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How can it be that scientific knowledge

changes over time?

Sunny,Tina and Bella

2nd order knowledge claims: A scientific perspective is built on share knowledge, these perspectives have a
significant influence on how we engage regarding knowledge and how we comprehend aspects and factors
in our surroundings.

Quotes: “Perspectives shape the way we interact with knowledge and how we make sense of the world
around us. By being aware of your own perspective, you can also acknowledge that others can have theirs
and that there can be differences but also similarities. Scientific perspective seems to be based on a common
ground from which knowledge can be produced, but is also open to questioning.” (Kognity).

Explanation: Scientific knowledge considered shared knowledge as we gained scientific related knowledge
through education institutions, involving lessons where teachers instruct students. For instance, I took
chemistry class where I gained my knowledge regarding atoms,electrons, mole, chemical reactions, radiation,
ect. Furthermore, the scientific perspectives impacted my knowledge by several approach such as my claims
will based on evidences and objectivity since, in order to make a claim in chemistry class, I must go through
the process of experiment, observation, data collection, analyse and evaluate the data,ect.
Truth (Bella)
2nd order knowledge claims: Scientific have knowledge and truth to potentially influence changes
in knower of society.

- The knowledge of society can change day by day so scientific knowledge has to update day by
day. Now scientists have to rely on the hypothesis, observation, and testing over and over
again. It is not 100% accurate, but it has improvement (“A Brief History”, 21).

2nd order knowledge claims: Using scientific knowledge to determine whether the knowledge is
correct or not is the best way to make sure that a knowledge is truth.

- The scientist does not do the hypothesis and the testing for the experience, sometimes it will
affect the final result (“A Brief History”, 15).
Values (Tina)
2nd order knowledge claims: Some historian may examine scientific knowledge through their

Quote:“Obviously when investigators design their research or think about their research goals,
they think of the beneficial outcomes of that research and the impact it would have on science, and
society. But its really important for investigators to also consider potentially unintended misuse of
the technologies or findings of their research.” (Prof.JosephKanabrocki).

Explanation: Science also takes into account various kinds of values. Individual ideas, such as
philosophical, thematic, religious, cultural, political, and economic beliefs, can fundamentally
influence scientific judgment.
2nd order knowledge claim: A knower’s value in knowledge can change over time,
because scientific knowledge also can changes over time.

Quote: “Mankind used to dream that one day we would go into space, and didn’t we
do it? We’ve even been to the moon.” (Prof.XiaoMingYuen)

Explanation: Mankind knows that humans can’t travel to space since their knowledge
about human going to space is impossible, and they have none knowledge about it. As
times past humans knowledge improve/changes because scientist started making new
discoveries. Now mankind knowledge knows that human can travel to space. Even
though knowledge is constantly changing and evolving, each person eventually settles
on what they believe knowledge to be, even if only for a small period of time. This is
true even when knowledge evolves over time and is further understood.

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