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Exercise 1

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. D

Exercise 2

1. C 6. C

2. D 7. D

3. B 8. B

4. A


Exercise 3

1. Circular argumen 6. Slippery slope

2. Group think 7. Red herring

3. Attacking person 8. Falsae anology

4. False analogy 9. Either or trhiking

5. Curcilar argumen 10. Attacking person

Exercise 4

1. C 5. B

2. C 6. C

3. D 7. A

4. A 8. D

Exercise 5

1. Circular argumen 6. Either - thinking

2. Either - Thinking 7. Group thingking

3. Circular Argumen 8. False analogy

4. False analogy

5. Attcking person


1. Shrewdly shows shar power of judgement

2. Mercilessly is show no mercy

3. Fore sight is predicting the future

4. Childlike is acting like a child

5. steadfast is resolutely or dutifully


Exercise 1

1. A 5. B

2. A 6. C

3. B 7. D

4. C 8. A

5. D 9. A

Exercise 2

1. A

2. A

3. B


Exercise 1

1. NC 6. GG

2. TR 7. NC

3. TR 8. NC

4. TE 9. TR

5. GG 10. GG
Exercise 2

1. TR 5. GG

2. TE 6. NC

3. TE 7. TR

4. NC 8. GG

Exercise 3

1. BW 5. CS 9. BW

2. CS 6. BW 10. CS

3. PF 7. PF 11. PF

4. PF 8. PF 12. BW

13. BW

14. PF

15. CS

16. BW

Exercise 4

1. BW 5. CS

2. CS 6. PF

3. PF 7. PF

4. BW 8. CS

Exercise 5

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