’s a . . . . 22. They . . . . my parent

A. calender
23. She is . . . . years old
B. mat
C. clock 24. The . . . . eat carrots
17. What the picture beside name . . . .
A. cow 25. The . . . . is red
B. fish
C. sheep
18. I like rabbit. What the meaning sentence is . . . .
A. saya takut kelinci
B. saya suka kelinci
C. Saya takut kambing
C. Match the words and the pictures!


27. Brother

28. Poster

29. Map

30. Wastebasket

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