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In this story lets see how the world gets wisdom and knowledge of

hunting and farming.

The characters in the story are the greedy spider and the god of
heaven Nyam .

Long ago, people were lacking a lot of knowledge. They knew

nothing about farming or hunting or anything. They just ate what
ever they saw. The god of heaven Nyam had the pot of wisdom. The
pot of wisdom was made out of clay with many colours and had lots
of knowledge and wisdom. He Gave the pot of wisdom to the spider
Anansi who was greedy and wanted everything to himself.

Anansi takes the pot home. He looks deep into the clay pot and sure
enough, he sees sights he has never seen before. He hears sounds
he did not know existed. Every time he sees the pot he gains some
knowledge. "This is too good to give away. I will keep this great
wisdom for myself," thinks Anansi. "I must hide it!" he says, and he
looks around for a good hiding place. He sees a tall tree with many
branches in it.

Anansi decides to climb to the top of the tall tree. There he will tie
up the clay pot and the leafy branches will hide it. He starts
climbing the tree, holding the pot in front of him. The climbing is
hard! Anansi wishes he had nine limbs!

His youngest daughter is outside and sees what a hard time Anansi
is having. "Father, it would be easier if you tied the pot to your back.
Then all your limbs would be free for climbing" says her youngest

"She is right—that would be easier!Thinks Anansi. He was so angry

that he dint get that idea. So out of anger he threw the pot and all
the wisdom goes flying out of the pot. Some falls here and some
falls there. Everyone gets knowledge in this way and by this way
every one learnt farming and hunting and many other things. This is
why wisdom is every where today.

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