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Statement of Intent

Valerie Price

My plans for my future have never been set in stone. I want my career to be focused on
animals, but there are so many options out there. Ideally my career would have some aspect
that works with animals, but I would also be happy if my career is unrelated to animals, as long
as that career allowed me time to work with/start a non-profit. I have worked with animals since I
was a child, in different forms- farm work, fostering, transportation, and keeping them myself. I
can see myself taking an internship in another part of the world to work with an animal
rehabilitation center.

Working with rescues has given me so many opportunities to learn, and over the years I have
definitely taken advantage of all the knowledge that was thrown at me. I started fostering kittens
at the beginning of COVID-19, and when I look back, I believe this is where I really discovered
how passionate I was. Working with neonatal kittens has taught me a lot about myself, but most
importantly it taught me patience in correlation to empathy. As an empath, I feel everything, and
as a pre-teen working with fragile kittens, there where hiccups. I was constantly overwhelmed,
and never felt like I was doing enough, when in reality I was doing beyond what was expected of
me in that situation. I learned how to be patient with myself, and I found that my relationships
with family and friends seemed to go a lot smoother when I started to take a step back.

As long as Iend up giving back, I will be happy with my career. I work hard in all aspects of my
life, and push others around me to find their niche of happiness. An internship, or a job that
helps me to help animals will give me the start I need. I hope this Statment of Intent finds you

Valerie Price

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