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UNIT -5Syllabus:

Introduction using Files in c, Declaration of File pointer, Opening a file, Closing and Flushing files,
working with Text Files, Character Input and Output, End of File (EOF). Working with Binary Files,
Direct File Input and Output, Sequential Versus Random File Access, Files of Records, working with
Files of Records, Random Access to Files of Records, Other File Management Functions, Deleting a File
Renaming a File. Low- Level I/O, Creating the header file using in the C program, Working with C
Graphics functions.

1. Introduction to Files in C:

A File is a collection of data stored in the secondary memory. So far data was entered into the programs
through the keyboard. So Files are used for storing information that can be processed by the programs.
Files are not only used for storing the data, programs are also stored in files. In order to use files, we have
to learn file input and output operations. That is, how data is read and how to write into a file.
Input/Output in C

• C has no built-in statements for input or output.

• A library of functions is supplied to perform these operations. The I/O library functions are listed the
“header” file .

Streams in C
 A Stream is the important concept in C. The Stream is a common, logical interface to the various
devices that comprise the computer. So a Stream is a logical interface to a file.
 There are two types of Streams, Text Stream and Binary Stream.
 A Text File can be thought of as a stream of characters that can be processed sequentially. It can
only be processed in the forward direction.
• All input and output is performed with streams.
• A "stream" is a sequence of characters organized into lines.
• Each line consists of zero or more characters and ends with the "newline" character.
• ANSI C standards specify that the system must support lines that are at least 254 characters in length
(including the newline character)

Types of Streams in C
• Standard input stream is called "stdin" and is normally connected to the keyboard
• Standard output stream is called "stdout" and is normally connected to the display screen.
• Standard error stream is called "stderr" and is also normally connected to the screen

Figure: Standard Streams

Standard input (stdin) Standard input or the stream from which the program receives its data .
 The program request s transfer of data using the read operation.
 However, not all programs require input. Generally, unless redirected, input for a program is
expected from the keyboard.

Standard output (stdout) Standard input or the stream from which the program writes its output data .
 The program requests transfer of data using the write operation.
 However, not all programs generate output.

Standard error (stderr) Standard error is basically an output stream used by programs to report error
messages or diagnostics.

 It is a stream independent of standard output and can be redirected separately .

 The standard output and standard error can also be directed to the same destination.
 A stream is linked to a file lusing an open operation and dissociated from a file using a close

Buffer Associated with Streams

 Streams work on a concept called buffer.
 A buffer is a temporary memory that a stream takes to hold some data until it is consumed.
 An ideal buffersize is hardware dependent.
 When a stream linked to disk file is created, a buffer is automatically created and associated with the
 A buffer is nothing but a block of memory that is used for temporary storage of data that has to be
read from or written to a file.
 Buffers are needed because disk drives are block oriented devices as they can operate efficiently
when data has to be read/written in blocks of certain size.
 An ideal buffer size is hardware – dependent.
 The buffer acts as an interface between the stream(which is character oriented) and the disk
hardware (which is block orinented)
when the program has to write data to the stream, it is saved in the buffer till lit is full. Then the
entire contents of the buffer are written to the disk as a block.
Types of Files

In C, the types of files used can be broadly classified into two categories--- ASCII text files and binary files.

ASCII Text Files

 A text file is astream fo characters that can be sequentially processed by a computer in forward
direction .
 For this reason, a text file sis usually opened for only one kind of operation(reading, writing or
appending) at any given time. Because text files only process characters, they only read or write
data one character at a time.
 Text files are the normal .txt files. You can easily create text files using any simple text editors such
as Notepad.
 When you open those files, you'll see all the contents within the file as plain text. You can easily edit
or delete the contents.
 They take minimum effort to maintain, are easily readable, and provide the least security and takes
bigger storage space.

Binary files
 Binary files are mostly the .bin files in your computer.
 Instead of storing data in plain text, they store it in the binary form (0's and 1's).
 They can hold a higher amount of data, are not readable easily, and provides better security than text
 In C, a byte and a character are equivalent. Therefore a binary file is also referred to as a character
stream with the following two essential differences:
o A binary file does not require any special processing of the data and each byte of data is
transferred to or from the disk unprocessed.
o C places no restrictions on the file and it may be read from or written to, in any manner the
programmer wants
 Text files can be processed sequentially, binary files on can be processed either sequentially or
randomly depending on the needs of the application.
 In C to process a file randomly, the programmer must move the current file position to an
appropriate place in the file before reading or writing data.

2. Using Files in C:

To use a file four essential actions should be carried out. These are,
a. Declare a file pointer variable.
b. Open a file using the fopen() function.
c. Process the file using suitable functions.
d. Close the file using the fclose() and fflush() functions.

Declaration of file pointer:

A pointer variable is used to points a structure FILE. The members of the FILE structure are used by the program in
various file access operation, but programmers do not need to concerned about them.
FILE *file_pointer_name; Eg : FILE *fp;
Opening a file
To open a file using the fopen() function. Its syntax is,
FILE *fopen(const char *fname,const char* mode);
const char *fname represents the file name.
The file name is like “D:\\501\example.txt”.
Here D: is a drive, 501 is the directory, example.txt is a file name.
const char *mode represents the mode of the file.

File Mode
The second argument in fopen() is the mode. The different modes in which a file can be opened for processing
FILE *fp;
if(fp== NULL)
Printf(“\n the file could not be opened”);

It has the following different file modes .

Mode Description
r Opens a text file in reading mode
w Opens or create a text file in writing mode
a Opens a text file in append mode
r+ Opens a text file in both reading and writing mode
w+ Opens a text file in both reading and writing mode
a+ Opens a binary file in reading mode
rb Opens a binary file in reading mode
wb Opens or create a binary file in writing mode
Ab Opens a binary file in append mode
rb+ Opens a binary file in both reading and writing mode
wb+ Opens a binary file in both reading and writing mode
ab+ Opens a binary file in both reading and writing mode
Difference between write mode and append mode is,
Write (w) mode and Append (a) mode, while opening a file are almost the same. Both are used to write in a file.
In both the modes, new file is created if it doesn't exists already.
The only difference they have is, when you open a file in the write mode, the file is reset, resulting in deletion of
any data already present in the file. While in append mode this will not happen. Append mode is used to append
or add data to the existing data of file(if any). Hence, when you open a file in Append(a) mode, the cursor is
positioned at the end of the present data in the file.

Closing and Flushing Files

The file must be closed using the fclose() function. Its prototype is ,
int fclose(FILE *fp);
The argument fp is the FILE pinter associated with the stream. Fclose() returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
fflush() used when a file’s buffer is to be written to disk while still using the file. Use of fflushall() to flush
the buffers of all open streams. The prototype of these two functions are,
int flushall(void); int fflush(FILE *fp);

/* Program to check whether the file exist or not */
void main()
FILE *fp; char *x; clrscr();
printf("\n enter the file name : "); gets(x);
printf("The file ---%s--- is not found in the present directory",x);

printf("The file ---%s--- is found in the present directory",x);



C provides the following set of functions to read data from a file.


fscanf ( ) ;
• This function provides for formatted input from the keyboard.
The syntax is:
int fscanf ( FILE *stream, const char *format,…);
 This fscanf() function is used to read data from the stream and store them according to the
parameter format into the locations pointed by the additional arguments.
 These arguments must point to the objects that have already occupied memory.
 These objects are of the type as specified by their corresponding format tag within the format
 Format specifiers lused in scanf() in fscanf() also the format specifiers is a C string that begins
with a percentage sign(%).
 The format specifier is used to specify the type and format of the data that has to be obtained
from the stream and stored in memory location pointed by the additional arguments.
 The prototype of a format specifier can be given as
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
FILE *fptr;
int id;
char name[30];
float salary;
fptr = fopen("emp.txt", "w+");/* open for writing */
if (fptr == NULL)
printf("File does not exists \n");
printf("Enter the id\n");
scanf("%d", &id);
fprintf(fptr, "Id= %d\n", id);
printf("Enter the name \n");
scanf("%s", name);
fprintf(fptr, "Name= %s\n", name);
printf("Enter the salary\n");
scanf("%f", &salary);
fprintf(fptr, "Salary= %.2f\n", salary);


Enter the id
Enter the name
Enter the salary


Id= 1
Name= sonoo
Salary= 120000

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fp;
char buff[255];//creating char array to store data of file
fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
while(fscanf(fp, "%s", buff)!=EOF){
printf("%s ", buff );


Hello file by fprintf...

Reading File : fgetc() function

The fgetc() function returns a single character from the file. It gets a character from the
stream. It returns EOF at the end of file.


int fgetc(FILE *stream)


void main(){
FILE *fp;
char c;



this is simple text message


fgetc ( *file ) ;
• This function is similar to getchar( ) except the input can be from the keyboard or a file.
• Example:
char ch;
ch = getc (stdin) ; /* input from keyboard */
ch = getc (fileptr) ; /* input from a file */

Reading File : fgets() function

The fgets() function reads a line of characters from file. It gets string from a stream.

char* fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream)


void main(){
FILE *fp;
char text[300];




hello c programming

the fgets() function stands for file get string. It is used to get a string from a stream.
char *fgets(char *str, int size, FILE *stream)

Writing File : fprintf() function

The fprintf() function is used to write set of characters into file. It sends formatted output
to a stream.


int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format [, argument, ...])


#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("file.txt", "w");//opening file
fprintf(fp, "Hello file by fprintf...\n");//writing data into file
fclose(fp);//closing file

Formatted Output with printf

• Format Conversion Specifiers:
d -- displays a decimal (base 10) integer
l -- used with other specifiers to indicate a "long"
e -- displays a floating point value in exponential notation
f -- displays a floating point value
g -- displays a number in either "e" or "f" format
c -- displays a single character s -- displays a string of characters

Writing File : fputc() function

The fputc() function is used to write a single character into file. It outputs a character to a

putc ( char, *file ) ;

• This function is similar to putchar ( ) except the output can be to the screen or a file.
• Example: char ch; ch = getc (stdin) ; /* input from keyboard */
putc (ch, stdout) ; /* output to the screen */
putc (ch, outfileptr) ; /*output to a file */


int fputc(int c, FILE *stream)


#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("file1.txt", "w");//opening file
fputc('a',fp);//writing single character into file
fclose(fp);//closing file

Writing File : fputs() function

The fputs() function writes a line of characters into file. It outputs string to a stream.


int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream)

A stream lis linked to a file using an open operation and dissociated from a file using a close

3. Character input / output:

Two functions are used to read the character from the file and write it into another file. These functions are getc() &
putc() functions.
Its prototype is,
int getc(FILE *file_pointer);
putc( char const_char, FILE *file_pointer);

3.1 Detecting the end of a file:

When reading from a text-mode file character by character, one can look for the end-
of-file character.

The symbolic constant EOF is defined in stdio.h as -1, a value never used by a real
Eg: while((c=getc(fp)!=EOF). This is the general representation of the End Of the File.

/* Read a string into a text file */
void main()
FILE *fp; char text[80];
int i;
clrscr(); fp=fopen("Sample.txt","w"); printf("\n
Enter the text : "); gets(text);
for(i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) // Read a stream of charcters
printf("\n The string copied into a text file "); fclose(fp);

4. Working with Text files :

C provides various functions to working with text files. Four functions can be used to read text files and four
functions that can be used to write text files into a disk.
These are,

fscanf() & fprintf() fgets()

& fputs() fgetc() & fputc()
fread() & fwrite()
The prototypes of the above functions are,
1. int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format,list);
2. int getc(FILE *stream);
3. char *fgets(char *str,int n,FILE *fp);
4. int fread(void *str,size_t size,size_t num, FILE *stream);
5. int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format,list);
6. int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);
7. int fputs(const char *str,FILE *stream);
8. int fwrite(const void *str,size_t size, size_t count,FILE *stream);

Example programs on text files:

/* Read a string into a text file using fputs() function */
void main()
FILE *fp; char text[80];
int i;
clrscr(); fp=fopen("Sample.txt","w"); printf("\n
Enter the text : "); gets(text);
fputs(text,fp); //write a string into a file
printf("\n The string copied into a text file "); fclose(fp);

/* Program to copy from one file to another file */

void main()
FILE *fp,*fp1; int ch;
fp1=fopen("ex_file2.c","w"); if(fp==NULL)
printf(“File is not available”); ch=getc(fp);
putc(ch,fp1); ch=getc(fp);
fclose(fp); fclose(fp1);
/* Program to display the content of the file */
void main()
FILE *fp; int ch;
fp=fopen("ex_file4.c","r"); if(fp==NULL)
printf(“File is not available”); ch=getc(fp);
printf("%c",ch); ch=getc(fp);
fclose(fp); getch();

/* read and write the content of the file using fprintf() and fscanf() functions */
void main()
FILE *fptr; char
name[20]; int age;
float salary; clrscr();
/* open for writing */
fptr = fopen("abc.txt", "w"); if
(fptr == NULL)
printf("File does not exists \n"); return;
printf("Enter the name \n");
scanf("%s", name);
fprintf(fptr, "Name = %s\n", name);
printf("Enter the age\n"); scanf("%d",
fprintf(fptr, "Age = %d\n", age);
printf("Enter the salary\n"); scanf("%f",
fprintf(fptr, "Salary = %f\n", salary); getch();

5. Working with binary files

A Binary file is similar to the text file, but it contains only large numerical data. The Opening modes are mentioned
in the table for opening modes above.
Following steps are sued for copying a binary file into another are as follows,
1. open the source file for reading in binary mode.
2. Open the destination file for writing in binary mode.
3. Read a character from the source file. Remember, when a file is first opened, the pointer is at the start
of the file, so there is no need to position the file pointer explicitly.
4. If the function feof() indicates that the end of thesource file has been reached, then close both files
and return to the calling program.
5. If end-of- file has not been reached, write the character to the destination file, and then go to step 3.
/* program to copy the binary file from another file */
void main()
FILE *fp,*fp1; char
*s,*s1; int ch; clrscr();
printf("\n enter the source file : "); gets(s);
printf("\n enter the destination file : "); gets(s1);
fp1=fopen(s1,"wb"); ch=fgetc(fp);
fputc(ch,fp1); ch=fgetc(fp);
fclose(fp); fclose(fp1);

6. Direct File Input and Output:

Direct input and output is only with binary-mode files. With direct output, blocks of data are written from the
memory to disk. Direct input reverses the process. A block of data is read from a disk file into memory.
fread() and fwrite() functions are used to read and write the binary files on direct I/O.
const char *mytext = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; FILE *bfp=
fopen("test.txt", "wb");
if (bfp)
fwrite(mytext, sizeof(char), strlen(mytext), bfp) ; fclose(bfp) ;

Sequential versus Random File Access

Every open file has an associated file position indicator, which describes where read and write operations take
place in the file. The position is always specified in bytes from the beginning of the file. When a new file is
opened, the position indicator is always at the beginning of the file, i.e., at position 0. Because the file is new and
has a length of 0, there is no other location to indicate. When an existing file is opened, the position indicator is at
the end of the file if the file was opened in the append mode, or at the beginning of the file if the file was opened
in any other mode.
Sequential files are generally used in cases where the program processes the data in a sequential fashion – i.e.
counting words in a text file – although in some cases, random access can be feigned by moving backwards and
forwards over a sequential file.
True random access file handling, however, only accesses the file at the point at which the data should be read or
written, rather than having to process it sequentially. A hybrid approach is also possible whereby a part of the file
is used for sequential access to locate something in the random access portion of the file, in much the same way
that a File Allocation Table (FAT) works.

7. File of Records:
Most C program files may be binary files, which can logically be divided into fixed-length records. Each record
will consist of data that conforms to a previously defined structure. In C, This structure can be formed using a
struct data type. The records are written into disk sequentially. This happens because as each record is written to
disk, the file position indicator is moved to the bye immediately after the last byte in the record just written.
Binary files can be written sequentially to the disk or in a random access manner.

Working with files of records:

/* Program to append , modify and display the records using files of records */
struct item
int itemcode; char
name[30]; double price;
void append(); void
modify(); void
dispall(); void
int main()
int ch;
struct item it; FILE *fp;
fp=fopen(“item.dat”,”w”); if(fp==NULL)
printf(“\n Error in opening the file … ”); printf(“\n enter the
ITEM code :”); scanf(“%d”,&it.itemcode);
printf(“\n Enter the ITEM name : ”); scanf(“%s”,&;
printf(“\n Enter the price : ”);
fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);
fclose(fp); while(1)
printf(“\n 1. Append records …”); printf(“\n 2. Display all the
records …”); printf(“\n 3. Edit the records …”); printf(“\n 4.
Delete the records …”); printf(“\n 5. Exit …”);
printf(“\n Enter your choice …”); scanf(“%d”,&ch);
case 1: append(); break; case 2: dispall();
break; case 3: modify(); break; case 4: dele();
break; case 5: exit(0); break;
void append()
FILE *fp; struct item it;
fp=fopen(“item.dat”,”r”); if(fp==NULL)
printf(“\n Error in opening a file …”); printf(“\n enter the ITEM
code :”); scanf(“%d”,&it.itemcode);
printf(“\n Enter the ITEM name : ”);
scanf(“%s”,&; printf(“\n Enter the
price : ”); scanf(“%lf”,&it.price);
fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);
void dispall()
FILE *fp; struct item it;
fp=fopen(“item.dat”,”r”); if(fp==NULL)
printf(“\n Error in opening a file …..”); while(1)
fscanf(fp,”%d”,&it.itemcode); if(it.itemcode==0)
break; fscanf(fp,”%s”,;
fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);
void modify()
FILE *fp,*fptr; struct item
it; int icd,found=0;
fp=fopen(“item.dat”,”r”); if(fp==NULL)
printf(“\n Error in opening a file ”);
fptr=fopen(“temp.dat”,”w”); if(fptr==NULL)
printf(“\n Error in opening a file ”);
printf(“\n Enter the Item code to edit”);
fscanf(fp,”%d”,&it.itemcode); if(it.itemcode==0)
break; if(it.itemcode==icd)
found=1; fscanf(fp,”%s”,;
printf(“\n Existing record is......................\n”);
fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);
printf(“\n Enter the new ITEM name : ”); scanf(“%s”,&;
printf(“\n Enter the new item price : ”); scanf(“%lf”,&it.price);
fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);

fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);

fclose(fptr); fclose(fp);
void dele()
FILE *fp,*fptr; struct item
it; int icd,found=0;
printf(“\n Error in opening a file ”);
fptr=fopen(“temp.dat”,”w”); if(fptr==NULL)
printf(“\n Error in opening a file ”); printf(“\n Enter the Item
code to delete”); scanf(“%d”,&icd);
fscanf(fp,”%d”,&it.itemcode); if(it.itemcode==0)
break; if(it.itemcode==icd)
found=1; fscanf(fp,”%s”,;

{ fscanf(fp,”%lf”,&it.price);
fprintf(fp,”%d \t %s \t %lf \n”,it.itemcode,,it.price);

fclose(fptr); fclose(fp);
8. Random Access to files of records
For random access to files of record, the following functions are used.
1. fseek() -- by using fseek(), one can set the position indicator anywhere in the file. It’s prototype is, int
fseek(FILE *fp,long offset,int origin);
It has the origins as, SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR,SEEK_END
2. ftell() --- To determine the value of a file’s position indicator, use ftell(). The prototype is, long
ftell(FILE *fp);
3. rewind() ------ To set the position indicator to the beginning of the file, use the function rewind(). Its
prototype is,
void rewind(FILE *fp);

/* program to copy the content from one file to another file using fseek() function. */
void main()
File_1.txt is the file with content and, File_2.txt is the
file in which content of File_1 will be copied.
FILE *fp1, *fp2; char ch;

int pos; clrscr();

if ((fp1 = fopen("File_1.txt","r")) == NULL)
printf("\nFile cannot be opened"); return;

printf("\nFile opened for copy...\n ");

fp2 = fopen("File_2.txt", "w");
fseek(fp1, 0L, SEEK_END); // file pointer at end of file pos =
fseek(fp1, 0L, SEEK_SET); // file pointer set at start while
ch = fgetc(fp1); // copying file character by character
fputc(ch, fp2);
getch(); fcloseall();

9. Other File Management functions

The copy and delete operations are also associated with file management. Though one could write programs for
them, the C standard library contains functions for deleting and renaming files.
Deleting a file
The library function remove() is used to delete a file. Its prototype is, int
remove(const char *filename);
Renameing a file :
The rename() function changes the name of an existing disk file. Its prototype is, int
rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);

int main()
char file[80];
/* prompt for filename to delete */ printf(“File to
delete :”);
/* delete the file */ if(remove(file)==0)
printf(“removed %s”,file);

printf(“file cannot be removed”);


10. Low – Level I/O

This form of I/O is unbuffered. That is, each read or write request results in accessing the disk directly to
fetch/put a specific number of bytes. There are now formatting facilities. Instead of file pointers, we use low-level
file handles or file descriptors, which give a unique integer number to identify each file.
To open a file the following function is used.
int open(char *filename, int flag, int perms);
To create a file the following function is used.
creat(char *filename, int perms);
To close the file the following function is used.
int close(int handle);

11. Creating the header files in C

Creating the header files using the following steps,

Step 1: Create the function, using function header and function body.
int add(int a,int b)
c=a+b; return c;

Step 2: Save the above function using [ .h ] extension. and compile the code.
above function can be save as myhead.h.

Step 3: Write the main program, include our own header file in the program. Now main function
automatically includes the function available in the header file.
#include<stdio.h> #include
”myhead.h” void main()
int num1=10,num2=20,num3;
` num3=add(num1,num2);
printf(“\n Sum of two numbers is : %d”,num3);

Note : When running the program, header file and the program must be present in the same folder.
12. Working with C Graphics:

In a C program, first step is to initialize the graphics drivers on the computer. This is done using the initgraph
method provided in graphics.h library. In the next few pages we will discuss graphics.h library in details.
Important functions in graphic.h library will be discussed in details and samples programs will be provided to
show the power of C programming language.
We will restrict our discussion on Graphics in C Language to 16 bit C programming and MS DOS environment
and 640×480 VGA monitor.
Graphics mode Initialization
First of all we have to call the initgraph function that will initialize the graphics mode on the computer. initigraph
has the following prototype.

void initgraph(int far *graphdriver, int far *graphmode, char far *pathtodriver);

Initgraph initializes the graphics system by loading the graphics driver from disk (or validating a registered
driver) then putting the system into graphics mode. Initgraph also resets all graphics settings (color, palette,
current position, viewport, etc.) to their defaults, then resets graphresult to 0.
Integer that specifies the graphics driver to be used. You can give graphdriver a value using a constant of the
graphics_drivers enumeration type whcih is listed in graphics.h. Normally we use value as “0” (requests auto-
detect). Other values are 1 to 10 and description of each enumeration type.
Integer that specifies the initial graphics mode (unless *graphdriver = DETECT). If
*graphdriver = DETECT, initgraph sets *graphmode to the highest resolution available for the detected driver.
You can give *graphmode a value using a constant of the graphics_modes enumeration type and description of
each enumeration type.
Specifies the directory path where initgraph looks for graphics drivers (*.BGI) first.
1. If they’re not there, initgraph looks in the current directory.
2. If pathtodriver is null, the driver files must be in the current directory.

graphdriver and graphmode must be set to valid graphics_drivers and graphics_mode values or you’ll get
unpredictable results. (The exception is graphdriver = DETECT.)
After a call to initgraph, *graphdriver is set to the current graphics driver, and *graphmode is set to the current
graphics mode. You can tell initgraph to use a particular graphics driver and mode, or to auto detect the attached
video adapter at run time and pick the corresponding driver. If you tell initgraph to auto detect, it calls
detectgraph to select a graphics driver and mode.
Normally, initgraph loads a graphics driver by allocating memory for the driver (through
_graphgetmem), then loading the appropriate .BGI file from disk. As an alternative to this dynamic
loading scheme, you can link a graphics driver file (or several of them) directly into your executable program file.


/* Write a C program to draw a rectangle, circle, line, and ellipse and display text on the screen
using graphics */

int gd = DETECT,gm,left=100,top=100,right=200,bottom=200,x= 300,y=150,radius=50;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI");
rectangle(left, top, right, bottom);
circle(x, y, radius);
bar(left + 300, top, right + 300, bottom); line(left -
10, top + 150, left + 410, top + 150);
ellipse(x, y + 200, 0, 360, 100, 50);
outtextxy(left + 100, top + 325, "My First C Graphics Program");

return 0;

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