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Seneca College

Argumentative Essay Assignment – Fall 2023

This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade.

While either agreeing or disagreeing with one of these statements, respond to one with an
argumentative essay:

1. Canada needs either to regulate or ban social media.

2. Canada needs to establish a universal basic income.
3. Canadians need to have the right to work from home if they wish.
4. Canada needs to eliminate private schools, as they reinforce inequality.

Do not waste time trying to guess what I think. What I want you to do is think, do solid research
to learn about your topic and write well.

I will evaluate these expectations when I mark your final copy:

1. You must use APA formatting. <<Proper title page, fonts, page numbers, spacing
and more>> There is a document in Blackboard explaining this.
2. Your final copy will be approximately six paragraphs, one of which must be a
rebuttal of counterarguments.
3. You MUST do research. Your opinion is not enough. One of the purposes of this
activity to learn how to integrate the thinking of others into your own work
4. There must be properly cited quotes included in the essay. See the APA document
to see how.
5. You will submit the essay online and run it through Seneca’s plagiarism check.
6. Please submit in MS Word or PDF format. (I use a PC and cannot open Apple
Word processing files.)
7. Make your writing readable by making it credible, effectively persuasive,
appropriate to this situation, natural sounding, interesting and most significantly,
grammatically correct.

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