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Research Problem: How can Millennial teachers be effectively trained for leadership positions?

Gamification in Leadership Development of Millennials

Related Literature

 As of 2015, the largest generation in the workforce are the Millennials (Pew Research
Center, 2015).
 By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be this generation (Pew Research Center, 2015).
 The Generational Cohort theory, indicates that age groups who had similar life
experiences, such as historical events and societal changes, tend to develop similar
values, inclinations, and attributes (Strauss & Howe, 1991).
 Millennials grew up with technology, and some have accused the generation of being
lazy narcissists who feel they're entitled to everything; however, studies show that
millennials don't differ from any other generation in what they want, it's just that they
grew up in a different background where information has become available instantly
thanks to technology. (Dowdy, 2015).
 Millennials are characterized as well educated, tech-savvy, self-confident, multi-taskers
that have plenty of energy. They have high expectations for themselves, and prefer to
work in teams, rather than as individuals (Yuva, 2007).
Training Programs:
 With an effective and efficient training program, organizations can increase their
performance and competitive edge (Bernardes et. al., 2019).
Training Programs and Millennials:
 traditional classroom lecturing, and traditional training manuals are not very effective on
the Millennial generation where only 6% of Millennials value classroom type training
(PWC, 2011).
 Millennials crave variety in media and are born multitaskers, so they can't just sit and
listen to a talking head, the way earlier generations used to (Novotney, 2010).
Gamification of Training:
 The "gamification of training" means using game design techniques in a non-game
situation to engage users and reinforce a specific skill or concept. (Lawrence, 2018).
 International pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca explored using a voluntary, game-based
learning system to get 500 sales agents up to speed about a new drug. Usage rates were
extremely high (97%), and 95% of the users completed each teaching session. Most of
the agents were also using the game outside of working hours. It proved to be an effective
team-building tool that educated, focused, and energized the sales force. (Lawrence,
 Leadership development is best acquired through experience and reflection, yet many
traditional leadership training programs are unable to deliver this type of learning
opportunity. (Monahan et al., 2016).
 According to Tariq et. al. (2021), employees are entering leadership positions earlier in
their careers than in the past. Which often results to a lot of trial and error with mishaps
and derailment due to a lack of experience. Which games and simulations can address.
 In an article posted in the DepEd Schools Division of Aurora (n.d.), the author, likened
Mobile Legends to Management and Leadership.
 Effective leadership is an important factor for school success (Garza et. al., 2014).

Abad, M. K. I. (n.d.) Mobile Legends (ML) and Management and Leadership (ML): Akin,
yet Different. Department of Education Schools Division of Aurora.

Bernardes, R.F., Guzzo, R.F., and Madera, J.M. (2019). Millennial Attitudes Toward Online
and Traditional Training Methods: The Role of Training Utility and Satisfaction. Cornell
Hospitality Quarterly.

Dowdy, L. (2015). Why do millennials get such a bad rap at work? CNBC.

Garza, E., Drysdale, L., Gurr, D., Jacobson, S., & Merchant, B. (2014). Leadership for school
success: Lessons from effective principals. The International Journal of Educational

Lawrence, D.R. (2018, October 18). Using Gamification to Train Millennials. EHS Today.

Monahan, K., Harr, C., Knight, M., and Crump, J. (2016). Gaming away the leadership gap:
Linking gamification and behavioral science to transform leadership development. Deloitte
University Press.

Novotney, A. (2010). Engaging the millennial learner. American Psychological Association,

41(3), 60.

Pew Research Center. (2015). Labor Force Composition by Generation.

PWC. (2011). Millennials at work: Reshaping the workplace.

Sousa, M.J. and Rocha, A. (2019). Leadership styles and skills developed through game-
based learning. Journal of Business Research. 94, 360-366.
Strauss, W. and Howe, N. (1991). Generations: The history of America’s Future, 1584 to
2069. New York: William Morrow & Company.

Tariq, M. U., and Abonamah, A. A. (2021). Role of Game-Based Teaching in Leadership

Skills Development. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. 27 (2), 1-15.

Yuva, J. (2007). Corporations should know Y. Inside Supply Management.

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