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The Manifestation of Wisdom

Read a chapter of Proverbs everyday if you want wisdom.

Wisdom is a spirit- the spirit of wisdom (Isaiah 11, Eph 1). The Holy Spirit is the spirit of
wisdom. Christ is made unto us wisdom. I Cor 1. The same way you receive the anointing is
the same way you receive wisdom.
1 Kings 4:29
 If you are not instructible, you are not wise.
Solomon’s wisdom was heard around the world.
 But the queen of Sheeba left her country with treasures to go and seek the wisdom
of Solomon. She sacrificed her time, money, to go and seek wisdom. How far do you
go to seek the wisdom of God. What are you willing to sacrifice the wisdom of God?
Wisdom is sought- You have to put in effort and seek the wisdom of God. Pursue
 To know a person is wise is he ask good questions-hard questions. Questioning is the
manifestation of desire. Next time you meet a wise person, have a list of questions-
because if you don’t, you reveal that you are on the same level with that person.
 The queen of Sheeba went like Royalty. She went with precious items. Your gift
budget will determine the people you will meet or have access to. Your gift will make
room for you, will give access to people you’d like to meet.
 Wise people build houses
 They serve a lot of people and serve them well
 They increase what they were entrusted with.

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