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нарула гурсифтх сингх


Тask 1. Lesson 10

A patient came to the ENT doctor with complaints of pain in the right ear,
periodic discharge from it. From the anamnesis: periodic discharge from
the ear for two years, conservative treatment with temporary positive
dynamics. Was not treated systematically.

Objectively: in the external auditory canal there is poorly detachable

mucous membrane, odorless, perforation of the tympanic membrane in the
central part, through which the hyperemic and edematous mucous
membrane of the tympanic cavity is visible. Other ENT organs without

1)Make diagnose
2)Prescribe treatment

Diagnosis: Chronic otitis media with perforation of the tympanic membrane.

- Prescribe antibiotic ear drops to treat the infection and reduce

- Advise the patient to keep the ear dry and avoid getting water in the ear.

- Recommend regular follow-up appointments to monitor the healing of the

tympanic membrane and overall improvement of the condition.

- If the perforation does not heal on its own, surgical intervention may be

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