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Ruzzel Cedric Besin

1.What should possible cybersecurity technology BDO apply to prevent such scenarios? Match the

Answer.Matching Cybercrime Offense to Possible Cybersecurity Technology for BDO:Phishing Attacks:

Implementing Email Filtering and Anti-Phishing Tools can help detect and block phishing attempts
targeting BDO users. Additionally, Employee Training and Awareness Programs can educate staff to
recognize and avoid falling for phishing schemes.

2.Which cybersecurity technologies should bank users apply to avoid falling from such crimes?

Answer.Cybersecurity Technologies for Bank Users:Strong Passwords and Password Managers: Users
should create complex passwords and utilize password managers to avoid reusing passwords across
multiple accounts, reducing the risk of credential theft.

3.In your opinion, what is the significance of cybersecurity technologies in situations like this?

Answer.Significance of Cybersecurity Technologies in Such Situations:Cybersecurity technologies serve

as the frontline defense against evolving cyber threats. They are crucial in safeguarding sensitive data,
preventing unauthorized access, and detecting and mitigating various cyber attacks. In cases like the
BDO cybercrime incidents, effective cybersecurity measures not only protect financial institutions and
their customers but also foster trust and confidence in digital banking systems. These technologies act
as a shield against cybercriminals, reducing the likelihood and impact of successful cyber attacks on both
financial institutions and their clients.

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