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Modular Interprocedural Pointer Analysis Using Access Paths: Design,

Implementation, and Evaluation

Ben-Chung Cheng Wen-mei W. Hwuy

 Department of Computer Science

y Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois

Abstract with respect to statement orders. The bene t is that a later

assignment may kill earlier de nitions of the same point-
In this paper we present a modular interprocedural point- er. However, most algorithms only allow strong updates
er analysis algorithm based on access-paths for C program- for scalar pointer variables [4, 5, 6]. In reality, most scalar
s. We argue that access paths can reduce the overhead of pointers are rarely rede ned. When they are rede ned fre-
representing context-sensitive transfer functions and e ec- quently, usually they are used in loops to traverse arrays or
tively distinguish non-recursive heap objects. And when linked lists, but such data structures are often treated con-
the modular analysis paradigm is used together with oth- servatively as a single aggregate element. As a result, the
er techniques to handle type casts and function pointers, accuracy yielded is not proportional to the time spent, and
we are able to handle signi cant programs like those in the earlier work reports that little bene t is observed on most
SPECcint92 and SPECcint95 suites. We have implemented studied benchmarks [7].
the algorithm and tested it on a Pentium II 450 PC run- Context sensitivity. A context-sensitive interprocedu-
ning Linux. The observed resource consumption and per- ral pointer analysis algorithm distinguishes di erent caller
formance improvement are very encouraging. contexts for a common callee so that alias information car-
ried by one caller will not be leaked into the other. The ne-
1 Introduction cessity of performing context-sensitive pointer analysis for
some benchmarks shows little or no precision bene t [8].
Interprocedural pointer analysis is a critical component of However, for those where it is bene cial, we propose an in-
accurate static memory disambiguation and has been ad- expensive context-sensitive algorithm.
dressed by many researchers over the past 20 years. The Whole-program or modular analysis. The most s-
analysis goal has also evolved from detecting aliases among traightforward way to maintain context sensitivity is to ana-
formal parameters for Fortran programs to aliases among lyze a whole program following the interprocedural control-
multi-level pointer dereferences in C, C++ and Java. How- ow graph [9, 4], but memory usage and analysis time are
ever, interprocedural pointer analysis is still not mature on costly for this method. Partial transfer functions, as pro-
the whole, since the feasibility of a fully functional interpro- posed by Wilson and Lam [5], use memoization to avoid the
cedural pointer analysis algorithm which can accommodate redundant analysis of a subset call-graph. The recent modu-
realistic large programs has not been demonstrated in the lar analysis proposed by Chatterjee et al. [6] further reduces
literature. Unlike function inlining [1], register allocation [2], the memory requirement since only method bodies belong-
and SSA analysis [3], interprocedural pointer analysis has ing to the same strongly connected components (SCC) [10]
not been integrated into commercial compilers. in a C++ program need to be memory resident simultane-
The key issues that need to be addressed by an inter- ously. Since real programs contain large SCCs, it is desirable
procedural pointer analysis algorithm include the following. to further reduce the memory requirement for analyzing a
We will demonstrate later that our algorithm indeed raises single SCC.
the applicability of interprocedural pointer analysis to the Storage- or path-based representation. A static al-
next level. gorithm often needs to use an abstract notation to represent
Flow sensitivity. A pointer analysis algorithm is ow- run-time accessed memory locations. Storage-based repre-
sensitive if it considers the e ects of pointer assignments sentation uses extended variable names for physical memory
locations [9, 4, 5, 6]. To avoid ambiguity, it is often re-
employed with Sun Microsystems, Palo Alto, CA
quired that a single memory location cannot be represented
by more than one storage name. Due to di erent aliases a-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of mong formal parameters, more than one version of transfer
this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee functions, either separately maintained [5], or collectively
provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro t maintained but di erentiated by alias contexts [6], are re-
or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice quired. Access paths [9, 11], on the other hand, simply rep-
and the full citation on the rst page. To copy otherwise, resent physical memory locations by how they are accessed
or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, from an initial variable in a store-less model. As long as the
requires prior speci c permission and/or a fee. length of access paths can be bound in the presence of recur-
PLDI 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. sive data structures, a context-independent representation of
Copyright 2000 ACM 1-58113-199-2/00/0006...$5.00. the summary transfer function and an easier way to produce

Phase 0 Phase I Phase II Phase III

Build estimated Analyze local Propagate concrete Determine parameter

call graph. statements values. aliases.
Propagate summary
transfer functions

Intraprocedural Interprocedural

Phase I’ Phase 0 Phase I" Phase II’ Phase II" Phase III

Analyze local Build accurate Propagate summary Propagate concrete Propagate concrete Determine parameter
statements call graph transfer functions function names. values. aliases.
(flow-insensitive). (context-insensitive). (context-sensitive).

Figure 1: Modular interprocedural pointer analysis: (a) RCI algorithm for a subset of C++, (b) proposed modular analysis
for complete C.

unique names for heap objects can be enabled. However, the of interprocedural pointer analysis, adopting the modular
literature does not explain how summary transfer functions and ow-insensitive paradigm. The propagation of summa-
are to be maintained in access paths. ry transfer functions is conducted in a context-sensitive but
Partial or complete language features. A com- inexpensive manner using access paths and points-to anal-
piler needs a full coverage of all language features in or- ysis [4]. In accommodating realistic C features, our algo-
der to perform correct optimizations. The work proposed rithm handles function pointers by starting with an under-
by Wilson and Lam [5] is the rst to cover all C features, estimated call graph which is augmented iteratively along
but its applicability is limited by the memory requiremen- the course of interprocedural pointer analysis [4]. We al-
t of whole-program analysis. On the other hand, many so incorporate the o set representation for structure/union
ow- and context-insensitive algorithms are asymptotical- elds into access paths to handle aliases caused by unions
ly faster [12, 13, 14], but handling realistic C features may and type casts [5, 20]. In addition, we demonstrate that the
have a drastic impact on the complexity. For example, with- number of names representing recursive heap objects can
out handling structures and unions, Steensgaard's algorithm be bound and the location of acyclic heap objects can be
has almost linear complexity [13]; when aggregate elds are disambiguated using access paths. Experiments were con-
considered, the complexity becomes exponential [15]. ducted in the IMPACT compiler framework [21] using the
E ectiveness study. Most earlier algorithms are e- complete SPECcint92 and SPECcint95 benchmark suites in-
valuated by resource consumptions, pointer resolutions, and cluding 126.gcc, which contains 205,583 lines of code and
statistics of improved optimization opportunities [16, 17, 18, 2001 functions. Instead of using a high-end workstation, we
19]. The work by Wilson and Lam in [5] uses pointer analysis used a Pentium II 450 PC with 256MB of memory running
results to guide loop parallelizations for one SPEC bench- Linux Red Hat 6.0 to demonstrate the feasibility of our algo-
mark, whereas the work by Diwan et al. [19] uses type-based rithm. With no more than 10 minutes of analysis time and
alias analysis to guide redundant load elimination and loop- no more than 238 MB of memory usage, our analysis can
invariant load migration for a set of Modula-3 programs. deliver an average performance improvement of 42% and a
Cooper and Lu [17] study the e ect of register promotion for peak improvement of 110% over programs compiled without
variables in the presence of pointers, but indirect accesses pointer analysis and memory access optimizations. These
to heap objects and elds of aggregates are not handled. In numbers demonstrate both the eÆciency and e ectiveness
this paper, interprocedural pointer analysis results are used of our algorithm.
to guide much more aggressive memory access optimization- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
s including redundant load/store elimination, loop-invariant details the proposed modular interprocedural pointer anal-
memory access migration, and load/store scheduling [28]. ysis algorithm. Section 3 evaluates the complexity of the
These optimizations are more aggressive because C is not a algorithm. Section 4 presents empirical results. Section 5
type-safe language, and both stack- and heap-based memory reviews related work. Section 6 concludes the paper.
accesses can be optimized even for code regions containing
function calls. Since a formal veri cation for the correctness 2 Modular Interprocedural Pointer Analysis
of pointer analysis results is still absent, using the analysis
results to guide aggressive optimizations provides a prag- Modular interprocedural analysis is a technique that decom-
matic alternative for veri cation. poses the whole program into smaller modules so that only
In this paper, we propose a fully functional interprocedu- a small number of modules need to be resident in memory
ral pointer analysis algorithm which can handle widely used simultaneously. Our algorithm consists of two major stages:
C programs. Our design emphasizes the practical aspect the intraprocedural stage and the interprocedural stage. In

st3 st3
typedef struct S { fn1((**fa)(S*, S*), .key .key
int *key; /* 0_3 */ (*fb)(S*, S*), .next .next
struct S *next; /* 4_7 */ (*fc)(S*, S*)) r init
} S; { r r*
r .key r init eq sinit r*.next = (&st3)*.next =
main() (**temp)(S*, S*); r*.next s* = (&st3)* = st3
{ S4: temp = fa; .next
r*.next = (&st1)*.next =
void (*fn2)(S*, S*); S5: *temp = fb; sinit r init neq sinit s s* s* = (&st2)* = st2
S st1, st2, st3; }
S1: fn1(&fn2, fn3, fn4); fn3(S *r, S *s) s .key st1 st1
S2: (*fn2)(&st1, &st2); { .next .key .key
S3: (*fn2)(&st3, &st3); S6: r->next = s;
.next .next
} }
fn4(S *r, S *s) st2 st2
{ .key .key
S7: s->next = r;
} .next .next

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Storage- and path-based transfer functions (shown by dashed edges): (a) code, (b) two versions distinguished by
alias contexts, (c) one generic version applicable to both calling contexts.

the intraprocedural stage, each function is analyzed as an produces spurious results. Lastly, RCI uses alias contexts
isolated compilation module where formal parameters, callee to lazily enumerate potential aliases among parameters in
return values 1 , and global variables are all assumed to have order to distinguish transfer functions for di erent calling
unknown values. Indirectly accessed locations through un- contexts. In our method, access paths enable a context-
known pointers are represented by access paths. By the independent representation of transfer functions so that the
end of the intraprocedural stage, a summary behavior of memory used to represent summary functions is reduced.
each function is calculated, including a set of memory loca- Consider the example shown in Figure 2a. When an es-
tions accessible across function boundaries, a set of call-site timated call graph is used, *fn2 may invoke both fn3 and
names, and a set of pointer de nitions involving pointers fn4 since both their names are taken and their signatures
accessible across function boundaries. The third set is con- match. In fact, only fn3 can be called through *fn2, so
sidered as the summary transfer function and represented by propagating the summary transfer function of fn4 would be
points-to relations. In the interprocedural stage, we perform spurious and unnecessary. Figure 2b shows how summary
bottom-up propagation of summary transfer functions along transfer functions are represented for fn3 in RCI. rinit and
the call graph. In the presence of function pointers, we also sinit represent the objects pointed by r and s, respectively.
need to perform top-down propagation of function names The upper dashed edge indicates that rinit :next points to
along the partially resolved call graph, since some indirect rinit when r and s receive the same concrete value, while
call-sites may receive concrete function names through pa- the lower dashed edge shows that rinit :next points to sinit
rameters. Because the transfer function of a just-resolved when r and s receive di erent concrete values. We believe
indirect callee may de ne function pointers used somewhere the enumeration is unnecessary since the caller knows better
else in the program, the bottom-up and top-down propaga- than the callee whether or not identical values are passed
tion needs to be performed iteratively until a xed point is to di erent parameters. As long as the abstract memory
reached. The aliases among formal parameters are then cal- name in the transfer function faithfully represents how the
culated after top-down propagation of concrete values along memory location is accessed through formal parameters or
the complete call graph. global variables in a context-independent manner, the caller
At a high-level, the idea behind our algorithm is similar can easily determine where the location is after replacing
to Relevant Context Inference (RCI), proposed by Chatter- the formal parameter with a concrete value. As shown in
jee et al. [6], since we both use modular analysis to reduce Figure 2c, by using post x access paths [11], it is straight-
the resource requirements. However, several signi cant im- forward for call-site S2 to derive that r* stands for st1 and
provements proposed in this paper distinguish our work, as s* stands for st2, and for call-site S3 to derive that both
highlighted in Figure 1. First, RCI covers a subset of C++ r* and s* stand for st3. Therefore both points-to relations
constructs where many general C features including explicit (, st2) and (, st3) can be derived from a
address operator (&), function pointers, structure member- single summary points-to relation (r*.next, s*).
s, and general pointer assignments are excluded. Our work
covers complete C features and can generate safe analysis 2.1 Intraprocedural Analysis Stage
results to guide code optimizations. Secondly, RCI uses
an over-estimated call graph. For an indirect call-site, al- Much of the advantage of the proposed algorithm comes
l functions with names taken and identical signatures are from using access paths to represent memory locations. De-
considered as possible callees. In 132.ijpeg, a SPECcint95 scribed in regular expressions, the grammar of an access
benchmark, there are 188 functions with names taken and path is v(fdjd) (f j), where v is a variable or call-site name,
the majority of them have the same signature. Further- f is of the form ".so_eo" which denotes the starting and end
more, there are 641 indirect call-sites in the program. There- o sets of a eld in a structure/union, and d denotes a step
fore the estimated call graph will be very inaccurate, which of dereference and is symbolically shown as "*" elsewhere
wastes time in propagating summary transfer functions and in this paper when there is no confusion with the closure
1 For simplicity we will collectively use the term symbol in regular expressions. Conceptually, an access path
parameters to
is simply an encoded post x sequence of dereference and
mean function return values.

o set operations taken to reach the nal destination. Un- lhs and *rhs, noticing the dereference operator added to the
less the contents of intermediate pointers in an access path rhs expression. Due to the e ects of earlier pointer assign-
are known, an access path is not bound with any particular ments, lhs and *rhs may have aliases. For example, given a
locations, but simply leads to the denoted locations. pointer p and a prior pointer assignment q = &p, both access
paths, p, q*, are aliases. Similarly, given a pointer r and a
De nition 2.1 (Construction of access paths) As de- prior pointer assignment r = &i, r* and i are also aliases.
ned by the following rules, AP denotes the function that As a result, any of the following four statements can cause
recursively determines post x access paths for C expressions p to point to i: p = &i, p = r, *q = &i, or *q = r.
that involve memory accesses:
1. AP(v) = v, where v is a variable. De nition 2.2 (Right-most access path) Given a di-
rect access to a variable, its right-most access path is simply
2. AP(exp()) = AP(exp) n(), where exp is a call-site, the variable's name. If a memory location is accessed in-
either direct or indirect, and n is a unique id. directly, its right-most access path is contrived based on the
3. AP(exp) = AP(exp) if exp is not a function name. access paths of the pointers that appear as the very rst RHS
4. AP(exp) = AP(exp) if exp is a function name. operand in a sequence of pointer assignments that propagate
the address of the indirectly accessed memory location. }
5. AP(exp[index]) = AP(exp), where exp is of array type
and exp is not a formal parameter. One way to correctly represent the e ects of the above set
6. AP(exp[index]) = AP(exp), where exp is an arbitrary of pointer assignments is to create four points-to relations
pointer or a formal parameter of array type. using the cross products of all aliases of the LHS pointer and
7. AP(exp op exp1) = AP(exp), where op is an arbitrary all aliases of the RHS target as (p, i), (p, r*), (q*, i), and
binary operator and exp is a pointer type variable. (q*, r*). However, the complete enumeration is unneces-
sary since there are ways to transform an access path into a
8. AP(exp! eld) = AP(exp) .so eo. normalized form based on the observations that aliases are
9. AP(exp. eld) = AP(exp).so eo. caused by pointer assignments, and pointers must be ini-
10. AP(exp. eld1. eld2) = AP(exp).so3 eo3, where so3 tialized before they can be used. So for every pointer deref-
= so1+so2 and eo3 = so1+eo2. } erence, there must be one or a small number of right-most
access paths, as explained in De nition 2.2, which denote
Instead of generating all possible access paths from any vari- the accessed memory location whose addresses are assigned
ables, access paths are generated lazily from observed C ex- to the dereferenced pointer through an arbitrary number of
pressions in each function. As recursively de ned in De ni- pointer assignments. As long as all encoded access path-
tion 2.1, except for operators "." and "->" which always add s from C expressions can be normalized to the right-most
a constant o set to a pointer, we omit other o set manipula- access paths, fewer access paths are ended up and there-
tion operators, resulting in a coarse but safe access path for fore fewer points-to relations need to be maintained. De ni-
linearly accessed locations. That is, we do not aggressively tion 2.3 shows how to use the encoded access path from a C
di erentiate elements in an array. It has been shown in the expression and existing points-to relations to nd the entire
literature that using the starting o set (so) and end o set set of right-most access paths, where De nition 2.4 shows
(eo) to represent eld accesses can e ectively resolve alias- how to add points-to relations based on right-most access
es caused by unions [5] and type casts [20]. We integrate paths for a pointer assignment. Notice that the evaluated
both techniques by coalescing back-to-back elds as shown result is a set of access paths instead of a singular path due
in Rule 10. For example, given a nested structure eld access to that a pointer may have more than one de nition. This is
s1.s2.f1, assuming the size of s2 is 100 bytes and f1 oc- either caused by conditional de nitions made to a pointer or
cupies the rst 4 bytes in s2, ((struct * S2) (&s1))->f1 the ow-insensitive nature of the pointer analysis algorithm.
is an alias which also accesses the same location. Without
Rule 10, two access paths are encoded as s1.0_99.0_3 and De nition 2.3 (Finding the right-most forms of an
s1.0_3, respectively. With Rule 10, a normalized access access path) Under a set of points-to relations SP T R , the
path can be generated as s1.0_3 and therefore aliases can evaluation of an access path is recursively de ned as below:
be easily detected. Without explicit pointer assignments,
access paths using byte o sets can resolve aliases caused by 1. EVAL(v or (&v), SP T R ) = fv j v is a variableg
type casts and pointer arithmetics. How to resolve alias- 2. EVAL(v, SP T R ) = fv j v is a function nameg
es in the presence of arbitrary pointer assignments will be 3. EVAL( , SP T R ) = f j 9 2 EVAL( , SP T R ), (,
discussed momentarily. ) 2 SP T R g [ f j 9 2 EVAL( , SP T R ),  does
The points-to relation proposed by Emami et al. [4] is not point to any location and  has fewer than k pre x
also adopted in this paper to represent the data- ow facts paths with common types of g [ f j 9 2 EVAL( ,
of pointer assignments. The original points-to relation is SP T R ),  has k pre x paths with common types of 
a three-tuple of the form (p, t, P|D) where p and t are and is the longest oneg
two storage names representing physical pointer and target
memory locations, respectively. The third operand, P|D, 4. EVAL( f, SP T R ) = fÆ j 9 2 EVAL( , SP T R ), Æ =
speci es whether the pointer possibly or de nitely points to fg }
the target. In the points-to notation de ned for this paper, De nition 2.4 (Path-based points-to relations) Giv-
both p and t are represented in access paths, and the P|D en a pointer assignment lhs = rhs in function fn where both
attribute is not used since only possible points-to relations lhs and rhs are pointer-type C expressions and rhs is not
are generated. NULL, let SP T R be the set of points-to relations already
Given a pointer assignment lhs = rhs where both lhs added for fn. For every  2 EVAL(AP(lhs), SP T R ) and
and rhs are pointer-type C expressions and rhs is not NUL-  2 EVAL(AP(rhs), SP T R ), points-to relation ( ,  ) is
L, the rst step of determining the corresponding points-to added to SP T R . }
relations is to construct the corresponding access paths for

k >= 3 k=2 k=1
sp sp* sp sp* sp sp* g1
S *sp;
int g1, g2, g3;
sp*.0_3 g1 sp*.0_3 g1 sp*.0_3 g2
sp*.4_7 sp*.4_7* sp*.4_7 sp*.4_7* g2 sp*.4_7 g3
sp->key = &g1;
sp->next->key = &g2; sp*.4_7*.0_3 g2 sp*.4_7*.0_3
sp->next->next->key = &g3; g3
sp*.4_7*.4_7 sp*.4_7*.4_7* sp*.4_7*.4_7
sp*.4_7*.4_7*.0_3 g3

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Using access paths to represent recursive data structures: (a) code, (b) di erent points-to relations controlled by
di erent values of k.

De nition 2.3 de nes a closure function EVAL that evalu- Intraprocedural Pointer Analysis(fn)
ates the contents of intermediate pointers in an access path f
by referencing existing points-to relations to nd the set of SPTR (fn) = ;
right-most aliases of the input path. Rules 1 and 2 are the do f
terminal cases where no evaluation is made on simple vari- Apply EVAL(AP(exp), SP TR (fn)) for every pointer-type
actual parameter exp found in fn
ables and function names. Rule 3 has three cases. The for (each pointer assignment "lhs = rhs" 2 fn)
-set discovers the denoted locations of  by determining Apply De nition 2.4 to construct points-to relations
the denoted locations of rst, then for elements found in for (each structure/union assignment "lhs = rhs" 2 fn)
EVAL( , SP T R ), their points-to locations are the ones de- Apply De nition 2.4 on "lhs.f = rhs.f" for every
pointer-type eld f
noted by . If a pointer is not initialized but there is a g while (new access paths or points-to relations are added)
potential dereference o the pointer, it is addressed by the g
following two cases. The -set simply creates a trivial tar-
get  for a uninitialized pointer , if  is not of a recursive
type, or no more than k instances of such a recursive type Figure 4: Pseudo code of the intraprocedural pointer anal-
have been denoted by pre xes of . A trivial points-to re- ysis stage.
lation (, ) is also added. Otherwise the longest pre x of
 with the same C type of  is reused, as speci ed by the
set. k is a recursive-sensitivity parameter which di eren- 2.2 Interprocedural Analysis Stage
tiates the rst k objects in a linked list. This is similar to The interprocedural analysis stage of our algorithm has three
the k-limiting approach used in [9], but we only control the iterative phases followed by two acyclic phases as shown in
length of access paths involving recursive data types. Con- Figure 1b. The fundamental tasks performed in these phases
sider the example in Figure 3. The larger the value of k, the are similar to RCI, so we use the same major phase numbers
better the resolution is, at the expense of more access paths with minor annotations. The summarized behavior of each
and points-to relations. In our experiments, we assume the function is the only information needed in the interproce-
most conservative case with k = 1. Finally, Rule 4 simply dural stage. In phase 0, depth- rst search (DFS) is initiat-
re nes locations denoted by with eld o sets. ed from function main to construct the call graph. Along
Consider pointer assignments S4 and S5 from Figure 2a. with DFS, the call graph is partitioned into strongly con-
The purpose of variable temp is designed to show that the nected components and viewed as a directed acyclic graph
indirect modi cation to *fa can be captured by De nition- SCC-DAG. If the program has no indirect calls, the itera-
s 2.4 and 2.3. After S4 is analyzed, points-to relation (temp, tive phases only need to be entered once and the complete
fa*) is added. When analyzing S5, due to the previous-
ly added points-to relation, temp is an initialized pointer, call graph can be built in the rst invocation of phase 0.
so EVAL(temp*, f(temp, fa*), ...g) is {fa*}. On the oth- Otherwise, for the example in Figure 2, once points-to rela-
er hand, the result of EVAL(fb*, SP T R ) is {fb*} since fb tion (fn2, fn3) is propagated to main, which will happen in
is a formal parameter which is assumed as uninitialized in phase I", evaluating the access path associated with indirect
the intraprocedural phase. Therefore the points-to relation call-site *fn2 in phase 0 of the next iteration will reveal the
added for S5 is (fa*, fb*). callee, since EVAL(fn2*, f(fn2, fn3), ...g) = {fn3}.
Figure 4 shows the pseudo code of the intraprocedural In phase I", summary transfer functions are propagated
stage. For library functions, we approximate their safe sum- along the SCC-DAG in a reverse topological order. As in [6],
mary transfer functions with template statements. For ex- summary transfer functions in the same SCC are rst prop-
ample, points-to relation (p1*, p2**) can be derived to rep- agated iteratively until a xed point is reached. However,
resent the transfer function of memcpy by analyzing: since our method is ow-insensitive, we only need to keep
the summary behavior of the caller instead of the full func-
memcpy(void *p1, void *p2, int n) { tion body and control- ow information of all functions in a
*((char **) p1) = *((char **) p2); SCC simultaneously in memory. As will be shown in the
} experiments, the largest SCC in benchmark 126.gcc holds
391 functions 2 . This can introduce memory problems when
Currently there are 186 library functions modeled by full instead of summarized information is memory-resident
template statements in the IMPACT compiler. They cover when analyzing a SCC.
all the library functions invoked by SPECcint92, SPECcin-
t95, MediaBench [22], and many Unix utility programs. 2 The largest benchmark studied in [6] has no more than 230 meth-
ods and the largest SCC has no more than 4 methods.

De nition 2.5 (Propagating summary transfer func- Determine Extended Access Path(fn)
tions) Let (r , s ) be a points-to relation in function fn's f
summary transfer function where r, s are parameters or S=;
global variables, and , are two suÆx access paths. The for (each access path found in fn's summary behavior) f
propagated points-to relations of (r , s ) to caller fm are: S = S [ f g if initiates from a parameter or global
f(Æ , ) j 9Æ 2 EVAL(a , SP T R (fm)) and 9 2 EVAL(b , EAP( ) =
SP T R (fm))g where a = r if r is a global variable. Other- g
wise a is the corresponding actual parameter in fm. The do f
same relation holds between b and s. } Let be the rst element in S and remove from S
if (9 such that ( , ) 2 SPTR (fn) and EAP( ) is not
Not every points-to relation in a function's summary be- de ned) f
EAP( ) = EAP( )
havior belongs in the function's summary transfer function. S=S[f g
For example, trivial points-to relations do not count since g
they do not represent explicit pointer assignments. Given a if (9 :so eo and EAP( :so eo) is not de ned) f
points-to relation (r , s ), only when r and s are parameter- EAP( :so eo) = EAP( ):so eo
S = S [ f :so eog
s or global variables and r  6= s will (r , s ) be quali ed g
as an entry in the summary transfer function. To propa-
gate such a points-to relation from the callee to the caller g while (S 6= ;)
while maintianing context-sensitivity is straightforward. As
shown in De nition 2.5, the initial step is to replace the
formal parameter with the corresponding actual parameter. Figure 6: Pseudo code of EAP construction.
Then by referencing the points-to relations contained in the
summary behavior of the caller function, the suÆx access
path guides the search for locations in the caller denoted (EAP) to detect the dependence, whose algorithm is shown
by the access path constructed in the callee. For exam- in Figure 6.
ple, to propagate the points-to relation (fa*, fb*) from fn1 The basic idea behind the algorithm is that if a callee
to main, fa is rst replacd by &fn2, then EVAL((&fn2)*, function allocates a heap object for the caller to use, the ob-
SP T R (main)) = ffn2g. Similarly, fb is replaced with fn3 ject must be reachable by conducting DFS following points-
and EVAL(fn3*, SP T R (main)) = {fn3}. So the points-to to relations initiated from parameters and global variables.
relation propagated to main from fn1 is (fn2, fn3). Besides An EAP can be considered as a reverse-engineered access
this example, it is also possible that the propagated points- path obtained from DFS and indicates a potential way for
to relation is represented by the caller's formal parameters or the object to be accessed from a parameter or a global vari-
global variables, meaning that the caller's summary transfer ble. The rst EAP found for an access path is chosen as the
function is augmented and will be reported to grand callers. persistent name to be viewed by the caller. For example,
Since the formal parameters of the caller are still considered malloc_1()* and malloc_2()* represent two heap object-
uninitialized in the interprocedural stage, the augmented s allocated in my_malloc. malloc_1()* has a unique EAP
transfer function is still context-independent. as q1** but malloc_2()* may be assigned as q2** or q3**,
The next interesting question is how we handle dynami- depending on whether DFS initiates from q2 or q3 rst. In
cally allocated objects and propagate their existence across the particular case where DFS is performed for q2 before q3,
function boundaries. Instead of generating pseudo vari- the EAP of malloc_2()* is q2**, and the points-to relation
able names using synthesized call-site paths, we name heap from q3* to malloc_2()* is considered in my_malloc's trans-
objects directly allocated from calling malloc by call-site fer function as (q3*, q2**). After propagating that from
names which are unique within each function, as shown by my_malloc to fn5, the dashed edge from p3 to p2* will be
Rule 2 in De nition 2.1; and we name heap objects indirect- added. Otherwise if DFS is performed for q3 before q2, (p2,
ly allocated from calling wrapper functions by access paths p3*) will be added. It does not matter which one is actual-
derived from actual parameters, which guarantee that u- ly added, as long as EVAL(p2*, SP T R (fn5)) \ EVAL(p3*,
nique names are always generated for objects allocated for SP T R (fn5)) 6= ; is true since it asserts the dependence of
di erent calling contexts. The remaining problem is how we two memory accesses.
detect the potential dependence among indirect accesses to In fact, the constituent points-to relations in the summa-
heap objects allocated for the same calling context. Consid- ry transfer function can be identi ed solely by EAPs. If an
er the example shown in Figure 5. In function fn5, there are access path's EAP is not de ned, it means that the denoted
three integer pointers, and through calling my_malloc, two location is not accessible by the caller, therefore points-to
instances of heap-based integer objects are allocated. Be- relations with EAP-less access paths are not considered as
fore propagating the transfer function of my_malloc to fn5, part of the transfer function. The revised version of Def-
p1, p2, and p3 are assumed to point to disjoint locations as inition 2.5, which propagates transfer functions as well as
denoted by p1*, p2*, and p3* in Figure 5b 3 . However, in detects dependence among accesses to heap objects, is given
this example p2 and p3 point to the same location, and dis- below.
regarding this fact may cause WAW hazards for statements
S3 and S4. There are two options to represent the depen- De nition 2.6 (Propagating summary transfer func-
dence as either creating an explicit object like H in Figure 5c, tions using EAPs) Let ( , ) be a points-to relation in
or adding at least one of the two dashed edges from p2 to fn. It is part of fn's transfer function if EAP( ) 6= ; and
p3* or from p3 to p2*. In our algortihm, we choose the EAP() 6= ;. Assuming = r and  = s , r and s must
latter one because it requires no special representation for be parameters or global variables. The propagated points-to
heap objects. We use the concept of extended access path relations of ( , ) to caller fm are: f(Æ , ) j 9Æ 2 EVAL(a ,
3 The statement that causes the points-to relation is annotated SP T R (fm)) and 9 2 EVAL(b , SP T R (fm))g. The remain-
along each edge. ing conditions are identical to those in De nition 2.5. }

S1 S2
&p1 p1 p1*

S1 S3
fn5() &p2 p2 p2*
{ p2 p2*
int *p1, *p2, *p3; S1 S4
S1: my_malloc(&p1, &p2, &p3); &p3 p3 p3* H
S2: *p1 = 1; p3 p3*
S3: *p2 = 2; Summary behavior of fn5
S4: *p3 = 3; or
S5 S5
my_malloc(int **q1, int **q2, int **q3) q1 q1* malloc_1( )* (EAP = q1**) p2 p2*
malloc_1( ) S5
S5: *q1 = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); S6 S6
S6: *q2 = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); q2 q2* malloc_2( )* (EAP = q2** p3 p3*
S7: *q3 = *q2; S6 or q3**)
} S7 S7 malloc_2( )
q3 q3*

Summary behavior of my_malloc

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: Handling heap objects: (a) code, (b) points-to relations in functions' summary behavior, (c) representing dependence
among accesses to heap objects.

Due to space contraints, details will be omitted in this paper

Interprocedural Pointer Analysis(prog)
f since they are very similar to [6]. The pseudo code of the
do f interprocedural stage is shown in Figure 7.
Resolve function pointers for each indirect call-site
Use DFS to compose SCC-DAG for reachable functions
2prog 3 Complexity Analysis
for(each SCC 2 prog in bottom-up order) f
Determine EAP for access paths of each function In this section we discuss the complexity of our algorithm
2 the SCC using a set of parameters. F is the number of user and li-
Iteratively propagate points-to relations within the
brary functions contained in the program. E is the number
of call sites in the program. Vf is the sum of variables and
SCC if the SCC has more than one function
Re-determine EAP for each function if new points-to
relations are received call-sites in a single function. T is the number of data types
Propagate the summary transfer function of the SCC
to its caller SCCs
declared in the program, where k is the number of unique
g instances distinguished for linked lists. Although C is not
for (each SCC 2 prog in top-down order) f well-typed, T is still a nite number. f is the total number
Iteratively propagate function names within the SCC of elds with distinct starting and end o sets in all struc-
if the SCC has more than one function tures/unions. S is the number of pointer assignments in a
Propagate function names from the SCC to its
callee SCCs
function, and M is the number expressions that result in
g memory accesses in a function.
g while (call graph is changed in the previous iteration) First we demonstrate that the number of access paths
for (each SCC 2 prog in top-down order) f stemmed from a variable is bound by O(f kT ). Since an inter-
Iteratively propagate concrete values within the SCC if
the SCC has more than one function
mediate path can be casted into a structure type, any path
Propagate concrete values from the SCC to its callee SCCs can be widened by eld operations, but the length of each
g path is controlled by the number of types in the program and
Determine aliases among parameters number of unique instances of linked lists. Therefore the s-
g pace complexity to store access paths in the intraprocedural
phase for a single function is O(Vf f kT ), and for the whole
Figure 7: Pseudo code of the interprocedural pointer anal- program in the interprocedural phase is O(FVf f kT ). The
ysis stage. space complexity to store points-to relations in the intrapro-
cedural phase for a single function is therefore O(Vf2 f 2kT ),
and O(FVf2 f 2kT ) in the interprocedural phase. Both the al-
Phase II' performs a subset of work done in the phase gorithms in the intraprocedural and interprocedural phase
II analysis in RCI since we only propagate function names. will terminate because the number of access paths, points-to
Regardless of whether a function pointer is de ned by lo- relations, and types are nite.
cal statements (handled in phase I'), side-e ects of invoked As for the time complexity, generating an access path
functions (handled in phase I"), or concrete values passed for a C expression takes O(l) steps, as l is a small and xed
by callers (handled by phase II'), the accurate call graph can number of dereference and eld accesses associated with
be iteratively built. However, because function names are each expression. Evaluating an access path using De ni-
accumulated in the callee, the call graph built in phase 0 is tion 2.1 takes O(Vfl f lkT ) steps. Since the our intraproce-
context-insensitive. When the call graph is nalized, phases dural algorithm evaluates every memory access and pointer
II" propagates all concrete values in the top-down manner assignment, the time complexity for each iteration is O((M +
along SCC-DAG. The result of phase II" will be used in S )Vfl f lkT ). And since the algorithm is ow-insensitive, the
phase III in order to determine potential parameter aliases. time for analyzing each function can be bound by O(S (M +

Table 1: Benchmark characteristics.
Benchmark Lines Fns D. Fns Libs Sts/Uns M. Flds SCCs M. SCC
008.espresso 14838 361 62 24 20 19 317 2
023.eqntott 12053 62 7 21 4 17 76 1
026.compress 1503 16 2 24 1 14 38 1 8639 179 13 53 13 31 208 7
085.cc1 90857 1452 84 44 88 126 1258 148
099.go 29246 372 26 11 5 20 353 1
124.m88ksim 19092 252 25 36 81 138 261 3
126.gcc 205583 2001 238 45 125 229 1421 363
129.compress 1934 24 12 5 1 14 17 1 7597 357 9 27 14 44 67 309
132.ijpeg 29290 473 231 18 90 161 258 3
134.perl 26874 277 14 72 34 61 292 23
147.vortex 67205 923 331 33 86 292 576 33

S )Vfl f lkT ). In the interprocedural phase, transferring an ac- Table 2: Resource requirements of conducting interprocedu-
cess paths along the call graph is also bound by O(Vfl f lkT ). ral pointer analysis.
Using the DFS to partition the call graph into SCC-DAG
takes O(F + E ) steps, where E may be di erent from itera- Benchmark Intra. Inter. Total
tion to iteration when indirect function pointers are resolved. T. (Sec) T. (Sec) Mem. (MB) (Sec)
In the worst case, E can be bound by O(F 2 ). Using DFS to 008.espresso 5.66 20.20 14.26 25.86
determine EAPs takes O(Vf2 f 2kT ) steps. Resolving an indi- 023.eqntott 0.75 0.99 2.81 1.54

rect call site also takes the time of O(Vfl f lkT ), so assuming
026.compress 0.12 0.48 1.93 0.60 2.42 3.15 6.34 5.57
there are i indirect call-sites in the program and the height 085.cc1 33.61 277.67 79.22 311.28
of the call graph is h, the complexity of the interprocedural 099.go 2.82 0.21 8.13 3.03
algorithm can be bound as O(h((E + i)Vpl f lkT + (Vp2 f 2kT )+ 124.m88ksim 2.36 3.54 8.09 5.90

(F + E ))). 126.gcc
The worst-case complexity occurs when all pointers, in- 2.33 149.59 30.58 151.92
cluding pointer variables and elds, are casted so that they 132.ijpeg 7.34 99.16 29.97 106.50
can point to all possible data types. Empirical results indi- 134.perl 14.43 468.33 51.14 482.76
cate that the worst-case complexity is not observed for the 147.vortex 15.08 166.90 74.80 181.98
studied benchmarks.

4 Experiments
performance. In addition to inherited dead functions in the
The proposed modular interprocedural pointer analysis al- program, function inlining introduce more dead functions
gorithm has been implemented and tested in the IMPACT to many benchmarks. Since the proposed interprocedural
compilation framework [21]. To quantify the algorithm's pointer analysis algorithm also considers the summarized
quality, the analysis result is used to guide aggressive op- behavior of library functions, the e ective number of func-
timization routines including redundant load/store elimi- tions being analyzed is the number of total functions minus
nation, loop-invariant location promotion, and load/store the number of dead functions plus the number of library
scheduling. Similar experiments have been reported in [17, functions, whose number ranges from 5 to 72 in these SPEC
23], but our optimizer is much more aggressive due to fully programs. The number of structures/unions determines the
resolved pointers and function side-e ects. Instead of us- number of unique types in the programs. Together with the
ing traditional C benchmarks adopted by earlier work, the number of unique elds considered from all aggregate data
SPECcint92 and SPECcint95 benchmark suites are chosen types, they determine the number of derivable access paths
to demonstrate that our analysis is capable of handling much from a variable. Since benchmark 126.gcc has 125 aggre-
more signi cant C programs. gate declarations and 229 unique byte-o set representation-
s for elds, as will be shown shortly after, analyzing this
benchmark takes the longest time and the largest amount
4.1 Analysis Costs of memory. When each SCC has exactly one function, the
In this section, the analysis costs for the SPECcint92 and total number of functions contained in the program plus the
SPECcint95 benchmarks are reported. As listed in Table 1, number of invoked library functions minus dead functions
some general characteristics of each benchmark are shown, will be equal to the number of SCCs, as found in 023.e-
including the numbers of lines, functions, dead functions, qntott, 026.compress, 099.go and 129.compress. Due to the

invoked library functions, structures/unions, number of u- common recursive feature in language processing programs,
nique elds in structures/unions, strongly connected com- 085.cc1, 126.gcc and have large SCCs. The proposed

ponents (SCC), and functions contained in the largest SC- modular analysis technique in Section 2 can reduce the mem-
C. The number of lines directly a ects the time spent in ory usage in analyzing a single SCC since only the summary
the intraprocedural stage, whereas the number of functions behavior of each function needs to be maintained.
plays an important role in determining the complexity in Table 2 shows the resource consumption statistics col-
the interprocedural stage. Removing dead functions can lected from a personal computer equipped with an Intel
speedup the compilation process and improve the run-time Pentium II processor running at 450 MHz with 256MB of

RAM. The underlying operating system is Linux RedHat
6.0, where all IMPACT modules are compiled using GNU C Table 3: Resolutions of interprocedural pointer analysis: (a)
version 2.91.66 as the native compiler with the "-O" option target per pointer, (b) pointer per target.
turned on. The elapsed time is shown in seconds exclud- Benchmark 1 2 3 4 Avg.
ing the disk I/O time and the memory usage is shown in 008.espresso 3071 436 40 24 1.16
mega-bytes (MB). The time in the Intraprocedural stage col- 023.eqntott 310 115 0 7 1.31
umn sums up the analysis time spent on each function. The 026.compress 34 1 1 0 1.08
high-water mark of memory usage in the intraprocedural 662 46 13 6 1.12
stage is not shown since each function is analyzed in isolation 085.cc1 9231 1659 384 189 1.26
and therefore the memory usage is no di erent than other 099.go 312 0 0 0 1.00

function-level analysis. The Interprocedural stage columns 124.m88ksim

show the elapsed analysis time in the interprocedural stage 129.compress 37 2 0 0 1.05
and the high-water mark of memory usage. The sum of anal- 1576 243 50 4 1.19
ysis time spent in both stages is shown in the last column 132.ijpeg 3897 766 135 23 1.23
of Table 2. 134.perl 2873 691 340 435 1.62
As expected, analyzing 126.gcc consumes the most mem- 147.vortex 6768 121 41 5 1.03

ory and longest time due to its size (2001 functions/205,583 (a)
lines of code), complex structure declarations, and intensive
usage of type casts. Due to similar characters found in 085.c- Benchmark 1 2 3 4 Avg.
c1 and 147.vortex, they also require more resources than 008.espresso 1341 329 253 282 1.76
other benchmarks. The conventional wisdom holds that in- 023.eqntott
terprocedural pointer analysis is an expensive task which 291 88 36 40 1.62
requires a high-end computer system with a huge amoun- 085.cc1 2527 617 607 980 2.01
t of memory to accomplish. With the statistics shown in 099.go 159 24 5 21 1.46
Table 2, it is demonstrated that the proposed modular in- 124.m88ksim 562 88 35 16 1.29
terprocedural pointer analysis algorithm indeed raises the 126.gcc 4481 1092 795 1852 2.00

applicability of pointer analysis to the next level. Not only 129.compress
that the analyzed programs are one step closer to real-world 132.ijpeg 3166 829 201 144 1.38
programs, but also the system requirements can be met by a 134.perl 1205 477 206 543 2.04
personal computer. In the following two subsections, it will 147.vortex 4848 671 214 347 1.35
be shown that the new algorithm is also accurate and can
provide signi cant performance improvements. (b)

4.2 Accuracy Measurement

Unique Anonymous Named_cyclic Named_acyclic

In the literature, there are several metrics de ned to mea- 100%

sure the accuracy of pointer analysis. One common metric is 90%
to count the number of targets that each pointer points to, 80%

and a general rule to judge the accuracy of a pointer anal- 70%


ysis algorithm is that the closer the number of targets is to 60%

1, the better the analysis result. However, the target-per- 50%

pointer metric may be misleading when used alone since the 40%

most trivial pointer analysis algorithm can simply assume 30%

that all pointers point to the same target, causing the al- 20%

gorithm to be falsely judged as perfect. So a symmetric 10%

metric which measures the number of pointers that point 0%

to the same target is usually used to avoid the biased mea-

02 3.e so

m tt

m go

av tex

07 s
08 sc

2. li
13 e g
12 09 1

12 12 im

m cc

vo l
13 30.

co to


14 pe

9. 6.g
02 res

4. 9.


6. qn



surement. Similarly, a better algorithm should also have the




pointer-per-target metric reasonable.


Table 3 shows the statistics of the target-per-pointer Benchmark

metric and the pointer-per-target metric observed on right-
most access paths after merging the interprocedural point- Figure 8: Distribution of pointer de nitions.
er analysis results to each function. Each benchmark has
gone through function inlining which allows 60% of code
growth. Numbers in Table 3a re ect the numbers of outgo- one pointer pointing to the same target. Given hundreds or
ing points-to relations carried by pointer-type access paths, thousands of pointers in each program and the low number-
where numbers in Table 3b columns re ect the opposite. s shown by both metrics, the new modular interprocedural
Di erent targets passed to pointer-type formal parameter- pointer analysis algorithm is very accurate.
s from di erent calling contexts are considered as a single The most accurate assessment for ow sensitivity is to
object since the multiple instances of targets are the results conduct both sensitive and insensitive analyses on the same
of the programming style and therefore are irrelevant with programs [7]. However, it takes a lot of overhead to imple-
the accuracy of pointer analysis. The average numbers of ment both methods in the same compiler, and it has never
targets resolved for pointer paths range from 1.00 to 1.62, been shown in the literature that a ow-sensitive pointer
indicating that most pointers are resolved to a single tar- analysis algorithm can handle the complete SPEC suites.
get path. The average numbers of pointer-per-target range Therefore, comparison is conducted indirectly in this paper.
from 1.31 to 3.20, showing that there are usually more than Figure 8 classi es intraprocedural pointer de nitions in-

to four categories as unique, anonymous, named cyclic, and Std/base Adv/base
named acyclic. The unique category represents pointers that 2.2
are de ned no more than once in each function. For exam-
ple, if a local pointer variable is initialized after being de- 2

clared and never rede ned in a function, it belongs to the 1.8

unique category. Also, if a pointer-type parameter is de-

ned by the caller and passed to the callee for dereferences 1.6

only, the pointer belongs to the unique category as well. As

shown in Figure 8, on average over 57% of pointers are not

rede ned. The anonymous category, which accounts for 7% 1.2

of pointer de nitions on average, covers pointers that are
not simple variables but are de ned for multiple times. The 1

named cyclic portion, accounting 26% of pointer de nition-

02 3.e so

m tt

av tex
07 s
08 sc

m go

2. i
13 e g

12 09 1

12 12 im

m cc

vo l
13 30.l


co to


14 pe

9. 6.g
02 res

4. 9.


6. qn
s, covers pointer variables which are de ned in loops, where






the named acyclic category represents pointer variables that

have more than one de nition in acyclic code regions. For Benchmark
pointers that are rede ned, a ow-sensitive pointer analysis
algorithm can update the target information if the pointer
is a variable and the de nitions happen in acyclic code re- Figure 9: Performance improvements enabled by memory
gions. The study shows that there are only about 10% of disambiguation.
pointer de nitions that potentially could be better resolved
by a ow-sensitive algorithm. As will be shown in the next Load Store

section, the additional performance improvement provided 0.6

by these 10% of pointers is fairly small compared to that pro- 0.5

vided by static memory disambiguation as a whole, arguing 0.4
the worth of trading ow-sensitivity for lower complexity.

Reduction rate

4.3 Performance Improvements
The results of interprocedural pointer analysis are used to 0
guide three memory access optimizations as mentioned be-
fore. The potential bene ts of these memory access opti- -0.1

mizations are evaluated on a simulated processor which can -0.2

issue 8 instructions per cycle in order. This processor has

02 3.e so

m tt

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av tex

07 s
08 sc

2. i
13 e g
12 09 1

12 12 im

m cc

vo l
13 30.l


co to


14 pe

9. 6.g
02 res

4. 9.


4 memory ports, 4 integer ALUs, 4 oating point units, 2
6. qn





branch units, and 64 integer and oating point registers.

The memory system consists of a 64K direct-mapped, non- Benchmark

blocking data cache with 64 byte block size. The data cache
is write-through with no write allocate and has a hit la-
tency of 2 cycles and a miss penalty of 4 cycles if hit in Figure 10: Reduction rates of load and store instructions.
the second-level cache. The second-level cache is a uni ed
1024K, 4-way associative cache with a miss penalty of 100
cycles. The instruction cache is assumed to be perfect since of library function calls can be modeled, but the pessimistic
the goal of the experiments is to understand the data access side-e ects are still assumed for user functions. The ad-
vanced version utilizes the complete memory disambiguation
behavior. The branch prediction scheme is a 1K-entry BTB
with 2 bit counters. The instruction set architecture and information generated by interprocedural pointer analysis
instruction latencies used match those of the HP PA-7100 and uses the memory disambiguation information to guide
microprocessor, where integer operations besides loads have memory access optimizations. Side-e ects of all functions
1-cycle latency [24]. can be accurately modeled in this version. Except for the
Three sets of parameters in the IMPACT compiler are di erences mentioned above, all three versions are compiled
con gured to generate three versions of programs with di er- through inlining up to 60% of code increase [25], classical
ent levels of sophistication in memory disambiguation. The optimizations [26], and superblock optimization [27]. The
base version assumes all memory instructions are ambiguous
training input sets are used for all levels of experiments in
and all function calls have pessimistic side-e ects. Such pes- this paper.
simistic assumptions completely prevent register promotion Figure 9 plots the speedups in execution time of the stan-
dard and advanced versions over the base version observed
and scheduling 4 . The standard version employs memory dis-
ambiguation information derived intraprocedurally. Memo- on the 8-issue processor. This gure indicates that mem-
ry disambiguation of this level, which is commonly used by ory optimizations with memory disambiguation performed
commercial compilers without interprocedural pointer anal- intraprocedurally can provide an average speedup of 1.07.
ysis, can e ectively disambiguate accesses to spill locations, With much more optimization opportunities enabled by bet-
local variables, global variables, and indirect accesses with ter disambiguated memory accesses, the average speedup is
equivalent base registers and o sets, but revert to ambigu- boosted to 1.43. The additional performance improvement
ous relations for other combinations. The precise side-e ects from the standard version to the advanced version, which
has a ratio about 600%, re ects the advancement of perfor-
4 For temporary variables inserted by the compiler and local vari- mance improvements derived from the compile-time memory
ables whose addresses are never taken, they are always promoted to
disambiguation technology.
registers nevertheless.
To better understand the merits of advanced static mem-

No scheduling rate, the performance speedup between the advanced and
120% the standard version is as high as 1.70, where only 10% of
the total speedup is achieved when scheduling is disabled.
Additional experimental results can be found in [28], in-
Achieved performance

80% cluding the estimate of performance loss due to spurious

analysis results and the impact of reduced machine resources
60% to the bene t of static memory disambiguation. Case stud-
ies from SPEC code fragments are also included to exemplify
the strength and weakness of the proposed modular inter-

20% procedural pointer analysis algorithm.

5 Related Work
02 3.e so

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07 s
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2. i
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14 pe

9. 6.g
02 res

4. 9.


6. qn



In addition to the discussion in Section 1 and a thorough



study of RCI in Section 2, we will summarize more relat-


Benchmark ed work in this section. Landi et al. [9] use the may-alias
representation to perform ow- and context-sensitive inter-
Figure 11: Ratio of the performance improvements enabled procedural pointer analysis. This is the pioneer work in im-
by scheduling only versus full memory access optimizations. proving the accuracy of pointer analysis using the interpro-
cedural control- ow graph (ICFG). The analyzed language
is simpli ed from C, and memoization is not used. Emami
ory disambiguation, the run-time behaviors of the standard et al. [4] propose the points-to representation to model the
and advanced versions of code are further studied. The left storage shape graph. Since their analysis is ow-sensitive,
bar of each benchmark in Figure 10 shows the reduction of their points-to relations can be classi ed as de nite or pos-
dynamic loads between the standard and advanced versions. sible, while we only generate possible relations. Their al-
As these numbers show, as much as 40% of dynamic loads gorithm is not designed to aggressively disambiguate heap
for 026.compress can be eliminated, with an average reduc- objects, and memoization is not used either. They also han-
tion rate of 16%. Attributing the minor variance ( 3%) in dle a subset of C, but function pointers are included. Choi
speedup numbers to the normal deviation of detailed simula- et al. [29] propose a sparse representation for the alias pairs,
tion, loads in benchmarks 023.eqntott, 126.gcc,, 132.i- and they use the invocation path towards memory allocation
jpeg, and 134.perl are not eliminated in a signi cant man- sites to name heap objects. However, experimental results
ner. The right bar of each benchmark in Figure 10 stands and implementation details are not provided. To look be-
for the percentage of stores that are eliminated. For some yond tradition applications of pointer analysis, Rugina and
benchmarks, the numbers of loads and stores are actually Rinard [30] perform pointer analysis for multithreaded pro-
increased due to two reasons. The rst reason is many load grams.
instructions are speculatively executed. For example, con- Many algorithms use types to perform alias analysis [19,
sider the code sequence "branch-store-load". Without in- 31, 13, 32]. Deutsch [11] uses symbolic access paths to an-
terprocedural pointer pointer analysis, the relation between alyze the alias relations among accesses to recursive struc-
the store and the load may be ambiguous and therefore the tures on well-typed programs. In our algorithm, although
load is only executed after the branch is not taken. If the the access path notation is also post x, we use low-level o -
memory disambiguation information indicates that the store sets for elds. Types are also used di erently since they are
and the load are independent and there are empty memory not directly used to resolve aliases due to type casts in C, but
slots above the branch, the load can be executed specula- used to control the length of access paths in the presence of
tively before the branch. If the branch is not taken, the load recursive data structures. The ow-insensitive analysis pro-
instruction has been issued and its latency can be hidden. posed by Andersen [14] has cubic worse-case running time,
Otherwise an unnecessary load is executed whose result will and the work from Fahndrich et al. [33] shows that Ander-
be discarded. The second reason is the increased register sen's method can be practical for large programs. Shapiro
pressure due to more memory contents are held in registers, et. al [18] propose a hybrid method with con gurable com-
which may increase both the numbers of load and store in- plexity between Steensgaard's and Anderson's algorithms.
structions because of register spilling and re lling. As shown Hasti et al. [34] propose the idea of iteratively improving
in Figure 9, signi cant performance improvements are still the accuracy of pointer analysis in SSA form [3], but empir-
obtained even though there are extra memory instructions. ical result is not available. Zhang et al. [35] and Stocks et
Figure 11 shows the contribution of register promotion al. [36] balance the complexity by switching between vari-
to the overall performance improvement with memory dis- ous algorithms. The largest benchmark handled has around
ambiguation. The 100% speedup is derived from the per- 60,000 lines of code. Our algorithm is the rst to demon-
formance di erence between the standard version and the strate that a ow-insensitive analysis accommodating com-
advanced version, where the achieved performance improve- plete C features can handle programs of more than 200,000
ment shown by each bar is obtained by disabling load/store lines of code.
scheduling. Comparing Figure 10 and 11, it shows that reg- Besides resolving aliases for general pointer dereferences,
ister promotion and scheduling both can provide signi cant a lot of researchers have focused on obtaining detailed de-
performance improvements. Benchmarks like 008.espresso scriptions for heap objects [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 11]. Our al-
and 026.compress obtain all of their performance improve- gorithm can only provide a safe approximation but not a
ments from register promotion. Without speculatively exe- detailed pro le.
cuted load instructions which may cause extra cache misses,
the performance is even slightly better. On the other hand,
for benchmark like 132.ijpeg with a negative load-reduction

6 Conclusions [5] R. P. Wilson and M. S. Lam, \E ective context-
sensitive pointer analysis for c programs," in Proceed-
In this paper we have presented an eÆcient and e ective ings of the ACM SIGPLAN '95 Conference on Pro-
modular interprocedural pointer analysis algorithm for C gramming Language Design and Implementation , pp. 1{
programs. Our algorithm can calculate ow-insensitive and 12, June 1995.
context-sensitive summary transfer functions based on the
accurate call graph, therefore shorter analysis time and bet- [6] R. Chatterjee, B. G. Ryder, and W. A. Landi, \Rel-
ter analysis results can be achieved when the program con- evant context inference," in Proceedings of the ACM
tains a large number of indirect function calls. The low-level Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,

representation of structure/union elds in access paths han- pp. 133{146, January 1999.
dles both aliases caused by type casts and unions. [7] M. Hind and A. Pioli, \Assessing the e ects of ow-
The experimental results demonstrate that our method sensitivity on pointer alias analyses," in Lecture Notes
can eÆciently handle much larger programs than other in- in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 1998. Proceed-
terprocedural pointer analysis algorithms. Reasonable time ings from the 5th International Static Analysis Sympo-
and memory usage suggest that our algorithm has nice s- sium.
calability, and thus is more feasible for implementation in
production environments. The performance study on the [8] E. Ruf, \Context-insensitive alias analysis reconsid-
complete SPECcint92 and SPECcint95 benchmark suites al- ered," in Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 95 Con-
so shows that the proposed interprocedural pointer analysis ference on Programming Language Design and Imple-
can provide signi cant speedup. mentation , pp. 13{22, June 1995.
Future work includes the evaluation of the proposed al-
gorithm on a broader range of real applications. Although [9] W. Landi and B. G. Ryder, \A safe approximate algo-
handling the SPEC benchmarks is an important milestone rithm for interprocedural pointer aliasing," in Proceed-
towards practical interprocedural pointer analysis, their size ings of the ACM SIGPLAN '92 Conference on Pro-

is still a fraction of many real world applications. We are gramming Language Design and Implementation , p-
also actively studying the relations between aggressive static p. 235{248, June 1992.
memory optimizations and data speculation with hardware [10] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest, In-
supports. troduction to algorithms. The MIT Press and McGraw-
Hill, 1992.
7 Acknowledgments
[11] A. Deutsch, \Interprocedural may-alias analysis for
The authors would like to thank all the members of the IM- pointers: Beyond k-limiting," in Proceedings of the
PACT research group for their assistance, especially Dan ACM SIGPLAN '94 Conference on Programming Lan-

Connors and Erik Nystrom for their design and implemen- guage Design and Implementation , pp. 230{241, June
tation of many memory access optimization routines, and 1994.
Marie Conte and Hillery Hunter for their careful review. The [12] M. Burke, P. Carini, J. D. Choi, and M. Hind, \Flow-
valuable comments from the anonymous reviewers signi - insensitive interprocedural alias analysis in the presence
cantly improved the quality of the paper. This research has of pointers," in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 892
been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) (K. Pingali, U. Banerjee, D. Gelernter, A. Nicolau, and
under grant CCR-9629948 and the Intel Foundation Fellow- D. Padua, eds.), pp. 234{250, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
ship. Proceedings from the 7th Workshop on Languages and
Compilers for Parallel Computing.
[13] B. Steensgaard, \Points-to analysis in almost linear
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