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Soldados Someter(se), sufi Sonda Senda Sonda periodontal milimetrada Soplete Succicn digital gagina Superficie distal Tr TPR. Tableta olosita de mezcler Taladto Tejido Tejida initade Terapia Tijeras, Tijeras para lee enciae Tijeras quinivgices Tijeras rectas Tireervios, extractor de nervios Toruillo con rescate Torvitlo de dilstacién en forma de ahanica Toraillos de dilatecién Toreillos para disfmciones paletinas Torandas 0 bolitas de algodén Teosamiento Trelamienta del canal u Usgencia v V atillas para caldar Velo del paladar Vista, negativo Termminos de Eniermerta English-Espafiol Nursing Terms A Accaugh-up aap Solderes Uniergo an operation Broach Probe Calibrated periodontal prote Blow pipe Digital suction Distal surface Pulp radicular treatmentRT) Tablet, mixing Dailt Tissue Irtited tissue Therapy Seissors Guan scizeare Suugical scissors Stesight scissors Bathed broach, Pision spring serew Far-type expansion screw Expansion serews Palatal screws suture splitting Cotton pellets Treat ent Canal treatment Emergency Soldingrode Velum Viewer Plaster Enfermeria Una siesta répida a general check-up Absorb Acute adhme attack Ache Adhedve tape Adnissions in-patients Adnit ‘Adrenal glands Aerie Aid Ailment ‘Aleahol Alive AM care Anemia Anesthesia Antipolio candy vaccine Antious Aempit Axtey, Aciicial ventilation Ascarbie acid (vit) ‘Ask a pelient about hishealth Asleep At mealtime At the temples Athlete's foot B Backbone Balt-poiat pea Bandage tray Band-sids Be shy Bed Fowler bed Becpan Becsore Before bedtime Betier Bite Blask tongue Blade, scalpel Blanket Bleaderized feeding Blinds Blister Bloating paper Body heat Bradycadia Bread Breathing Brownbread Un examen médico completo, chequee Absorber Ataque de asma agudo Dolor Espuradrapo Ingresos Addnitir, dar entratla, ingresar a un paciente Glandules producioras de adrenaline Afeteil Ayuda Dolencia Aleahot Vivo Cuidado matutino Ancwia Anestesia VWacume artipolio en forma de ceramelo Inguiets, impaciente, ansioso Axil Asteria V enilacion atificial Acido ascérbico /vitamina C Preguntar al pacieate Dernide En las ccmidhs En los sentidos en lassienes, Pie de atieta Espina dorsal, espalda Lapicere Escera Antes de acostarse Mejar que Mordida Lengua violérea Cuchille; bistari Frazada Alimento Henado Patshan Ampolla Papel secante Calor compordl Bradicarsia Pe Respiracin, Penintegral Bruise Bulbs c Candy tars Carnobyekates Caritene Carotid artery Carpules, ampules Catheter Cereal Clas Coin the teeth and mouth Cleanliness Clinical charvrecord, Cosches Cadtiver off Compress, sanitary napkin Compression Conselling service/department Commeal Crisp vegetables Culture Cut cyanosis Chamber Charge mrse Check blood presawe Check body weight Check /teke temperature Check /teke the pulse rate Chemict Chelostemus D Dagfnight werkshi® Desinfectant Dextrose Dextrose-singer Dipiteria Dirtyfclean linen room, Doztor, physician, prastitioner Don't worry Drainage Dressing forceps Dressings, henclaged applications Dried yeast Dyspnea E Emergency stock Emergengy Room, Nurseinale snatse Nussing Megullante,golpemmoretin Bulbos Caramelos Carbotidratos Carotene ‘Atria cotta ‘Ampulas amgoletas Sonda Cereat Pines Limpiarce tor dientec pla boca Limpiezs, puicrited Histovia clinica Entronnéores Aceite de bacaleo Compresa Compresicn Consuttatta Comida «base de mais Frégi Cultivo Cortese; hetirse Cienosis Cantata de hospital Enfermera deturno Mecir lapreasn aterial Medir el peso corporal Mecir itemperatara Mecir el puls> Quimica, farmacéutico Cotistomo Ratecién Desinfectante Dextrose Dexirose-ringer Difteria Crusrto para la ropa suiaftimpia Méeico No te preocupe Drengje Applicader( es) Apésitos Levadura seca Disnea Medios, stock de urgencia Usgencie Enfermeva/o Enfermedia Nursing school Expectations Exposure to sir F Fanily docta Fats Features Fecestifieces AmE1E Fever Flasks, dass continess Folded gauze Folie acid Follow-up treatm ent; prognosis Foodstuffs Forshead Former dassnate Formula preparation Fowls Fresh lemons and limes Fresh meat, c Gauze pad Gauze swabs Gems Gethetter Ghost vitamins Ginecology Gloves Giuted region Good mornirg, stulenis’Doctor X Graze Grown folks Gynecalogic chait Gynecclogit H Hacking cough Heainet, womarlscap Hoatibut-liver oil Heat rae Heatbest Hopper soom Hospital diseases How are you getting alongin the hospital Humeral artery Hunchbeck Hut Hydration serum, Hypotension, low tlood pressure Hypothdames 1 T'lliryte find out Escuela de exfermeria Expectativas Exposicien al aire Médico de taramilia Grases Rasges Heces fecales Fietre Frascos Conpresa, apésito Acide Félien Evolucién, Viveres Freste Antiguo compatiera de clase Férnulas Asves de corr Limones ylimas fresces Came fresca Anésito de gaze Aplicadores| Germenes padgenns Mejorar Falss viteminas Ginecologia Chanter Regn gites Buenos dias! Rezadurs Adultos, mayores Ginecolégicasilla Gineestogo Tosperrina Cofa Aceite del pez hipogloso Frecuencia cerdiaca Latido del covazén, Casto dande se batan desechas Enfermedades del hospital Céme le va en el hospital? Arteria humeral Torchade Lastim arse Suara de hidratacién, Hipotensién Hipotdano Investigaré Improper cocling In proper cocking or eamning Inthe armpit, Inthe Burn Ward In the waitingroom Inguind atery Inject, have shot Injury Tnsutin, ode Ietegulas / rapid pulse Ietitate It doesn't matter It's quite all ight Ite 00 shocking It's very sad and exasperating Itch J Iuicy friits K Kidaey dish L Lab tests, lab exams, routine tests Late bight Laundry soap Levine Linen room Litmus paper Lockjaw Lovely complexion M Malel(female) ausse Mastectomy Medication orderirepost Medicine, medicaions drugs Mighty food for breakfast Milk shekes Miteral salts Molasses Mother My heart is pounding, N Nasogesric tube Needles Neuter Never mind Nissin Niboling Nigét blindness Nursing hos Nursing students Refiigeracién inadecusda Inadecundo cocinar o enlatado Enlaaxila Enla sala de quemados Enla sala de espera Arteria inguinal Inyectar Daf, lesion Tnsulina Yodo Pulso irregula/ répido Irtitarse; senaibilizarse No importa, no esde importancia Esté conectabien Chooants, hersible Es muy desagadable y desesperante Escozor Frufas jugosas Rifloner Andlisis complementatios Crepuseuo tercio Jabén para tavar Levin Lenzeria Papel de totnasot Tétenos Bella figura fisica Enfermero() Mastectomia Reparle/pedido de medicam entosfmedicinas Medicanentos ‘Alimento fuerte para el desayuno Batidos Sales minerales Micles Masse Mi coranén Iete con violencia ‘Tubs endotrequueal Agujas Neuro No importa, no esde importancia Niacin Morder sépidh y slensiosamente Cegnera noctana Clinica de repose Estudiantes de enfermeria Nuts ° Observe notice, se Offepring Oinmnents Operated patient Operatic Order form Orders Outpatients Owlar spas Osyaen P Pad Poin Pair of tongs Pallor Panthotenic ecid Patient Pedal aiery Palaga Penicillin Personnel allocation Pharmacy, drugstore Pentifal amcunt of pre proteins Polished rice Palyelinie Palgutia Poplitea! artery Pork Pb; uiize collector, containos, boda Pauly Powdered yeast Problems, disorders, daturbances Promos, oullook Progessnotes Prolonged storage Pus pocket, ebcess Q Queesy R Rack Radial tery Rash Raw vegetables Real vitemins Receives, kidney dich Registered nurse Retabilitation exercises Report Remiratory sales Locwa Observar Descendencie Ungoentas Operado Operacién Orden de andlisis Pedlidas Egresos Sepdsovuler Oxigeno Cofin, apésite, alm casita Dolor Par de pirzes Palider Acido pentotinice Paiente Arteria peda Pelagra Peniitira Distrbusin del personal Farnacie Gran cantidad de rateinas pas ‘Artoz paido Polictnica Policria Arteria popliteal Came de cerdo Coin Came de aves de corr Levadurs enpotve Probiemas Prondstico Notas de evoiacien ‘Atmacenantiento olongaco ‘Absceso (Que sieme néusea Cana delas historias dinicas Asteria radial Rossha, salpulide Vegtales crudas Vitamins verdaderas Rifieners Enfermera ded aifos servicio Ejersicics derehebilitecién Repatte, informe Ruidos abilaates Rib cage Ritoflavin (vit B-2it0) Rickets Risky operation Rubbing s Satine solution Saucepa Seat Sear Scarcity of nurses Scissors, Forceps Sorape Souty Schedule of routine immunization, Seenindy Seran Serum holdevbearer Serum setfeit Sets Severe cought Severely Shavingmachine Sheets of paper Shortness of breath Sick pecple Siknesses; diseases Singet Smallpax Snug Soiled dreading Solid redduals Sore Speculum, Speech problems Sphygmomanometer Spinach Sponge, wads of cotton, Sprain Squeezing Stainlese steel; blede, scalpel, knife Stand for Sterile pack Sterilization Stethoscope Sut Stir Stitch Stopper Strain Streteher Cajetorécica Ribeflavina Raquitismo Operacién riesgosa Rozaniento,frotadén Solurién salina Ola cacerole Péstala Cicatriz Escesez de enfermeras Tijeras Rasgutio, arshezo Escorbuto Progama de inmunizarién, Al parecer, aparestemente Suero Porlasuecos Equiposde suero Sets Sequia Severamente ‘Méquina pare afeitar Hojas de papel Falta de cespicacién, Enfermos Enfermedades Cainiseta fine Virvla Abrigado Vetslaje imeda Residuales sélidos Parte dolorida del cuerpo, lastimaduca, aga Eapécule Problemas del Lenguaje Esfignomamémetio Espinace Tormdas Toreeduse, esguince Congreve Bist Representar Set de curaciones Esterilizicidn, Estetoscopio Rigdo Picachwa de inescto Puno de suture Tapén, obturator Contorsién Camilla Stretches bearer Stuttering Sucking catheter Sucking devices, suckers Sunshine viterin (vit C) Supervise, check Supply form Surgery Surgical doves Surgical operation Subwe stissors Suture; autre set Sweb Sweat Sweeping Sweets Swell Syringe 1 Tablets, pills Tachycardia Tachypnea Teachers, professors ‘Thee is need for medical personnel Thermometer Thiamine (vitamin B-1) Thaving Throb Thumb end forefinger Tibial artery Tightnoce of choot Tissue paper To be anxious To be crippled To be discarded To be exasperating To be goodLooking To be handicapped To be neglecied Tobe scarree fron smallpox Tobe sick To beatha throb To become accustomed to seeing To all an ot-patient To catch my attention To cleanse the skin To choave the site For the infection To establish a good muse-patient relation To examine « child's tommy To feel alittle homesick To feel embarassed Canillers Tartamutez Sona de aspiracién Aspiracder(es) Vitamins © Supervision, Modelo pf soliciter suministro Cinga Guantes quinitgicos Operacién cpirirgica Tijera pl outwar Sutra Tormda Sudar Banido Dulees Tncharse Teringuilla Tabletas Taquicadia Taquicnea Profesores Haynecesidad de persmnal médico Ternémetra Vitamins B-1 Progpero Lats, Ded pulgar # indice Asteria thial Peoha Mop etado" Papel de sede Estar ansioso Lisisdo, Desvartads, eliminado Desesperante ‘Tenet buena presencia isica Tener linitaniones fisicas Exeiuide, Tener marcas de la varicela Enferma ester Laté con violencia, Acostumbrarse aver Llamar aun egresida Predatiliama: la atencién, Limpiar la piel Escoger ol lugar de La infeecicn, Establecer buena telacién enfermera-paciente Examinar el esténago de ua rifio Echar de menoe ala cess yfamilia Sentirse confusa, To furnish information To get onthe scale To getused to it To give anon committal answer To give sameone an IV injection To give up To go the doctor's affice To hang tlocd To have been homared To have difficulty hearing To hold your breath in To keep him warm and smug To lie down To lie in an awkward position To locate the orange section To make light digital presswe To do reunds To monitor To overcome smg To place the thermometer To prick yow finger To put alaryngascope down the thrcat To taise yous tight am To teliave hie discomfort To tenses my services To tequite nourish ext To toll up one’s sleeven To sgn out To spill something onto someone To sept To sterilize To stock up om fresh fruits To oti To suffer from, To take a deep of blood To take care af oame patients To take off one’s shirt To take the patiert’s vital signs To take tue skin between thumb and forefinger To touch you toes To undress To withdaw To withdrav the needle To wtigde your fingoto To yield Toast Toilet paper Toilet soap Tongs Tooth brushes Tocthpeste Proveer informacién, Subase «la talanca Acostumbrarse Respuesta no evasiva Inyectar intramuscularmente Abandonas, dejar de hecer it al consulted Poner wa transfusién Ser hom =nsjeadlo Tener dicultad para ce Ingpira fuertem ente Abrigado Acuéstese ‘Acostarse enna posiddn inedmoda Localiceta secidn dela nararis Ejemer presien digital en farmaligera Paser viata ala sda Moritorear Rebasay, resolver un cbstéculo Colecar el texmometra Lastim arse ef ded Colocar el laxingoscapio Levantar ta brazo derecho ‘Alisiar ex malestee Predar sevicios Requerir marntencién Subitoe lee mangas de la camioa Daraltahospitalatia apeticién, Derram ar algo sotre alguien Hoar oalir a choroe Esterilizar Abastecer con fruias frescas Pegule « algnion Padlecer de Tomar una muestsa de sangre Cridar a algunos pacientes Quitarsela cemise Tomar los signos-vitales Tomar Le piel entre ol pulger y ol indice Tocurse los dedosdel pie Deerestivos Sacer de, retirar Retirar la aguja Retoreotae Loe dedoo Producis, dar Tostada Papel sanitaria Tabén de tocedar Pinzas Copillos dentates Pasta dental Acido fico Acido putotinico Acostatse en una posicién inedmeda ‘Acostumbrarse Acosumbrarte aver Acostarse ‘Adultos, personas mayores Afetait Aguies Al garecer,aparestemente Alcohol Algedén, Alinentacién por sonda, guvaje ‘Alimento fuerte para el desayune Alinento liuido icuado Alisiar samaleste Almaceramiento prolongada Ampolla Ampolleta fasco ‘Ampalas, ampolletas Anemia Anestesia ‘Antes de acostarse Antiguo compafiero de clase Aplicadex(ed ‘Aplicadcres ‘Apésita de guuce Apésites ‘Aptetado, apretazén del pecho Arteria ‘Arteria caréida ‘Arteria tumecal ‘Arteria inguinal Arteria pedal ‘Artatia poplited Arteria radial Arteria thial Aspiradei(ed ‘Ataque de sama agua B Bandeja Bendeja de vendaje Bandeja, cubsta Bassida Batidos Bella conplerién Bistxi Bradicerdia Buenos dias! Bulbos © Caja torécica Folic acid Panthoterie acid To lie in an awkward position To getused to it, To become aczustomedto seeing To lie down, Grown folks Afctrile Needes Seeningy Alcohol Wads of cattoa Tube feeding Mighty food for breaktest Blenderized feeding To relieve his discemfert Prolonged storage Blister Vial Campules; ampules Anenia Anesthesia Before bedtime Former dassmate Dressing forceps Gawe swabs Game pad Dressings, bandaged apelications Wheezing Artery Carotid axtery Humeral artery Inguinal attery Pedal artery, Poplteal artery Radial attery. Tibi artery Sucking devices, suckers Acute asthma attack Trays Bandage tray Tray, Sweeping Mills cates Lovely complexion Stainless steel; blade,scalpel, keife Bradyowrdia Good morning, stadentsD octor X Bulbs Rib cage Tray Trolley Tube feeding Turnips u Uniforms Upto new Usine Utility oom v Vecdnaion Vecicte catheter Venopunctare Via Vitemins w Was of cotton Wace Waid dressing Wascloth ‘What’ wrong with him? ‘Wheat germ oil Wheezing White bread ‘Whitish sputum Whale tice Whale-wheat breed ‘Whooping cough, Windgige ‘With elu Feet Woand Wound probe x Y You couldn'thelpit, D Términos de Bnfecmeria Eapatiol English Enfermeria a Abendonas, dejar de hacer Abastecee Abrigads Abrigads Absceso Aceite de bacalao Aceite de triga Aceite del per hipogloso Acido ascérbico /Vitamina C Bandeja, cubsta Cana de cwaciones Alimentacién por sonca, lavaje Natos Uniformes. Hasa abora/d presente rina Hotiteciin de uso mitiple, pare titles Vacmedion, Sonia vesica! Vemoliss Ampolleta, frasco Viteminas Algodén Chieu, sala Cwaen sala Toalla pequeda p/lavarse cara y cuerpo Qué le avceds a sl? Aceite de triga Apretads, apretazin Penblanco Esputo de color blancvzco ‘Aston entero Panintegtal Tosterins Tréquea, ‘gazncte! Conpie sambo Herida Sonia rigida No pudiste evitarlo Nursing To give wp To stock up on fresh fsite Snug To keep him warm and saug Pus pocket, Codliver oil Wheet-germ oil Hoalibut-iver oil Ascarbic acid (vit) Acido fico Acido putotinico Acostatse en una posicién inedmeda ‘Acostumbrarse Acosumbrarte aver Acostarse ‘Adultos, personas mayores Afetait Aguies Al garecer,aparestemente Alcohol Algedén, Alinentacién por sonda, guvaje ‘Alimento fuerte para el desayune Alinento liuido icuado Alisiar samaleste Almaceramiento prolongada Ampolla Ampolleta fasco ‘Ampalas, ampolletas Anemia Anestesia ‘Antes de acostarse Antiguo compafiero de clase Aplicadex(ed ‘Aplicadcres ‘Apésita de guuce Apésites ‘Aptetado, apretazén del pecho Arteria ‘Arteria caréida ‘Arteria tumecal ‘Arteria inguinal Arteria pedal ‘Artatia poplited Arteria radial Arteria thial Aspiradei(ed ‘Ataque de sama agua B Bandeja Bendeja de vendaje Bandeja, cubsta Bassida Batidos Bella conplerién Bistxi Bradicerdia Buenos dias! Bulbos © Caja torécica Folic acid Panthoterie acid To lie in an awkward position To getused to it, To become aczustomedto seeing To lie down, Grown folks Afctrile Needes Seeningy Alcohol Wads of cattoa Tube feeding Mighty food for breaktest Blenderized feeding To relieve his discemfert Prolonged storage Blister Vial Campules; ampules Anenia Anesthesia Before bedtime Former dassmate Dressing forceps Gawe swabs Game pad Dressings, bandaged apelications Wheezing Artery Carotid axtery Humeral artery Inguinal attery Pedal artery, Poplteal artery Radial attery. Tibi artery Sucking devices, suckers Acute asthma attack Trays Bandage tray Tray, Sweeping Mills cates Lovely complexion Stainless steel; blade,scalpel, keife Bradyowrdia Good morning, stadentsD octor X Bulbs Rib cage Calor corporal Cana Camara de hospital Canitla Canillers Canisets fine Caramelos Casbobidratos Came de aves de corral Came de cerdo Came fresca Caroteno Canta de cweciones Canta delas historias dinicas Cegiera noctarna Copillos dentales Cereal Cismosis Cicateiz Cinga Clirica de reposo Cofa Coyin, aposito Cot crac Coten dl tallo Cotiflar Cotocar el taxingescopio Colecar el texmémetra Colestono Comida a base de maiz Cémo le va en el hospital? Complenentarios Compress Compresa, apésite Compresién Compresive Con pie zambo Corsulteria Cottorsién Cortarse; herirse Crepisoulo terdio Cruarto dande oe batan desechoe Cubicws Cuchille Cuidar a algunos pacientes Cultive Curas, cuitas Chicharos Chichatos Chocant, harsible Body heat Bed, Fowler bed Chanber Stretcher Stretcher bearer Singlet Canty bars Carbolaydrates Pauley Pork Fresh meat Catitene Trolley Rack Nigh blindness Toath brushes Cereal Cyanosis Sear Surgery Nursing home Hairnet, vores cap Pad Raw cabbage Kolhirabi Tumnips To put a laryngoscope down the throat To place the thermometer Chalostonus Commeal Haw are you getting along in the hospital Lab tests, lab exams Compress, saritarynaphin Folded geuze Compression Squeezing With clue feet Conselling serviceMepartment Strain cut Late twilight Hopper room Wards Blade, scalpel To tale cute of come pationte Cultwe Pot; urine collector, container, bedpan Weed dressing Band-sids Bears Peas a's sa shocking D Dai, tesién Dar alta hospitelatia a peticidn, Dee pulgar indice Deramar algo sotre alguien Descartada, eliminade Descendenci« Desesparante Desnfectante Desvestirse Dextrose Dextrosesinger Difteria Disnea Distribucién del personal Dolencie Dolor Dolor Dolor enel pecho Dreage Dulces E Echar de menos ala casa y familia Egresos Ejercer presién digital en farmaligera Ejercicics derehabiitacion Ena avila Enla sala de espera Enla sala de quemados En las ccmiche Enlos sentidos Enfermedades Enfermedades del hospital Enfermera ded aios servicio Enfermera detumo Enferin eros) Enfermos Enkenadares Equipos Equiposde suero Es muy desagadable y desesperante Eecwra Escasex de enfermeras Escoger al lugar de la infecsién Escorbuta Escozor Esfignomamémetio Eapécule Espinace Esputo de color blancuzco Eaté conectolbien Esteblecer ura tuena relacién enfermera. Injury To sign out Thumb and forefinger To spill sng onto someone Tobe discarded Offspring Tobe exesperating Desinfectart. To uackess Dextrose Dextrose-singer Diphieria Dyspnea Personmel allocation Ailment Ache Pain Ches pain Drainage Sweets To feel alittle homesick Out-patients To make light digital prossme ‘Rehabilitaion exercises In the armpit Inthe waitingroon. Inthe Bum Ward, At mealtime At the temples Siknesses, diseases Hospital diseases Registered nurse Charge mise Malel(female) nutes Sick people Coaches Equipment, oot, kit, Serun setkit a's very sad and exasperating Bedoote Scarcity of muses Ta choose the site for the infection Sowby eh, Sphygmomanometer Specatam Spinich Whitish sputum A a quite all sight To establish a good ruse-patient relation Ester ansioso Estar enferme Esterilizacién Estesilizar Estetoseapio Estudlantes oe enfermeria Evelucién, Examiner el estenago de mn sifio Exctuide Expectativas Exposicién al aire F Falsas viteminas Falta de respirarién, Farmacia Fiebre Férmules Frégil Frascos Frazada Frecuencia cerdiaca Frecuencia respiretorie Freste Frugas jugosas G Gérmenes pedgenns Ginecologia Gineeoldgica sill Ginecélogo Gliadules produciorasde adrenalina Gan cattidad de proteinaa pres Grases Gumntes Gruaites quinitgicos H Hatitaciin de uso mitiple Hacer salir achorvos Hada atora/d presente Haynecesidad de personal médico He manchado las sdbanas Heces fecales Hemoculliva Henda Hipartensin, Hipertensién, Hipotdamo Hipotenién, Historia clinica Hojas de papel t Inadecusde cocinar 0 enlatado To be anxious Tobe sick Sterilization Sterlize Stethoscope Nursery students Follow-up treatment; prognosis To examine one's tommy To be neglected, Expectations Exposure to de Ghost vitamins Shortness of breath Phamacy, drugstore Fever Formula, preparation Crisy vegetables Flasks, dass contsiners Blanket Heatrae Respiratory rate Forehead Tuiey fruits Gems Ginecology Gynecologic chait Gynecdlogist ‘Adrenal glands Plontiful amount of pure proteins Fats Gloves Surgical goves Udy oom To squin Up to now These is need for medical personnel I've stained the ‘ted clothes Fecestifeeces AmExE Blood culture, hem oculture Wound Hypertension, high bleod presswe Hypertension Hypothanus Hypotension, low blood pressure Clinical charvrecerd Sheets of paper In proper cocking or canning Tncharse Ingresos Ingpira fuertem enie Insulin Investigné Inyectar Inyectar intramusrularmende Ir al consultexio Iesitarse J Tabén de tocadar Tabén para lavar Teringuilla Tordbade K L Lapicere Lasim aise Leasiim aise el dedo Letido del corazéa, Latk con violencia Lett con violencia, Lat, Lencesie Lengua de cclor violéceo Levadura enpolvo Levadura seca Levantat tx brazo derecho Levin Limones ylimas fresces Limmpiae ta pist Limpiarse los dientes y 1a boca Limpieza, pulcritud Lisiada, imitada daice Localicela seocién dela nerarja Locwa Liaga Llamar «un egresado M Maske Magullante, golpe, motetén Méquine pare afeitar Mastectomia Medicamentos Mético Médico de tafamdia Modis ol peoo corporal Medi el pulso Medi 1a presién eterial Medi latemperatara Mejer Swell Adwissions, inpatients To hold your breath in Insulin Til wytofing ow, Inject, have a shot To give someone an IV injection To go the doctor's affice Irsitate Toilet scap Laundry snap Syringe Hunchbecks Ballpoint pea Hut To prick your finger Heathest My beartis pounding To beatha throb Throb Linen room Black tongue Powdered yeast Dried yeast To taise yous tight atm Levine Fresh lenonsand limes To cleanse the akin Clean the teeth and mouth Clesnliness To be crippled To locate the orange section Nuts, creze Sore To call an out-patient Moter Bruise Shavingmachine Mastectomy Medicine, medications drugs Doztos, physician, practitioner Family doctor Check body weight Chesk/take the pulse rate Chesk blood pressure Chhesk/take temperature Better Modelo p/soliciter suminisiro Mositorear Morder sépice y slendiosamente Merdida N Neutso Niesin Noimpara, Noimperta, no esde importancia No gudiste evitarlo Nose preocupe Notas de evotucién, Notas de evotucien, ° Observer Ol, caverola Operacion Operacién quirdrgica Operacion riesgosa Operado Orden de andlisis Orina Oxigeno Pp Peciente Padecer de Palider Pe Penblarco Panintegtal Penintegral Papal de sede Papal de totnasol Papal sanitario Papal secante Patde pirzae Perabén Parte detorida del cuspa, lastimaduca Peo visita ala oda Pasias dentales Pecho "epretad" Pedide do medicinae Pechdas Pegatle a alguien Pelegra Peniciliza Picedure de insecio Pie de atleta Pimientes crudos Pinzas Pinzas Polictinica Supsly form Monitor Nibbling Bite Neuter Niacin Never mind it doesn't matter Youcouldn'thelpit, Don't worry. Progessnotes Progessnates Observe, notice, se Saucepan Operation Surgical operation, Risky operation Operates patient Order form, Usine Oxygen, Pétion. To suffer fron Pallor Breed White bread. Brown bread ‘Whole-wheat breed Tissue paper Litmus paper Toilet peper Blotting paper Pair of tonge Blinds Sore To makeromnde Tooth pestes Tightness of chest Medication orderkopart Orders To strike someone Palaga Penicillin Sting Athlete's foot Raw peppers Clas Tonge Polyclinic Politwia Poner ua traasfusicn Poriasueras Péstula Pregunter al paciente Prestar sevicios Prestasillamar la stencién, Problemas, tastomos, Problemas del Lenguaje Producis, dar Profesores Programa de inmunizacién Proaéstico Promere Proveer informacién, Pulso irregular répido Punto de satura Q Quéle suede a? Que siente niusea Quimica farmacéutico Quitarsela cemise R Raitisno Rasges Rasgufic, arahezo Rebasar, resclver un obsteulo Refiigeracién inadecusda Region ghites Reporte, infeeme Reparte/pedido de medicam entos Representar Requerit manutencién Readusles slidas Regpiradén Respussta no evativa Retirarla aguja Retorcerse los dedas Riboflavina Rigdo Rifionera Rifioners Roncha, salpullido Ratacién Rezadura Rozamiento,frotadién Ruidos dbilantes s Sacar de, retirar Sales minerales Semirse confaea, Sepsis ovular Polyuria To hang too Serum holdes/oeacer Soab ‘Ask patient about his health To renuler my services To catch my attention Problems, disorders, disturbances Problemas ariiculstorios To yield Teachers, professors Schedule of routine immunzation Prognosis, outlook Thriving To furnish information Irregular /ragid pulse Stick What's wrong with hin? Queasy Chemist To take off one’s shirt Rickets Features Sorepe To overcome sme Improper cocling Gtuted region Report. Medication ordertepart Stand for To requice nowtisha ort Solid redduals Bredthing To give anon committal enowet To withdraw the needle To wriggle your fingers Riboflavin (vt B-2/it@) Stitt Kidney dish Rocsives, kidaoy dish Rash Dayfnight workshift Graze Rubbing Respiratory rales To withéaw Miteral salts To feel embarasced Ovular sepsis Sequia Ser homengjeado Ser timido Set de curaciones Sets Severamente Soluriénsdina Senda Sontla de aspiracién, Sona sigida Sonda vesical Subirse ¢ la telansa Subirse las mangas de la canisa Suda Suera Suera de hidratacién Supervision, Sutnra T Tabletas Tapdn obturador Taquicarda Tagaionea Tarlam ater Tener buena presencia fisica Tener difcullad para cir Tenor Hinitacionee fisieas Tener marcas de la varicela Termémetra Tétsnoe Tijera pl outer Tijeras, Tipe de vol Todllita p/ serarse la cura y cuerpo Tocarse los dedosdel pie Tomar Ie piel ontie ol pulgar y ol indice Tomar los signos vitales Tomar uaa musetta de ange Torceduse, esguince Tormda Tos perrina Tosferins Tostada Tedquea, guznate Tubo endatrecueal U Un examen médica completo, chequce Una siesta répida Ungientas Unifoumes Usgencie Severe drought To hove been honsred Tobe sty Sterile pack Sets Severely Salire solution Catheter Sucling catheter Wound probe Vesicle catheter To get onthe scale To roll up one’s sleeves Sweet Serun sett Hydvation serum Supervise check Suture; suture set Tablets, pills Stopper Tachycardia Tachypnea Stuttering Ta be good-toaking To have difficulty hearing To bs handicapped To be scared from smallpox Thermometer Lockjaw Sutue scissors Scissors, forceps Kale Washeloth To touch your tees To take the alsin beorreen your thumb and forefinger To teke the patient's vital signs To take advop of blood Sprain Sporge, svab, wads of cotten Hacking cough ‘Whooping cough Toast Windpipe Nascgastiic tube A checkup A canght-up nap Oilments Uaigoum s Emergengy Room v Vacuna andipolio on forma de caramelo ¥ ecanacién Vegetales crudas Vegetaler de hnjas verdes Verdaje imedo Vennclisis Vertilacién artificial Virela Vitemina B-1 Vitemina C Viteminas Viteminss verdaderas Viveres Antipolio candy vaccine Vecsination Raw vegetables Green leafy wegetsblee Soiled ckessing Vempunctare Actificial vertilation Smallpar ‘Thiemine (vitamin B-1) Sunshine vitamin (vit C) Vitamins Real vitemins Foodstuffs lode

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